My daughter wants to hang out with her best friend but she has lice: Advice?

Not a probs, tell her mum hey can we make it a day where we clean our beybs hair out, my girl has head lice alongside your girl.
It’s life, it doesn’t mean your dirty or lazy, be straight up nothing’s wrong with it, teach your girl to be honest without the fear of others opinions

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Oh hell no. It ain’t worth the trouble!

Vinegar and salt in a spray bottle kills lice and loosens up nits from hair it dries them out. All natural and effective.

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To not offend anybody instead of at their house go to the lark for the day or zoo or someplace where the kids can play

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No. Lice is such a pain. I treat it the same as an illness. Until its gone no ones gonna be around my kid.


Have you tried calling the childs parents and letting them know? I’m sure they know but maybe you bringing it up would make them want to treat it. Poor kid, it’s not her fault😔 but I would not let her come over until the lice is gone.


Call her mom to tell her that your child has lice and you don’t know where she got it but you just wanted to give her a heads up that because your children were in close contact recently she may want to check her kids hair as well and maybe offer to help treat kids or wash bedding because you know how big of a job it is. Make it like a play date but you treat all the kids on the same day. Lice is as common as house flies.


And seeing the comments saying they’d stop the kids playing together is abit harsh !! It’s not the kids fault one bit maybe the parent just isn’t aware??

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Hell no. Nope. Sorry.

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Tell her Mum that she wants to come over but you need her lice problem dealt with first. You can’t go thru life walking on eggshells trying not to hurt people’s feelings; you have children in your home to protect and it’s win win if the bestie gets her lice problem dealt with & is able to have that sleep over with your child.


Head check at the door!


Talk to the parents and then if you allow her over your house check her head before she comes in


I use this and the shampoo everyday when my daughter goes to school. It repels lice, girls in her class were infested and she never got any. I always stock up on this before school starts.


It’s your house and if you don’t want lice coming into your house, that is ok, people are going to try and make you feel bad about it but they’re not the ones having to deal with the problem of it happens :woman_shrugging:t2:

I would just talk to her mom and maybe tell her “I’m not sure if you know but your daughter has lice”

Just be upfront but not rude about it. You really can’t walk on eggshells all the time, maybe her mom doesn’t even know she has lice, I don’t know.

So… Help the other parent out if you financially can that is… I’ve done it with friends and family, kids and adults. It’s a pain in the arse for sure but some people financially can’t help themselves or can’t help others. If you can’t or don’t want to help, that’s fine. Talk to the other parent, let them know your concern and go from there.

Tell Her Mom The Truth


Be blunt and ask if the lice problem has been taken care of. If u don’t trust the answer then I would say no.


Uh… this seems so simple. Just say NO


There is no way that childs mother isn’t aware of the lice. I would never allow my children to expose others. Hard pass!!’


Lice is avoidable. Do not sugar coat it. Tell the childs mom, in no uncertain terms, that shall she be allowed near your family until
she is lice free. Period. If she refuses, call the proper authorities.

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It’s simple. The answer is no, why even put your family through that again? Shouldn’t be a question really.

I would say no. And if mom asks, be honest. It’s such a hassle to not only treat yourself and the kids, but to also clean your house top to bottom and then keep repeating it. My answer would be no. Not until their lice problem is dealt with and it is gone. If she wants to come to your house instead, you could check her before she even comes in. :woman_shrugging:

It would be a no for my kid.

Oh no! Unless her mom takes the action to clear up this problem.

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Tell the parents to treat their child!


Same happened to me. Every time she is with that girl mine gets lice. So no more hanging with her. Period .

Check heads before they enter the door… That’s what we had to do back in the day… If they had it. I would go wash all of their clothes and do their hair etc… Usually this is not the kids fault… I did many kids heads back in the day… Treat the child’s hair yourself and then let them. PlAy and be kids…always help a child when you can…


Definite no but hey it’s your sanity not mine

By these comments is why people are scared to ask for help come on ladies we are mama’s let’s act like it.ughhh


This is her best friend teach your child to not judge others and just simply offer the mom help.You don’t no the circumstances maybe the mom needs help so offer it.Show compassion not hate or judgment…Put oil or tea tree oil in kids hair and put it up in a pony or a bun and let them play at the park or outside or something until everyone’s hair is cleaned out and gone but be a friend not an enemy to the girls mom.Help another mama out…Remember she’s learning from you so teach her the right way to handle it with kindness


Absolutely say no unless lice free and even then I would have her wash her hair with tea tree shampoo and spray the tea tree spray over it and her clothes after you French braid the hair. And definitely not let her go to their house.

No advice on how to proceed with the friend, but we mix a tea tree shampoo and a lavender shampoo and we’ve never had lice. My daughter has had classmates at her very table with it and we’ve been clear. Supposedly they don’t like the smell. Worth a try for prevention :woman_shrugging:t2:.


My best friend had lice and my mom treated her at my house.

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Coconut oil from ur grocery aisle. Put it in her hair for like 3 hrs. They die and comb out

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Wow…2 months . Must have been a horrific infestation over quite a while to get such a hold. Its a 30 minute treatment here with ott shampoo from the pharmacy .
Perhaps the girls mom was unaware her child had lice and is telling everyone she came back from a friends house infested . :thinking:
Theres nothing like being up front. Call the girls mom and have a chat. Long term its a health problem and im surprised the school hasn’t picked up on it

Been there, done that. After dealing with it EVERY TIME they were together for over a year, including once when the child came to my house and was so infested I washed their heads with lice shampoo and spent HOURS combing both my child’s and her friends hair out. I have never seen so many live lice and nits in my life. She told me that her mom never combs her hair out or treats anything in the house. Her mom also doesn’t ever treat her own head because she colors her hair so she can’t get lice. :roll_eyes: This has been going on for YEARS. I had to put a stop to it. I’m sorry, I felt bad for the kids, but the child’s parent absolutely refused to do anything about it and I was sick of paying out the nose to treat my kid and my house.

It’s a no from me, don’t let her come over until the other mom can get the lice under control

Get real lady. Did you talk with the other child’s family? If they won’t do anything about it. That means you’re part of the problem also if you allow that person back around your family. Do something about it. Call the health department


I would suggest treating the girl while she was there is necessary.

That’d be a no. Even if you were to treat your daughters friend, it’s still in their house. Nope absolutely would not let her over. See if they can FaceTime until they get their situation under control.

Noooooo. Talk to her mom like adults and the girls can still see each other via video. It’s not your responsibility to entertain someone else’s child it’s a privilege

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Well how long do you want to be managing lice and potentially spreading disease throughout your family :flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed:

I’d tell her yes, but talk to the mom and maybe even treat the little girls head before she stays :woman_shrugging:t2: My mom treated my bestfriend AND her two little sisters when I was younger.v

Offer doing a zoom online play date

We delt with this and instead of asking or anything I would check their hair if they had it I treated it right there. I have step kids and when they were younger it was an issue. So I just treated. Yes it take a while but the feeling they have of being free of the lice. Then you let the parents know. And they can treat the house as your daughter and her friend have fun. Quality of life. Wash her cloths and bedding she brings. Kids really don’t mind stuff being washed. If she comes over again and shes has them again send her back. You did what you could.

Talk with the other mom, if she says the child is clean check her head before letting her in the car. If you find bugs point them out but be polite as you can about it.

I don’t think it’s offensive to ask the mom if of her kid has lice


I’d talk to the mom. I’m sure the mom knows but might not admit she has lice. Do not treat a child for lice if she’s not your child. Ask first. If she can’t be treated, she can’t come over. It’s tough to get rid of lice once other kids in the house get it.

Back in the day I remember if my friends had lice my mama just did their hair like she would my own because all my friends were her kids too because well “ it takes a village to raise a child” . Be apart of her best friends village not against it . I try to achieve to be that momma .


Absolutely not. Talk to the girls mom and just be open and honest about your concerns. Maybe she’s struggling to keep the lice away as well and you can give her advice on what to do. Until there’s a conversation about the lice and some action taken to rid the problem for good I would not allow them to play together.

Did you say anything to the mom. Some people don’t know how to get rid of lice or how to properly treat it. Like you have to treat twice and get every single not out

Don’t let her lol obviously

Check her head before entering your home if thts not possible no entry

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Let the mom know you were battling lice so she might want to check her daughter. Let her know without saying it was her child that gave it to your daughter.

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Ask the girl’s mom if the problem with lice has been addressed? It’s entirely possible that her mother thinks she got it from your house.

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I have been there with a family member. I would wash our hair in lice shield before we went. When we got home, we stripped, and everything went in the washer. Unfortunately, if she comes to your house be prepared to treat everyone and the house

buy zippit doo… that will keep lice off… it prevents.there is a spray for everyday and shampoo

If your not retreating in 7 days the nits just keep hatching. Also lice can not live over 24 hours with our a human host

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That’s a big fat no thanks these things can be a pain to manage. Maybe talk to the mum

Let her come over and treat her hair as soon as she walks in.

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Just tell the girls mom your daughter has it and she should check. Or just let the girl over and treat her as well. Or call cps if she just doesnt care that she has lice. But on the plus side, lice like clean hair, so she must be clean

I had this happen last summer. My girl has the thickest log hair and it took months to fully get rid of it. I would talk to the parents. Because that’s not healthy. Try to be nice but for real if they can’t get rid of it they have people that can do it for you

As a mom I’d speak to the mother and also see if she needs help with treating her daughters hair, maybe she doesn’t know to get a handle on it

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Hard no from me. I’d bring it up with her mother and if nothing gets done about it I’d call cps honestly. This seems like neglect

You could’ve just washed his hair in apple cider vinegar rather than shaving him bald…

Check her head before she enters your house if you see a nit or lice send her away

Lice is common is school age children. Some parents struggle with getting rid of it. Others have it down to a science. Just be as passive as you can in the conversation with the friends mom. Hopefully she will be see your not trying to be rude. She may really need your help

Why not just talk to mom? Just explain that your family hasn’t had lice and do not want to be in that position again.

Tell her you just want to be sure, because it will never go away if it just keeps getting passed from person to person. :woman_shrugging:


Remember how frustrating it is to get rid of dont take any chances

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I treated the children one by one when they entered my house. I had a similar incident but the children coming to my house were flat out neglected. Also. A small tip, I bought tea tree hairspray (it has a nice small not overwhelming like the oil) I used it in all my daughters hair everyday. Lice no more!

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Tell her mum that you have caught them previously so if it’s ok with her that whilst she’s at yours is it ok to treat her hair as your regularly doing your kids so you may as well do all of them at the same time if that’s ok with her that way your not offending her but if she wants to take offence that’s her problem she shouldn’t allow her daughter to other people’s houses whilst she’s got them anyway hopefully she takes the hint

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My kid had it and I went to all her friends house in the naborhood and talked to their moms. Idk where mine got it but I wanted the other moms to check their kids. I said please check your kid because mine had it and it sucks. Just trying to help warn people. They was nice about it and appreciated the “heads up”

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Talk to the parents we have the same issue but with bedbugs, you can get lice kits on medicade and the spray for furniture at drug stores

Until she is lice free…absolutely not.


One time my mom De loused? (Is that a word?? Lol) The whole neighborhood when I was little. But, no I wouldn’t let them hang out until her parents took care of the situation.

Ok well don’t let her until her friend gets treated? Talk to her mother and find out?

Bring the girl to your house and pick her head clean then talk to parent’s CP’s can buy them lice shampoo, child protective services will help prolonged head lice can cause infections and other issues

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I would just talk to the mother. Say something like “My daughters really been wanting your daughter to come over but we just found some lice in our daughters hair and had a massive clean in our home and all the kids hair. I know your daughter was here not to long ago and I would hate if the lice also infected your daughter. Have you checked her or had any issues? I would hate for this to be bouncing back and forth between them since they really enjoy hanging out.” Something like that doesn’t make it like you’re blaming her kid or anything :woman_shrugging:t2:


Nope … Dont care who is offended … We went thru this and soon as the repeat offender was exposed I personally checked the kids head in front of mom before she could even pull off! … Its not the kids fault … But if parents don’t take care of the issue, you have to be proactive to protect from repeat infestation of your kids.

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Well if she keeps giving your child lice then it’s time to have a serious conversation with her Mom. Maybe she needs a little help with getting rid of it. Does know how :woman_shrugging: There is a way to be tactful and not disrespectful. At the end of the the day your family comes first though.

Tell them to treat it 3 weeks in a row then gone

Helllllll noooooo until you figure out a way to ask if she has lice !! No way I would risk it, given the history.

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Poor child… advocate for that baby and her some help. Thats gotta be uncomfortable. Either talk to her mother or be the mother figure and do it for her.

Does her mother not know she has lice

Yea tree shampoo and conditioner my daughter kept getting it from school all the time and well this works haven’t had it since :raised_hands:t2:

I went through this with my daughter’s friend. After the second time to my house with lice that was it. I told her Mom and all she did was start telling me how to get rid of it. So I asked why she hadn’t got all her girls rid of it. They all had a real bad case of lice. Never came to my house again.

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Nope. Nope. Nope. I personally have spent entirely too much money on treating this due to my daughter bringing it home. I wouldn’t let her come over. This is a personal choice made by her parents, caregivers, etc to not take care of this. And I would be 100% honest with your daughter. That’s what I have done. I know it’s a tough situation but again, it’s a hard no for me.


Nope lice is the worst

Be diplomatic and talk to the mom in confidence about it. Don’t be judge or accusatory. Maybe offer to help if you’d like?

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I’d find her a new friend…


A child not being taken care of. Treat her friend for lice outside! Help this child! Call CPS!!!

Kelly Moskal
So sad. :pensive:

I would just explain the situation to your daughter. I hope everything works out.

Explain it to her mom before she comes over u definitely don’t want to go threw that again she is infected ur family to many times be stern

Be honest let her know her daughter had brought lice into your home and how hard it was to treat your home and family. You don’t have to be rude about it just be honest. That will give her the opportunity to think other people are noticing maybe I should treaty my family also. If she doesn’t send her back over than tell your daughter to find a new friend. I would absolutely not suggest my child had it first to give her the peace of mind to think you don’t know her daughter is bringing it to your home.

Can you ask the mother if their house is lice free?

Spray 90-100% alcohol on hair and scalp it kills them then put tea tree oil in a spray bottle and spray on hair take a shower they slide right out my daughter is mixed and we havent had a problem with my daughter and going around her friend since

No say no that’s the end of it


Clean and lice are not used in conjunction properly. In fact lice love Clean hair as when hair is not washed, oil secretes and coats the hair shafts suffocating the lice.
Please if this is your understanding of lice infestations ( uncleanliness) the friend absolutely should not be allowed in your home, you are uninformed, ignorant and judge-mental!


How about NO​:woman_facepalming:t4::rofl::rofl::rofl: