My doctor wasn't happy that I didn't get a pap smear: Advice?

How would you feel if you had cancer and had months to live because you decided you didn’t want a smear…I rather be checked then leave my 5 children without a mother. Stop being so selfish and go and get it done!!


I felt the same until mine came back abnormal…turned out I had cervical cancer…27 and had to have a hysterectomy. Luckily I had already had my two children but unfortunately I didnt have a choice on whether I wanted more or not. Just get it done

I mean, why else would they be administered if they weren’t medically necessary? I dont think ob’s are doing them for fun​:thinking::expressionless::unamused:

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Oh wow. I can’t even

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Well, it’s something that’s important to get done.

Paps are super important!!! I would be dead from cervical cancer right now if I didn’t get mine every couple of years!!! Go back to the dr and get your pap done don’t be an idiot!!!

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I had cervical cancer at-27:.Had to have a hysterectomy. My daughter had pre cancer cell at 17.Had a procedure and hss not had any more problems. The Doctor said the pre cancer cells would have been cancer in 5 years or less. My best friend had cervical cancer at 21and had to have a hysterectomy. I never missed a Pap smear with my yearly check up. If l had l would not be here today. I have 4 daughters and l started taking them to the OB Gynecologist at 16.That is very necessary.


She’s just kinda doing her job.


My friend wouldn’t go for hers and eventually she did just once and they found cancerous cells it saved her life be great full ur doc is on point :roll_eyes:

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Paps are preventative! If you wait until you feel like something is wrong, it could very well be too late.


Hope you had your tubes tied at last baby. Hey Pap is costing you nothing but a little time. If you cant be bothered to get a health check you dont need to be a mom. !

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Many women feel the same about pap smears. It can feel very invasive and even triggering to someone who has dealt with any type of abuse or a traumatic situation. People need to be more understanding and give advice rather than just laugh and tell the OP to get over it or that they’re being “entitled”…

Pap smears have literally saved my life.


Why would you not want to get a pap smear they take 5 mins and it could save your life. Pap smears are very important. I get one every year. Be smart get it done!!


Just so you know Pap smears are medically necessary. Just because they don’t find something wrong with someone else doesn’t mean they won’t find something wrong in anyone. You could be that anyone and not even know it. Wouldn’t you rather be safe then sorry. Just think your baby really needs and not just now. They will need you for as long as possible, even into adulthood. So why not do the preventative medical care we need. Everyone woman should have a Pap smear every 2-3 years and should have their first one at age 21. They should also have one during or shortly after each child birth. I get it though how you feel about. I was extremely nervous and uncomfortable to have my first one. If not able to do it for yourself do it for your baby


Get the pap smear
I had cancer cells at literally 29 years old !
Why would you refuse a Pap ! That’s ridiculous!


I don’t understand what your even asking and why? Get the Pap smear!


Preventative care. I had one done and it came back abnormal after years of normal ones. All they had to do was scrape the surface and did another and it was back normal. Know people that put it off that needed a hysterectomy later on bc were eaten up in cancer bc skipped it. I wouldn’t risk it as there are very few signs of uterine cancer and it can go undetected easily


Tell me you’re uneducated without telling me…do what your doctor says…common sense


Paps are literally medically necessary :woman_facepalming:t3:


She needed to shame you because your ignorance astounded her. Get a pap smear.


It kind of is medically necessary :woman_facepalming:t3:


So important especially after a baby, HPV is common after delivery and needs to be monitored. Also proper healing and other infections. Of course it’s invasive but so was having a baby, we gotta take care of ourselves :heart:


Dr. Said you don’t need one after memapose at age 50 my mother was in her 70 and she got the big C. I’m 81 I have The big C now I was not feeling good went to the ER found out that I had The big c last year in November. I had surgery the day after Thanksgiving I was 80. Came home from rehab in Jan. Spent Thanksgiving Christmas. And New Year in the Hospital. So I’m telling every female to get a pap smear at least once a year even tho you are older

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A Pap smear detected cancer in my friend in the early stages which literally saved her life. She was in her early 30s.


A pap smear saved my life! They discovered that my cervix was COVERED in precancerous cells and if I had waited, it would have been very bad. I had to have three different procedures to have them removed and it was not fun at all. You should absolutely get routine paps done!


I almost refused that yearly mammogram 4 years ago. I finally talked myself into going and…… yep they found early breast cancer.


That is strange…pap smear picked cancer in the early stages…it is YOUR body and you could prevent something happening down the road. We are not immune…trust me…


Your body your choice…I haven’t had one since my twins were born 7yrs ago

The point of a pap is to be proactive and do preventative care. I put a test off and my dr called me saying that I had cancerous cells that would go to the rest of my body if I didn’t have the procedure and if that happened then they could do nothing to help me. Be happy that your doctor is looking out for you. They recommend one every 4 or 5 years to make sure you are healthy.

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Do you go to the dentist for a checkup? Do you take your kids in for wellness checkups? If so, your stance is hypocritical. I’m all for questioning things being put into your body, but this is just a test. Better safe than sorry I feel.

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No cause there is medical reasoning behind it.
I’m curious to how it’s an invasion of privacy? They are your dr doing their job.
This generation is more messed up then I could ever have imagined


You should think about how your child will feel without you when your dead from cervical cancer and could have been saved. Stop being so childish. It’s not the first thing you’ve had up there.


Your doctor should fire you as a patient. You’re one of those patients that refuses preventative measures but screams law suit and when something is found later which could have been prevented if you had just cooperated. This is embarrassing


Get it done its stupid not too because they don’t find anything wrong in other people
They are also checking since u did just had a baby they want to make sure everything healed right. Common sense

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First of all a pap smear detects early signs of cervical cancer and things like HPV. It ACTUALLY is a preventive.

Would you rather find that you have cancer and too late for treatment? Think of your baby. Your choice.

Your Dr. Doesn’t WANT to give you a pap smear. She Wants Your body to be healthy. She’s doing her job. Your body, your choice… But she’s not a robot. She has feelings too and was probably possibly offended that she was not able to do her job. There are many things she can detect by checking your vagina. It’s a health matter. It’s uncomfortable but worth it and you hope nothing is wrong but you never know. The risk is there and multiplies when ignored.

There is people out there who literally beg an beg for these test to be done an are told no until a certain age, think yourself lucky you’ve been offered.


Idk why you even think that. A Pap smear saved my life and has kept me with my kids and husband longer now. I waited 4 years to get one. And when I went back in o had cancerous cells and had to have pieces of my cervix cut out because of it. Had I waited longer it could have killed me. Get your pap. Quit with the nonsense. Obviously you have children. You want to be around for them right? This isn’t an invasion of anyones privacy or their rights. It’s preventative care to make sure you are healthy


I had one after all four of my children. They just explained that they’re checking for different things that could happen after delivery. I’m not sure how far you are from when you delivered.
Now I see my OBGYN once a year but because all of my pap smears have come back clean I only have to get one every 3 years. You don’t have to answer but has it been a long time since you’ve had your last one? It could just be time for you to get one done. I know a lot of people don’t like doing them and believe me I don’t like getting them done I don’t like the uncomfortableness of it but it is the best way to find out if you have anything wrong in your lady business.

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It is a must I’d get it

That what my mum thought died of cervical cancer. Get it done.


A pap smear will only benefit you. It’s to detect potential cancerous cells.


Well visits are free, and preventative care is usually covered at 100%, what’s the problem?! Everyone knows that shit can stay dormant inside a females body and sometimes it wont show up til later- you must always take care of your reproductive health no matter what, bc if you don’t, it CAN kill you.

I had a pap smear, found out I had cancerous cell on my cervix and had to get 75% of my cervix removed because it’s PREVENTIVE and necessary. You can’t tell wether you have cancer or not on your own alott of the time.

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I hate them with a passion but,I do it bc I have children and want to be healthy for them.We have a family history of cancer since,thats another reason I do it.

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Your doctor did not “shame” you. Your doctor did not speak to you in any sort of way. She was explaining to you the reason why you should get one, and telling you what to expect. If you don’t want to get one, then you make that choice for yourself, albeit a not so smart one. But don’t put the blame of not wanting one on your doctor by saying she shamed you or didn’t talk to you like a marshmallow. Say it like you see it. You are disregarding the expertise of your doctor over your ill placed awareness of yourself. This isn’t about privacy. You doctor was literally just elbows deep into you for the last 9 months and now you’re getting all worried about privacy? Please… Get the pap smear and listen to your doctor. That’s literally her job.


I mean it is 2022 and the reason we do them is to make sure we are not left dying for something that could be prevented. So, to each their own I guess. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t get it done either. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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If I were one to bet, I’d bet all I have that Joey Feek would have had a pap test if she had known that she would die from cervical cancer.


I think it’s particularly important to get one after having a baby :woozy_face:


Your doctor didn’t shame you, she tried to educate you.

I’ve never missed a smear and abnormal cells were found and I needed a biopsy. I know multiple people this has happened to.

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Why would you not have it done?? You just had a baby, think of your children if something happened to you.

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Cervical cancer patients think they’re doctor that they find the cancer in time :woman_shrugging:


I’m telling you from a very close story, my best friend never wanted one kept putting it off we tried to talk to her about how important it is, her cousin made her a drs appointment and took her without telling her it was for her, thank god her cousin did that as they found cancer cells. She can’t have anymore kids but I thank god my best friend is alive.
So please go get one

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I had one in ‘03, found out I was developing cancerous cells, had a complete hysterectomy. Get it done, if not for yourself, for the children you could potentially leave motherless.


Well it is necessary if you want to catch cancer on time


She has to cover her ass, bc God forbid you get cervical cancer (which can be prevented by Pap smears) and you be the type of person to turn around and say “but you acted like it wasn’t a big deal when I said I didn’t want one, and now I have cancer and I want to sue.” Not to say you’re that type of person but they don’t know that. She made sure to put in your chart that you declined and that she gave her professional advice on why she didn’t think it was a good idea. You are the patient and you have the last say in your medical care, but they are a professional with a business and they will sure cover their ass just in case. Because the court will want those notes in court for evidence if you do decide to sue.

I’d get it done. All my paps came back normal. Eccept a few where they found pre cancerous cells. After a biopsy I was good to go and haven’t had an abnormal one since. These can save your life. Same with a mammogram. Don’t want to find out in later stages you have cancer and it could’ve been taken care of if you would’ve let them do it.

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Cervical cancer is sure worse than a PAP smear!!


Girl get that coochie checked


So I was 23 I had my daughter at 20yr and didn’t get a pap smear until I was 23 it came back some cells cancerous so I had to do a biopsy that came back it showed cancerous cervical cells. At 23yrs old I had to have a full hysterectomy. It’s very important to have them done.


Umm no… I am 33 I had no symptoms of anything went in for routine pap and found cells on cervix . I had to have biopsies and my cervix had to be froze and cut. Most problems spread before they are found which is why it’s always good to do your routine check-ups. You have had a kid you know what a pap involves. It’s not some horrible thing it’s necessary for women. I was 24 when they found those issues. Why would you even think about not getting checked when u have more to live for now that you have a baby …


Whut? Invasion of privacy for something that could save your life. :woman_facepalming:t3:


People find things on Pap smears all the time!! It’s how a lot of women find out they’re developing or have developed cancerous cells on the cervix/uterus!! I have a bad habit of putting my Pap smears off longer then needed BUT they’re completely medically necessary and your Dr is right to warn you you need it done and try to educate you on how important they are


Pap smears are an important diagnostic tool, they can find problems. But its your body and your choice. Im lucky, had a hysterctomy, no more pap smears. I use to be almost sick before my appointments to get it done. As long as you know the risks it should be up

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I had a friend pass away at 38 because of cervical cancer.

After a birth, how can you complain about a lack of privacy?
Get the Pap smear and be as safe as you can. If an early cancer is found, you will thank the doc who found it!


I always go to my pap appointments but never had one after having my children.

Steups you can’t be serious.

Do you even know what a pap smear is for?

Welp, here’s the dumbest thing I’ll read all day!

It is quick and generally painless, it’s not a violation of privacy they are your doctor and if they didn’t even do it what’s the issue? So few people find anything wrong because they routinely get them done as preventative measures.


The guidelines have changed in the last few years depending on your age, but it still recommended to get a pap on a regular basis to screen for precancerous and cancerous cells.

My friend from High School died from cervical cancer before her 30th Birthday. After being pregnant and giving birth with the Dr and nurses all up in there checking on things getting a PAP is nothing. Get the damn PAP.

Why wouldn’t you want to? Pap smears detect cancers and other diseases that could be harmful if left untreated

Get one!! Every year!! I had to have a hysterectomy at age 43…several other surgeries before that!!!

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Violation of privacy?

I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 21847 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info.

I hope this is someone trolling cause there’s no way……. Pap smear IS something medical. Violation of privacy? After they done checked your coochie while being pregnant LOL


I just had to have a complete hysterectomy a year ago due to the finding of cervical cancer, at 31 years old, thanks to an abnormal pap. That Pap smear potentially saved my life. Please have the Pap smear. I know they are annoying and uncomfortable, but it is necessary, sweets. :pray::heart:


It is necessary!! Early way to catch cancer and other diseases that might not have early sysmptoms.

I have them every year. I went back because they found abnormal cells from doing a Pap smear. Had to have biopsy done on my cervix 7x. in one appointment cause if it was something bad I had to get it taken care of but it wasn’t. It was still a scare and I’m thankful that if it was something they would have been there to take care of it.

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OMG dumbest question ever…


It is your life!!!

Wow. My mom just had a hysterectomy due to cancer. GET YOUR PAP SMEAR.


Seriously They are important. I Know to Many people who was scared to have them And they are Now dead because of cancer. By the time She had one it was to Late!. Seriously they are very important.

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After I had my son and they did the pap smear they found abnormal cells, precancerous, that weren’t present in the last one I had. I eventually had to have a LEEP procedure where they removed those cells to allow healthy ones to grow. Pap smears are uncomfortable and honestly a pain in the ass but they are absolutely necessary and the one I had after giving birth quite possibly saved me from cervical cancer down the line.

My aunt died of cervical cancer because she never wanted to get a Pap smear. I do every year because well because I don’t want to die of cancer and if I do have it it will be caught early.

You just delivered a baby and you think a Pap smear is a violation of privacy? :woman_facepalming::joy:


My doctor recommends pap smears every 3 years now as long as they have always been normal in the past. They are good to have done though, for reproductive health

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Considering my aunt passed away last year from ovarian & cervical cancer, watching how much pain she was in & ultimately passing away.
Get the d@mn pap smear.

Do you have any idea how many lives a pap smear saved? What violation of privacy? Its an exam for your health! I dont know if its the moon or anything but Today internet is very weird!


Think a brain scan is prob more urgent for you than a smear at this time…


I have many questions however u are selfish -get that smear and stop thinking you’re wonder woman bc people are seriously beginning to wonder girl

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Please tell me this poster is joking :woman_facepalming:t2:. Pap smears ARE necessary. I have a friend who’s vaginal cancer was caught early because of regular paps.


It’s important. But entirely up to you

Trust your doctor for heaven’s sake! She’s highly educated and understands why Pap smears are very necessary. Most times ovarian cancer has spread before symptoms occur.
I agree with the comments saying “I hope this is someone trolling “ bc it speaks of total ignorance.

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Girl. Get your pap done!! You JUST had a baby and your concerned about your privacy?! Paps are SO helpful and can detect a lot of things before it’s too late. It’s not that bad. Only take a few minutes anyways.


I think Cancer is a worse violation of your privacy love


Please schedule one as soon as you can. My friend died from cervical cancer. Her beautiful daughters no longer have a mom. Her husband no longer has a wife. Her sister no longer has a best friend. Her friends miss her and don’t understand why it was her that died. She never missed a pap smear, she never gambled with her health. Please just consider scheduling one❤️