My ex wants to sign over rights for our child: Should I do it?

What??? What would you agree to this but still allow him in the child’s life??? It makes no sense to me.


Sounds like he is just trying to get out of paying child support if I am reading this right… he will still be in his life and see him all the time? That doesn’t sound like giving up his rights, just his responsibility. Can you afford to raise your child without his financial input? How involved in his life are you willing to let him be after he signs his rights away? From the sounds of it, he wants to be there for the fun times, without any legal or financial responsibilities. That doesn’t seem fair to you or your child. 100% custody I could see, that way he would help financially without disrupting the childs life all the time, but the rest seems to his benefit alone…


I would go ahead @ do it. And he’s. Not a man, he’s an asshole, Eny man that would give up his kid, is No. Good

Nope. If he signs over his rights, he has no rights to see that child ever. He’s only doing it so he doesn’t have to pay child support.

Let him sign them over and then cease contact. If he cant help pay for the child he made, he doesn’t deserve to be in his life at all.


They will not let him sign over his rights unless you are with someone who is willing to adopt ur baby. You will get full custody if you are not together but he will have visitation but they will not just let a man sign off his rights if it was that easy every man would do it to get out paying child support.


He’ll still have to pay child support if you get full custody and enforce it. Ive always thought it was better to settle out of court, if you can and hes willing to do what hes supposed to do without being forced by the court. But it sounds like he only wants to sign over full custody so he wont have to pay child suppprt, which is false but let him think that if he wants to. If you can talk him into settling out of court that would be the best move…but if he wants to be a jerk and fight you id say fight it girl and itll suck but be strong and get what YOU need for you and your baby.

Do it… Only heartless people take this route… you don’t need anything from him. Already giving up before he gets to see the beauty…

Honestly, if my kids dad said that to me, I would take MY cake and eat it to by letting him sign over his rights and then not letting him have any say so what so ever from then on out. My son, my responsibility, you can see him when it’s convenient for me. That’s not a dad, that’s a friend. Kids don’t need adult friends. They need their parents.


No! Then he won’t have to pay you child support. Ever. He’s trying to trick you it sounds.

Sounds like he wants to sign his rights over so he doesnt have to pay child support. Custody can be arranged with out sihning his rights over. Also, why else would he want to do that if he is going to be in the childs life? Thats just saying he does not want the responsibility and but he still wants to see the child. Thats a bunch of crap he is trying to pull on you. He doesnt want to be tied down!!! That is all there is too it

DO NOT DO THAT. YOULL NEVER BE ABLE TO GET ANY CHILD SUPPORT!!! and since he still wants to be in his sons life it looks like that’s the reason…

you won’t have to deal with him but you probably won’t get child suppor either not good idea

If he signs over custody that means you get nothing. No child support anything. Help with diapers or anything your child needs but he still wants to see his son. No.

Wow!! If he doesn’t want it he doesn’t want it. If I want it then keep it!!! Screw him! I’m raising all mine alone… it tough but totally worth it!

If my child’s father wanted to sign over his rights, he wouldn’t be in my child’s life.


Been there done that. Dont do it. If he wants to be in the child’s life he keeps his rights and signs to let you have sole custody. My daughters father pulled this and is still trying to claim her even though he hasn’t seen her in almost 3 years. If he wants to be in the child’s life he needs to be responsible for the child if not then he needs to get lost and let you be the best mother/father to that child. He wants the role without the responsibility


Hell no! Once he signs over those rights he is no longer a father and doesn’t have any right to that child at all. Most states will only let a father sign rights over if there is another man willing to adopt (which is stupid to me) so he may not be able to do that. But I wouldn’t let him give up the responsibility of the child, he helped you make it

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You should look into your state laws just because they sign over their rights doesn’t disqualify them from child support a lot of men are under that assumption. If you need the support don’t let him sign his rights away willingly yes you can fight it but if you can raise the child on your own then by all means do you but fact is he made this baby he should be taking care of it as well


If he signs over his rights, he doesnt have to pay child support but if he is willing to do that and not care then he also doesnt deserve the right to be in his childs life. Signing rights isnt a game just to be a dad when you feel like it with no responsibilities


So he wants to still have the relationship but not the responsibility? Either he’s in or he’s out. I wouldn’t want a half ass father in my kids life. I think fathers are important but I think this stunt says a lot about his character and what to expect in the future. That kind of inconsistency and disregard for the wellbeing of you and your son could cause more damage than him not being around.

In Ohio custody and child support are different courts but signing over rights makes it so he don’t have to pay child support I would go to court for custody if you think he’s going to cause isuses if you have evidence of him saying he’s willing to sign over rights take it with you you can get full custody and child support but why should he not have any responsibility for the child that you both made at least get financial being there when he wants to be it’s not enough cause you will be there for the days you don’t want to be

Signing away your rights DOESN’T get you out of child support. He will still be financially responsible for the child. They only way to no longer owe child support is if another man adopts the child taking over that responsibility. The courts would still make this father pay.


All it is he dont want to pay child support go for it god gave him a gift he help make and now ge dont want to see it come into this world tell him to go fall off a cliff thats what you call a dead beat dad dont let him in that babys life

My ex signed his rights over and still was responsible for child support. Go through the courts regardless.

In the state of missouri full custody and child support are separate. Also in my state a parent can not sign over their rights unless another person is willing to adopt them like your husband or wife. Signing over your rights and full custody is two different things in my state. I have a friend who has full custody of her daughter but still receives child support.

So you’re going to have his baby and release him of all financial responsibilities, healthcare coverage, education expenses, ect…but still allow him to come and go freely in & out of this child’s life??? Who is the only one that benefits from this? Bio dad. Who will suffer the most in all this instability? The child. Who will have to pull all the weight for 18 yrs? You. Sound fair to you?


Signing over his rights is actually a double edged sword, on one side it’s he doesn’t pay child support, on the other side, he can’t claim him on his taxes. If he said he wants to be there for him and be in his life than it would be stupid to sign over his rights, you can however, petition the court and state you don’t want child support and leave it up to the judge. If he can say yes he will help financially than the judge may not order child support on the word of him, and in which case if he doesn’t hold up, back to court to ha e the judge order child support. My custody and child support order stars I don’t have to ask him permission for anything, I’m the sole provider of my kids, but he is ordered to pay child support(which he doesn’t) and have visitation at my discretion. Mine worked out good. But than again mines from Texas

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The court won’t let u unless there is someone to adopt him . Also ur better off to just not have him sign the birth certificate but if u ever apply for state assistance u have to name the father or they won’t give u benefits

He probably just doesn’t want to pay child support. My baby daddy tried to do the same thing. Don’t do it.

He either sees his kid and helps pay for his kid. Or he signs over fights and doesn’t see his kid. Not that difficult. He’s just trying to get our of paying while reaping the benefits. And you deserve that treatment, why? Nah. Be smarter than that, girl.


I have full custody, he has no rights but still has to pay.

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Let him do it! Gives you full parental control.

Sounds like he is looking to get out of paying child support.


Why would you just let him come and go as he pleases? That will do so much damage to the child if hes not consistent always.

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He just wants to get out paying child support dead. beat dad


I would tell him if he signs his rights over, he also signs over his rights to have ANYTHING to do with your baby. Your baby doesn’t need a father of convenience. That’s detrimental to a child growing up, them coming and going whenever they please. Also, not sure where you live but most states, in order to sign rights over, there has to be someone/spouse around who wants to adopt the child or it can’t be done. Go to court for child support and when you find the man of your dreams, let him adopt him and the ahole sign his rights over then. You did NOT make that baby by yourself.


Are you sure check your state and ask a lawyer about child support

If he is just signing over custody he is still responsible for supporting the baby. If he signs over his rights then he is no longer responsible for support. If he wants to be apart of the babies life do no allow him to sign over his rights. Mainly because that is a bs move. You can’t sign over your rights but still expect to be apart of that kids life. Some men are just plain ridiculous.


Considering that most women don’t purposely become single mothers and it’s because of sudden absence of the father by his choice, I don’t think signing over rights would matter.

He will still have to pay child support. 100% custody for you means you make all the decision concerning your child. He will have no say in anything. For goodness sake, make him pay for support

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In some places he’s still responsible for child support, he just can’t fight you for custody. I would definitely research the laws in your area

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I have full custody of my children. He didn’t sign his rights over, I’m just the primary caregiver for my kids. He was ordered to pay child support BUT is almost $70,000 behind and hasn’t seen the kids in 5-6 years. Having said that, here’s my advice. Think long and hard about what role he will play in this baby’s life. Will he be consistent? Will he play an active role emotionally, mentally and physically? What does that active role look like? If it is going to be a positive influence on your child, allow him that time with him. If it isn’t, cut ties. If you aren’t married, he doesn’t have to go in the birth certificate and your baby doesn’t have to have his last name. You can take him to court for child support if you’d like, but he would have to take you to court for visitation rights. They are two separate cases. If he probably isn’t going to pay his child support, it’s my advice to figure out how to support your baby on your own. The hassle of dealing with nonpayment is far harsher than financially and physically raising a baby on your own. Laura Higgins witnessed some of what I went through…she can back me up here. You have to decide if your baby is going to be better off with that man or without him and then build a life for your child around that decision. Since you aren’t married, he already has no rights. You decide whether he gets them or not…and he decides whether to go after those rights or not if you don’t allow him to be involved.

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Instead of doing that just don’t put him on the birth certificate… So in case he decides to dip out later you can take him for paternity and child support. Sounds to me he just doesn’t want to be responsible. Some states though will still make a father pay even if he signs his rights away. It’s rare but rights and responsibilities are two different things. Once he signs the birth certificate it’ll be extremely hard for him to convince a judge to terminate his rights even if your both in agreeance.

Child support isn’t everything omg. Lwt him sign them over and tou wont have to worry about problems in the furure

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Full cistody vs. Signing over his rights are 2 seperate things. Every state is diffrent speak to an attorney in your area.

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If you meet another man, he would be able to legally adopt the child. Personally, I would do it

Not a popular opinion, but I see his signing over rights as a gift. Legally, he could make your lives miserable and visitation would be forced, but giving you full legal custody means you hold all the cards. You can trust on your income, and anything financial he offers would be a bonus and out of love for his child and respect for you instead of a bill to pay he resents. Or he cuts ties and you never see him and your kid is surrounded by family and people who love him. Win, win.


he can sign over his rights and not see his kid. or he can suppor his kid. i mean. he just doesn’t want to be financially responsible

have him give you full custody, but do NOT have him sign his rights over. reasons are what the above people said :point_up:… it will cause your son more problems than it would do good if he signed away all his rights.

If you do no child support

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Go ahead and do this. Call a lawyer to get child support.

Do it it saves heartache later

There is a different between signing over custody and signing over parental rights. If he signs over full custody to you than that means the baby would be under your full primary care. But also meaning that the father still has the financial responsibility.
If you can talk with an attorney about the differences between having full custody and having full parental rights.

You better check your states laws. A lot of states will not let someone voluntarily sign there rights away without a second adult to replace them.

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Dont do it …he

wont be responsible for child support or medical that your child deserves…

Yes do it! I wish mine would. If they will be better off without him then yes do it.

Do it! Then if something happens and it goes bad, and ends up not being the right place for your child then u don’t have to fight for it…

Not in all states does he get out of paying child support

Absolutely let him go! If that’s how he feels then it’s better than all the trouble he may cause.

If any man ever flat out asked me if he could sign over rights, I’d say yes. It just means that they more than likely don’t plan on being around forever.


He may think that by doing this he won’t be required to pay child support. If this is why he wants I’d let him. Only because a legal struggle later is a hideous thing. Then as long as he’s a healthy safe individual you can have him in your child’s life

If he don’t want your child then do it.
18 years of dealing with a fool ain’t worth child support, drama, or inconsistency for your child.
Wash your hands of it

I may be wrong for your area but the only way he can get out of child support is if he signs over his rights for another man to adopt his child. That way he is legally not the childs father. You can get full custody but he is still responsible for Child support unless the adoption happens. He cant fully sign over his rights unless there is someone else willing to take his place and fully adopt. Thats Florida anyway

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Look into your state laws regarding this, Also, GET A LAWYER. Don’t take anyone’s advice on here. This is a major decision that should not be swayed by people who don’t know the laws in your state and know very little about what would actually be best regarding your situation.

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If y’all aren’t married you already have full custody. Just dont put him on the birth certificate.


Do it but also file for child support… One tingh doesnt have to do with then other.

If you’re not married, he has to establish paternity and proceed through the courts for visitation so you would never be forced to hand over your child from the start. Only after he establishes paternity and then petitions the judge will he have a remote chance to get visitation. Also, signing the birth certificate is not admissible in court as established paternity. No point in him signing over his rights when he legally doesn’t have any.

That would be giving him access to your child for what ever reason obhis but he wouldn’t he financially responsible. Most deadbeats dream come true. How abouvlet him sign his rights over and he can kick rocks or if he wants to be part of his childs life, he can help financially, too. That would be so fucking dumb to give him his cake and he can eat it too. No rights, no contact.

Depending on your state, he actually can’t just do that. The state wants to ensure 2 financially responsible parties, so they often require a person to adopt in place of the father, and there usually has to be a good reason or the courts may not approve.

Giving up custody and terminating rights are 2 different things. Custody has to do with whom he lives with and who makes decisions for him and he still has to pay child support. Terminating of rights means he has no legal rights to visitation or to make medical or other decisions for the child and in some cases they are still required to pay support.


I would let him sign his rights over. But, he needs to stay out of his life. He can’t have his cake and eat it too.


No if he give up right he does not have to support the baby n for him to b in the baby life afterward hell no


Yup. Let him sign his rights away.

He is legally responsible financially.I would not let him sign off

Do it. For all of the reasons

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I think the best person to ask would be a lawyer. They will know the laws in your state and what him signing over his rights means in terms of visitation and support. I personally know of fathers that initially said they wanted to sign their rights away but changed their minds once the baby was born.

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Yep get a professional opinion each state country territory has different laws anyway good luck :grin::grin::grin:

Depending on the state, he’s still going to pay child support. If he terminates rights, he will only live to pay child support.

If he relinquishes custody, he will still pay CS. So if this is a CS issue, it shouldn’t be.

Absolutely not- sounds like he wants to be involved w/o having to pay, and he will also have the right to skip out after a relationship is formed. See a lawyer- you owe it your kid. You deserve financial help and he should be involved


In Kansas he wouldn’t be allowed to sign over his rights if he is just trying to get out of child support.

In most states it is not that simple. He cannot simply sign away his rights, unless you’re married to someone else who wants to adopt your baby.

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You can have full custody and he’s still required to pay full support…

DO IT!!! Look up the Facebook page more time more custody !

Depending on your state…
Mother has full custody…bc you were never married. Until he takes you to court for visitation. Even then u have full custody. An If he signs over his rights he still has to pay child support unless someone adopts your son (like If you get married or whatever …etc)

This is for ohio atleast. I’d look into it in your state.

i believe either parent can revisit custody til child is adult. child support is nothing to do with custody. youwould both have to decide on reasonable access/visitation. Regardless of who has custody it is likely you still need written letter to leave state/province/country from other biological parent. Worthy speaking to duty counselling or legal aid if available. Also if you are both agree on terms it would cost much less …Good luck. Hope you both do a loving job of coparenting :slight_smile:

Just do it! If he wants to do it. It will save y alot of probs. Just like u said.

But u can let him see him when y want.and if he gives u a reason to otherwise dont let him.

But have u asked why he wants to give his rights up but still wants tobe in his life, thats weird

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Having full custody does not mean he doesn’t have to pay child support.

Your right there are a lot of pros & cons!
Pros: everything you listed, Never having to ask permission to do or go anywhere. Never have to fight because you always have the finally word.
Cons: what if heaven for bid something happens to you? You need help? child needs insurance?

Do you have a reliable support team? He can sign over full legal & physical custody to you. But later down the road he can take you back to court if he doesn’t like the arrangement or your not letting him see his child. He gets into a stable relationship they feel they can give the child a better life or new gf wants to play mommy.

Do your research, call the family law courts, see if there is someone you can talk to (it’s usually free but may take all day to talk with them) let him try see what a judge says! If it doesn’t go his way he can’t be mad at you. Usually a judge will want to know why he want to sign his rights away. If it’s just to get out of paying for the child they wont do it. Judge will most likely give you full legal & physical custody.

Good luck it’s a hard decision to make!

There are some states that won’t let you do that unless there is another person there willing to adopt

Some states won’t allow a parent to do that unless the other parent has proof of a substantial income to take care of the child. And by substantial, it is ludicrous what they say is substantial. So, even if he has offered, he might not be able to do it.

Where are you because in Texas you cannot sign off your parental rights just to get out of paying child support

Make sure you are not giving up your right to child support at the same time.

God I wish my ex would do it, absolute Bain of my life I can’t move where I want to I’m tied to him 3/4 weekends he isn’t flexible he brings her back late on school nights won’t change the times for her sake. Honestly I’d never stop him from seeing her but seriously my life is a strain at times from it all.

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There is a big difference between signing away your rights and giving you full custody… It sounds like he just wants out of child support while also getting to jump in an out when he wants… Smh

In most states a judge wont allow any man to “sign over rights” he can give you full sole legal physical custody, but still be responsible for child support. I know because I’m going through that with my daughter. Only way to give up rights is of your gonna get married and your “husband” legally adopts him, that’s the only way to give up parental rights. Juat leave him off the birth certificate and give him your last name. Child support will be up to you if you decide to go that route. Just make sure that things are 100% clear as far as arrangements if he still wants to be involved. And dont let him step all.over you demanding that he has a say so in things. He wants a say so, he can help support baby. If u have questions you can message me, I’m going through the courts as we speak to get this type of thing taken care of.


It sounds to me like if you marriage does not work He will not have to pay any child support but I do not think the courts will let him sign all his rights over to you did you ask him why he wants too do this he is looking for a easy way out and what kind of man would do that

Didn’t check what state you’re in but signing over rights to a child does not equal no child support.

  1. Not one post referenced this pregnancy as a learning experience. Unless the two of you planned this pregnancy, then it was just pleasure. It could have been prevented from the start. Just saying. Lot of kids being brought into stressful lives because people dont think about consequences.

  2. Check with a lawyer. States will vary on laws regarding this. Leaving off the birth certificate may be the best answer.

  3. I would straight up ask him what his motive is. I applaud you for wanting the biological father to be in the child’s life, but am floored at the fact that the father doesn’t want the financial responsibility. If that’s not it and it’s only about decision making, be a responsible father that trusts the mothers judgment.

  4. No matter what you choose, you will be ok. You got this. Love that child.

Also, keep in mind some states will not allow a parent to sign their rights away without someone to take the responsibility ie someone to adopt the child. The state I’m in then sees it as the state would therefore be the child’s other parent and they’re not having that. I work in child welfare and am in court often and see these issues.


In most cases a judge wont let a father sign away rights, from my understanding and it all verys from state to state, but if he is able to, then he wont be able to change his mind you will forever be responsible for the child and he would technically have no rights to the child even visiting rights would be no unless you allow it, you would make all and every decision for the child.