My fiance stays up all night playing games with a girl he met online: Advice?

He has no want to be a husband or father to his 4 yr. little boy and now a new little baby… get rid of him. Does he even have a job??
Sounds like you are unfortunately married to a little boy and not a man.
Be strong and get rid of that trash.

Pack up your bags girl


life is too short. PEACE.

Move on, without him.


I would cut your losses

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What is so hard. Kick his ass out

You could vacate for awhile, with your child. See if he enjoys life without you. If he does, then you have your answer. It sounds harsh, but the reality is…you need to know if your waisting your time with a loser relationship. If you are, then ho find someone who really does care.


He is cheating. All of that I went through and he had been in a relationship with the girl for 8 months behind my back. They took it to texting it was just all disgusting all the way around. Listen to your gut and don’t ignore the signs girl. If he’s not going to put you and the baby first and treat you right…… then you need to make the move to do what is better for you and your child.


i’m not trying to be ugly in any way because i’ve personally been there… BUT i’m pretty sure you already know what you need to do, it’s just a tough decision to make… praying for you during this time.

Get rid of him! You deserve better than that!

Leave. And see if you can get guardianship of his other child since he’s not parenting that child

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He sounds very immature. Only a man child would abandon his responsibilities to play a video game all day and all night. Do we even know that he’s actually talking to a woman? (I watch a lot of Catfish) regardless, he sounds like his priorities are not in line, you deserve better than that. If he can’t have a conversation about his behavior and he doesn’t truly consider what you say, it may be time to make a bold decision…even temporarily to open his eyes, can you and your child stay with someone for a week or two? Or maybe at a hotel? I definitely think you two need some space, he will either recognize his faults and make a change or you will get the closure you need in order to move forward without him. You deserve a partner, someone to help you and be there for you. You should never feel like you have to compete for his attention, especially with someone he met online. What an idiot he is!

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Leave him! Trust me he is showing his true self and will never change!

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Definitely don’t marry him! Not until you know for sure what’s going on…sounds like he’s awful towards you. It probably won’t get any better UNLESS YOU LEAVE and then he might straighten up, but don’t wait too long…

If you don’t care enough about yourself to get out of that relationship then please do it for your son and his future relationships. He will be observing and children learn what they live.

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Red alert!!! Run for the hills girl

Run away as fast as you can

Girl, run as fast as you can. This is a man child. Not capable of being your equal. I’d leave with my child and find someone on your maturity level. Never understood a “Man” who plays video games, day and night. Go find yourself a real man.


If it is one specific girl…yeah…he is cheating or planning to cheat. Me and hubby both are gamers and we have our regular people online like to play games with. Some are girls…some are guys. We choose by who is online often mainly. It isn’t even about skill level as it is funny when someone keeps dying on the game and keep getting to laugh and joke about it. If he is constantly on the game just for one girl…he is obviously flirting and stuff with her online. Me and hubby dont game all day. Still get things done. If hubby has worked all week he might game most of the day to take some stress off. I let him bc i stay at home all day. I bring him food and drinks and let him relax and just let it all out online. Every now and then i have a day where i game for a few hours…if not most of the day. We have a good balance. Last thing you could try is gaming with him a couple times and see if he ditches this other woman or if it continues even after that…

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You need to get out of that situation as soon as possible

Honey, run for your life! Nothing good will come from this.


I will leave him , but first I will throw his game through the wall


Girl I went through the same thing, it wasn’t a girl though he hada group of guy friends he’d play with. All the time in the world for that but when it came to spending time with me or taking care of our son he always moaned and groaned about it. At that point its just 1000 times easier to do it yourself I mean you basically are. After the name calling etc. I doubt it’ll change and I’m sorry because you deserve better than that.


Stop asking for help. It isn’t help. Its parenting. Start telling him what needs done and what your boundaries are with the girl. Stop doing anything to benefit him and if he doesn’t get the point and change. Leave.


Break that game he won’t be playing no more

If he doesn’t have time for you or he rather play video games then to be with you or his kids and he is mean when he does spend time with y’all you have got to ask yourself is this the way I want to spend the rest of my life will he ever grow up and be the man he needs to be you see you all ready know the answer probably you know what todo we do not have to tell you sorry but if he is not the man you think you need you already know

Umm just leave !
Unless you want your son growing up around a nasty negative nancy to be his role model !


It isn’t the game or the girl, it’s the fact he isn’t doing his part of the parenting. You shouldn’t have to beg. And he definitely shouldn’t be calling you names.

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Need to leave, he doesn’t love you.

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You realize, of course, who will come on the really bad end of this–your children. Don’t marry him, give him a set deadline to drop the relationship (good luck on that), and get joint counseling. If he won’t go w/you, go w/o him.

on his game console when he isnt around and go to his messages and check it out. Then go to his friends list and delete and block her! Then if he freaks out about it u kick his a$$ out and and be a mommy to ur baby :blue_heart: 7 months is such a fun age and it gets better girl! Ur young and u WILL find someone who will appreciate u and ur son.

That’s how my grandson met his girlfriend, playing video games online ! RUN :running_woman:

That’s how my ex and I became exs. Because he was “playing games” online with some girl. He even locked the door so I couldn’t randomly come in. Fast forward a month, she flew in from Oregon and he moved back in with his mother. :woman_shrugging: in my opinion, nothin goods gonna come outta that.


If he won’t help or spend any time with you, it suggests he doesn’t actually love you. You sound convenient for him. Sorry but this is the way it sounds. Ask if he does actually care about you. If this was me, I would leave with my kids or kick him out.

Why are you asking strangers? You know what you need to do either leave or put his lazy ass out on the street. He plays games all day and night but doesn’t have a job to take care of his family. He is a bum kick him to the curb!

Sounds fishy to me tell him u want to be friends w the girl too. See how he acts , most likely ur going to have to move on and find a man who will respect u and be a father to ur son. Remember ur son sees how he treats u and will grow up disrespecting women too I’m sure u don’t want that

Jesus Christ these comments are all so toxic. If you want his attention, be more interesting than the video games. I’m sure you can figure out how. YOU have the power to completely change how he wants to spend his evenings.


That’s a major red flag. I’d shut that entire situation down or I’d leave

Walk away now. Or if your home kick his ass out the door, he will never change in fact the more you put up with it it it will get worse!

Take the game system and chuck it in the back of the trash truck on the morning of trash day!

Sa la vee-- goodbye is what you say to him and his game.


Get you and your baby out!!

He clearly does not respect you or your relationship. Don’t stand for it or his behaviour and treatment towards you. Don’t stay with him just because you have a baby together, you deserve so much better and so does your child. Don’t be scared to move on from this relationship, it’s a big decision and completely your choice but I can promise you that he will not change. You do what’s best for you


Show him the door your doing it all on your own anyway… Do you really want to live like this for the rest of your life, get rid of your excess baggage and be happy x

Throw the whole man out. You’re better off alone!

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Tell him to pack. You don’t need another kid. If and when he grows up start dating him again to see if there’s any change.

I mean your post is already really messed up with him not helping you to care for your child and choosing to spend all his time online gaming as his priority. Add in that he’s spending all that time with another girl and I’m not sure why you want this relationship. Because as I see it you’re not in a relationship, he’s in a relationship with her. And you can’t even discuss it without him being mean and angry. You need to find your backbone and get over him and leave. Even if you’re alone doing everything (you already are :woman_shrugging:anyway) at least you won’t have to watch him give his time and attention to another woman right in front of you pretending to be a good guy.


He’s expressing some worrying narcissistic behaviours as he is only concerned about his own fun and not willing to see how his actions are having negative impacts on the people he should be caring for. The problem isn’t the girl and the gaming, it’s the lack of consideration, the lack of respect and most of all the lack of love it shows to you and the children because he’s up all night and asleep in the day. I bet you’re walking on eggshells all day so you don’t wake him and sorting the baby all night so he isn’t disturbed. Where is the time for you? Get rid now and save yourself and the kids years of misery. X

Tell him to grow up & be a dad"" & if he can’t do that give him the boot " he is no good for you "


That’s what happens when women start a family without marriage first. He has no legal obligation to the gf, and can simply walk away with only a child support payment if she pursues it legally.

26 and stays up all night playing games wow sounds like my 14 year old :speak_no_evil::rofl: get the hell out of there he is never gonna grow up sounds like an immature douche to me! Move on ! You will find someone who appreciates you and your children this guy sounds like a loser!


You already know what to do. Pack up the baby and get out? Who is working? If you don’t have a job. Get one. Your a mom and an adult. Don’t just move in with a sperm donor. Be a lady and find a gentleman who respects you.

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Red flags :triangular_flag_on_post: he needs to grow up he’s a father not a child he needs to take responsibility for his child not just u. With him playing games with another woman online and he’s not making time for his family tht sad he’s putting his gaming and tht woman friend before u guys I would kick his a hole out u be better off without him he actull verbally abusing u also calling u names

Sounds like he did it with you ,so He will do it to you.

Leave him, you can’t change a man, or boy I should say. And if he’s not giving you what you need then you’re just wasting your time. Find yourself a real man, you shouldn’t have to beg him for anything

I ABSOLUTELY :100: AGREE with Emily Edwards…
RUN …:running_woman: AND DON’T HAVE HIM BACK…

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Well I’m not a fan of any of that. Personally, he shouldn’t be your fiancé. It’s not “help” if it’s his child. And staying up all night playing video games? Really? Sounds more like an immature child than a grown man. Being a single mom is hard, but I wouldn’t put up with that mess.

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Run because it sounds like you have 3 kids

Let that chick have em

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Can we get his side of the relationship to please?
I’m sure there is more to this than you’re saying lol

Time to move on. Do you want your son growing up with that as the example of what a man is?


Aaah get out…if he’s on the games day & night obviously he doesnt work…lazy hua…when you have to beg for him to do things & it’s not working then I say get out…he won’t change over night js…all the best to you & your Bubz​:+1:t2::ok_hand::100:


Meet your own guy friend to play games with all night :blush:


This is not the person you need to be engaged to or married to.


Luckily you aren’t married. Pack it in and leave


So…he’s not working or helping at home? Just gaming? You have how many children again?

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Run away and never look back


Well honey, your with a little boy. What did you expect, for him to act like a man lol? Kick him out and file for child support. He will wake up fast. Hey you ask for help. Thats how you do it


That’s not a man, that’s a child. Say adios and kick him out

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So you’re raising two kids, wow, are you for real? You need to boss up and get real

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I see men like a restaurant, if I don’t like the service I’m leaving. I am not investing my coin, energy nor time at this place aka man again. F$#% that I deserve better YOU DESERVE BETTER, HELLO 5 STAR! Go find yourself a better man. Be valued, not devalued!

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That fact that you have to go online and ask a ridiculous question, he’s clearly still a child. You had to of k own writing this what you need to do. Don’t fight the obvious.

Get out. You have a man child.

Say goodbye while you can% don’t you deserve better?

I think you know what to do.

Leave! And go find you a real man


Red flags…it will never change and no one deserves to be disrespected and treated so horribly. Kick him out, file for child support, figure out what attracted you to him and don’t ever accept that ever again from anyone.

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Leave. He needs to learn the hard way that he needs to get his priorities straight and you and your kids deserve better.


Ask him to waive his rights to your son and leave him


Get rid of him, especially if he’s starting arguments because you question his relationship with this chick he met. Sounds like he’s being awfully defensive! PLEASE DON’T GET MARRIED TO THIS MAN! It would be one of the biggest mistakes you make in your life. Trust me. You deserve better than that :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: god bless you dear and good luck :pray::pray::pray:

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kick him to the curb…

Time to move him along seeing that he has zero interest.

It’s all about him! LEAVE!!!

Pack up your child and leave


He’s young and immature. I’d definitely tell him how his actions make you feel and let him know your bottom line. If he doesn’t respect your needs at that point, leave.

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Get out now he will likely leave for you for her immature self also.

Did you ever wonder why he is not with his 4yr olds mom, she got out, why don’t you.


I can’t believe that you are asking for advice?By staying with him you are not respecting yourself .How can he respect you? Absolutely he doesn’t love you, Kick him out of your life, you deserve better and your child.:pray:

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Get rid of him. Go on. It’s not going to get better and he must not respect you or his children. Find someone who will.

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I would get my money up, take your child (file for an ex parte for custody)and leave. If you are already doing it alone may as well be alone. Leave him to his online girl.


You already know what you need to do :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

And why do u think he has a 4 year old w an X. He probably won’t change and U might have to…

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Leave . How he acts will show you how he feels

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When does he work? If he doesnt work kick him to the curb. You are already a single parent. Why keep the dead beat around. You deserve better.


It’s time to leave sweetie.

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Do you actually have a ring and has he actually proposed? Without knowing more of the story, from what you do say it’s seems that you moved in together when you found out you were pregnant. I’d look for an apartment for myself and my child and sue him for child support.

893 comments are u looking for sympathy get fucken real ditch the trash kids first!!!@fuck him…

Take your son and leave the boy and his son…find a man.

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He’s having an emotional affair.
Kick his @ss.

Wow, I’m sorry to heard that sweetie. But you got to know that this is not going to change nor get any better, for now it’s just name calling later he’ll be greeting you with his fist, then blame all his short coming on you and the baby. Sounds like you’re already the head of house start looking for an affordable place and leave him to his video game romance.

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