My doctor wasn't happy that I didn't get a pap smear: Advice?

You should get a Pap smear. Pap smears test for cervical cancer and other abnormalities! I’m not sure why you wouldn’t want a simple test done that could ensure there’s no abnormalities? In my opinion every women should get a pap done every year.

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I would consider it… my mom found out she had cancer because her doctor insisted on a pap. She wasn’t sick and didn’t show any signs. Thankfully it was caught early and she beat it


Pap smear is medically necessary. I had severe cell changes…one step away from cancer and had to have some cervix lasered off.


Pap smear caught my cervical cancer at 26 yrs old. Can’t wrap my head around why someone refuses a lifesaving test .


My doctor said you don’t need one every year if you’ve never had an abnormal one.

How exactly did she shame you? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: she didn’t. She’s doing her job by trying to prevent you from having an undiagnosed issue. People have literally found out they have cervical cancer because of it. There’s no violation of privacy here. She’s a DOCTOR. I don’t even know how you spun this the way you did :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


I dont understand how prevention isn’t necessary?? More women die of cervical and uterine cancer than you think!! It’s not such a big deal doing it…just like mammograms :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_shrugging:

Just wow - seriously?!? This got posted?! I’m bamboozled!


My mom currently has Stage IVb Cervical Cancer that was missed because she didn’t get her PAP for 3 years. We find out tomorrow morning if the chemo is working. Get your PAP.


No one likes it but that’s how my sister in law found out about her cervical cancer. So it’s very important.


Umm they can detect cervical cancer or precancerous cells, stds, and overall health down there.

It’s very important. They found cancerous cells on my last pap and i had to have a biopsy and everything. They came back non cancerous but i had to go every 6 months until my numbers started trending down. I finally got a normal pap. Paps are very important!!


So you’d go to the doctor for medically necessary cervical cancer treatment, but you won’t go to help prevent cervical cancer? Makes sense :rofl::woman_facepalming:t2::roll_eyes:


This post gives me a headache .


if you don’t want to be checked for cervical cancer who am I to say different? I’m not a doctor. And your doctor obviously isn’t as smart as you they are only trying to ensure your health with preventative care and check that you don’t have precancerous or cancerous cells in your lady parts… But hey it’s your body


It is medically necessary. That’s why your doctor wanted you to get it.


My ex mother in law waited WAY too long to get one, she said they were unnecessary. She finally got one and they found cancer. It was so bad, meds really didn’t help. She ended up passing away from that and a few other things. Let’s just say, I find them necessary even though I don’t like them.


Sounds like the Dr. Is doing her job. A pap smear is being pro active. And yes, females have gotten negative results from them. I think you’re being a little too sensitive. And how do you know a Pap smear isn’t necessary if you don’t get them ? :woman_facepalming:t2:


Pap smears are very uncomfortable for me. But it only takes a few minutes and it certainly saves lives!


I have three friends who found out they had cervical cancer from a pap smear. They find things all the time. Saying it’s painless is disingenuous, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get one. A small and relatively quick procedure is far better than a complete hysterectomy because you neglected preventative care.


It’s still her job to inform you of why it’s recommended and I think alot is caught early this way. Even if you choose not to she needs you to understand why it’s recommended so that if you one day find out you have major issues it’s not on her.


They caught my high grade cervical cancer cells during a routine pap. Had I not gone in we wouldn’t have been able to be proactive and remove it before it became worse. :woman_shrugging:t4: I would definitely recommend getting one.


STDs and cancer are both very real, and it’s foolish to not get a Pap smear (that’s medically necessary)


Being uncomfortable for 10 seconds > cervical cancer.

Some women can’t afford regular obgyn care so be thankful you can and get your PAP!


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Trying to stay respectful, maybe this person doesn’t understand.

But a Pap smear is absolutely medically necessary. I appreciate that there could be a fear of doctors over-doctoring but often times their actions are actually backed by facts, solid education, and experience. You simply haven’t had that background so you don’t know what you don’t know. But the bottom line is you absolutely should not skip it.


Wow… just WOW. You ever hear of cervical cancer? Please educate yourself.


You should absolutely get one. Pre cancerous cells are more common than you would think and it’s not as bad as it seems it’s really quick but you need to take care of yourself for your baby we have the modern medicine to prevent it you would certainly regret not getting a simple Pap smear down the road if something were to happen


I hate pap smears it is extremely invasive and is an invasion of privacy but if I wouldn’t have gotten my last one I would have never known I had an aggressive form of hpv that can cause cervical cancer later on. I hate them but I will be getting my next one next week. I may hate them but I’m not willing to die for refusing to be uncomfortable for 20 mins.


I would get one every year, never had any issues. I had my son and they told me since ive never had an abnormal one I can go every 4 years. Year 3 I was diagnosed with stage 2 cervical cancer! If I had a choice to do or oven i would much rather get a quick pap smear then go through chemo and radiation again.


Pap smears are now recommended every 3 years, but I demand mine yearly. After having gone through what I went through, I will not chance finding out too late…highly recommended from this lady! They are uncomfortable, but so worth it!


I had my pap done and they found cervical cancer just in time. You should really get it done. It’s uncomfortable but necessary


No one likes a pap but especially after baby it is important to make sure your vagina is healthy.
I had an abnormal pap a few years ago and they removed a huge portion of my cervix because of cancerous cells.
I’m not saying you’re an idiot but I’m not not saying that either.

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Wait, a pap is a violation of privacy? And you just had a baby? What did I just read? I’m so confused :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:


Your Dr. Is right. Their not enjoyable, I’ll give you that. But they are indeed necessary.

On that note I do need to book a couple of appointments.

Good grief. Get your PAP done.

And if you wind up with cervical cancer, its the Dr’s fault for not giving you the smear as well? Its absolutely your right to refuse, but please don’t attack the Dr. Highly unnecessary.

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Obviously you have every right to refuse any testing, but why do you think you only need a pap if you think your sick? Most diseases found on a pap are asymptomatic. The pap is literally the ONLY test for cervical dysplasia and HPV. Especially if you have unprotected sex(which obviously you have since you were pregnant) every woman over the age of 21 years should have a pap every 2-3 years- every year(sometimes more frequently) if you are at high risk for any reason. She tried to convince you to get it because that is her job as a health care provider to make sure you are offered diagnostic testing that is recommended by federal guidelines.

After I had one of my son’s, a nurse practitioner saw me at the 6 weeks point and did a quick check, no pap. She said that I didn’t need it and that at my next doctor’s appointment I would require one, which would only be a few months later anyway. I appreciated her so much for that. You have a pap when first pregnant and normal paps should/would be at least once a year. I tend to have abnormal paps right after having a baby. Depending on the birth, someone messing around too much down there can be uncomfortable.

Please, please do your research and educate yourself of all the things, all the POSITIVE things, that a single Pap can do for you and why women should/need to get it done regularly.

I think it’s extremely important and it is very fast and relatively pain free. Now that you’re a mom you should do all you can to be sure you will be around for your child. It’s your drs job to inform you , which she did. However It’s still your right to make foolish decisions about your own health.


Believe me they are very important. If my daughter would have gotten regular pap smears they would have found her cancer in early stage. Waited too long and had to have a complete hysterectomy. She could have died.


I stopped going for three years and then went and turned out i cervical cancer and had to have my uterus burnt and then I had hemorrhoid surgery and they biopsied in there and it had spread. Should have went sooner.


I would have gotten cervical cancer had I not had a pap done. Luckily it was caught very early and was able to be removed without added issues.
Please get your paps done. They save lives

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It is medically necessary ffs


All I can say is this woman is Misguided and Delusional. Pap Smears are VERY IMPORTANT. This is truly shocking to me.

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I have one every year due to rare tumor in my right ovary. But I didn’t think u needed one right after having the baby. I thought u had some time after

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Pap smear can detect cervical cancer early. Not getting it done can put you at risk of getting cervical cancer. It can also detect hpv, stds and etc. Sometimes doctors will refuse you birth control until you get it.

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A papsmead IS medically necessary​:woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: it can save your life

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It is absolutely necessary and you should definitely go get it done! It’s uncomfortable yes but usually pretty quick

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There is some really good advice on here. Maybe take some time to educate yourself on what the Pap smear is for. Your doctor has a job and they were probably trying to look out for you, assuming you were already educated on the purpose of the test. Please take time to re consider. A few moments of being uncomfortable verse early detection is to me worth it


Get it done, it can save your life.

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No I don’t think anyone with common sense has ever thought that before :woman_facepalming:

This post hurts my head…

You would rather not get it an then find out you have cancer an it’s too late, than put up with an uncomfortable few mins an catch it early?


Pap smears are to catch anything early. If you wait until you know something is wrong to get the pap smear, it will most likely be too late.

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I’m praying for that new baby is all I can say


Come back when you’re dying of cervical cancer and tell us how not getting a pap worked out for you.
I’m only alive today because I had a pap done early enough to stop the cancer.


U had a baby, but a 2 second smear is uncomfortable?? :flushed:


You went to a doctor and got medical advice.

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It is medically necessary.

Papa are medically necessary, especially post partum.

Sure right up to the point I was diagnosed with cancer!
If not for you do it for your family.

Finding cancer at its earliest stages is more chance of cure and survival. Have u ever thought about what a smear is and why we get them? Anyone develops cancer!!


After finding out how high my blood stuff was… didn’t even feel it. I think somethings shouldn’t be ignored anymore.

If you can birth babies you shouldn’t have an issue getting a routine Pap. It takes 5 min to have the reassurance that everything is as it should be. Why would you pass that up just bc you simply don’t feel like having a doctor down there? Where are you getting the ‘so few people find anything wrong’ bit? It is definitely very medically necessary.


Don’t wait ! And yes people die every single day from things that if caught earlier would have been an easy fix .

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Girl, go get the pap. It is extremely important for detecting cancer and other things. You always want to keep on top of your health especially if you have little ones relying on you.


As much as you don’t like it I just do it it is medically necessary especially after having a child


It takes like 30 seconds and could save your life. Grow up.


You just had a baby the pap is to make sure your cervix and everything is where it should be. It’s also to check for any abnormalities if they find any they can swab and test. My mother had pre cancer 3 times detected by pap and had to have surgery to remove it. Had she decided not to have a pap she likely would of developed cancer and who knows if she would still be here.


There important, I mean she’s only trying to save your life after all :face_with_raised_eyebrow:. But its your choice to get one

Have this with my regular doctor. Wants me to get all kinds of test. I’m going on 60 . Most are for cancer. I’ve watched two many people die after going thru years of treatment and suffering. That’s not for me my kids are grown. If I get sick enough we are going to make me comfortable, and I’m going to live till I die. Treating symptoms as they happen .

A pap smear is necessary. Almost 10 years ago a papsmear was done on me and the doctor found cells that were precancerous. I would have gotten cervical cancer if it wasn’t for the papsmear. You can ask for a smaller speculum if you ever have pain from a pap. I experienced painful paps for decades until my current gynecologist suggested she use a smaller speculum and told me that a papsmear should never be painful.


I don’t understand why you are so against it. Pop smear/test are a part of preventive medicine. They are extremely important and play a great role in women’s health.

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The postpartum pap is definitely necessary to ensure you have healed correctly.


Its uncomfortable for sure but I’m willing to bet cervical cancer is a lot worse.


I’ve had two so far on the second they found pre cancerous cells which I had to have burned and I’m only 27 they aren’t trying to shame you they just really want you to understand the danger of not getting checked especially now you have a little one who could loose it’s mum


I’m not really seeing a reason not to get it. I’ve gotten them every time they had me to. Once there was abnormal cells. Thankfully they healed without any need for medication.

I work in a gynecology office. About 1/4 of all paps we do come back abnormal. The PAP test checks for abnormal cells that could cause cervical cancer. The PAP test is the actual brushing of cells. It’s different than the pelvic exam. Cervical cancer is a slow growing cancer but if and when it turns into cancer can be very serious. I, myself had cervical cancer. Diagnosed at 34. Had full hysterectomy. It’s your own decision to make but if and when you have an abnormal pap, there are tons of ways to fix it.


Nurse here :raising_hand_woman:
Trust me last think she wants to do is look at your unmentionables. She’s actually tring to save you from having PID/ CERVICAL CANCER HPV/ CLYMIDIA AND the list continues! But for sure not for her enjoyment. She took an oth to save lives. And a pap is one way to save your life!!
Even if you don’t like it! Or think it’s dumb. It saves more people than you think! So stop being childish and go get yours done and act like your great full and tell her thank you!
It’s a dirty job!!! The moment you have children till your 65 you need a pap!


It’s important!!
Please get it done.

Invasion of privacy? It’s a medical procedure. Unless you want your lil babe growing up without a mama go get a pap.

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I’m almost 50. I went 20 Yrs ago. I feel what you are saying❤ , however…It’s a way of finding out if you have issues

You’re risking your own life, and for what - just because you can?

At 28 I had cervical cancer that was caught on a smear. It’s sooooo common, your opinion is completely misguided.

I’m a mum of 2, a wife and a medical professional. I’m not willing to put myself through treatment again, nor am I willing for my children to grow up without a mother for a decision I chose to make.

As for feeling “shamed” by your doctor: get a grip. Trying to make you see sense and shaming you for a stupid decision are different things.


Put your big girl panties on & get one
They are very important & can detect early signs of cancer. You’ve got kids to think of now so you need to look after yourself


It’s uncomfortable but nowhere near as bad as pushing a baby out and could save your life. Why is it even a question on whether to have it, takes like 5 minutes 🤷


Cancer prevention
Not treatment

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You definitely have the right to refuse one. But my doctor caught early cancer cells on my routine pap and removed them with another quick procedure. So yeah. I’m an advocate for them.


its’ 4 early detection in case of cervical cancer. only takes a few minutes. ur life is worth it.

Get it done girl remember u have a child who needs a healthy momma

It is important. You just had a baby if this is your wellness check up it’s to check your healing. If it’s not it’s still important then again I personally know two people that had cervical cancer and their checks is why they caught it so early. It’s your life and your body. Your refusal is documented to save the doctor from any issue if something g goes wrong so it’s your choice

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Invasion of privacy ?? Get a grip ! Id be probed every month if need be to save my life :roll_eyes:


Folks in 2000 had the works… after several decades of painful monthly and constant anemina- yes folks some of us do. Luckily the masses were not cancerous. Fortunately but several times I got lucky with pre cancerous colon polyps. Until 2014 when I started down the Pink Ribbon trail with stage 3 breast cancer. Cancer all caught by needed tests… And would never been found without tests. It had spread to lymph node. Last year had a cancer taken off my face. Folks all these treatments were painful but - I AM STILL ALIVE …

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The more important question, why do you feel you shouldn’t get one? Saying you feel it isn’t necessary really isn’t valid because there are many, many reasons to have one done. There is another underlying issue that needs to come out.

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Jesus. I can’t even answer this without wanting to laugh and cry at the stupidity. A pap smear can easily save your life. Cervical cancer would be missed almost entirely without them.


Well if you get cervical cancer and other diseases down the line don’t say your doctor didn’t warn you :roll_eyes:


Preventative care is extremely important, especially as a new mom. Catching cancer early is the best way to treat it and methods of treating are FAR less invasive. Do your child and yourself a huge favor, and put up with a little discomfort now for a potentially better future.


You are right; getting scanned for cervical cancer (kills about 4000 women a year) is a HUGE invasion of your privacy. Granted 93% of all cases can be prevented with a screening; but go on with your entitled self.


Yes you should get one done every few years if you don’t want to get one done that’s perfectly fine however if by the time you get one done they find something that probably could’ve been taking care of a lot easier hadn’t been discovered earlier then don’t blame your doctor


You literally just had a baby. You should be getting checked.


It’s important. My friend skipped hers one year and the next year did it and she had cancer. Don’t skip