Talk with snow attorney asap!!
He cant do anything honestly. I do really encourage you to do a six month rule though (both of you)! Basically you date for 6 months before introducing your child to the new significant other and have them meet the other parent before meeting the child too. That way you know if it’s a serious relationship and if it’s going somewhere bc there is no need to have people in and out of a child’s life. It’s really damaging honestly. Talk to him and see why he feels that way. He may have valid concerns and talking could help ease those. It could also be a control thing. If that’s the case that’s toxic and childish.
Stop letting men control you. And that’s all this is…a man trying to keep his clutches and maintain power over you even after you’re not together. He’s using your daughter as the method of control. He can’t do anything. If you’re a good mother and provider who has your daughter 95% of time there’s not a damn thing he can do. Do not speak to him on the phone…only through messages and texts so you can screenshot and have copies of everything you need in the event you’d have to go to court. Reality he is… He’s not taking you to court…but still have your evidence together just in case. Live your life. You and your child deserve a beautiful future with a loving spouse.
He doesn’t have the right to stop you as dont u about another woman that he will bring into her life its all part of moving on and forward with ur lives apart getting use to things again. Learning to trust other people and always being careful who u both have around from now on and in the future. Always provide safety for ur daughter when ur dating and that goes from him as well really get to know new potential partners before bringing them home or being around her good luck x
Take his threats to the police.
Because he can still control you girl give me a break!!! Just do it and get over yourself he don’t get to tell you what to do anymore
Tell him to go ahead and try to have the judge put that in the custody terms and watch the judge laugh that fool out the court room.
Well I wouldn’t introduce my kids to a new man for a long time untill I could see it lasting for a reasonable time (over years) but other than that it’s none of his business
Tell him to screw off!!!
None of his business what you do. Although me and my ex have a rule. No introducing potential partners unless we know it’s serious. We don’t want men/women coming in and out of their lives and confusing them.
Don’t let him control you. Document the threat. If it’s continual get a restraining order. Revise parenting time to supervised since he’s made open ended threats & you feel your daughter is in danger. Make sure you request the court that he pay a 3rd party to supervise. Your family is concerned for their safety if they supervise.
He can’t control you but I can understand his concern. Having a constant stream of guys in and out of a child’s life can be detrimental and how do you know you can trust a guy after say two or three months to have them in your home with your child?. I think he is just concerned for his daughters safety. I know I wouldn’t want a parade of women from his end in and out of our children’s lives.
You can do as you please! He cant have say in that!
Dated conservatively off and on. Was single mom for 9 years before I remarried. 2 men interacted with my children- one I dated a year and one I married. I only let those with staying power to meet kids, maybe after 3 months. This was my choice, and it was a good one. Be mindful though, if he is threatening a mediator or lawyer is a good investment. My ex never cared enough about his kids to care, it was me. The woman he left me for did not spend time with my kids either until the became open about living together. By then he didn’t want visitation with or without her.
I kind of agree with him… You shouldn’t be bringing men around your child, unless you are serious. And no sleep overs unless your married.
Tell him to fk off, he doesn’t get to dictate that.
I do agree that you should be extremely careful with new people around your child, probably not bring anyone around 'til it’s a bit more serious and even then, don’t leave them alone with her 'til you can really, really trust them… But he needs to get over himself. He can’t dictate your life.
Just be safe about it, for your daughter’s sake, but as for him, tell him he has no place to tell you how to live your life, and he can’t make you keep partners away from her.
Well couldnt u say the same for him no girlfriend around our daughter
Maybe he should get to know him first . Let the guys get to know each other before introducing your daughter to him.
That is controlling, it is another form of abuse. Record your conversations and give them to the police to get an RVO
He’s an IDIOT - do what you want
Dont have. random guys date get a sitter .dont introduce him to kid until. your sure hes going to be part of your life.
He has valid concerns. There are too many stories of mom’s boyfriend abusing and killing kids. I could see my husband being the same way. Of course, I also don’t know what kind of potential psycho your ex may or may not be so…
Stupid typical useless man…
you can go on dates for sure! But wait a while before your daughter meets them hun 6 months sounds fair enough to me he doesn’t have the right to tell you who you can date but I can understand if he doesn’t want someone to come around and then just leave right away hang in there girl if she is only a year give it a bit before you even start looking for a guy the right one will come along and be there forever
You can do whatever the hell you want. He keeps threatening you and you go get an OP.
Blow his ass off. That is out of his control. Just like you can’t control women he has around your daughter. It works both ways.
He has zero say.
As an adult personally I do not bring people around like that but if your going to have a visitor or date then avoid the contact. The child is 1 give it sometime. But honestly he really cannot tell you that you cannot have a social life its pretty clear he has some control issues. If he wants to intervene then it will only get himself in a spot he dont wanna be in. Just be cautious and know that everyone needs love and affection but be cautious.
Get a protective order in place
I bet he moves on and brings a girl around before u then u can hold that over his head just as well. I’m not sure any advice but he sounds like a loser
How about not dating AT ALL for just a little while and focus on being a mom. Why do so many women NEED a man? Get a grip, ladies.
That would be the day my ex ever told me how to run my life. He sounds like a very controlling person. That’s perhaps why she left him to begin with. When it’s over it’s over. Move on and don’t let him dictate your life anymore. Period.
I’m going to play devil’s advocate here you can agree with me or not it’s totally up to you. With everything going on in the world I highly recommend not having strange people around your one year old daughter supervised or unsupervised especially males. It sounds like your ex is not completely over you and is using your daughter as a way to keep you from moving on on the other hand you are the one that broke up with him now I don’t know the details of it but you are the one that broke up with him so it is only natural for him not to want other guys around his daughter. it is natural for him to be worried about his daughter’s safety and what kind of impression having Tom Dick and Harry around or a revolving door of men in and out of her life. I would encourage you that if these men are not serious in any capacity and you don’t plan to live or plan of Life long-term with them that they not be introduced to your daughter in any capacity. I would say wait about a year into dating to introduce your daughter to sad man. find out if they have criminal records what they have criminal records for if they have anger issues if there pedophiles if they Abused Women if they abused children if they abuse drugs pills and alcohol how they treat you how they treat the women in their family if they mind to the fact that you have a child or not if they are jealous of the baby and the time you dedicate to the baby you know actually get to know the person before you introduce them to your daughter because like I said you never know in this crazy world. Yes you have your baby 95% of the time you are mom and you left the relationship mom gets the s*** end of the stick in these kind of situations that’s just how it is. You decided to have your baby with this man who apparently can only help you 5% of the time with his daughter so I would suggest going and dating when you don’t have your daughter. Otherwise he can take you to court and make it legal that significant others can be around yours and his daughter.
My ex and I always had a 6 month rule with our kids. Until he got with the girl he’s with now and waited a whopping 2 weeks if that because I’d met the girl before when were together (whooole other story ) personally if I meet someone I plan on waiting longer than that just bc I choose to. But you do what you feel is right for you and your little one.
Within reason he’s right. Wait a while til you introduce new man to kiddo. You don’t want her meeting strangers all the time if it doesn’t work out and you can never be sure who a person is until you know them a while
My SO and I agreed to this if we ever weren’t together. Realistically he shouldn’t have to be the one to tell you that in such a controlling way. The fact that you said “how am I supposed to move on?” In response is probably why he is saying so in the first place…the answer is you get a sitter or arrange dates when he has her the 5 percent of the time. You guys just separated and you have a 1 year old. The focus shouldn’t be on brining a new man around.
I’m sorry but is this honestly a question? Just because you have a daughter with someone doesn’t mean they get to control your life. Take him to court. Establish visitation and child support if you haven’t already. Present proof of this controlling behavior to the judge. Discuss the fact that you intend on moving on when you find the right person and eventually he will meet your daughter and become part of her life. That’s how things work, you aren’t doomed to be lonely forever because he decided that for you? If you feel he’s threatening you or your daughter than go to the police, present the threats to them and make a report.
Keep guys away from your kiddo for awhile. Especially when they’re little. Your ex shouldn’t be dictating who you can and can’t see based on the amount of time you spend with your child. I’d tell him you’re an adult, you can make good decisions for you child and if he threatens his 5% of “time” he spends with the kid will be significantly cut back.
I wouldnt bring a man around right away i made mine wait 9 months before meeting my kids. But my ex said the same thing now he’s thanking my current SO for being the dad he never was because my exs drugs were more important than the kids… ijs don’t let him threaten you with your happiness over all you have your daughter more and are going to be able to make better decisions than he is, just remember theres a reason YOU left HIM
You can’t let him control your life. You are going to move on and eventually another man will be around her and that’s something he will have to accept. However I wouldn’t bring another guy around her until you for sure know it’s someone you will end up being with/stay with. He has no right to dictate who you can or can not be in a relationship with, especially if you are the custodial parent. I’ve heard plenty of guys say this and I’ve seen all of those women end up in relationships in the future while having the child involved. It’s a part of life. Don’t let him walk all over you and if he’s threatening you then you are the one who needs to do something about that. Go to court for custody/visitation and have everything on paper. Get the police involved if he threatens you and have an OP put in place. Do what you need to do for yourself while thinking of your child’s best interest. Don’t let him get in the way of that.
Once you have found someone you know will stick around then they meet you’re child and become part of your family life the dad has no right to say otherwise seems he’s worried someone will replace him so aslong as he is reassured he will still be her dad no matter what… maybe he feels hes not a good dad so your daughter will like another man more etc or he isnt over you and thinks this threat will stop you dating and eventually get back together! is he also planning to meet someone and never let them see your daughter or just another man can’t
Straight off the bat, it’s not his business and he has NO say at all. Period. If he makes one single threat even in the slightest way? Document and report it immediately. Even if you think there is no way he would ever hurt you or your daughter. Don’t ever risk it for a second. Ever. I know of three THREE women in my town who were killed by a husband or boyfriend. That being said, children are 40x more likely to suffer abuse when a non parent lives in the house. Just something to keep in mind. Not that it means you should never be in a relationship again, but always keep that in mind and be vigilant. This is YOUR life. You are going to make decisions for yourself and your daughter now and sometimes that will include your ex, but sometimes it will not, your relationships, sex life, ect does not include him or his input.
My ex threatened the same thing. He brought chicks around constantly tho! I only started bringing people around who were in my life more than 6 months only because I didn’t want her forming attachments to people who might not be in her life forever. I also waited a year after we split to even consider dating so I could heal from all the trauma from our relationship
He has no right to say what you can and cannot do. Now with that said, your daughter is young so you need to be careful of who you bring around her. I would absolutely make sure you get a formal custody agreement to protect yourself.
I don’t agree with having every guy you meet/date around your kids as it can cause confusion and attachment issues for her… but legally he has no say
First off you need to go to court and get full custody. Any man that threatens you will threaten your daughter. Secondly you have every right to move on. You have every right to date. And when the time is right they will meet your daughter. And hopefully he will be good for her too!
Don’t introduce her to any man that you don’t think has potential to stick around. It would be confusing for her. Thats more so my guess as to what his concern is. Aside from obviously being jealous that you’re trying to move on.
Until you are sure it is a long term relationship kids shouldn’t be introduced to partners. It isnt safe. While he doesn’t get to control your life this does effect his child and statics show moms new partner are the most danger to small children.
No parent can control who the child is around while in the other parent’s care. Unless you can prove the person is “bad.” Basically a person who would put the child in danger.
He cannot control you. You will eventually move on and your child will be around the person. You can let him know before hand as a courtesy that your new partner will be around your child but he cannot prevent it.
As far as how long to wait… I always said 6 months. I wouldn’t bring anyone around my son until 6 months into the relationship. As a single mom who had my kid 99% of the time that was hard. Those relationships didn’t last. The one that did was the one that I introduced my son after a month and a half. Lol.
My long winded point is no one can tell you what to do just do what you feel is best. You may be wrong on occasion but we are only human.
My ex left me for another woman. I didn’t want my kids around her bc I didn’t want my daughters to think it was ok to have another woman around my kids when their father was still married to me. I asked the police about it, they said the only way the other can keep adults from their children is of it is a safety issue. Move on! I have, and God is good!
Um. He’s a narcissistic controlling beast.! Obviously, he doesn’t want you moving on by saying no guy around your daughter. You shouldn’t allow him to control you. That’s a common controlling tactic to keep you from being with any one else. You have her majority of the time, what gives him the right to have a say so. 95% of the time.? That questions his parental responsibility, he should be more concerned about spending adequate time with her instead of worrying about who you choose to spend time with. Go on with your life. Find that guy and be happy. Your life do s not belong to him. Don’t allow him to tap into your mind and try to rewire your brain. Take control of your life.
He really can’t tell you that. I wouldn’t bring anyone around your child for more than a quick minute until you comfortable and in an established relationship. It’s not fair to tell you (the one that has the baby most of the time what you can or cannot do. As long as it’s legal and safe and he not have this restriction. Do only what you’d ask him to do and choose carefully who is around the baby.
You can move on but I wouldn’t allow just any guy in your child’s life. There is a lot of weirdos out there now days. When you feel he is the new special one then have your daughter meet him. He just doesn’t want another man to be called “Daddy” I went through it with my ex and it does change after awhile. Same for you then you mention to him no other women in your daughter’s life either.
You need to remove the ‘he won’t let me’ perception. You don’t need his permission.
If you’re scared, let the police know
I do know that in divorce proceedings, you can stipulate that no one is allowed to spend the night if their are children involved and that goes for both parents. As for just a boyfriend/girlfriend situation. I think he would need a court order stating no guys allowed to “spend the night” at your house. As far as having a friend over for the he can’t stop you or you him. Same rules apply to him as well. All has to be court ordered. So yes, you can have other guys around but to many could be confusing to the child if you do.
I took my daughters father to court over having other women around our daughter and the judge sided with me . He had Like 10 different gfs in a few months and he wanted to bring them around her … but he had legal issues so he had supervised visitation and only saw her 3 hrs every Monday
Go to court and file for custody or majority time sharing and there is literally nothing he can do to you. Unless you have some kinda way he could blackmail you or something
Honestly, legally he can’t control that unless it’s in the custody agreement. Document everything, if you’re dating, just keep them away from your kid unless you’re ready to make a serious commitment to them and then introduce them and see how things go from there. If he continues harassing you, you can call the cops.
My daughters father & I have an agreement that if we ever split up, neither of us will bring another into her life. She will not have a step parent (or anything of the sort) in her life. My daughter is 7. Personally, I don’t have a problem sacrificing a relationship for her. She is my top concern and #1 priority. I’ve seen far too many news stories of children being abused by “moms boyfriend”. I’m not saying all step parents are bad, I know there are some AMAZING step parents out there that have stepped up for children that aren’t theirs. And I’m so happy for them. But it’s not a chance I’m willing to take for my daughter.
That’s not to say I wouldn’t date if I wanted to. But there’s no need to bring them into my kid’s life.
Unless it is in a court document he has no say so. If he threatens you over and over and over that’s harassment. And yes I have seen where the ex will have that in the custody agreement. No bf/gf around the kids. That’s just to much.
I would say “I don’t plan on bringing men around our child unless we’ve been together a long while, but that’s because it’s what’s best for her, not because you think you can dictate to me. I expect the same from you, that your not bringing random ladies around her, not because it’s some crazy order I’m giving you but because YOU know that’s best for her.”
Well I would hope she isn’t meeting every new guy your talking to. She should meet only the one who will be staying around after you got to know them. ALSO same goes for him too. He Sees her so little that it shouldn’t be a problem for him though right lol. He has no control over who your around and what you do anyways.
He can’t keep you from dating or anything. The only thing he can do is try to get it in court papers that its not allowed. Even then the only reason a judge would agree with him is if you are seeing someone that’s not good news…
Nothing will happen. That “see what happens” is a scare tactic and a narcissistic way of stopping you from moving on. Move on any way, he does not get to dictate your life.
You are free to do what you want he cannot dictate that but I would be selective n only introduce her to someone you want a relationship with. Be careful ppl are scary…
My ex used to say the same thing. He didn’t need to worry, I would never have just brought a casual date around my kids. But when I got into a committed relationship, my kids were introduced whether he liked it or not.
I would definitely make sure the relationship is serious first . But if you have her 95% of the time your right it does make it hard. I don’t agree with men coming in and out of a child’s life but you are the mother and I would imagine you would use your best judgment about the men around your children. He can’t control you like that tho! Sounds to me he just wants to control you and make sure you aren’t happy.
My sons dad did that he needs to understand that it will happen just like when he moves on he’ll have other women around but the whole point it to do what is best for the child if the other parents feels something off about that person listen and watch but do not let them control you it is your life not his as long as the child is safe and not being harmed in anyway it shouldnt matter
You need to file for custody and have all these types of details written in stone for both of yall to follow. My bff went through this same exact situation. She made sure to have it on paper how long before introducing kids to bf/gf once you are in a commited relationship with someone. Im not talking about dating. Im talking about a fully committed relationship. Plus it sets the rules for him also.
You have every right to move on and date another man. If he continues the threats call the police he has no right to make you feel unsafe or to take away your freedom.
Stop letting him control you. You left him, correct? Move on and meet someone and go from there. I wouldn’t bring every date I went on home to meet my kids but once i felt like this one could be it i would surely include my children. Best of luck with your future and please live the life you want. You have moved on😃 be happy. Again best wishes and stand strong
I agree that it’s not ok to let him control your life, but is there anyway that maybe he just wants to make sure your daughter is safe? Predators are known to prey upon single mothers with small children so they can take advantage of the mother’s trust and molest the children. Not saying it happens all the time, but definitely happens enough that it is something you should take into account. If I were in your situation, I would wait til my daughter is old enough to tell me if someone does something that makes her feel uncomfortable. Babies can’t talk so they are the most vulnerable. That’s just my opinion though.
Empty threats.
Personally, I wouldn’t bring a guy around until I was sure he was the one I wanted to introduce to my kiddo.
But when he says “see what happens?” That’s an empty threat. What’s he going to do? Take her away from you? You have her 95% of the time as it is. He can’t handle raising a baby… relax and call his bluff. Just ask, “what exactly WILL happen next?” It will drop dead in the water then.
1st get a parenting order. 2nd no one can tell you how to live your life or who to have in it. 3rd document everything.
1st if all he has NO say. 2nd Unless it’s serious I wouldn’t take them around your child. I introduced my (now husband) to my kids after about 6 months, but we knew we were getting married at that point, and have been together for 14 yrs and married 11.
Your life shouldn’t stop bc your child but your child should never be put on the back burner. So you haven’t been together for months and have a 1 year old? Whats the rush 1st off. When i was divorced my son was 10 months. I was single 4 years. I know that is a long time, but i focused on being a mother and working hard to get back on my feet. He can’t stop you from moving on, but you shouldn’t introduce your child to someone right off. Give it time and make sure it will last then slowly introduce them.
So advice
He can’t threaten you about moving on
Focus on you and child 1st
When stable and meet a great guy give it time to be sure. Your kid doesn’t need to meet everyone you fall in love with for 3 months.
Make sure the man isn’t just good enough for you but good enough for your child. Thats why i waited.
I have three kids 18, 9 and 7 and in the middle of a divorce. I’ve been seeing a man for 8 months and he still hasn’t met my children. We’re waiting until the divorce is final and we both know he’ll be around long term. We also only spend time together when my kids are with their dad and have from the beginning.
This is called control. I’m sure he isn’t concerned about having other women around your kids, which just shows how controlling this behavior is.
With that being said, you also should be careful who you bring around your kid. There are so many dirty people out there but if you find someone who respects you and is good for you, go for it. You deserve to be happy too, mama. He’ll get laughed out of court for being insecure, so f**k him. But again, just be careful with who you bring around. I’d wait until you’re 100% serious with someone first.
So he really has no say as to who you bring around your daughter, but you also have no say in it. Even when there is a custody agreement in place unless either pf you are putting the child in danger neither of you can object to who she is brought around. And honestly the worst thing you can do is start bringing random men around your daughter. Babysitter or go on dates when the father has her. Any man thats really interested will understand that you can’t just pick up an go out anytime he calls. Ive been there, my ex and I broke up when my daughter was 1. Its best if you just concentrate on yourself and her. If you’re wanting some D get it when she is with her dad.
Personally, I don’t think there should be a bunch of men (not saying this is what you would do) around kids in new relationships. But, he can’t really tell you not to have anyone around your daughter ever. Maybe if it was like a serious relationship he would feel differently.
He has no authority to say what u do in YOUR house. My ex-husband tried to pull that and it wasn’t too hard to shut it down once he realized that he has no legal standing to make such a demand. That u r even considering what he says tells me he knows u really well and knew u would take him seriously. I would just let him know that u have u baby’s safety in mind as much as he does and will be diligent about vetting any potential future partners. He’s just gonna have to trust u. Starting to see why u left him lol.
Nothing wrong with having another guy around your child unless its a safety issue, its impossible to not to when you have her majority of the time. He’s still trying to control you so don’t worry about it, the cops and judge will laugh at him and tell him to get over it. The only thing I was worried about with my daughter was who was caring for her when my ex had her because he didn’t want to because she is a special needs kid. Even when I moved she is an inconvenience to him
Wow… it’s not up to him atall. I’m sure he will do what he wants when he has your child so it’s not his right to tell you what to do. As long as your child isn’t in harm’s way then you can do what you want. That’s his way of trying to control your life. Of course you shouldn’t wanna introduce another male as anything other then just mommy’s friend right away but if your legit having the rest of your life vibes with someone and you want it to last a while then you have the right to introduce your child to them. You dont wanna get too far into a relationship and then come to find out him and your child dont get along or something stupid like that. If your a good mom then I wouldn’t worry about what he says. Maybe you should go to court. Sometimes it’s a Messy process but your lawyer will help you with what to do! Good luck!
If he is telling you this in text messages keep them. Show a police officer a lawyer somebody these messages. So when you move on and you have a man around your daughter you are backed up when he try something and then you can legally and more easily put a restraining order against him. Hell if nothing else a lawyer can advise you on what to do so you can move on and hopefully find a healthy relationship with someone who loves you and your daughter. And you also have to think about why he would be making demands like that period is this something that happened in his past or someone he knows pass that makes him fear for his daughter around other men that would make him react the way he says he will
He doesn’t have the right to tell you that you can’t do that unless it’s in the parenting plan. I personally wouldn’t be bringing guys around my children that I’m dating becuase it can confuse them and children are so loving they get attached easy, unless you have been dating someone for a very long time and you know 100% that thus guy is going to the one it’s not a good idea.
My fiance ex did that to him when we first met. He came to an agreement that if he stayed with me for at least 6 months than his daughter would than get to be around me. We have been together 9yrs now with 2 kids of our own. I do think that guys shouldn’t be coming and going in your child’s life. Try not to introduce unless you think it’s a serious relationship
My ex done the exact same thing, even took me to welfare stating he don’t want my babies dad around his kids, welfare told him there’s nothing he can do about it, asking as the kids are safe taken care of ECT
Don’t have any guys around you’re kids until you know it’s going somewhere. And given our world rn I’d be very cautious
I dealt with that before I see both sides me and my ex have not been together in 3 years first couple of years was hard to actually move on cuz anytime I found someone my ex would run them off with putting me in a lot of drama or acting like he owed me, now I’m a have full custody he never threatened me but a few times he would get mad and tell me things like I cant have guys around our daughter. I simply told him I am her mom I will never put her in harm’s away and you know this and since he left me I had a little bit of advanced in the arguement but I would tell your ex he cant control u anymore and if he doesn’t want his kid around other guys to take care of his child more so u can go out and have mommy time with friends or guys cuz ur kid wont be happy if your not happy and you can tell him that as well mommy needs to be happy for baby to be happy and since u and him are no longer together he needs to let u go
My oldest was 5 when I met my husband. His son was 9 months old. Single mom, worked full time and went to school full time so I didnt have time to date. I did go on one date when my daughter was 2. He was a coworker and we are still friends because we did go to school together. My husband and I have been together for 17 years and married for 14. I agree with the ones saying dont have men in and out of her life. Also ignore his threats. He no longer has any say in your life.
If he has her only 5% of the time he really has no say so. He cannot dictate what you do. Go to court for arrangements for your daughter
You have full custody. All he can do is take you to court and establish his father’s rights. But you should do background checks on the men you bring around your kids and he should be doing the same.for female’s. Unless the guy has some type of extreme record there isn’t much he can do about who you bring around your kid.
New men shouldn’t be around her anyway, until you feel it could be a long term commitment, then introduce them. Kid’s get confused if you introduce them to everyone you date, especially if it doesn’t work out.
He really doesn’t have a say. Tell him to try it. If you move on that person is going to be part of your daughter’s life anyway if you are serious about each other.
Frankly it is not his business. Just like it is not yours if he moves on and has a woman around her.
It is an extremely immature and manipulative mindset he has. It is another way for him to try to control you and it is on you to tell him where he can shove it.
My ex husband and I had that same condition added to our legal separation papers because I didn’t want his current gf around my girls. It didn’t really matter in the end because he hasn’t seen my girls since they were 6 months(now 22) and 3 years old(now 25).
He legally can’t do anything about it. My lawyer always told me he could have whoever he wanted around the child and vice versa. Dhs also said the same thing.
My ex was bringing his girl around my kids before we were even separated. Before I even knew about her.
Your ex has no right to tell you what to do. As long as you and your daughter have a good relationship and she’s comfortable with it, is all that matters.
Sounds like he is using your daughter as a pawn to get what he wants. If you have a custody agreement see what is written in there otherwise you have every right to have men around your daughter. a mother can tell if someone is not right and shouldn’t be around you Child if that is what he is worried about. If you can, check with a lawyer and your custody agreement if you have one. Good luck.
He has no control over what you do…that’s why he is an ex !! You carry on with your life the way you see fit don’t let him control you now !! Same as he will do what he wants too … enjoy your life