My family entered my house knowing I wasn't there: Advice?

I’d be pissed change the locks and never leave a key where it’s easily found. I’d also get cameras and say if they come back like that without notice cops will be called.

I just never hid a key outside my house 🤷 this was never an issue for me…now loser family breaking in thats a different story


Yup find a new hiding spot

Yeah no that’s not on I’d tell her if she ever turned up at my house again I’ll break her arms!


Change the locks and tell her with a cop present if she does it again she’ll be arrested for breaking and entering

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It doesn’t matter that it’s your Aunt or it’s any of your family that is your private living space and nobody I mean nobody is entitled to walk into your private space without your permission. The even weirder part of this is that she bragged about knowing where your key was so it wouldn’t be the last time she walked right in and I would make sure that it was very clear that that would never happen again and I would make sure all my locks were changed because if she knows where the key is she can make a copy of the key and then who knows who can go in your home top priority is keeping your house and yourself and family safe


Change the locks and hide the key better?.

Kinda weird? Why would she wanna give a tour of your house anyways and she should have asked u


Change the locks and move the key

Put recording cameras facing the door before you leave, change locks, and don’t have a hidden key. If they do it call cops on them for a big scare.

Change your locks and don’t tell anyone where the spare key is… not rocket science lol and if I was you I’d bitch her out but if she was showing the house off because she’s selling it then u really don’t have a say. But if she just went in there for shits and giggles I’d say something.

Change the locks or move the spare key

Call the police they didn’t have your permission.

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We have a setup where no one has keys to our house but us. We have a spare that we have for someone to use if, for example- they are coming in to feed our cat because we are away etc. But after that, the key comes back to us. And maybe don’t keep a spare key hidden.


Id let myself into the aunt’s house. Make dinner, leave lights on and dishes in the sink.


Move the key. Change the locks.
If it was my family I wouldn’t care. But I don’t know your family.
But simple fix. Only let the people you want in the house have a key

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Hide the key better or don’t leave a key. Yeah they don’t have a right and I agree with Kristine Brock Siler

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Why do they have keys to your house???

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Step 1: move your hidden key.
Step 2: tell family you love them but expect them to respect you and your privacy and not enter your home without you being there and especially not without permission!
Step 3: Repeat step 2 until the message is absorbed


Let them know that it is not appropriate for them to just show up and go into your home. They wouldn’t want it done to them. Also, move the key and possibly change the locks.


Change the locks and Don’t give out the spare. No one has a right to enter your home without your permission.


I’d put the key somewhere else for a start and next time they enter without permission that’s actually break and enter without a key.

Change the locks& don’t leave the key hidden anymore. Id also be telling her that if she enters again, without your permission that she will be arrested for breaking & entering. Also, I’d be thinking about putting cameras up (ring’s doorbell alarm, momentum, etc… one of them-they connect to an app on your phone that would alert you)


Address it up front Pray first ask God to lead you and then tell them get a key change and do not tell them we’re it is Prayers for a blessed out come

Simple. Put the key in a different spot

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Make it clear no one is allowed in “YOUR” home without you giving them permission. Tell her the next time she trespass’ you will call the police and press charges. That goes for anyone.

Change the locks and dont leave a key. Id be pissed.

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Total invasion of privacy, family or not they have no right barging in like they own it, it’s a respect thing… Maybe do that to them, walk in their house when they’re not home, bet they won’t like it

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File a police report, change locks, don’t hide the spare key. Wear it on a chain around your neck! It worked for me for years. Did your bf tell her to come back later and lock up as he left? If so, police report. They’ll know where to look if anything happens again. Guided tour my butt! They were pilfering!


Don’t have a hidden key tell family members they have to make 5 hours in advance to come to your house. You can make some excuse of it needs to be clean

Well , first I’d say how wonderful that your family feels so welcome to stop over when ever. :heart: sad now because you feel violated. Why has this happened to our families :disappointed:

I’d get the locks changed, that’s intrusive and icky. Just a big ol no for me, not ok at all.


Sometimes when it comes to family we truly have to ask ourselves is it worth a fight cause most of the time these same people will be the ones that are there for you when no one else will. Be patient and understanding, they could j uh st be really proud of you and for you.


Not okay, establish firm boundaries, you pay for it not them.

If you dont want them there without you or your other half there then tell them and change the locks

I’d have a family sit down and tell them they are forbidden to enter your home without you or your b/f there. Then I’d change the locks and not leave a key anywhere. Or if you can afford it, get one of those ring doorbells that hook up to your cell phone. It notifies you if someone is trying to get in.

I love this page but threats of violence and calling the cops on family who knew where the key was are a bit over the top for even me. Talking to them would be a good start.


I think you change the locks and don’t leave a key where they can find it.


Change the locks, get a ring camera so it alerts you when someone is at your door.
And don’t tell people where you hide the key


I would move the key and make sure doors are lock i wouldn’t like it family or now walking in like they owned the place and to take other family member on a tour of your house if different if you were asked ahead of time bet they wouldn’t like you just walking in to their house when ever you feel like it ,if they ask about the missing key just need to say too many people was Knowing where the key was and you didn’t feel safe anyone you had to do things differently for safety reasons

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Nope that’s invasion of privacy family needs to respect it


Get a lock box for the key. Tell boyfriend no tours.

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My mother in law did this also and would take our dog for a “walk” without us knowing (I thought our dog was getting out) until one day I was home from work sick and I heard the side gate open and I seen her walking in to our house. This happened on a few occasions where we happened to be home… we then ordered a pad lock and didn’t tell anyone (my partner spoke to her about it and told her not to do it) and even after she kept trying. I watched her out my window trying to push the locked gate open. Safe to say my partner was not happy and they ended up having words over it! I think it’s so damn rude!!

Why was she giving someone a guided tour of your home? That’s just weird as hell.


It’s family and they mean well so there’s no sense in talking to him they won’t understand the best thing to do change the locks keep the key to yourself but they say something to stretch it off like dog I didn’t realize and don’t say any more

Depends on the family dynamic. Most of my family I wouldn’t care… Certain members would be cause for concern


Change my locks is how I would handler it

Stand up for yourself and tell them no…and change the locks.

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A simple conversation would solve this


Don’t give access to intrusive people. If they can access the key, that’s giving them access.


Let them know that you are going to change the locks and no one except you and your bf will know where the spare is because it’s your place and you want them to respect your privacy. It’s your home.

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My first action would be to find out how they knew where the was?


Obviously she has different rules. Most people don’t like people coming over without a warning but my guess she thinks she,s family so it doesn’t count. It’s incredibly rude and I understand your annoyance. Unless you want to cut family ties, take a deep breath. Tell her that you c o not want people coming in without being asked FIRST. Calling to TELL you she,s coming, ready or not. Is not ok. Just ask first.

no access in future and let her know you would appreciate if she visit when you are home; that is rude I would think that key is for emergency purposes but now she has let someone else know so she isn’t trust worthy either


Well you need to not hide a key anymore. Change the locks. And tell her that’s not okay and it better not happen again.

Get a new lock, don’t keep a copy anywhere beyond on your car keys.

Don’t leave the key there anymore… and get an alarm

Hide key somewhere else

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My Aunt would get a serious earful!

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Change the locks. Security system


Your house, your rules. Talk to them that’s all it takes

Your house your rules don’t leave a key don’t tell nobody where is that and lock it no change the lock

This shouldn’t be a question. Change the locks. Get some cameras and don’t say squat about it to anybody. Your house-your business. The end.


I would be changing the lock tomorrow

Don’t let the keys where everyone knows da also talk to them make it clear they shouldn’t be going to your house unannounced and especially if no-one is there

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Boundaries and respect. Your home is your castle. Your key is the bridge over the moat. Never let anyone storm your castle when no one is home, period!


Change the locks, and don’t hide keys. Also they make door locks that use codes to get it.

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Tell them that next time they pull that shit you will press charges for trespass against them. In the meantime change your locks and only have keys for you and your partner.

I would be getting rid of the spare key, possibly changing the locks to ensure that my husband and I were the only 2 that had them, and making it known that unless you or your husband is there to open the door for them they are in no way shape or form to be in your house.


Change the locks and stop hiding a spare key. And then tell your family that you’ve installed security cameras and ANYBODY caught trying to get into your home without you being there will be arrested and charged

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Don’t tell anyone where the key is.

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pick your battles some battles cause more grief than they solve.

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Tell them that you don’t want them doing it.You are an adult not a child. You won’t go in their house if they aren’t at home. And for heavens sake move where you hide the key or don’t hide one.

Move the key an tell her she stepped over the line

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My mother has a key to my house but she doesn’t even go into my home if I’m not there without asking my permission first. In my opinion that was very disrespectful of your aunt, but that’s just how I view it

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How does your family think that they are entitled to it if you and your bf bought the house they have no business going to your house and going inside change your locks and don’t leave a key outside and lock your windows and back door and if you have a basement door lock that to

Why do you tell people where your spare key is?


Change the locks and get a different hiding spot for the spare key. If it was mr i would probably shun the aunt for a bit too, but that might be a little petty


Change the locks asap my husband and I and my mum are the only ones with keys to any of our houses and even that my mum still calls before coming over (She only has keys in case we get locked out )


Change the locks and get an alarm, or a camera or both.


Your house key should be on your car key ring, your bf’s keys should be on his car key ring. No extra key for anyone. Always keep your door locked, people from barging in on you is not ok.

Don’t leave the key where they can get them and don’t give them the keys. Tell her please don’t try to go into your house without someone home. Change the locks if you need to and get an alarm system.

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Are u selling the house? Why would she give a tour of it. Irregardless, she had no business there without your consent. Next time, have your bf walk out the room naked so they won’t intrude🤣

Change the locks and don’t leave extra keys hidden where they are now. If they don’t get it then, tell them they can come over when you’re home, and no other time!

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Change the locks and use a number lock box for an extra key … or dont leave the key were someone else knows were it’s at


Unless you want them to walk in on you riding cowgirl one of these days - change the locks and move your key!


Move the key call the cops if it happens again

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let her know you’ll call the cops next time. that is fkn bizarre and brazen of her.

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I don’t play with that I don’t care who you are. I would simply say if I ever catch you doing that again I am calling the police and pressing charges. Family or not that is so not cool!

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That takes a lot of nerve. You shouldn’t have to explain to anyone, family or not, why you don’t want them in your house while you’re not there. Shame on them for feeling so entitled.


Hide the key in a new place, or change the locks.

Change the locks and get a locked key box for outside.

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Move your key and say something💁‍♀️ i mean how hard is that?


Leave the key in a different place no need to go get new keys

Move key and change locks. I live in a house where his family can drop by anytime they want. My side is not allowed on the property. Long story short. 90% of my family is toxic and 1% of his family is toxic. It’s just how it is. If you don’t want your family in your house without you there get an alarm system, keep keys with you and husband, change locks. When they start throwing fits tell them what day you will be home and that when you are you will be happy to give a tour than. If they don’t respect that police can help them respect that

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That’s weird why YOUR house specifically? It’s no way right but is it a family inheritance perhaps? Otherwise I see no other reason why 1. Someone would come in without your knowledge or being there and 2. Give a tour. Change the locks

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I wouldn’t say a word but I’d have a security system installed. Let her explain to the cops next time.


How are they getting in?

Move your key or change your locks, that’s not right

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Um what? This makes no sense. A tour??