My fiance lied about vaping: Advice?

You can’t make someone quit anything if they don’t want to and all this drama you are creating for yourself. and its unfair of you to put him in that position

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Sometimes I wonder how old these people are that send these in :roll_eyes: but you were letting him continue to smoke if I understand correctly but not vape?! It’s basically the same thing :woman_facepalming: it’s a vape nothing to be all out of whack over. Maybe he felt the need to lie to you cause maybe you over react about things?! Js


How I feel with some of these “issues” presented :woman_facepalming:

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You’re heartbroken over some vapes?

Is this the kind of ppl out here having kids and shit ?
Cause what the actual FUCK!

No, you do not have the right to be upset about him not meeting your unfair expectations. He’s a grown man, you don’t get to decide if he vapes or not! Come on now.


He is grown…are you his partner or his mother?


Vaping will crystalize his lungs. No cure

I would shoot myself in the face if I was him having to dealing with that…but that’s just me


Your letting him what in the world? He is grown and you treating him like a child. Before you have your baby you need to grow up


Sheesh you’d think the dude was doing hard drugs the way you worded this all, relax, he is his own person


You realize he’s a grown man. You are not his mother or even his wife. You need to grow up.

Wow… I quit smoking two years ago because I found vaping. I no longer stink, have yellow fingers, spend all my money on smokes etc not to mention how much better it is for you than smoking… it’s pretty dumb to be okay with him reeking like smokes, yellow teeth, sweating it all out through his pores when you could compromise and give a little bit of a break and be okay with vaping

Grow tf up


Why does he have to quit vaping ur pregnant not him ?


Grow up. He lies about it because you make such a big deal. Who are you to tell him what he can and can’t do.


Youre being abusive.


I’m sorry but honey he’s his own person. He’s a grown man. If he wants to vape why stop him? It’s not gonna harm you or the baby.


It’s not about the vaping itself. It’s the fact that he had straight up lied instead of just being honest and saying “I’m not quitting”


That’s a grown man you are trying to control.


Good grief… there are women out here there man is cheating on them with another woman. Abusing them and so forth and you are freaking worried about yours vaping. Life is not just about you. it involves him to. heck I wished that was all I had to worry about.


Hormones… honestly he’s a grown adult and should be able to vape, I mean make him do it outside and not in house if you so wish but it’s vaping he should be allowed with out having a fight, guys need their own thing too

The lying and sneaking shouldn’t have happened. With that said, you have him no other choice!!! There are bigger fish to fry. Let the man vape.

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Ummm his body his choice?? Don’t let your hormones get the best of you… best of luck

regardless he is a dam liar !!!


Its the hormones dear…now the problem is vaping later in the pregnancy it will be him breathing…go easy on him…pregnancies take a toll on both parties.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: oh wait my bad you serious :face_with_monocle: get over it

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Why does he have to stop vaping? If he isn’t doing it beside you then it doesn’t affect you. You don’t get to tell him what he can and can’t do just bc you’re not doing it. Is vaping really what you want to argue over? You just seem like a control freak and I’m sure trying to force him to stop vaping won’t end well bc he is an adult who can choose what he wants to do for himself.


Pregnancy hormones are wild girl. I think by him not doing it in front of you shows he has respect for your wishes… But asking him to stop altogether because you have to isn’t necessarily fair. He is making an effort to make it easier on you by not letting you see him do it, etc. Yeah, I can understand being upset that he has been keeping it from you, but you haven’t exactly made it possible for him to be honest. He probably feels like he can’t be honest without making you upset so he is doing what he feels would best avoid conflict.


I would be upset for the lying but that’s it why shouldn’t he vape I could understand not vapeing around you

Okay so everyone getting mad and calling you dumb are WRONG. You both made a decision TOGETHER that neither of you were vaping. He was sneaky, lying, gaslighting you and making you feel crazy. All of that is wrong in a marriage and can cause serious damage on your trust factor.

Yes, he’s an adult, as he every one is saying- but because of that he could’ve just said “honey, I’m sorry, I want to vape and I will continue to.” Instead of lying and being sneaky. Simple.


You can’t force him to quit because you want to. Until he is mentally ready to quit, it isn’t gonna happen. Worry about yourself.


Your being very controlling. Why should he have to quit anything because your pregnant?? You made it sound like he was smoking meth or something


What else he lying about

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omg it’s a vape🤦🏼‍♀️ who tf cares. it could be so much worse.


You are wrong in trying to control him. As long as he’s not doing anything to harm you or the baby I would let him vape


He shouldn’t have to lie to you…he’s an adult and should be able to vape if he wants :joy:
Like how is smoking any better and you have no issue with that?
Forcing someone to give up something because YOU are having a hard time is ridiculous

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Letting him? Girl, that’s controlling! Just cause you decided to get pregnant doesn’t mean he has to give you everything too.

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This is a serious post?:roll_eyes:. If that’s making you heartbroken, you are in for one hell of a ride with life.


I mean, it could be a crack pipe :woman_shrugging:


Jesus. You need to settle down. He is a grown man . If someone tried to control me like that I would leave their ass. And that is exactly what he will do to you if you don’t smarten up

The fact he lied is not cool… but its weird to me he can’t vape cause ur pregnant… isn’t he a grown ass man… hes not smoking it around you … so it really shouldn’t bother you

HeArT bRoKeN she says :rofl:


He’s grown! Leave him the fk alone about it. He will quit when ready, you cannot force it or he will dig in more. Yikes.

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The lying would upset me.
But he’s a grown man. If he wants to vape? Leave him alone


Hi Mumma! Congratulations on your pregnancy!! It is all your hormones, let him not vape around you if thats ok? Instead you are ok with him smoking a cig… how is that alright? But dictating your fiance on what he cant and can…. I am worried about the future… you cant run people like that.


You’ve got a LONG ass pregnancy ahead of you if this is causing such a problem! :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

Women all over the world would KILL to have vaping the be worst thing they suffer through in a relationship


You’re not his mother, no way to push somebody away like pushing them to do something because you’re being selfish and petty. I can’t do it, so neither can you, unless I allow it. Who tf are you?!?! I’m assuming we are speaking about an adult human being. Grow up :roll_eyes::grimacing::rofl:


Just because you can’t vape means you control him vaping. He isn’t doing it in front of you or teasing you over it . I quit smoking in 1995 . My husband didn’t so he smoked outside out of respect to me . Your being very childish. If you weren’t pregnant right now you would be vaping too .


Hormonal for sure.
He is an adult. He isnt vaping around you. No harm there
Only issue is the lying. But your fault there because your trying to force him to change and be someone else


Atleast its not ciggerettes!

He lies because of how you react. I don’t believe in controlling your spouse in that way. You aren’t his parent, you’re suppose to be his best friend & someone he can be himself around. Not that he should lie to you, but just know it’s unhealthy to have a relationship with that dynamic.


Lol heart broken over a vape…yup must be hormones coz straight up be greatfull thats all hes lying bout…or is it​:thinking::joy: whonknoes5but if ur only problem in life is that ur man vapes…gosh let him have it least hes not smoking :joy::joy:


You’ve got to be kidding me :joy::roll_eyes: let this man live. My god

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He’s a liar.
Either live with it or dump him.
He’s proven repeatedly that he cannot be trusted.
Either decide you can live with him vaping, with his lying, or you can’t.
It’s honestly that simple.


My guess is that you are very young.When you reach 50yrs old,you’ll have real things to get mad about.Learn to let little things role off your shoulder or you will lose the father of your child and miss out on important happy roles in life y’all should be sharing together…


He is vaping… Not doing drugs or other women… I think it is your hormones cause


Mine lied to me about vapinf after having been quit for 4 yrs.
It wasn’t the vaping itself it was the lie. The lie hurt so bad. I had no idea. I trusted him so much.
I am also pregnant.
I get it. It hurts. But you, like I did have to decide if you want to help him quit or be the reason he can’t. By help I mean support. Not nag and judge. They’re grown men.

Mine talks about quitting again which is fabulous! It’s too expensive anyway.


It’s his body. He should be able to freely make decisions on what he consumes. He has that right. As his pregnant wife you have the right to ask him to at least do it outside away from you. Beyond that you have no control or right to try to control him. I would seriously be blaming your hormones and let this one slide Sis


Hormones. Why does he have to stop just because you did?


You “let him” carry on smoking.
You hero :rofl::rofl:
You sound controlling and frankly, a nightmare


Jesus, these comments ain’t it


Heart broken? I mean… come on. If he doesn’t do it around you (like rubbing it in your face) what is the big deal?


So what did everyone have for dinner tonight??? :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::rofl::rofl:


You’re heart broken because you can’t control that a grown man didn’t listen to you… Man you are in for a wake up call when you have your kid and they listen to absolutely NOTHING (like all children).


Why wouldn’t you just ask him not not vape around you, and try to keep it out of your sight? Like I realize your pregnant, but it sounds Iike your mad because he can vape and you can’t right now?


Dude he doesn’t want to stop so of course it’s gonna be hard. You need to compromise maybe just ask him to make sure he doesn’t smell like vape and to not do it in front of you. No one with an addiction can quit just because someone else told them to, they have to be ready. Him not being ready doesn’t mean shit. lighten up.

I mean if he wants to get sick and die early let him be lol that makes him happy i dont think you have to be reacting this way over vape lol i guess he shld just not use it while you’re around cos inhaling it is harmful somehow but i mean let him die and get sick if thats what he wants,

Stop being a control freak and let the guy alone. You don’t want to vape that is up to you - but you are trying to control every aspect of his life and that ain’t cool! Worry about your own shit and leave him alone FFS.

Is it laced with heroin? Because I’m dead ass not understanding…

If he can’t truly be himself around you, you two are already over. You are controlling and he is a liar… this is a bad start and you both sound way too young to have a child… good luck…


Imagine being so annoying your man has to lie about a vape pen like he’s 13 :clown_face::poop::sob::woman_facepalming:t4:


Yeah, the above comments are correct. I never asked my husband to stop while I was pregnant. Why is it such a problem? He shouldn’t have lied but he obviously felt he had to…I wonder why?? Try to grow up a little before the baby comes.


Listen, you need to let the vaping thing go. I’d be more upset about him hiding something from me and lying.

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It could always be worse and I can understand hormones… I found out my husband had a porn addiction a month after I gave birth… trust me there is no way Vaping is that bad! Relax!

Keep in mind he’s not pregnant. I know I know. Don’t put him in a position to have to lie about it to keep you from being upset. That starts down a road you don’t want you’re relationship on. It will be ok.

If I’m smoking a Vape or using a Vape for nicotine is the biggest problem in your relationship girl move the fuck on lol

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It’s The Hormones Girl You Got More Relevant Shit To Worry About

Heart broke is strong .

If he’s lying and hiding anything from you then he doesn’t respect you! The whole point is if your spouse is lying and hiding with something so small then they can do it with bigger things. Those who think she is trying to control him your wrong. She said they both agreed so she isn’t forcing him to do anything if he clearly agreed to it and decided to go behind her back and keeps lying about it. I have this exact problem with my husband. He is the one who came to me and said he wanted to quit smoking cigarettes and that he wanted to be supportive of me trying to quit because of the medication I am on I can’t consume nicotine and I didn’t ask him to quit or try….HE came to me and said HE wanted to quit and agreed not to buy anymore packs or bum any. He did good for about a month and then started hiding them from me and putting our account in the negative just to buy a pack and started keeping them at work but you can’t hide the smell. I let it go and decided that if he wanted to quit he would and I have been going on 3yrs without nicotine but then he started coming home and bragging about how good he’s been doing and about how he hasn’t bought a pack since we made our agreement when I know 100% he was lying and I called him out on it. It wasn’t the fact he was still smoking cigarettes…it became about the fact he was lying to my face and hiding it from me. I don’t care what he wants to do that’s not the issue the issue is the hiding and the lying. If you can lie and hide something as small as a pack of cigarettes then you can do it with anything period. Don’t put up with the lying and hiding. If your spouse or whoever respects you at all and loves you like they say they do then they wouldn’t hide shit or lie about it… they’d be honest about it!

Vaping is causing tumors in young people. Quitting for the health of your unborn child is a good idea

Let him vape… it’s an addiction… you being crazy about it because you are pregnant is just silly. Sounds like he’s afraid of you, because you’re judging him… It’s sad he feels the need to hide it from you…


I would lie to you too
I would be more upset that he needs his mommy to do stuff for him


I mean he needs to quit because it’s unhealthy and lying isn’t okay but you are overreacting. You being like this causes him to shut down and not approach you

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I get being upset about the lying, but you don’t get to control him and what he does. If he wants to vape, let him vape. You’re creating a divide that won’t end well for you


He is not your child to control or raise . If he is not vaping around you I really do not see the issue , I do not agree with the lying but maybe he did it to avoid a fight about it.
Yes , it’s probably your hormones.


Ummmm why would a friend be hiding a vape under your bed :expressionless:

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Hormones. Just chill and be grateful he ain’t doing drugs or cheating seriously. This is a case of where you should pick and choose your battles wisely and learn to compromise. If he’s truly a good guy and isn’t doing nothing wrong at all besides have a hit off a vape here and there then don’t beat him up for it. Be more understanding.

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You are controlling the poor fella. You don’t sound mentally mature enough to be having a baby… time to grow and move past it or move on, you can’t go around demanding people to change everything just because you don’t approve of it. Controlling behaviour is toxic and he is hiding things from you because he knows your acting childish and controlling so I wouldn’t say he is gaslighting you but more protecting himself from your toxic behaviours.


You’re pissed cause he lied NOT cause he vapes. Deal with that issue.

Whoa. You’re ok with him smoking, but not vaping…. That doesn’t make any sense. Smoking has dangerous second hand smoke whereas vaping just has vapor. And vaping only crystallizes your lungs if you use a juice with diacetyl in it. Which a lot of us don’t do. In any case, vaping involves nicotine… in one concentration or another. Generally much less than cigarettes, but it’s still there. That means it’s somewhat addictive. You probably can’t expect him to just drop it cold turkey unless he’s ready to. He has to want to. Clearly he doesn’t. Not a lot of us do. Vape tastes better than cigarettes and is enjoyable. Now if you were to ask him to stop. That would be one thing. But be prepared to accept his refusal. He’s a grown man.


So lying is never ok but really tho? You can’t control a grown man only yourself. And looks like you’re struggling with that too.

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Are we being punk’d?


Weird. I’d be upset too if he lied about it

No reason to be heartbroken. He quit smoking, and he wants to vape. He can control his nicotine levels until he quits for good. You keep harping and making a mountain out of a molehill, though, you’re going to raise his stress levels and whatever routine he was on to quitting completely is going to go off the rails.

Not everyone can just quit cold turkey. And, he probably knew what your reaction would be since you’ve blown up before about this very thing in the past.

You have no control over anyone but yourself. Even as the soon to be mother of his child. That’s not a tool to use to get your way, or leverage to use to try to make someone do something.

You need counseling if this is something that upsets you to the point of heartbreak.


It’s definitely the hormones, lol. Because what in the actual heck? Be normal. YOU are pregnant. He doesn’t have to quit for your sake. He’s not even vaping around you! That’s a good man. Let him do what he does. Stop being irrational.


Let him vape but not around you/baby . His body his choice what he puts into it, right?


You have a problem with vaping but you’re cool with him smoking?? Smh.


Sorry, but this is childish af. He’s not doing it around you or harming your baby, wtf is the big deal? Just because you can’t? How ridiculous. You better mature before this baby comes :woman_facepalming:


You have no right controlling another human being or making him feel that he must go through such lengths, as a grown adult, just to not piss you off.

YOU cannot vape. Why can’t he? Because you’re jealous? Get over it.

The lies are what’s to be upset over, but seeing your behavior in just a post, I can see why he thought he had to lie to you.

And he wasn’t gas lighting you. You need to seriously step back and stop being insane.