I am having an issue with one of my daughters friends lying…she will lie about my younger son hurting her every single time she trips or falls outside and all of the other kids will even say(even her own brother who is very close to her)…that didnt hapepen, he wasnt even near her when she fell…but she goes to her mom and tells her my son hurt her and the only thing i can think that she does this is because she has a crush on him and wont leave him alone but he does not like her back…my issue is, she wants to come in my house and play with my daughter but now i am afriad to let her in in fear that she will make up worse lies…what should i do?
If your going to allow her in the house, make sure all time spent in your home is closely monitored. But if it were me, and she was constantly lying on my son, she wouldn’t be welcome in my home.
I wouldn’t let her come over. Period.
Wrong post: lol sorry
Since she wants to lie I would straight up tell the kid that since she wants to lie my kids will no longer play with her. Not even outside and she would DEFINITELY not be allowed in the house. I would not tolerate it.
Maybe go and speak to her parents and have them speak with her brother since he has seen her lie.
Go with your gut and do not let her come over. If she is already making things up, just imagine what she could come up with next.
Nope. Plain & simple. If she wants to lie about him then nope, his home is HIS safe place. No one should be allowed to interrupt that
Stop letting her over.
Nope. Nope. Nope. Not allowed at your house. Period.
No, cut all ties. Could result in a lawsuit from other family.
I would not ever leave that kid alone with either of your children. Maybe if you have cameras in the home but even then I would be weary of her.
I think it would be a good idea to have a time out from this friend until she’s over this habit. Explain to your children that lying/making up stories is not a good friend trait.
Cut that real quick, your daughter will get over it.
I’d address her parents about the lying and not allow her back over, if she’s doing it to one kids she’s doing it to others.
Nope. Do not let her come over to play
Sorry, she wouldn’t be allowed in my house anymore.
Put a camera up and show her next time
Trust your gut and stick with no.
No. Bad habits can be learned from that behavior anyway.
Don’t let the kid come over anymore. Just explain to her apparently there are issues when you’re here so it’s best you don’t come to play anymore
Don’t let her around your kids.
Protect your son. Keep her away.
Don’t let her in your house or play with him. It starts with small lies but you don’t know what she can lie about next, especially if she is in your home. Protect your kids and family.
I think your instincts are very good…do NOT let her come in to play!!!
Please get rid of her now it’s going to be worse later on
Sounds like a jealousy issue more than having a crush. What does her mother say when she does that? If mom is handling it them I’d ignore it and let her sort it out. But if mom isn’t correcting it I’d limit play dates.
No. Don’t allow her. It’s not worth the trouble that it could bring. Your daughter doesn’t need a friend that lies like that anyway.
Do not let her come over… She might not have a crush on him and then she accuses him of things that could lead you to court cases. I’d go and speak to her mom and tell her mom that this has to stop or you will take things further with a restraining order against her daughter. Your son needs to keep his distance and your daughter as well.
Tell her mother what’s going on. Tell her mother to fix the situation or at least explain to her that if you like people aren’t going to want to be around you.
She wouldn’t be coming over no more.
Nope… that will open the door for worse lies & the mother is crazy because she shouldn’t allow her to come in ur house if somebody is there that she says keep hurting her
Cut all ties for your son’s and family’s sake
Talk to the other mom, express your issues.
Do what’s best for ur family!!! If u don’t feel safe with her there than she shouldn’t be
Do not allow her in your home a small lie can have a huge impact on you and the family home especially if it’s something that she says that’s happened in your home the best way to avoid this happening is to keep her out always as the kids in the streets are all aware that she’s a liar and can back up your son from being accused of hitting her but anything that’s said to have happened in your home all questions will be put onto you and then your in a situation that you don’t need to be in
Please protect your son at all costs. With the court systems being so messed up these days the girl will get away with a lot of things
Oh hell no, she would never be welcomed at my house again.
Stop her from coming, tell her mother and have the brother back you up
Nope… nope, nope!! I have a feeling this will only get worse in a very bad way! I would be straight up with the parents as to why even ask them to talk with their son, that has seen this happen. Then wash your hands and walk away!
Ohhh heck no
I’d tell her in front of the mom if u want to lie u won’t be allowed to play with the kids ever again.
Lying is not ok
I’d also tell the mom u don’t feel it’s safe for them to play bc she is always excising him and u don’t want him have a bad rep bc of her lying daughter
I’m guessing your kids are close she’s trying to find a way to split them up so she can have his sister all to herself. I wouldn’t let her in your home just let them play together while there’s no other option don’t allow her to do that to them in their own home.
Don’t let her in. If her mother has an issue, explain why. I’d also explain to your daughter why her friend cannot come in. Lying doesn’t get anyone anywhere.
I wouldn’t let her in, that simple
Hard no . Either keep it outside or just say unfortunately she can’t come over no more
I definitely would not allow the girl to come back in. If she’s lying about that who knows what else she’s capable of lying about that could get someone in serious trouble.
Do not allow her in your home
Don’t let her in your home maybe plan play dates with her and your daughter else where.
No do not let her in your home
Not at chance, If she’s been making up that your son hurt her and it hasn’t been happening she wouldn’t be allowed inside my house so I would be afraid of what else she would make up.
And I would be having a conversation with your children about WHY lying isn’t ok, and the consequences that come with it.
Not a chance and I would be telling the mother why
Tell her she can’t come over because she is a liar.
I wouldn’t allow her to be around kids period. What’s to stop her from making up lies about anyone else for any reason?
I stand strong on only certain children (usually the ones that me and their mothers talk back and forth) are allowed in my house/yard.
If you are having that much problems with the girl maybe put up video cameras so you have documentation before you tell her that she can’t come. That way if you have any problems with the parent you can show them the videos
Ummmm simple, she can’t come over to play anymore and if you allow them outside together, don’t take your eyes off them and inform their parents they will NOT be permitted on your property or playing outside in common areas (the girls … not with him) they will be monitored by yourself AND their mother. Period
Tell her mom the reason she can’t play indoors.
Nicely let her know she is not welcome here
Speak with the mom as well because she will lie on other people and hopefully someone makes it clear that something bad will actually happen one day and no one is going to believe her.
You are right. Do not let her in your house. There’s no telling what she might make up. Listen, when they are outside playing is it any way you can keep your son inside so he won’t even be out there? Maybe you could help explain to your son the reason you want to do this. That way, you could catch her at her own crazy little game.
A Big NO! Your home should be your families Safe Zone where they can be comfortable… I wouldn’t because she Can say something happened at your home & cause more problems…
Dnt let her come back over. Sounds like she is a compulsive liar js
Do not let her in your house
Send them over to her house, only let her in if your son is somewhere else. She sounds a little mental!
Keep her out protect your son x
Don’t let he come over. Your children come first
Do not let her come back.Plain and simple.Tell your daughter until her friend can stop lying she can’t come bavk
No a chance in hell she be coming to my house.
I wouldn’t allow her to visit anymore, unless she stops the dishonesty. It sets a bad example for your children, and it can cause a lot of problems for everyone.
She can go straight to hell with her lies lol jk !I’d be pissed definitely wouldn’t want her over and for her to lie about something far worse that can end up getting your kid in serious trouble ! I’d have a talk with her mom & if it continues I’d cutt all ties.
She would not be coming into my house at all! I would have a discussion with her mother and and her about why you feel you need to protect your children from being accused of lies.
Talk to her mom
Protect your son. Don’t let her in the house.
Doesn’t need to be complicated.
You are way over thinking this.
I would suggest not having her in the home if she is lying about any type of abuse. And maybe suggesting your daughter not play with her anymore if you are concerned in any way.
Without going into it too much, I’ll just say.
Meet up at common grounds, playground, library, mall, etc
Going through something like this myself. Except its my sons gf. The lies will get bigger. My son has been hit and even bit by his little gf but apparently I’m the only one who sees something with with that even her mother says it’s just “kids being kids” and it’s ok because of her past traumas
I was livid when I har her excusing hurting my son
Shes no longer allowd at my house and my son isnt allowed at her house but I unfortunately cant control his every move and they do still consider eachother bf and gf…I iist have to keep reminding him what acceptable what not and be there for him
(Even tho I want to change school.move cities whatever it takes to break that bond)
Protect your kids. I would say no as well.
Bring that up to her. Nornally i would never say to embarrass a child but if hes getting it trouble for being blamed i would say it. Like hey we all know u have a crush on him since u pick on him but u should stop.
Keep her away - daughter needs new friends, positive friends
I would not allow her to come over anymore. It could turn into something worse then it. At least not for a while. maybe that will teach her not to lie about him anymore.
Time to change friends
I wouldn’t allow her in my home either. I’d also cut the friendship with her and your daughter. She doesn’t need a friend that lies all the time and could cause major trouble for your family. I’d be sure to let this “friend’s” mother know too.
Anyone who lies like that is NOT welcomed in r home. She needs to b taught a lesson.
You don’t want a liar in your home. She isn’t a good influence on your children.
I wouldn’t even allow her to play with my kids.
Protect your son! Talk to her parents. Dont let her in until this has been resolved.
I wouldn’t as like you said can make up worse lies. But how ever maybe talk to your friend and even the kids who can back it up about what’s going on, and also let your friend know that to be honest with what’s going on you feel that if she does come over that she may say or take it to far of untrue things it be the last thing yourself and kids need
Personally, I wouldn’t let her in my house, because you have no idea what she may make up. Regardless of it being inside or outside, any time she is playing with your kids, I would keep it under constant supervision. I would also have a talk with her parents about this behavior. You’re a better mom than me… I’d look at this kid and straight up be like wtf is your problem?! Even if she does have a crush on your son, someone needs to teach her that her actions aren’t the way you treat someone you like and they sure aren’t the way to get someone to like you back.
I wouldn’t allow her to come over and play anymore.
I would tell her mom that until she can behave and stop lying she’s not welcome. Lying can have big implications and she needs to know that.
That’s a question you need not ask the answer is obvious! You let her in he could be accused of worst things
Get Cameras and put them over the house. Don’t just record it for one time, until you have enough evidence. Especially if she wants to go over .
Tell her inside is out of bounds. I agree with Brittany and Robin, protect your son. Lies have hurt many people. She is trouble.
Stop allowing her to visit before she comes up with worse lies
Follow your instincts as a Momma we know when things will change to worse
I wouldn’t. Protect your son.
Please do not teach your children that the reason someone hurts them is because they like/love them. This little girl must like the attention. Stand up for YOUR CHILDREN ONLY!! You do not have to let those kids at your house either.
Move and not give them your new address?