My fiance acts different toward me when he doesn't smoke: Advice?

Maybe he has bad anxiety and smoking makes him better. I am that way. I get bent quick. I have really bad anxiety and it makes me a whole different person. Smoking keeps me calm and patient.


Leave him , drug addicts dont change, it’s a typical withdraw symptom, hes using and playing you to get what he wants

You cant have it both ways.
If you’re going to help him, then help him!
Have you researched help with dependency?
You both have to research and educate yourselves, Thoroughly, to fully understand what you’re dealing with.
Then, together, make a plan on what you both feel is the best approach for yourselves.
If one or the other of you are not fully committed, or willing to be tolerant and patient, then you will not succeed.
Start Here…

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Sounds like my brother to the t. He is bipolar. And with bud he he is a totally different man than without. Without hardly anyone can stand him. What harm is it? It’s naturally grown herb. Better than an prescription a doctor can prescribe.

So only the drugged version likes you​:thinking:… Weed is fine, unless it isn’t for you. Then you’re with the wrong person. But sounds like you are anyways. Y’all kill me with this he treats me like … Does this… But we are getting married in… Like WTF?! Why would you marry somebody who hurts you​:woman_facepalming:t4::roll_eyes:. Marriage does not make it better, some piece of paper doesn’t magically get then to act different… Before we walk down that aisle, we’d better be the best couple, cause why TF else would I do that?! Cause now you married exactly what you hate… But y’all would put up with anything just to say you’re married. Then not understand why your marriage SUCKS :clown_face:. All this sobbing to understand a person who treats you like sh!t, when they are not high, is ridiculous… If you need a substance to be nice to people… You are the problem. You like smoking weed, cool. But if on it, or with out it you’re horrible… Nope. And you have a kid who will be dealing with how annoyed he is off if it… Might be too young now, but soon the kid will need dad’s attention & he might not be so kind.


It sounds like my sister :joy: he sounds like a feen and he sounds childish being rude because he hasn’t smoked? Weed grows from the ground so I wouldn’t say it’s a drug. It’s not that hard to stop if you actually want to. It’s not like it has nicotine in it… he just sounds like a child an I wouldn’t marry him. Just my opinion though.

Sounds like he’s dealing with some hardships mentally. You would expect him to support your outbursts if you were going through a hard time. Sounds like the man is stressed and his only relief is bud. Which honestly is better than prescription anti depressants and anxiety meds.
Let him smoke, give him his vice.


Then you’re asking 1000 pot smokers who don’t care how he treats you or what you say… Once they hear weed, it’s WTF! Nooo let him, how dare you… Just cause you smoke weed doesn’t make you a good person. And why would any person want some one who has to be on a drug to be kind to you. It’s not a drug? But you’re are having withdrawals to it? Yeah makes perfect since, when your high. You like weed, great… But not everyone has to, and if your behavior off or on it, is crappy, sounds like your childish a$$ needs to be alone, not having kids & a partner. It’s easy to tell you to just deal or roll one up for him, cause they are not being hurt by him… Wouldn’t take the advice of people who only see the weed part & careless about the how you’re being treated part. You have a kid, who eventually will receive the same… Nope.


GET OUT NOW. He will get worse after you get married. Believe me I went through it ended in DIVORCE.

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Id get him when he’s
" sober " and have a heart to heart talk with him. Tell him he hurts you. And if he gets mad or tells you to get over it or whatever then I’d take a second thought about marrage. You don’t want to live the rest of your life walking on egg shells. I did that for 25 years with an alcoholic and it was no fun, believe me. We both were miserable, and ended up divorced and with a lot of anger. So its better to find out now before it’s too late. Good luck and you have to think about not only you but the little ones happiness as well. You dont want him to be raised around that negativity.


It’s a huge red flag that he needs to be high to treat you with basic decency. I definitely wouldn’t marry the guy.


I don’t think it’s that he ‘has to be high to treat you right’, but shit, I’m a better Mom when I’m high! I’m definitely a lot nicer and not as OCD about shit! A lot of you people need to get off your high horse and stop pretending to be perfect! And the original poster should just let him smoke his weed if that’s his way of dealing with life! We’re all going through it right now! None of you are anybody to be judging anyone for how they deal with all this!


Please take your son & run. He is showing you his true colors. He is a mean man & has to smoke not to be mean & Abusive. He will only get worse. He has issues & you & your son will only become his whipping post the longer you are with him. Also if he wants to see his son, get the courts to make it supervised. This man has major mental issues!!! RUN


Don’t marry him. Run away. :upside_down_face:


Probably anxiety or/and depression. Many are saying to leave. What if someone was on a depression or anxiety med and acted like this when they were off their meds?? Would it be ok because it’s more acceptable bc it’s a prescribed pill?? Smoking helps my anxiety and I refuse to take man made pills for it. If you truly love him you just wouldn’t leave. He sounds like he needs some mental hell through a shrink it counceler. Talk to him and tell him how it makes you feel. Ask him why he’s different when he smokes. Ask if he has depression or anxiety. Love doesn’t just leave.


Start growing bro, so u don’t got to buy it


Sounds bipolar with possible anxiety for him it probably calms him an helps with his patience’s.
Weed is not even bad let him smoke.
The only thing it will do is help an lead him to the fridge. An sure he will have down days if you can’t tolerate him for who he is how do you expect him to tolerate you on your bad days???


My sage advice and the voice of experience: Drop him like a bag of dirt.


:thinking:So my other half used to blaze. He quit and his attitude toward me has not changed one bit. This is a huge red flag and easier said than done but get out! Anxiety or not, there is Zero reason to give someone the right to treat you like shit. True Colours don’t lie and you absolutely know in your gut it’s not right or you wouldn’t be here.


Hes an addict… would you stay if it was heroin?


Sweetheart imagine there isn’t Gona be weed or anything. U r gonna get fuck up. So plz. Use that thing u called a brain. And get the fuck out NOW


Sounds like my EX husband :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

I’m a smoker and when south africa had lockdown our siggarettes were banned and I’m telling you I was the worst person to be around for 3 straight days without a siggarette so we went and bought illegal siggarettes because I can honestly admit that I’m gonna need professional help quiting my bad habbit you just don’t stop smoking on your own and expect to be the same bright ray of Sunshine you normally is it’s a physical pain and your mental health go’s down the drain if you’re not a smoker you wouldn’t understand


Sorry is this sigarette smoking or weed cause I’m talking about sigarettes

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Sit his ass down and have a conversation. Have it while he’s stoned if you need too.
Obviously not everyone is the same but I was mean when I wasn’t high for a long time and eventually I got correctly diagnosed by a therapist with a few things and got the right meds and now I’m much more pleasant when I’m not high.


Yeah,leave.because he must feel different about you when hes high,and not in a good way when hes not.its a red flag and divorce on speed dial.


Don’t be with someone who doesn’t support your bud habit. Best thing is when my hubby and I can smoke together.


It with be withdrawal symptoms


Weed won’t do that,pack up yourself and your kid,and leave his bum self.
He’s selfish and if he’s acting Crack-ish…it’s quite likely not just weed he’s messing with.

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Why are you asking these dumbasses :point_up: They dont know you or him…get some professional counselling knucklehead! Dont ask the Facebook masses, if we had better relationships we wouldn’t be on Facebook…


Lol It can be addiction… I love Marijuana and it is harmless but I will be completely honest when I say it is addictive. I would get bitchy without it. It’s like a smoker having a nicotine fit. That’s what I think :woman_shrugging:t4:


I don’t know the reason for his smoking but he needs to address the snappy, meanness as a priority before he addresses HIS addiction. You don’t need to work on anything. He’s a grown ass man and a father. Ask him what HE wants and if it’s to continue to smoke weed then there is the answer to leave.


you cannot change him. it is his choice to behave decently or not. if you and your child can’t live like this, then start making plans to get out. if necessary report his drug activity to the police which will help with any custody questions.


Sounds like he has an addiction!!

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Sometimes you have to put your priorities straight. Yes life is stressful and smoking can help, but you can’t rely on it and take your anger or stress out on others when you don’t have it. It’s becoming unhealthy to be reliant on something to be happy and treat you well.


Swap out weed for a few cans and you’ve got yourself an addiction everyone can agree on
Speaking from experience they choose the cans over changing
Unless you can convince him he’s addicted and to get help in stopping then not much is going to change
He also has to stop for himself because he wants to not otherwise he’ll just fall back into the habit
Not to mention it’s illegal but I suppose that bit will make me sound like a boring old lady


Sounds like hes just an asshole and the weed is just an excuse


Sounds like he’s only the “best man” when he’s high. It’s been a year already, so I don’t think it’s about being high, I think it seems like he’s just a mean person on purpose.
Drugs can make a person mean when they’re not high, and when they know they won’t have anything for a while.
But, it’s been a year, and he’s still being mean. This will happen throughout your married life. Do you really want that? If you don’t, as a divorced person myself, let me tell you it’s easier to break up with him now instead of going through a divorce. Cheaper and less painful too.
It seems like he won’t ever stop being mean, so please, think it over.

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If you can laugh at any post on this page, should you really be apart of it? I joined for positivity amongst women, not bully ass bitches. #SickOfYall


You can’t change him. You can’t help him. It’s all on him to do it. It’s really up to you if you want to live the rest of your life with the disrespect, bullshit, and false hope. Or seek counseling and learn your worth.


I think everybody has something they rely on to get them through the day…
Some people get grumpy without their coffee
Some are grumpy without their cigarettes
I’m grumpy without my weed as well :sweat_smile:
And my man gets grumpy when he runs out of vape pods
I’d just remind it, it’s not your fault that he’s out of weed.
Everybody has some sort addiction.


the fact that I see “he’s the best man, …but…” that’s a contradiction all in itself.

So is he high 2/3 of his waking hours and “mean” to you 1/3 of them. Or are you annoying as hell with emotions and things that men don’t care about while they’re trying to detox from their days and he has to smoke to calm his anxiety while you’re around to even try and process things.

That’s what therapists are for. All these people are telling him to go to therapy but maybe YOU NEED it too. Nothing is more irritating to me than a grown woman saying my partner is mean to me. If he’s “mean” there’s a reason and you’re just too stubborn to accept it. Coming on this here internet with a bunch of miserable psychos/socios isn’t going to help your relationship with him or any future man.

Here’s a little secret!

Men do not care about what you care about.

Men don’t like what you like.

Men don’t do what you do.

Men don’t think like you think.

Men don’t feel how you feel.

Men don’t want what you want.

You can sit up here and listen to these single, miserable, sociopaths who would love to create another one of themselves because they can’t keep a man or you could possibly just go to therapy as a couple and have a licensed practitioner tell you what I just told you and teach you how to communicate with one another.

If you want a sugar coated relationship go find a feminine man that wants to be controlled or a submissive woman that wants to be led.

Men are direct. If I tell you you’re annoying me, stop annoying me. :man_shrugging:t5:. If I tell you I don’t want to be bothered, leave me alone. If I say I’m leaving, don’t block my exit because you’re not finished.

How is someone being rude if they don’t call you bad names or demean you?

Let me guess this sounds like an exchange?

YOU: Hey honey, are you hungry?
HIM: Yes, I haven’t eaten anything in a few hours.
YOU: what do you want to eat?
Him: I don’t care… thought bubble (by now you should know what I eat, I’m. not an indecisive woman who gets to the drive thru and orders the same thing every time, yet takes 5 years to order as if she’s going to try a new thing)
YOU: Well, when you figure it out I’ll cook it for you.
Him: Yea, I’ll just order a sub from X.

Next, are you asking him questions when he’s hyperfocused on other activities?

Him:(Reading a book with a big printed title)
You: Hey babe, what are you reading
Him: (Makes a gesture towards the title) can you read the title? That’s/This is what I’m reading.

Him: (Controller in hand)
You: What do you want to do today babe?
Him: :roll_eyes: What?(I’m already doing what I want to do.) So why don’t you tell me what YOU want to do.
It doesn’t have anything to do with addiction. It’s all about timing and communication. No-one wants to be disturbed all day. However, if you want to do something specific don’t hide it in question format.

Make a statement. Men will go with your statement.

You: Hey babe, I’d like to go to the park with the kid as a family today. I’ll prepare our meals. I’ve got your drinks and a few sandwiches prepared. I need you to find some baby clothes and pack the diaper bag with the essentials. I want to be out of the house by noon.
Him: OK! Let me pack my stuff too and it’s on. I’m going to smoke and get dressed.

If you were a man writing this all these man haters would tell you how to buy her her favorite flowers, surprise her, do something different, give her her space, well umm…he’s human too. So swap flowers with sexual attention, swap surprises with a sandwich or a personal meal you know he likes without asking him if he’s hungry, and GIVE him room to breath. You guys have a small child I take it? That’s noise 24/7 I’m sure both of you would appreciate QUIET!

All that is still not therapy and couples counseling.

Me and the wife have been together for 12 years and 4 kids later, let me tell you every child birth presents new challenges as you have to get adjusted to new hormones, less sleep, more stress, more anxiety, more fears, more LIFE. If you KNOW he responds to you in a way that YOU FEEL is unpleasant when he’s “sober”/unmedicated why do YOU keep going in. Wouldn’t it be wise to just WAIT and be patient? Or figure out a nonverbal solution.

My wife is having a bad day.
Me:Hey honey are you okay?
Her:(If you have to ask then you’re aware I’m not myself) What makes you ask that?
Me: You seem different, that’s all, would you like to get out of the house today? I’ll watch the twins. If you feel like it, you can take one of the older kids with you, if not I’ll be okay!
Her: Yea, I think I’ll go to the gym and shop a little bit. I’ll. probably take my switch and get a coffee and play for a little bit. You sure you’re okay with the babies?
Me: Are you sure you’re okay with making me the happiest husband on the planet? :kissing_heart: You deserve time to yourself as well. I’ll be okay.
Her: But you never get your own space.
Me: I don’t want that, I want my wife and kids happy with a little spontaneous romance and lower extremities not pulsing all day!
Her: I got you later. BYE!!

Bad exchange
Me: Why are you in such a bad mood today, am I bothering you?
Her: Does the entire world revolve around you? You do know that you’re not the only person place or thing that can offset my mood. We have 4 kids, jobs, responsibilities, aholes in the social scope and dumbass parents and relatives so pick your poison today.
Me: You could’ve just said someone else or something else was disturbing you.
Her: You could’ve just asked if I was okay, instead of thinking you’re the Supreme ruler of the universe and you have so much power to affect my mood 24/7. I am human you know, just like you. I could be upset over losing a match in my game, or not getting the villager I want in animal crossing.
Me: Fair enough, I just hate seeing you upset, so can I buy your villager?
Her; :roll_eyes: Nate, I’m going to hurt you if you don’t get out of my face, first you can’t throw your wallet at everything, and second I was just using that as an example for an easy relative topic. You can be so smart at times, but overlook basic things when it comes to me and have normal conversations with other people.:man_facepalming:t5:

Me: You know what, even though you said that a bit harsh, I get your point. Damn that must be hella annoying because I feel the same about some of our exchanges on my topics. Maybe we have perfectionist issues we haven’t ironed out in our lives. Instead of just being who/what we are we are always trying to overly romanticize things and put extra pressure on ourselves trying to be so perfect that we ignore the fundamentals. Since we don’t have the same feelings with strangers, we interact differently because we’re not worried about if they’re going to give us attention later, or their vibe won’t get absorbed into us. OK I get your point. Let me know if I’m needed.
Her: THANK GOD, I thought you were going to drag this out. I wasn’t looking forward to a Dr. Phil breakdown today :rofl::rofl:.


Everyone acts like weed is this horrible substance. Say your spouse was bipolar. And they ran out of their bipolar medication…and you post since my hubby is out of his medicine he’s being an asshole. Relate it the same. Marijuana can be medicine. Maybe there is a Deeper issue that the marijuana is helping. If someone is out of their medicine of course attitudes and temperaments can change. You don’t have to deal with someone treating you badly. By any means. That is and always will be unacceptable. But marijuana isn’t a tabu drug either, that people are making it out to be.


He’s addicted to weed…


He’s never going to see it’s a problem till it’s to late move on …


Although people argue and say weed isn’t addictive… the feeling of being high definitely is! I actually went through this, I got so used to being so care free and happy when high that when I tried to give up… I was such a bitch! It’s just the body regulating ‘normal emotions’ again without the aid of something else which can be much more frustrating! People are commenting here as if it’s just him being a dick on purpose… it is addiction and he needs help with this! Whether that be from doctor, therapist or you… lowering the amount of changing the strain normally helps! All the hugs for you m’dear! It’s not your fault, it can be fixed though​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::sparkles:

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Leopards don’t change their spots. Move on, the anger may become more than mean words. Protect yourself and your child.

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As a fellow smoker, I’ll try simplify it, please dont be upset it’s not you it’s the weed and he knows that, you can say we’re going to work on changing it but it cannot be about you or even helping him bcs it has to come from him and only him or it will never stop. Lastly, If your in the USA which I just had a feeling you are (not sure) then is getting married even the right thing to do as it may just make it harder on your family in the long run.

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To me it sounds like he might have a hidden mental disorder that he was/is unknowingly treating with marijuana. I have BPD, and weed is the only thing that helps me, and I am currently on medication/ have been on many different types, and when I dont smoke my anxiety is through the roof, and I’m so on edge so it was causing issues in my relationship bc not smoking was changing my mood and behavior. If it bothers you that much just tell him to get his MMJ card so that was it’s actually medicine at that point.

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He’s literally pitching a fit because he doesn’t have weed. Hoping it will force you to be okay with getting weed…I used to do the same thing to my fiancé. It’s simple, if weed doesn’t fit into YOURS & his life or the life you want he either stops or doesn’t & it’s up to you whether you deal with it or not. My fiancé doesn’t smoke & didn’t care for me to. I thought I had to have it & was miserable without it. I’ve smoked everyday for 10 yrs straight & now haven’t smoked in a year. Long story short if someone wants to change they will.


It sounds like he’s self-medicating for some reason bipolar depression stress something like that. Keep your eyes open for something that might be helped with a psychologist


Ask yourself if you want to be with him if there was never any weed available again. Do you like that person?

He’s is experiencing withdrawal. He probably doesn’t even know how mean he is coming across as.

If he needs the weed to function, that’s an issue. He’s self medicating and probably needs therapy of some sort to work through his issues.

Or maybe you are just meeting the real him. Maybe he is that mean guy that you dont like. Either way, you need to do some deep thinking before you marry him. If he’s mean to you now, it won’t get better without help. And how is he towards your child? Is he mean to him when his supply runs out? And can he manage being a parent if he needs to smoke all the time?


It’s not you he’s angry with, it’s the withdrawal that goes with giving up. And also cos it’s harder than he thought, to break free, from not just the addiction, but all the learned habits that went with it, they have to be changed to. Remember it’s not you, you just happen to be in the emotional firing line.


A lot of people get this way when going without, which leads a lot of people to think weed is addictive. But thats not the case. The case is likely that there’s underlying issues, like depression, bipolar disorder, or something like that. Which is being medicated with the weed and taking the symptoms away while they’re high. Which is great because weed is an awesome alternative to prescription pills! But the underlying issues need to be addressed as well through therapy or something like that. Otherwise the smoking is just being used as a mask so the symptoms will come back out whenever he isn’t high.


You deserve to have someone treat you the way you treat them regardless of who they are when and if they smoke. If you lower those standards he will literally get away with anything. When you truly love someone you will work on your toxic traits and take responsibility for your actions and words. Unfortunately continuous smoking will cause a type of withdrawal that does make you irritable, but if you’ve brought that to his attention and he SAID he would put in the work to fix it and then he doesn’t - your answer is right there. That’s him showing you he cares more about himself than he does you.


It’s been a year. He will not change, and once u marry him and complain-he’ll prob throw it at u that u knew how he was before you got married. I would leave and quietly with a simple message that the meanness isn’t the life u want and it’s been a year. So now u are leaving to be by yourself.


Marijuana most likely helps some form of chemical balance or mental issue that he hasn’t be diagnosed with yet. It’s a process dealing with this type of person. You have to set your boundaries but also not engage when he is in that stage because he isn’t in a mental state to properly respond. Look into get medical card for him and if isn’t open to traditional therapy to create one that will work for the both of you. Good luck :four_leaf_clover: :pray:t5:


Ask yourself if it would be ok for your child to have a partner that treats them that way. If it’s no, then I think you have your answer. Good luck to you and your little one!

He’s depressed without it and taking it out on you. Encourage him to try therapy and detoxing at least till he gets a lid on his unhappiness and can wean from his dependence on it. Weed makes you happy, so while not physically addictive, it can be mentally I think. But once he needs it to get through the day without biting your head off it’s not fun anymore, that’s a problem. Good luck to you two.

My word of advice- go into marriage not expecting things to change. If it is rough now, marriage and all the added stress will make it worse. This is NOT something you can “fix.”

So speaking from experience and now looking back with mature eyes. He may have a chemical imbalance and he could be self medicating with weed. If so, things will never get better unless he gets help… And if he has this and doesn’t accept or seek help there is nothing you can do. :woman_shrugging:t3: Then the decision has to come can you continue to live this way?

I would definitely push for a trip to the dr to explain all of this. There’s 100% an underlying issue (and it’s likely not you) and he’s trying to self medicate with the bud. Clearly, that’s not going to be enough, so he’ll need professional assistance.


A few years ago I went through a similar situation, he never changed. If he needs weed to be a nice person, he is not a nice person at all. If I were you I would think very well before getting married. Your son is watching how he mistreated you, ask to yourself if that is the kind of home you want to offer to him. Don’t be afraid of starting again, you are stronger than you think.

He’s self medicating you know how he acts when he’s without so stop acting like it’s a whole surprise sorry but not sorry I don’t care if I sound rude but you knew this for a while of course he mental state will change when he don’t smoke you got used to him smoking so when he isn’t you think it’s all different either accept his flaw or move on if he is hungry he will make himself food he ain’t being mean just because you think he gots an attitude


I have bi polar and I’m not a smoker but when I go off my meds I get mean. And he is useing weed like a med so when he stops it’s like not being medicated ask him to see a doctor to make sure he don’t need other medications


Im speechless at some of you and its no wonder many are single…
I think its masking a mental health issue and he should get evaluated. He also needs to be made aware of his actions because sometimes we just dont realize what we are doing.
Too many people give up so quickly because things arent perfect. No relationship is perfect and if your both willing to work at both of your issues then things will get better in your relationship.


If he needs it that bad for medical reasons than see if he can get his card.

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He’s probably self medicating. Look into adult adhd. A lot of anger issues go along with it.

Key words. WE will work on his anger. Girl there is no we. Its HIS problem, he needs to change and HES the only one who can do that. You deserve better. He chooses to be mean and hateful you can also choose to walk away.


I have been where you are with my ex I loved him very much but I had to think about my child. What was this doing to her? Is this how I want her to grow up thinking this is what a relationship means? My mother was in an abusive alcoholic relationship and I thought it was what I was supposed to achieve in my own relationship. So think about your child and decide if this behavior is what you should be teach him/her.

Is he maybe medicating with weed and what would it be for in your opinion like mood disorders cause pill forms are not always better and can be worse addicting

Idk where ur located…but im in maine and we have a perception of weed same as many other anxiety or depression medication. In the way…as it is his medicine. Its just as if not more important that we around here have this medicine, because it is a natural relief of tensions, anxieties…in many forms and ways…da weed not da problem. Dats medicine…most natural and oldest ancestrial one around…i have waited and waited for an individual I care much for to be able to use weed again…its not federal so some still cannot use this medicine…but ya kno…obvs gettung prescribed benzos is legal…anyways. Point is, u can’t change folks who dont wanna change an the resistance in u is the cause of animosity not his existence. If the weed make him better…stop resisting that and start embracing his life experiences happpppier over all. The bills n all that is seperate…i mean ppl need medicine as much as they need housing so my advice is heed the wise, a drawn sword is met with brute forces. Embrace the weeds, u smoke the weeds as well…come from plan together to make plans how medicines and homes can be managed and u will see. Love always wins.

Same… however, my husband is diagnosed with PTSD. He is prescribed medical marijuana as a treatment. I don’t know if that could possibly apply to your husband (the PTSD or another mental inhibition), but I do notice a big fluctuation when my own husband does not have any. Thankfully, I’m aware of the issues, and can help him through it, regardless of how nasty he gets. I’ve come to understand it as something he cannot control, and getting hurt and offended doesn’t really do anything but bother ME. I’ve found that when he gets like that, trying to help him find the underlying issue, and working to fix THAT helps a lot more, and usually helps resolve the bad mood more quickly.


Dont merry him in Sept. And dont till he grows up. And resept you.

He doesn’t sound like the best man. Sorry but you don’t deserve that treatment. Also, getting married isn’t going to help him change. I would seek counseling or advice prior to making that commitment to him. Plus you don’t want that behavior around your child period.

Time to postpone the wedding while you two work on the issues. There is no reason to run down the isle until everything is perfect. Sounds like there are some things to work on first.

Are you sure you’re not just pregnant and being super hormonal and taking things the wrong way . I know this is not aways the reason it could be his brain being way to used to being high and it causes them to be irritated

Don’t allow this to continue at all…i would postpone marriage for sure and I would give a time frame to get it together…dont do this to your self esteem

Girl you need to run while you can. It will only get worse.

It’s the withdrawal of why he has a different attitude everyone goes through it without realizing it, you should address him and talk to him about how you feel without sounding like your going against him

You are wasting time waiting for changing. No one will change unless they are ready and marriage only will make it worse :frowning:.

Do not marry him! This is a red flag!. If he will not actively seek help for this problem/s, you leave!!!

He has an issue. I really wouldn’t jump the gun and kick him out, but I’d put my foot down and get his habit under control. Use an ultimatum if you have to. Like “it’s us or the bud” then push for councling and other forms of support and help to get him a-okay. Making you both a-okay.

It is expensive even with a medical card

Mine gets almost the same way. He’s more rude then anything.

Keep him high, anxiety presents as anger sometimes.

I’d hold off on marrying him. Get counseling.

Wait until he smokes again and bring up the idea of him getting help to deal with his underlying issues. Because it sounds like he may be self medicating. Please take it from me because I am a heavy smoker myself.

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It’s not gonna change I’m sorry. I’ve been through that…

This is a withdrawal symptom

Leave, do not put up with it. I have done that for far to long and it’s going to change.


Withdrawals…His body n mind is used to it. Like an alcoholic, if he doesnt have it hes gonna change

I am sorry you REALLY need to think about marring someone who only treats you nice when he is smoking weed. That shouts a lot. You said he has anger management issues. Answer this does he treat his boss the way he treats you when he is not smoking, if he got pulled over and he came in contact with a police officer would he treat them the way he treats you, how about other men or friends does he treat them the way he treats you when he is not smoking weed. If he does not treat all of those people with disrespect and being mean to them then You not dealing with anger management issue your dealing with someone who does not respect you. If he can control himself around everyone else he is perfectly able to control his anger. My opinion you have a man who has had a child and is forced to grow up because he has had a child and is blaming you because he had to make changes in his life. everyone at some point needs to grow up it seems he does not want to grow up but blame you for him having to. You can only control your self you can not control him. You need to decide if you can live with this or not. My advise though unless you want your son growing up treating you like his dad is treating you, you need to get out of the relationship. Frankly he has shown you who he is going to be you are telling us you do not like how he make you feel and you do not like his anger then you need to get out because he is not going to change. Move file for child support ask family for help until you can get on your feet because if you marry him it will only get worse but then you would be legally tied to him. Do not put your son in a situation where your going to get a divorce and what you have described you are highly likely to divorce. Answer this if you did not have your son would your have stayed with him. Were you engaged before you got pregnant or did you get engaged because you got pregnant and had a baby. Having a baby should not be a deciding fact in getting married.
FYI the detox for pot dose not create a mean person.

I use to date a guy just like that clown you’re dating. If he was high, he was cool. When he wasn’t high, he was the worst. I got rid of him. Who wants to live with a Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

Just let the man smoke first wtf…he’s probably battling something

Oh hell no… First I’m Canadian… so it’s legal here… AND I have my medical licence… So I know what it’s like to be in pain…second he needs to stop bitching and he needs to put his family first. If he can’t do it now… you won’t be happy on the future. Just because you love him, doesn’t make the way he treats you ok. He needs help… or help him right out the door!

Okay, you don’t go through any kind of withdrawal from pot so don’t let anyone tell you that. It’s a mental addiction (not dismissing it, but it’s not something your body can get addicted to). I agree with everyone saying there’s an underlying issue like bi polar etc. My best friend smokes for anxiety. She’s not an ass when she doesn’t smoke though. I would maybe suggest to him to try talking to a doctor. Or maybe some kind of counseling.

he’s probably just an asshole and being high keeps that part of his personality hidden. Most people are a lot different when drunk or high versus sober. Not everything is a mental disorder everyone on here trying to diagnose him with something. Some people are just jerks. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Wow, this triggered me a little because I was in a relationship like this. They don’t want to recognize their behavior as off and refuse to acknowledge the underlying issues that the weed is medicating. Additionally, bills are bills and he needs to understand that his habit doesn’t dictate those. Additionally, you recognize and grow from your behavior not just chalk it up to “I’m just an asshole”. That’s a cop out. My advice, leave. If he can’t even acknowledge his behavior or seek help, it won’t change.

He may need therapy and counseling