My ex invited me trick or treating with our kids but I don't know if I wanna go: Thoughts?

Compromise… I mean by either asking to have the kids stop at your house get pictures have treats for them show love and support and then dad can do the rest of trick or treating. Or maybe go but only for a short time. I definitely get why you dont want to go…the awkwardness of it. But meeting this half way and putting some effort for the kids and setting the terms for you is totally doable.

Just go its not for him its for the kids… Its best if they see there parents getting along for holidays and stuff

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It’s about the kids and you should really go! Show your kids that mom, dad, and significant other are all family! It truly is the way it should be!


Just put your guys’ issues aside and be there for your kids, I wish my parents had put their differences aside and just showed up for me.

Don’t make the same mistake hun.

Go be with your kids. Its the kids who will remember you being there. They wont be young for long

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If you want to go, go…be there for your kids. This is memories that will last forever for them. If your not wanting to go…then dont

you honestly seem like ur being petty. its not about who paid for what or about his new partner or ur divorce its ALWAYS about the kids you SHARE!!!


Just go, go for the kids forget him.

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Go. Its for yourchildren.

No matter how you feel about an ex you still show up for your kids. My ex is a douche canoe but I 100% invite him and his wife and their kid to every single thing that goes on. Showing up is on him. If you’re kids want you there then you get there. It doesn’t matter if he drives you so crazy you’re ready for a straight jacket at the end of the night, you still make sure your kids see your effort.


I would go for my kids

U do what u feel your kids need. Then u can live with your decision either way

You’re making it to be more than it’s not. Just go. Your kids would love it.

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Swap nights… say u have something that’s really important u have to do on ur night … and say I will do trick or treat night and he does ur night as a swap … problem solved x

The reasons for you not wanting to go sound pretty lame tbh. Just admit it, you’re mad because he moved on.


Get the hell over it and go for the kids?

Wtf is wrong with these moms that get jealous when someone new is apart for their ex’s lives

When you have kids with someone and it doesnt work out between you and that someone then you have to out ur grown panties on and make the best FOR THE SAKE OF THE KIDS… this shouldnt even be a question

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You can sit here and speculate all you want, but regardless of his intentions, it’s healthy for children to see their parents interacting in a polite manner, and it’s healthy for you and him to have a cordial relationship. The kids aren’t going anywhere, which means he’s not going anywhere. Don’t make the next 10+ years more difficult than they need to be.

Society will typically tell you to spite him, but to move against him is to move against your children. If you can’t love him for him, despite being separated, love him for your children, because your children are half of him and half of you.


Put on your big girl panties and go…this is not about your feelings, it’s about your children’s feelings.

Um…go! It’s for your kids not him or his SO! Your kids come before aby feelings you have about the situation.

Why not go? My kids dad and I arent together and we are always doing holidays and outings together for the kids. It is no longer about you but what is in the best interest of the kids

Do it! Put your differences aside and make awesome memories for your kid. My ex lives over 8 hours Away. I’m willing to pay out of pocket to makes sure he get here for our sons high school graduation.

Take your ex out of the equation. Do you want to take your kids trick or treating or not? This isn’t about you, the ex, the s.o or who bought what… it’s about your kids.


Well since this should be about the kids… do they want you to go? If so, suck it up!

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Go for your kids, make him do the leg work

Or 3 maybe he wants the kids to see both parents together getting along for the sake of the kids.


Go for the kids, dont put your own selfishness above a special night for them.


It’s about your kids. No you or him.

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Just go have fun with kids


You go! Go for your kids. That’s it.

My ex and I have been.divorced 24 years he lost his wife in July he wasn’t in my daughters life much but now that her stepmother is gone he calls just about everyday he took us out to dinner last Friday we are going again this Friday before he goes to Kansas he is helping a friend cut down trees I just want him to be safe he isn’t young anymore

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Go for your kids! Always do what’s best for them no matter what you feel about the father!! I myself have to remember to set my own feelings and pride aside and suck it up for my children on alot of things! It’s all about the kids! You are divorced for a reason but you will always be mom and dad!

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It’s not about you or him it’s about the kids… it’s not about who bought what…its about the children…‘not sure if I want to go’… it’s for your children … drama !!!

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If the kids want you to go then go. It doesn’t have to be about him at all. You can go and have fun with the kids. They don’t stay small for long so make the memories.

Or maybe 3 he just being nice because he knows you’ve done it every other year and might miss out this year… Grow up


It’s not about YOU or Him or his s.other. I’s about being an adult & coparenting like adults do. Most of all IT’s about your KIDS!
ANd so what if he has somebody else …you are divorced arent you? There’s gonna be graduations, weddings, etc.,… don’t your KIDS deserve to have both parents there at the same time without fighting.

Hell yeah go. Wouldn’t it be nice to see what kind of person is around your children?


Dont put your petty b.s. before your kids?

Its halloween. Go have fun with your kids.


Go! If you stay home your going to wish you would have went and seen their faces light up when they dump all that candy on the table. I wouldn’t want to miss their excitement when they go running door to door😊 They are only young for so long. Enjoy it and make memories!

Just go n enjoy the event with ur kids. Co parent n I’m sure the kids will enjoy it.

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Go!! You might even have fun ! And appreciate the extra help while doing it . I have taken mine solo and although fun, an extra pair of arms Is gold :joy:

It’s not about you or him it’s about your kids! Go for them… I’m sure your kids would be happy to see you guys together even if it’s just for trick or treating! It’d probably make the night a lot more enjoyable for them!


Go for the memories with your babies.


Seriously?? Go. What is so hard about co parenting? Let your kids get to experience the holidays with both parents.


Why is this even a question? It should always be about your children. It’s that easy.


Put your stuff aside and go for your kids


Go. It’s good for the kids to see their parents together and civil, and it gives them a normal childhood experience. I’m going with my boyfriend, the mother of his child, and our kids. If my ex was a part of my son’s life, I would make an effort to do stuff like this with him. It’s good co-parenting. Go.


You are over thinking it. It trick or treating with your kids. Its that simple. If you decide that its not cool then tell your kids you have an uspet stomach annd have to go home but for them to have fun with dad. But you should give it a try. So what if he has a new partner. She is just annother person. Your kids are what you should think about. It would be good for them to see the 2 of you in a friendly place and getting along.

Just go for the kids. I do it with my ex and my husband comes too. Is it a little awkward? You bet. But the kids just know they have all their favorite adults together. And that means a lot to them. Don’t overthink things.


You and him are their parents go for the kids

Go with your kids, make sure they’re safe. Play his little game, kill him with kindness.

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I think you should go for the kids.

It’s hard but its worth it. I went with my kids and ex and his wife and her kids last year.

Kids are the important part ask if they want you to go.

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Just go. Act like an adult for your kids sake. Let them create nice memories of their parents on holidays.

Go for your kids.
That should be the only answer.


Not about you or him. It’s about the kids. I would put the bs aside and go for my kids. But that’s me


He isn’t even being a dick. He asked you to go trick or treating so you could be involved with YOUR children. Stop being petty and making it about you and him. You aren’t a thing anymore, it’s not a date. It’s for your kids.


Maybe he wants to go too?
If you wanna go - go. I did it for my kids. Halloween was one of our favorite holidays. Shoot, even his gf came once. I’m over him, my kids love us both? Why not


Suck it the fuck up and go. Those are your kids. Don’t let them suffer because of issues between you and the dad.

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Think you’re way over thinking this lol I’d go it’s good for the kids to see!

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I would go. It’s for the kids. Spend time together with the kids. Moments like that will stay with the kids forever.

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It’s for the kids, not him or you. Plus if you miss it, you’ll wish you hadn’t. I promise. Do it for your kids.


Go and spend all the time with your kids. You don’t have to spend time with him or talk with him if you don’t want to.

Take them you bought the costumes so you should be able to take them

Go for your kids regardless of you and their fathers relationship I am sure they enjoy spending time with you both together. He might have some other intentions behind the invite but the important thing here is your children

Be the bigger person who cares at least you’re with your kids that’s all that matters. Be an adult but your issues aside and show your kids that you can support them and be with them no matter what the circumstances are. And don’t let anyone make you feel any different the happiness your kids Express will be enough for you to forget why you didn’t wanna go anyway. And hey maybe you can take turns going to each house so they know that there is no tension between the adults cause children pick up on that and then start to act out on that also.

Be the bigger person. Your kids will probably love having both parents there and its about them, not you or dad/gf… its not that hard to be cordial for a few hours, if you don’t get along that great.

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Get out your head. Like you said you wanna go for the kids…all those other thoughts are just extra. Who cares who paid for the costumes…Its about the kids. Adulting is hard. Your molding and shaping tiny humans , please lead by example.


It’s good for them to see you together in situations for their well being. I’d go but it’s your choice if you don’t feel comfortable I would understand that as well.

Your kids would love to have you both there. Be civil. Do the right thing…

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Is the reason u dont want to go solely bc of ur ex or because he has a new gf and ur jealous?
U make it sound like it’s about ur ex but there is that one little comment in there about his new gf.
If it were me and my children , I would be… be strong and proud and teach my children to hold ur head up high even in the worst of times!


You mentioned “I” a lot maybe you should think of “them” as the kids.


Go trick or treating the kids will be glad to see their parents as a working team. After all you get the joy of seeing them enjoy the holiday.

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Sound like he just asked if you wanted to go. Simple. Just go and have a good time.

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Just go and enjoy seeing your kids have fun


Be there for your kids. Don’t punish them because of his choices. It actually sounds like you are jealous and that’s why you don’t want to go.

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If you want to go for the kids, then go. Pretend hes not there. You only get so many good years of trick or treating and trust me, they fly by. Take some pics eat some candy and enjoy the extra time.


Put your big smile on and go do Halloween Mama!! You will remind your kids that THEY are the most important thing and try so hard…and trust me I get it…to not read too far into it. Even if his plan is to have you do the actual door to door who the hell cares? If you DON’T go you will be upset and resentful even more because the one magical night of the year was ruined!! Do it for your kids…and dress up a little throw on some makeup and be happy!! They will remember these times believe me…better to present behavior that is beyond reproach in their eyes then to make a thing out of it. Go do Halloween girl!!$

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My honest opinion… you’re not together. You don’t intend on spending every Holiday with the kids on Dad’s time nor do you want to invite him to every holiday “for the kids”
Your children need to become accustomed to the change…Halloween is not a “big family holiday” it would be an easier adjustment to establish expectations during Halloween than Christmas…
Let the kids go with dad… enjoy your evening to yourself. It would be worse to go and feel awkward not knowing what to expect…the kids will be confused about who to please because daddy now has introduced another adult and that might be awkward for the kids… transition gracefully into the change… take time for yourself and take them next year and enjoy the fact you can have them to yourself without feeling obligated to invite an awkward situation into your time with them


go for your kids… thats who this holiday is about… put all the bs aside and focus on them make it the best for them

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There are so many carnivals and festivals that you don’t have to go on Halloween night with your kids. They can go with their dad on 31 you can do it other nights. If you want to go, go, if you don’t, don’t, and don’t let anyone guilt you!!!

Well do this, say you have plans later that night but you can start the trick or treat with them all then if he annoys you just say well I gotta go hugs and bye bye . If it’s fun then hang out and do more . Dont let him use you to not be involved with the kids.

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Do what’s best for your kids!

Our children deserve family time.e with both parents if they can manage to get along. The new GF should have nothing to do with y’all being coparents.

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Don’t worry about his motives… just take the opportunity and go with the kids…they grow out of trick or treating to soon anyways. You’re more likely to regret not being with the kids than just going even if it is his way of copping out.

Make your kids happy, at least he’s trying to coparent here, help him.


Split the time or just suck it up an go for kids. Only 2 hours

Go for the kids and stop overthinking it


Go for the kids, put your feelings aside for a few hours and try to have fun with them

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Is this really a question? Like seriously you were invited to go trick or treating with your kids and you’re considering being petty. Pull your big girl panties on and put whatever childish bull crap away and go trick or treating your kids will thank you for it later


He wouldnt show up before but mama is always going to show up! Go and be there with your kids


Enjoy your children. That he offered, whatever his reason, is a positive thing. I wish I could have done holidays with both of my stepkids’ mothers but the relationship was never mature enough. They chose hating their childrens’ fathers over spending time with their children and to me, who would live to be able to have my own child, no matter how much I can’t stand their dad I would be there if I could. You’re there for them not him. Have fun and an awesome time…maybe the significant other will appreciate you being there also if they dont have children of their own. I know I always appreciated another set of eyes that cared for the kiddos when there were a lot of people around.

If it’s gonna be forced then don’t go. You can only do what’s best for the kids if you’re also doing what’s best for you.
The kids are accustomed to the change by now so i don’t think you have to prove anything to them as long as they always know how much they mean to you

Go for the kids always it’s not about y’all

Go for the kids and be nice to him and his girlfriend. Kids need to see parents getting along. It has a big effect on them. However if you’re unable to be nice and get along simply dont go.

Take you and your ex out of the equation and go! It’s about the kids.

Go for the kids you wont have many halloweens with them and youll wish you had went

Go for the kids.

My ex and I took him trick or treating together since he was 3. We split when he was 4. He’s now 7. We’ve continued to take him together every year.

We spend Christmas morning together as a family too and his birthday also.

We do it because it makes him happy. If you can make nice then do.

If it will be too awkward because he will have his new partner then that’s something only you can decide.

(Neither of us have met anyone else)

Go for the kids… you aren’t going for him, you would be going for your kids… the kids are going to remember who showed up and did things with them