So he is splitting them with you? You just want them all for yourself or have control of all of them? You seem pretty upset about having to go half on things. Should you guys not have discussed financial expectations prior to committing to having a baby. I honestly think he is being fair if he says that they’re getting split and he’s going to use one on himself and kids and he wants you to use some on yourself and your kids. If y’all are to be married shouldn’t all the money be shared?
Can we know the people we sleep with well before we make babies
As Dr. Phil reminds us ……the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Kick him to the curb while you still can.
You need to take your pregnant belly an kids an run like hell because he thinks he rules !!!so run now
He’s a dick! He should give them all to you to use for the family! Definate red flag there. He’s a selfish person.
What kind of relationship are you even in……
The fact you mated with such a selfish sack of bones. Really scares me. Bless you because that’s a whole other level of greed. Shady, he will for a fact hide money from you later on and give you a weekly allowance.
Honestly you had me at, he expects you to pay your half of bills while not having any income due to taking care of the baby… I’m about to go on maternity leave myself and me and my bf don’t live together and I saved up enough to pay my bills on leave and he STILL offered to pay my bills for me. I didn’t take his offer because I’d rather the money go towards baby stuff as I already have bill money but still. Girl he sound greedy and grimey af. I would honestly have a serious talk with him and if he can’t understand or see where you’re coming from and y’all aren’t even married yet, I would leave because it’s just going to get worse.
You both sound stupid! They’re gift cards - GIFTS. Stop bickering over literally nothing
You hooked up to a selfish jerk
Definitely should have had all the discussions about bills etc. Before having a baby. But also give a bigger thought to things and this situation before getting married.
You need to ditch the selfish asshole. He is in no way shape or form a decent human being let
alone a good partner and father. The whole relationship sounds one sided and your the one giving and he taking.
Dump that sucker right now…alone is not always the worst thing that can happen.
The fact that you’re having a baby with this guy and you’re finances are so separate is WEIRD to me. My husband and I share finances because we’re a family. He would NEVER think of making me pay any bills when I am at home caring for his child! Your boyfriends job is to provide for you and his child. If he can’t do that, then he’s not good for much. If he expects you to still pay bills (while your on maternity leave especially omg! ) then it sounds like you don’t get any benefit from being with him. You provide for yourself, he doesn’t seem to pay for anything for the baby… just leave him. You deserve better.
He sounds like an idiot. All of those are for the baby, and for takeout after the baby is born so you don’t have to worry about cooking. Also, if you’re on an unpaid leave, how can he expect you to pay “your” half of the bills? He lives there too, he can take over the payments in that time. Wtf is wrong with him?!
He thinks he’s being generous because they were a gift from HIS work, so the fact that he’s even sharing with you is in his mind more than fair. He seems to think his money is his, your money is yours, his kids are his, your kids are yours, etc. I think it’s a good time before you’re married to have these things come up so you can see how differently you view how you want to live. If you can’t agree when bringing a baby into the world, that is both of yours, it doesn’t seem you’re off to a good start. The fact that he wanted to keep all the gift cards without sharing them or spending them on things for the new baby should be a clear sign to you where is priorities are.
Why is it “his money” and “your money”? You’re planning to get married, it should be y’all’s money and y’all’s gift cards. The fact that he expects you to pay bills with no income is rediculous (expecially right after having his baby!). He sounds like he wants a roommate, not a wife.
Sounds like he wants a roommate and not a wife. lol
The cards are for the babies nessities and for diapers and formula for the baby! Dads a selfish person!
throw the whole man away.
Why have you stayed this long??? things will only get worse…you deserve better.
Sent a thank you to his boss saying thank you for the cards you got to keep and thank him for giving (his name) cards for him to use.
How have we brought up so many self entitled people and in this case male. Expect to bring this baby into the world on your own and without him bringing it up.
I’d run NOW, while I still can
Forget the gift cards. After you have the baby run…
He sounds worthless and uncaring, plus selfish. Boot that SOB out the door. Good riddance!
I read these stories on this site and just SMH with every one of them. All you women who want total equality with men moaning and groaning about being expected to pay your fair share in an “equal” relationship. Well guess what? As soon as a women has a baby all that equality goes out the window. Now, the women is expected to share all the same responsibilities of the equal rights movement they have demanded but I don’t care who you are, how much money you make or what kind of rules said women has in a relationship with a man, the women is always left “holding the baby” as per say. Not right but it’s true. Men are great at enjoying and supporting the equality (him feeling entitled to half the gift cards) and independence of strong women until something else comes into the picture (a child) where now he has to take on “equal” responsibility for someone (a child) who can’t be “equal” and “independent” and pull their own weight. That’s the deal breaker for all the “boys” out there you ladies insist on having children with. They are immature and selfish. Still shaking my head at all these stories of situations these girls/women get themselves into and have no clue why or what went wrong. Again, smh! Have babies with boys and this is what you get. Every time! There is no equality or independence when children are involved. Keep track of how many times HE has to arrange for childcare for you to go back to work or for you and him going anywhere. It will be the women every time! He will do his thing and never even consider having to arrange child care for him to do it. the WOMEN however, has to always arrange child care for everything and anything she does without her children. Once children are involved a women/girl’s equality and independence is null and void. It’s a stark reality girls/women realize way too late. (I just saw this same question and situation on a site called “Nameless network”. these so called people sending in these questions don’t even exist. Same question, same situation on tow different sites. These are not even real people asking these questions. Total bogus! Unfollowing both of them.
This is so different from my family. I am the sole bread winner, my husband stays home and care for our kids. My oldest is his step son. But they’re all OUR kids. All of the money I earn is OUR money. I don’t understand splitting financial responsibilities or gains.
Waw dad is super selfish
Run, don’t walk…away from this relationship.
Hi Just wondering what day does the donuts get to work this week Thanks
They are for the baby and both of you. Ditch him
It will never get better! His first wife figured it out! Leave now! Your life will be better!
You need a new fiance I can’t even read these anymore
He’s acting like he is the baby and a selfish one. Baby comes first.
You need to take the baby and leave him his NO good darling take baby and leave him selfish man
“He paid me back half” haha
Shouldn’t of had a child
Get a lawyer and kick him out and make him pay for your support and when the baby comes get him for child support and get that loser out of your life
By all means marry the jerk that’s taking gifts away from you and y’alls baby. It’ll get better after you’re married. In case you don’t recognize sarcasm, run!! Give him all the cards and go live with your parents until you get on your feet. Tell him to enjoy the cards, then send his boss a thank you note for taking care of him and his kids during the birth of your child.
They can be his cards when he grows a baby in his belly for 9 months: dude wants to be entitled to the benefits of you being pregnant and having a baby when he has done what exactly?
This ain’t a man you’re working with and I hate that you are going through it. This says a lot about his personality. Yikes. Could never ever imagine my husband taking cards give to us as a shower present and dividing them up saying this is yours and this is mine.
He wouldn’t be anyone I’d marry. JS
You didn’t have them in the first place so be happy with something or get nothing
Hes not much of a boyfriend or a father is he? Not putting you and the baby ahead of his other family is not cool. You should think about leaving him
The gift cards are to use on your new child! That’s selfish and ridiculous for him to think he can use them on his self and his kids from a previous marriage, he seems like a real jackass!
Sounds like he needs to GROW UP
Your fiance is a sociopathic narcissist. He will likely only insist on taking care of 1/2 of your baby once it’s born, and it won’t be the bottom half. He’s using his other kids against you and will do so for however many months you two will be together from this point on.
You will be raising this child on your own for the foreseeable future.
Let him keep the gift cards and tell him those are your Christmas presents to him.
I’ve got good money riding on this outcome and he won’t disappoint me as much as he’s going to disappoint you.
You’re all quick to judge. Typical.
Wow he sounds disgusting. This doesn’t even sound like a relationship worth being in, he firstly is selfish secondly he just blatantly separates your families as his and urse , he sounds like
A pig !
I would walk away and move on without him in it nothing good will come from your relationship
That dude suuuuuucks. All that stuff is for the baby and the 2 of you to share while you are dealing with a newbirn
Big red flag here. You might have to tolerate him for a while longer but start making plans to get out with all of your children. I can tell you from sad experience you will eventually need too. He is completely wrong. Baby gifts are to in some way benifit the baby.
Get rid of the selfish bum
Umm. Its his kid right? Youre having HIS baby HIS legacy right? And he expects you to pay bills while you recover from the birth? While you literally cant barely make it to the shower? For him, his legacy, his kid? Girrrrrl. Tell that little boy bye bye. Forget the cards I cant get past the half on everything while your guts have been ripped out for his seed.
Not in this lifetime like Malinda Walker said HUGE red flag. What’s he going to deny the baby
What is with this “his kids” “my kids” shit? Fiancé? That should be OUR kids…sounds like a divorce in the making already!
Sounds like a match made to fail on both parts!
Ask his boss who they are supposed to be for, show him up for the cretin that he is. !!
Why are you with him?
Sounds like you’re both crazy like boohoo you bought all the baby stuff he still paid you half and gave you half the cards you aren’t entitled to. Be thankful you got anything
Yikes girl. I feel for you he seem like a reaL POS. Maybe having a baby wasn’t such a good idea. Now he is stuck in your life forever… let him keep the cards. You know now that he is worthless and selfish and you can plan the future having this info… sorry you are having to find out and go through this shit
What exactly is so appealing about this man-boy that you choose to be in a committed relationship with him?
Why is he still your fiancé?
If someone can’t put his children first, before anyone or anything, then he is not a man. A true man will always put his children and relationship before himself. This only shows you where you stand in the relationship. If he can’t make sure you are taken care of then he’s only going to get worse. You need to think long and hard about the importance of this relationship. Is it a one way street? Does he show you how he truly cares? Does he put you and the child or children first? His he providing for you and your child? If no to any of these. Girl get out now!
Why don’t you call up or visit his boss so he can explain to both of you who those cards were intended for. If he thinks this is a bad idea, he already knows he’s in the wrong.
Hugs to you, sounds like a narcissis
Wow what a jerk I would explain to him that if it wasn’t for the baby you are carrying that you made together there would not be no such gift
Girl… he is being a selfish aashole
Give him the cards and get out. But you know this already. Your baby needs you not this….
Self centered
Omg how selfish of him:see_no_evil:
I wonder what happened to his first marriage, your in a bad place , if he’s ready to take away from your unborn child, and you, he’s a big mistake, is his last name , trump,
Look like you both are winners! That poor baby!!
This is not a good relationship u need to bail out!
Tell him the gift cards are gonna be cheaper than child support that you will put him on since ya’ll ain’t married
My husband said “he’s a douche”… No girl. Those are mutual funds
If everything is halves including bills after baby’s born, tell him you don’t want to hold his hand in labour you want to hold his balls! Share the pain too😂
Omg and your a mother of a child and you can’t figure out on your own that this guy is a useless, greedy, selfish baboon. I am sure this is not the first time you saw his true colors.
I’m not trying to be judgemental, but child or not, I cannot comprehend why you want to spend your life with someone like this. When you are married, you become one. What’s ones is the other’s. Just my opinion. Clearly priorities seem askew here. I wish the best for you!
Sounds to me that you need to cut your losses and move on. He ain’t even worth it!
What a jerk
Sorry but so many things wrong about his actions .
I foresee another fatherless child in the world if you’re disagreeing over a gift card, he has other kids,bet the ex is looking pretty good right about now
Send a thank you note to his boss saying thanks for the ones that your immature boyfriend gave you and mention that your bf enjoyed the other gifts for himself.
He’s a fuckwit. Kick it out.
I would let him keep those gift cards, They won’t compare to what I would sue his SORRY ASS for, child support, child care, Half of pregnancy related expenses and medical bills!
So he likes to keep half to himself yes? And you make him pay back half of whatever you buy for the baby yes? I don’t feel like you have a relationship, definitely not a caring and happy one, especially with finances being broken down and arguing over gift cards that you wouldn’t even get if it weren’t for his boss so you should not be relying on them in the first place. You guys have a business deal not a relationship!!
What a ass ! I’d boot him out. He’s not going to change !
Sounds like a fucking asshole to me
AND he expects u to continue to pay half of expenses during the 6 weeks you are in maternity leave ! No Way!
Tell him the shove the giftcards up his ass and find another man
He is sooo wrong!!!
Bin Him.Since I am next door you could spend them on us.!!!
I Am completely baffled…you guys are engaged…having a baby…but separate everything? How you guys will manage a marriage is beyond me. But if you go with how you currently do things and split everything half in a way he is right but the whole situation is wrong to begin with
You two sound like roommates, not a couple. Y’all won’t last long it seems.
Doesn’t sound like a good partner. Hope you don’t plan on actually marrying him.
Question… WHY IS THIS MAN YOUR FIANCEE !!! He sounds like a horrible person. I’d be OUT
Some people need to really think about who they are tying themselves to forever…
6 weeks off after having a baby is nothing. He should be supporting you for the first year at least. What a selfish loser.
You need to ask yourself if you really want to be with someone who is that selfish
this should already be understood…all i can say is do not marry that man
Give him all the gift cards and kick his butt to the curb now. Send his employer a note explaining that while you want to thank them for their thoughtfulness your ex, their selfish employee felt that he needed them more than you and the baby. Move on now and count your blessings you have only one child to raise instead of one + a pigheaded ass!