Girl he is manipulating you so bad and will also be belligerent because he knows you will get his stuff for him. I’d leave and advise him until he has a year sober stay away from you all cause he’s being unbelievably intolerable from the sounds of it. So run and deal with things on your own because your doing it anyways hun now you won’t have to fight anyone but the kids when they argue and you won’t have the stress of his abuse any longer
Does it occur to you that he slowed down for a reason but when the reason is completed he’ll return to heavy drinking again. You will never be happy in a relationship like this. Get on with your life. You deserve better. He’s using you.
Is this even a real post?
Leave as soon as possible. .he is not going to change
KICK HIM OUT…… TODAY!!! If not for you , for your children!!! You are setting the example of relationships for them. Do YOU want YOUR children to be in a relationship like this ? I think not ….
What the heck you still waiting for ??? Get him out of your life and as soon is possible!!! You don’t deserve any of his abuse !!
No one deserves that kind of abuse. Get out now. Or stop enabling.
Get out why you can move on with someone good
This is hard I get it, but have him leave. Your enabling his behavior. You might not say its okay but you are showing him its okay by staying and taking the verbal abuse and handing him his addiction. An addict cannot be changed by anyone, HE has to WANT to change himself.
Kick him out, or move if you’re paying for everything he needs to leave. This isn’t healthy for anyone especially the kids. He needs to hit rock bottom to realize he needs professional help.
Stop enabling him and leave.
Yea this isn’t a good relationship at all, get rid of him and the money you save on beer, take your kids on a nice weekend away…he’s not going to change…
Stop feeding his habit and leave
So coming from a relationship exactly like this… it doesn’t get better and with you enabling him by purchasing it for him it won’t help. He will not get help unless he wants to… and I know it’s easier said then done to just walk away but you need to do what’s best for your babies and your mental health… you can do this without him and you already are he’s just taking up space and ruining your mental health it will hurt in the beginning but when it’s all said and done you will feel amazing because that extra stress is gone… also you cannot make excuses for someone that treats you that way he would chose that alcohol over you so you need to chose you and your babies over him hugs mama I know it’s hard I will say a prayer for you
Leave him, it’s not worth the mental pain
I’m just going to be point blank and say I think you forgot to take some of the trash out.
I was that alcoholic. My advice is an ultimatum. He wont change the way its going take kids leave put off getting married until he changes. Sitting there with his abusive drinking won’t get anywhere. He needs rehab. But prepare yourself he never be willing to change and you need move on never look back
Leave. You are being abused verbally and emotionally. Plus the kids are seeing this behavior.
He will never change and if the slightest possibility he does it is short lived. Don’t marry him!!!
So stop buying the beer and when he leaves to buy it change the locks and lock your doors. Kick him out until he gets the help he needs. YOU CANNOT HELP SOMEONE THAT DOESNT HELP THEMSELVES!!!
This reminds me for Tracey Chapman’s ‘Fast Car.’
What advice wod u give a friend if she jst told u wot u told us??….an alcoholic is a selfish person ,always will be…u buy him his beers cigs etc n u get abuse😡what about the kids?…they are going to think this is normal behaviour and most likely repeat the pattern…truthfully I would leave the sinking ship now ,he ain’t ever going to change
He is no good. He is abusive and taking advantage of you. Kick him out or go get your own place. This is not the behavior you want your kids to learn
Leave and never look back! He is mentally and emotionally abusive and no woman deserves that! Please leave. I know it’s more difficult when you have children and you just want to have a family with two parents but at this point it’s better for your children to be with you only.Children don’t deserve to be seeing any of the name calling or mental and emotional abuse. Leave, for your babies. Praying for you
Wow wow we wow!! I’d leave that pile of shit to buying his own cigarettes and alcohol you’re a fool if you keep doing what you’re doing. And remember you’re teaching your kids to be the same idiot!!
The person you fell in love with is not there anymore. He has no desirable qualities it sounds like. What is making you stay? There’s nothing worth staying for.
Dump him he likes beer better than you
So I’m wondering what exactly does he bring to the relationship?! Whatever it is, it’s not worth putting up with all that
Wouldn’t be getting married! Your children are at risk. Do you wanna lose them? Stop buying the crap I know not easy to do
So you’re basically a single mom living with an abusive man child, who is setting this example for your 4 children. As a mother, ask yourself if you would be happy or okay with any of your children growing up to be with someone who treats them this way and is an alcoholic? He has a problem and clearly doesn’t want to improve it. You and your children deserve better mama!
Much love to you today hope it is full of blessings. Sorry you are going through this and good job on reaching out. it can be really hard to set healthy boundaries and keep up with self care in these types of situations because you love him but can’t live with his alcoholism. There is a support group called Alanon it’s for the loved ones of alcoholics. It’s really helpful and could bring you some peace. keep your head up and focus on yourself and what you need to be happy and healthy and everything else will follow:heart:
Alcoholics can’t part time drink tell him the drink goes or he goes it’s no environment for kids to grow up in time to put the kids and you first
Stop buying it and he gets aggressive call the cops. I’ve dealt with this many times with 1 person.
If this has been the case since the beginning and its gotten worse rather than improve, what is honestly making you think he will change now?! Time to cut the losses and have a reason for doing it all on your own, which is being alone! You have to love yourself more.
HE WILL NOT CHANGE! I wasted 9 years on my sons father (16-25) your story sounds like mine except I only had 1 son. Everytime I threatened to leave he would say he would change and quit drinking and/or go to rehab. But it wasnt for him it was to make me happy. How many times I left and went back, he would stop for a day or 2 and than start right back up hiding the cans/bottles until he just didnt give a shit anymore, he also didnt work because he would drink and smoke weed all night long. Cant tell you how much money i had once I finally left. It’s not fair to you and it’s not fair to your kids! You and your kids deserve so much better.
2 30 packs a day! If it’s bud lite at $52 a case that was over $3,100.00 a month! He is robbing you! LEAVE!!
I don’t think you need advice, I bet you know exactly what you need to do. It’ll be hard but it’ll be better for you and your kids. I hated my mom for being with an alcoholic. Do what’s best for you and your kids. He’s not going to change and clearly you don’t need him as he does nothing for the relationship and family anyways. Best of luck.
Get rid of him! I lived with an alcoholic & I don’t want to see anyone else go through that! Believe me it gets worse!
Was in a relationship where a man talked to me just like this when he drank and was an alcoholic. He was legit Jekyll and Hyde. He could be the SWEETEST man and so much fun to hang around and I was madly in love with him.
Fast forward living with him for 12 months. He didn’t work, he didn’t clean, he didn’t cook etc. He cussed at me one too many times when drinking and when he made the mistake of accusing my 5 year old of lying, I told him to GTFO out my house.
I deserved better and honey so do you. Bcuz THEY DO NOT AND WILL NOT CHANGE! I held my breath for 3 years with that one. Never again!
I’m sorry it’s time to move on.
Honestly if it was worse before and you knew….that was the sign it wouldn’t change. He’s not even interested in giving it up or how it effects his behavior. I wouldn’t buy that mf another beer honestly. Let him get crappy, find himself a job too. Think of your kids, my parents were alcoholics and it did a number on me to say the least.
Quit paying for his habit.
Take those babies and leave before its to late.
He won’t change. If he were going to change for you he already would have. Leave. He’s not bringing anything to your relationship but grief and abuse.
All or nothing, hes allowed all this room to act as he chooses and treat you horribly and you think things will improve? Got to make changes if you want changes so u need to get out
What is wrong with you that you think so little of yourself to stay with total loser? You need to leave and get counseling. He doesn’t care about you or kids only himself.
Why are you with him? You would be so much better without him. Let him go and find a new man
If I were you I’d leave and move on
Leave him yesterday girl
This is going to end in disaster.
From a former huge drinker if he can’t quit drinking and sober up for his family then you need to run. Because it will get bad again believe me. Sometimes after you have tried to slow down the binge drinking will become even worse. You don’t need to pay for any of his habits and it is down right wrong for him to be saying those things too you. I would tell him to get sober and get help or run like hell.
Why even remotely tolerate this nonsense, Leave him to his beer and run away. You are never going to be his priority it’ll always be beer, life is too short.
You are already paying for everything and doing everything alone… so the question should be why are you still buying his crap and putting up with it?? You have all the power here to make yours and your children’s lives better… send him packing. It’s never going to improve for all of you otherwise.
Im sorry… He cant be that cute or that good in bed. Know your worth. Ive stayed with some real turd… I get it. But ill be damned if some man is gonna complain about the beer IM buying and then call me a bitch. Dont let that shit slide. Kick him out and let him go thru alcohol withdrawal. Jerk.
Move on love, your basically doing it alone at this point anyway, and him being an a**hat contributes to your life in no way shape or form. Let him go, you’ll save money Also because why buy beer and cigarettes for someone who shows such hate towards you. It WILL NOT get better. Took me almost 8 years to learn that with my ex. Not saying it’ll be easy at first, but it may be the best decision you make for you and the kiddos.
I’m really not sure what the question is? Read what you just posted because the answer is pretty clear. I’m not sure why you’d put yourself or your kids through this? You sound like a very strong woman.
LEAVE NOW!!! It’s just going to get worse. Can you believe being called a bitch because he’s had less than 4oz a beer a day.
Wait, what the hell does he have to be stressed about? he doesn’t do anything. That alone means no stress.
You really need to learn more about chemical addiction, alcohol has a biphasic effect, as long as the blood alcohol content (BAC) is increasing the stimulant and euphoric effects are in play, but as BAC plateau’s or decreases it switches to a depressant and a mechanism for the release of repressed abhorrent psychological behaviors–( “complete asshole” ), so you keep counting ounces with him and enjoy the ride, it aint gonna end well for your children or you
I just read the first 2 sentences and it already sounded like you knew the answer.
He won’t change. What were you expecting going in? A limit is still drinking.
it’s not your job to fix him and you are worth way more than this…
Leaving sounds wonderful, but alcoholics manipulate their narcissistic behavior, and make you feel like it’s all your fault, he won’t leave and will always find his way back to dry out or come down…will beg and plead to stay then the circle starts all over, they won’t let you leave,
I was married to a alcoholic for 18 years and no matter what he says he will never change. I put up with it for my kids and finally realized I had enough. It was the best decision I ever made. No matter how many time he says sorry and he won’t do it again it’s a lie.
And how can he be stressed he’s drinking all day every day. . There’s no excuse for his a hole
Behaviours and you are not his punching bag in any way….
Believe me life is so much better once you leave… be happy life is too short
He cares more about getting his 5 tall boys than he cares about you.
My boyfriend is also an alcoholic… been for over 11 years or so liver is damaged it’s so hard to deal w but he would never talk to me like that …he hates himself for being this way he wants to stop but can’t he gets depressed n sad …you shouldn’t put up w any kind of abuse rather it be emotional mental physical abuse is ABUSE
I couldn’t even finish past the first few sentences. Why do you stay??!?!? That is going to end badly when it does! They only change if THEY want to. I didn’t see if you have kids, but if you do you’re teaching them that behavior is acceptable.
Would you want the kids to emulate his behavior?
I’ve been in your shoes. It didn’t end well. Unfortunately, until someone who has an addiction choses to really get the help they need to change, it will only continue to get worse. You should not have to limit his alcohol intake just so he doesn’t abuse you…that’s abuse in itself. You deserve better. A partner who wants to be an equal party and take care of you just as much as you take care of them. I know as women, it’s in our nature to “nurture” but some people will never change.
Get your kids out of there first off! Not a good, healthy or safe environment for them. Get yourself out of there before his nasty words turn violent. Stop enabling him by buying his booze and then complaining about it! Take the booze money and pay the premiums on the life insurance and Depends and get ready to be his caregiver because this loser drunk won’t last long drinking like that.
Run & run fast. He doesn’t care and he never will because your enabling him to do so. He’s never going to change. Pack the kids up & go. Please!
- No one deserves to be talked to that way. 2. (No offense) you knew what you were dealing with. 3. You can’t help someone who doesn’t want help. 4. You can’t change someone, they have to want to change
The abuse is NOT ok, the alcoholic thing isn’t an excuse…
Eww wtf even is this… I really hope this is made up cause this is honestly disgusting behaviour. 1. He is straight up useless. Sorry to put it bluntly. Talks to you horribly, demands alcohol and hes setting a shitty example for your children. And 2. Your enabling him. Sorry but your also part of the problem.
Okay so this is not a joke . And people think it’s funny and it’s so simple to run away but it’s 1000% not.
My best friends husband was a horrible alcoholic and it went on for a while and then one night when she refused to buy beer he went outside and shot himself in the head .
When they need it like that they just need it .
He needs to get himself to a rehab asap and if not you need to leave and I would sit him down and tell him that when he is sober that you are going to leave it he does not go to rehab IMMEDIATELY.
Move on before he starts hitting you to.
Give him an ultimatum… Go to rehab or lose your family! You have to take care of you and those babies!
Please leave and go to a domestic violence shelter with your kids. You thinking this is ok or to live with it is the worst mentality you can have especially with your kids. Staying tells them it’s ok to act the way he does. It’s hurting you all. Don’t even give an ultimatum, just go one day and then deal once out of the household.
Move on please, for your kids’ sake and for yours. You’re already doing all the work and making all of the money and he is an abusive burden at this point. Took me too long for me to realize this about my ex and he eventually became physical because I began sticking up for myself. You deserve better and so do your kids. Drop him and you’ll be so much happier and the stress will be much less as well, I promise you that much.
Leave his ass!!! What are you waiting for, way too many cons about him and no pros! I feel sorry for you for even thinking about staying with a little boy, he’s never gonna grow up! Everyone says rehab, he needs way more than rehab! Also, For alcohol he has to be medically detoxed because he could die from withdrawals.
He wont stop drinking until he himself chooses not to. He needs to want this change in his heart.
I would put out an ultimatum.
You slow down on drinking or we are through.
This isnt going to change. He will get worse
If you allow this to continue, you are telling & showing your kids it is perfectly ok for people to treat them like this and they should just take it and not stand up for themselves. Ask yourself what you want for them. Think about what they see and hear every day.
Kick his ass out !!!
Save your money and leave him. Before something happens to you or your kids.
You need to leave him. Not goods for the children. No one deserve this.
You are enabling him! Stop buying beer! If he is not willing to change himself and you do not like this situation, it’s time to start planning your exit strategy. Before anyone starts saying it’s not easy to just up and leave, no it isn’t I’ve been there! Its hard as hell, emotionally , mentally and physically but if you want better for you and your kids you have to make it happen, bc he will not and neither can anyone else
oh hun please move on with your life you dont deserve that type of behaviour from nobody i know better said then done but take it at a pace you know you need to maybe try rehab asap but my advice it to leave you deserve so much more so do those kids it is never okay what he does and says at all it is abusive behaviour
Don’t try to change him… Exchange him
leave this asshole do not look back
Please move on my MIL has lived with an verbally / emotional abusive man ( husband’s step dad) for 30 years. My husband is still overcoming his childhood and we limit our exposure to him. She will not leave. Do not waste yourife or expose children to this kind of life. Leave
Girl boot his little boy ass out the door back to his mama !
He’s got his own problems to deal with and he will not get better until he decides it’s time to get better. You can’t reason with them. You can love still love them and walk away from them. Walking away from them doesn’t mean you don’t love them, it doesn’t mean you are giving up on them, it means you love them enough that you are no longer willing to be an enabler to their addiction. You and your kids will be better off without the alcoholism in your life and theirs. It’s not normal, it’s not their weight to bear, nor is it yours. Hold your head up and walk away. Do not get married because it will be harder and more expensive to leave.
The thing I noticed you are doing is holding hope to his potential and past. This man has shown you who he is and you being kind hearted aren’t taking that as the truth. When you first date someone you don’t date that person you date their respective. You meet a version of them they want everyone to see and after time goes by and they can’t hold up the act the real them comes out. Drop the potential and past that man has and see who he’s showing you he is and get you and your children into a safe invite environment.
You need to move on with your life. You also need alanon if you stay with him or not because it sounds to me like you are an enabler and maybe a little co-dependent .I know this because I was married to an addict myself and had to overcome these tendencies . You and your kids don’t deserve this and I agree with a previous comment on the damage this could be doing to your kids.
No good. Had to let him go because of it. It was hard but my life is soooooo much better now. Good luck to u:pray:
If he doesn’t work just
Quit buying his stuff. I don’t even know why you would text something like this and I don’t know why your still there. Pack something everyday and be gone. Good luck. I’m sure he doesn’t want to loose you.
The only problem in your life is him! The only person that can help him is him and he is not going to bother. Run!!
U that fucking dumb to even ask move the fuck out
If he doesn’t do anything what is he stressed about?
Stop wasting your time and life.
You should never be “okay” with tolerating any level of a serious, life threatening addiction.