My family is struggling and needs support!

They can’t evict you now anyway! Covid! So I would just apologize and tell him it won’t happen again!


Try churches, social services, salvation army.


I’ve been out of work unexpectedly for 6 weeks AFTER my 6 weeks for giving birth- for a medical trauma I endured during labor. Still waiting for a surgeon to try to fix me…I applied for covid rent relief and got a couple months paid, maybe your state had that? I’m in wi.


If you’re not on the lease, it’s not your problem. Get out asap n let karma hit her in the butt on the way out

There are renting assistance going on ATM look around in your area


You moved in to help her and yourself get on your feet
You don’t just move into peoples apartments with 4 kids and your boyfriend with no credit and no savings. It’s time to start calling things by their right name and go apply for section 8. Until then stay at a shelter and And get them to help you with expedited daycare assistance. They might can also help you with expedited section 8 apartments. Have your boyfriend join the army or the Navy or the Air Force so he can get an income gonna come in and get you guys some health insurance. He could even get you on base housing. And if he won’t do it fuck it you do it yourself girl

Wheres the cash tag!?


After this crisis, join the FIRE movement.

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You should have beat her ass and took her bank cards, wallet and any valuable possessions😡

Have him evict her and tell him you’ll sign a new lease. Tell him you’ve already been paying the entire rent and she just wasnt giving it to him.


Well it’s Thursday so I hope you were able to figure it out. This post did not include the cash tag though. You should seek government assistance. Sometimes you just need a little help


Read the rules join this group and one other one I will post then post your situation sometimes you can get alot of help in these groups


If they moved in with her mother in law wouldn’t the lease be in that women’s name and her responsibility to pay even tho she is moving in with a friend ?


No no no! If what you are saying is true then cut your losses and run! Where did the money go that you both gave her?? Sounds like a MUCH bigger problem


What did she do with the money??


Dial *211 it’s the United Way help hotline. They can assist you with places that help with Rental assistance, food pantries and clothing closets. If you Google county you live in and food pantries everyday their is a church giving away free food


You can still apply for rent assistance and show that at your eviction court date. READ OVER THIS to find out what your options are!


Also during pandemic most states don’t allow landlord to evict. Did your husband ask landlord if he gives $350 can he pay an extra $190-200 mo to catch up


Read this as well and fill out the proper paperwork to turn in to the landlord.

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Yall to quick to give people your money.I see people all the time with some sob a** story…when the stories dont even add up.As an adult you make sure your t’s are crossed and i’s are dotted nomatter you shoulda been more careful🤦


You should be getting help from the government, that’s what it’s there for. If your in need, apply for help.


Legally you can stay there until the sheriffs/courts post a 24 hour notice on the door for eviction on your MIL. Save up your money aggressively until the 24hour posting then go apply for an apt elsewhere with the money y’all saved up. Reach out to your friends and family for a backup plan to stay temporarily with them or go to a shelter worst case scenario.Things happen in life and you gotta keep pushing forward for your kids.


You lost me at 21 year old mom of 4 with no credit


What’s the cash app?

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Sry but, everybody knows- 4 kids? You are at least getting- I mean minimum of 800 monthly from uncle sam right now as a front on your taxes. Those stimmies drop mid month, every month now thru December.

Take it as a learning opportunity and always handle ur business yourself. Don’t allow others who have proven they’re irresponsible to handle so much as handing a check to a landlord.

Now you know better, you can do better.

And everyone else can close the cashap up and not send strangers money without using common sense…


Not to be all up in your business but the child tax credit thing comes out this week doesn’t it? Maybe make something work with that. I feel like that’s kind of the whole point of what it’s for - helping catch up things from covid times. Even if your kids are over 5 yrs old or whatever you should get at minimum $1k, if that fits your situation. But yeah most states extended their eviction bans… I manage rental properties and even if people weren’t impacted by covid the judges won’t look at evictions involving late rent… Good luck :+1:


Wait y’all pay her $800 ($400 each) and the house bills are $650, and she still hasn’t paid rent.

Grab yo kids and leave


Ask the landlord if it would be possible to transfer the lease into your name and if he could add a certain amount to the rent each month so that you can catch up without having to do it all at once


Is the mother a drug addict or wtf? Why she not paying rent …… or power…….


Go donate plasma. Safe and quick way to make some serious cash.


a landlord cannot legally kick you out until he goes through a series of notifications. This usually takes several weeks and even months. If you had enough to pay the rent for your mil, then you can choose to be the new tenant in that same apartment. The debt belongs to your mil not you and your s/o. Who signed the rental papers?


Is your name on the lease if not then move out immediately so that your credit does not get messed up. As far as asking for money to pay your rent that’s a no for me. Just had a lady on CNn that got over $200,000 for rent when she asked for $1900.00 under a scam.


7 people in an apartment that costs $450 a month? Does such a place actually exist? 21 years old with 4 children? Quads? Two sets of twins? Didn’t think that through did you. Your boyfriend’s mother sounds like a despicable person to do such a thing to her son and you, to your babies. A lot of what you’ve written begs questioning.


She posted this in another group too…


your mil owes you both money I woukd ask her where it went and why she didn’t pay it and not to sound harsh from now on you you make a money order and pay it in your name towards what ever so this doesn’t happen again and you should also be receiving the child tax credit for your kids if you guys filed taxes and I would see if you bra office can help with the rent bring in everything you got I know you said you don’t like help but there are options and there’s nothing wrong with needing help everyine needs it sometime


Hmmmm…. That’s a lot of kids that I’m sure she’s being some assistance for. I wonder if this post is real or a scam?


Are the 4 kids SO’s or other daddies? I am sure child support pays good. I am not buying this sob story.


What is a cash tag? I’m lost there……anyone?

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First… find out what she did with your money!!!
Second… move out now. Do not give her any more money!!!


I suggest you plan your exit. Once u pay the landlord move to a new place next month. Because she will come back and say it’s my house. It’s a shame u have to go through that with young children in the home.


1200 by Thursday or he’s kicking you out… that doesn’t mean you’ll have to leave Thursday it means he’ll start the eviction process. Keep paying if you are waiting to stay , no longer give his mom money pay everything yourself. Don’t allow her to fool you any longer take her money and make sure the bills are getting paid or take her to pay them , watch her pay, get confirmation numbers.
Or option B - don’t pay , save up , and move before or right after the eviction is completed.


You should of got tax credit for those 4 kids posted today.


You have time he can’t even fill out an eviction til October 3rd and there are several steps he has to go through to get to that level. Just have her taken off the rental agreement and have your name put on it if the landlord will do that.


Are you getting your child tax credit on the 15th?


There is a government program right now to help pay back rent to the landlord and forward rent on behalf of the tenant. It is called the Hope Commission.
If you work with your landlord, he can apply along with you, and hopefully he will get paid all he is owed, and you will get rent relief.
It is a matter of monies being distributed to States and counties by the Housing Authority, and they are distributed to States under the title of the Hope Commission, so here in Nashville where I am it is the Hope Commission of my County.
Best wishes to you, I hope that you can work with him to and that he will appreciate your efforts. Our local commission is at


Where is the cashapp? So many negative comments like seriously just keep it moving and go kick rocks. She’s 21, no parental support and crying out for help… it probably took her all day to take the courage to put everything out there and everyone is here judging her. Okay little miss perfect go to sleep and let us females who continue to support and lift each other up help this mama. If not with monetary at least lift her up in prayer.

A lot of y’all are going to Hell j/s. :woman_shrugging:t4:


21yr old with 4 kids?? Good lord have mercy! She went from 5th grade to Mom🤣


6 months and now it’s coming up? Hmmm? I don’t think you’re being honest. I think you’re a scammer. If you do have 4 kids at age 21, you have never been responsible and someone else is paying your way. you moved in to help? I think you had no where else to go. and now you’re stuck. Get your life together. people aren’t that stupid.


Take her azz to court


In most states, if you dial 211, you’ll get a representative that can tell you what type of financial resources are available in your county.


If you can’t pay that amount, plan to move out and get a place you can afford to stay


Something sounds off about this…


I just want to know where you can rent a place for $450. :scream: In my area the cheapest a 1bd appt is 1600


Child tax credit lands on the 15th, you’ll get $300 per child times 4. $300x4= $1200 BOOM, problem solved :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This is the worst fake story ever. Lol.


If they pay and let that bi@$h move her shit back in, they are stupid.

She’s on the lease, why are you guys freaking out ?? You moved in to help her, therefore she was there way before you moved in. It just doesn’t add up to me. Maybe I’m wrong or maybe I’m right but go to your local dss office. There are shelters and vouchers for homeless people. Apply for assistance. Why are you paying someone else’s debt when that person is leaving like nothing to move to their friends house lol. It honestly makes no sense…


U can’t get kicked out it’s the law


Sounds like a scam to me.or just bs.


Something is wrong somewhere what has she been doing with all the money you have been giving her

You should be getting $300 per child on the 13th of this month if you’re an American citizen in this type of financial struggle

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Why are you guys stuck paying the back pay? Yall moved in to help her right , therefore the rental should be under MIL name and she is responsible? Doesn’t make sense to me :woman_shrugging:


He has to go through court to evict you.


If the lease is in her name if should be her getting kicked out can’t you ask the landlord to change the lease to your name so you can take over the apartment and start paying and I’d be telling his mother she wants to start paying you both back for stealing from you

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I had 3 kids by age 20 and got pregnant again a year later but didn’t keep it. My oldest is starting high school now… some of yall are being super judgemental here!
But anyways I know the struggle and wish you the best! Maybe explain the situation to the land lord and see if you can pay the regular monthly rent plus 200 extra a month till you are caught up- he may be sympathetic. If not, see if you have a homeless coalition or organization- they have one where I live and they paid my first month’s rent and deposit to get me into a place once when my shit MIL bought the house we were living in off my ex’s grandma- supposedly to benefit us- then after her trust fund agreed to buy it- swiftly kicked us out and moved her friend and her kids in… so yeah… mother in laws can be total ass hats sometimes… you can also check into catholic.charities they may help… they have paid my utilities before… wish you luck mama

That’s your MIL problem, move out and find a place, she took your money and lied and is in a hole, get outta there. She gonna drag you down with her.
Find an apartment for now. Sad to say about your MIL, but she screwed you both and now she’s trying to make you pay for it


Take a small note out, if you work hard a bank will start you out slow…if one bank says no, go to another!

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If the lease is on your MIL’s name isn’t it OK if the landlord kicks you out? And you and your husband can rent somewhere else with the $800 you were affording monthly?


Also I gave my mother in law $800 once to pay her gas bill so she could get it turned back on before winter (it was fall and was shut off the previous winter) because she watched my kids and was using space heaters and she guilt tripped me over it saying how unsafe space heaters are and how she always helps me out ect… so I gave her the money… the winter goes by… she’s still using space heaters… I found out she also got money from her church as well… I confront her and she just shrugs and said she needed to use it for “something else” and acted like I was being crazy for being pissed… seriously some people are total assholes- so I’m just telling yall this for everyone here acting like her story sounds fishy or unbelievable… not everyone thinks or acts the way you think they should unfortunately.

Talk to the landlord. Tell him what’s what!
If he has any sense he’ll work with you.

You don’t need credit to get a loan, I’ve had loans with a 500 credit score, it’s about your income and if you have the money to pay it back. Yes having good credit gives you better loan options but essentially you can get a loan with or without credit!!

Those of you asking why they’re getting stuck with it, it’s bc they have no where else to go. They have no savings and no credit to quickly get them into something so they’d rather stay where they are for now. Just help if you can otherwise stop questioning it.


He has to get court order to evict and it gives you time to collect money to get your own place call dss


So can I get help too? I have been in shitty situations and I am a single father

Do not continue to live with her she is putting your family at risk. Take your money and start looking now! Sell things if you have to, do plasma centers whatever but if you continue to live with her the bills won’t be paid and you’ll be in this same situation.


Why do you have 4 kids being 21 years old??
You should be enjoying life with girlfriends


If the lease is in her name you guys can’t get kicked out unless you’re on the lease too. I’ve gotten loans with lower credit than what I got now. Give the landlord the information where your MIL is staying and tell him to go talk to her about it.

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His mother is a F’ing free loader! I would not give a freaking dime after this - I’d pay the landlord directly! If she kicks you out, you’re better off 'cause I’m gonna bet she’s out on her ass in a month or 2 and she’d have the power cut!

This is a scam/wind up…


If you have answers and PROOF of everything you’re saying there are f.b funding pages. People don’t always get funded but you’ll have a better chance of financial help on one of those pages than you will here. You’ll need proof of eviction notice or w.e. notice they gave you. Possibly proof of payments being made to your mil, how much is owed, and members ask questions so they ask for other stuff as well. If you want you can p.m. me can I can give you the names of 2 or 3 groups I know of. Not sure if it’s allowed to share on here. Why would you guys give her 800 while rent and utilities were 600? Also, that is pretty cheap, but I know different states different cost of living. Your s.o should’ve questioned why you guys were giving her extra money & what she was doing to get back on her feet. Where did you live before this? You’ve only been there 8 months & obviously had another living situation before this, but you said you had no family or anyone that could help. These are valid questions someone who might consider helping would ask, along with others. Be prepared for full transparency if you ask for help online. Best of luck and I hope you guys can pull through this.

I wouldn’t judge her. My husband make oh most 7 k a month working 2 job we can’t even afford a home we live in a small apartment. Life is expensive I used to live in luxury neighborhood our rent was way to high things happen is life. I totally understand this person. You could have money today nice home but no guarantee tomorrow you will be broke. I’m sorry for you don’t know what to say.


Talk to the landlord and ask him if you can pay him the $800 a month you would give your mil. That will cover the current monthly rent ($450) & the xtra $350 can go for the back rent. Add the $300 you saved for the beach getaway for extra & you’ll have the current & back rent caught up in a few months.


Soo let her move out. She sounds like a horrible human. She used you both in so many ways. So technically the landlord will have to file for an eviction. Even if you are not on the lease. Because that’s been your home for more than two weeks. So I’d talk with the landlord. Let him know exactly the situation. You both together have given more than rent and utilities to cover it for the entire time you’ve been there. It was the MIL that took advantage of the situation. She’s moving out and you intend to make things right with the landlord. And definitely don’t help her out when she screws over the friend she’s packing for to move in with. She sounds like a terrible person. As for credit. I suggest that you get one credit card for people with low credit. Your interest will be high. And your limit will likely be 300 dollars. But take it. Use that card to purchase one item a month that you can afford to basically instantly pay back. Ie chapstick. Something small. Pay the full balance back. Keep your credit limit low. Below 6% and your score will quickly rise. Me personally I have three cards. One for gas. One for groceries. One for pets. As soon as I use them I pay the full amount. That has helped me improve my credit tremendously!!


Covid makes it where he can’t make you move


Catholic charities helps out in these situations. There is help out there. Start with them.

I would ask the landlord if you can have a meeting with you, your boyfriend, & him directly. Mom should not be present. Tell him what’s been going on. Explain your situation. The worst thing he can do is tell you no. However, he might listen and have some empathy for your situation because it sounds like this was not your fault at all! No offense to your MIL, but by the sounds of her, you probably take better care of the home than she does. Maybe the landlord will workout a deal with you. I’m happy to hear she is moving out though. It sounds like you have a lot on your hands and you haven’t been treated very fairly. As my mother always said, “this too shall pass”. Hang in there mama :heart:


Wouldn’t this be covered by the eviction moratorium extended until October?


Could you not speak with the landlord and ask to pay installments to pay of the debt explain the sisution about the mum in law and that u were giving her the money but she didn’t pay it he may be more understanding then u think if not you will have to go to ur local council explain to them and they will put u in emergency accommodation or help u find somewhere else to rent but im sure the landlord won’t kick u out if u talk to him about the problems and what happend

If you’re not on the lease, I’d find another place with what you can get in assistance, or go to a shelter temporarily. As a family with kids you’ll be at the top of the list for subsidized housing. Let the landlord take your evil MIL to small claims court to recoup his costs as it’s MIL’s problem, not yours.

Clearly you’ve learned not to trust this woman anymore and do not give her money again. Hubs can refer her for assistance if he feels obligated, but I’d deal with her at arms length from now on if at all.

Also ask your employers if you can have an advance on your pay if that would help. I’m sorry you had and have to deal with this. Sending positive vibes and prayers to the universe for y’all.


You can’t just get kicked out like that. The landlord has to go through the court to do an eviction.

Set up a go fund me page share it on your personal Facebook/social media accounts, explaining the situation and ask friends to share. Less of a scam if your asking people you actually know, than using an anonymous question page


I would talk with your landlord and explain the situation,
Hopefully he will send her a letter to recoup the rent.
You need to look after yourself and your family! Good luck :crossed_fingers:

Never trust that woman again!!! She’s an Awful woman to do that to y’all.


Go to a local housing program. They can help you paying rent.

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If ur not on the lease it isn’t ur responsibility to pay anything. Talk to the landlord and tell him anything. Its not ur responsibility to come up with money for her. You’ve 4 kids at 21? And been paying for her ? Hell no. As a mom, kids first


Hm. I’d say try and talk to the landlord. I’d move out but you’ve already put money into this place. There is an app called possible finance they give u a mini loan.

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Definitely cut mil out of your life, she is selfish putting you all in this situation. I would even look into suing her. Also, look into local charities and programs in your area.


My opinion? It sucks but celebrate your birthday with a “daycation” somewhere. Go out somewhere for the day and come home to your place for the night.

You need to get your finances in order. Having 4 kids (I have 3 myself and a house so I get it) financially things come up unexpected, life is unexpected as you can see in this situation.

It’s good to have a cushion and emergency fund. You don’t have the resources to go on a vacation even if it’s your birthday. I’m not trying to be hurtful.

Enjoy your babies, husband and birthday. What a crappy situation I’m sorry. It’ll get better. And I’d have a hard convo with MIL and give landlord money directly in future if this ever was the case.


I would cut her off completely because she screwed you guys over and find another place


He can’t kick you out without going to court. And then you have 30 days. He’s blowing smoke.


If you’re not on the lease, you are not liable for the debt. Start looking for somewhere else to live. Or negotiate with the landlord to take over the lease. The landlord can pursue your MIL through the small claims court for his back rent.
Get her out, she’s toxic, you don’t want to be living with her.