He’s got a lot of growing up to do.
Let him keep them and you considered it a lesson learned and get the hell away from him… he’s never gonna be the father or man you and your child deserve.
He’s a child. Kick him out. Horrible guy. Making you pay half. Wtf
I’ll be the oddball here I guess… you get a whole baby shower, the entire pregnancy, labor and delivery are about you and the baby!! Let him have the damn gift cards the fact that y’all are arguing over them makes me think you’re both too immature for this
he’s ann ass. dump him now or look forward to much misery
Y’all are fucking stupid both of you
“I BOUGHT EVERYTHING!! (he gave me half the money)” sooooo you bought half you both have issues.
Red flags. Leave him lol
Maybe you are seeing why he has been married before! I would R U N !!!
Leave that marriage because you can’t pay anything if you don’t get paid you can’t pay those gift cards are supposed to be for you guy’s to make it easier for you with new baby
He sounds pretty selfish …the gift cards are suppose to be for baby supply’s and food for you guys after the baby is born … for him keeping them to spend on his kids from a previous marriage is greedy…better get use to it he will always put himself first .than kids from his first marriage and if there is anything left over you and baby
Its for you two and baby. Selfish #$%& if you have hìs kids stay than yes food for them too. ßounds like someone needs grow up.
Ask his boss who gave them to prove they are for baby:rofl: But honestly he sounds rude an selfish.Tell his mummy to sort her man childs ass out.
So, he’s stealing from his unborn child? I wonder what his boss would say, when you visit his office with the baby?
“Thank you, Mr. Bossman! My adult child, your employee, really enjoyed those gift cards you bought for our baby”
Sounds like you need a new boyfriend
Reading this just breaks my heart…
Get rid of this selfish person
What kind of “man” acts like that? The fuck. And this is why I’m a single mom. Ppl suck. It’s for the baby and mom. Period. U saying I bought everything but he paid half is a lie. U clearly didn’t buy it all if he paid half. And when ur with someone, doesn’t his money become our money. Ur having a child together. The helllll
This sounds super toxic. My husband would never take gift cards meant for our new baby for any reason, and I can’t imagine any decent man would. Those were given to make after delivery easier and to help with any last minute needs the baby may have.
My advice is don’t marry this trash can unless you want divorce he is selfish and obviously not invested in your relationship. You have more problems than some gift cards.
Both yall need to grow the fuck up. I feel bad for kids being raised by kids
And he’s going to be a Father…WOW. That should never have happened.
It’s for both and the baby. Y’all collectively. Not to split up. He’s selfish as hell
Yes, run real fast !!!
Ew. The amount of toxicity on his part is atrocious.
Red flags everywhere
Ya’ll don’t need to get married
Give the ring back. Unless you paid for half of that too.
You don’t need that kind of treatment!
Wow. Res flags baby. You better run.
He sounds like a cheap, greedy, selfish POS and I would run for the hills if I were you. Do not marry that man child, it’ll only get worse
Wow he sounds like a selfish jackass! Do not marry this man! He will rob you dry. When making a family there is no your family, my family it’s supposed to be our blended family! I feel so bad for you.
Girl you best run as fast as you can. You have lots of heartach facing you & your little one. God Bless you. Now RUN like he’ll!!!
What an idiot. Yes. They are for the baby not him. Dump his ass if you can
They are for you. Would he have received them if you weren’t having a baby ? No ! He is being selfish and childish to. Put your foot down now with him, or next you know he will be returning baby items so he can have something for himself. His behavior over this gift that is for the baby and to help you out with meals after bringing a new baby home is ridiculous ! Take a stand !
You’ll soon have two babies on your hands…
RED FLAG RED FLAG… Here’s your sign.
Wow. If only you knew he was like this before having a baby with him… Hes sounds selfish asf…
Dump his ass. Boy bye
Sounds like you picked. a real winner
This sounds like you have way bigger problems to worry about than the gift cards ……
He is a selfish pos. Don’t wait till you are older to realize how many years you wasted.
Girl take that baby and run…
Dude sounds awful, and you should think long and hard before you marry this man-child. Those are baby gifts, to be used for your new baby, and the restaurant cards are for meals for you both as you adjust to life with your newborn. Tell him to ask his boss what he intended the cards to be used for, or you could ask him yourself. Maybe the boss doesn’t realize what a greedy ass your fiance is.
I mean if you have everything for the baby what does it matter if m he spends gift card with your step kids. At the end of the day whatever you don’t get in gift cards he will spend cash with you and baby.
However, the relationship sounds very immature. His, yours, what happened to our?
You need to leave ASAP. You have a job, so find a Family member or friend willing to help you during those first few weeks after baby.
I would think the cards would be for the new baby. With that being said. Why do so many women these days think that have to have babies by every man coming & going?? I guess from what you have said this is baby #3 by woman #3. Does that not tell you anything??? Use birth control!!
Let him keep the cards and you dip out, if something this small is causing this much fuss then just imagine the way things are going to go in the future of your relationship.
They were given to you both. Meant to be used by you both not for his previous families.
Can see why his previous marriages didn’t work. You are dead right girl. And the fact that he wants to spend them on himself and his OTHER kids is unbelievable. They are to provide for your child together and for you and him to have dinner out with the restaurant cards. He’s a complete self centered jerk and it ain’t gonna change. Good luck.
Um no he needs to give you those cards and use them as intended he sounds selfish as hell and if he can’t change I’d suggest you leave because he isn’t thinking about u or baby at all he’s only thinking that because his boss gave him the stuff its his and he doesn’t have to share or anything
He sounds like he sucks, really really sucks. I can o lay imagine how baby duties will go over
I was calling d boss and let him knw
Wow!!! Tell him to ask his boss if they were ment just for him. And to use on his other kids? What a jerk!!
Time for a new baby daddy!
I would be deeply hurt if my fiancé didn’t say our kids. And I would be livid if he was selfish enough to not save those cards for when you guys need them. It doesn’t matter if you’re ready now. Babies grow, and there will be things you need later that you can use it on.
As for food, those should be all used for when you’re on maternity leave. I would be hurt and upset
Sounds like a ridiculously selfish man. It may be time to reevaluate what you want for you and your baby.
Throw away the whole man!!
You need to leave cus it’s only gonna get worse from here on out. It’s going to continue. This is a pattern with selfish ppl. Please listen once you have the baby it’ll be hard with no support. Find a man that treats you both like queens! “What’s yours is mine & what’s mine is yours.”
Sounds like he is a selfish bum my advice becareful he doesn’t walk away not wanting to care for your family aka your baby. Make sure you watch your back and all baby items are spent on the baby and any of the restaurant cards should be spent on the mother and father to help out after the baby is born. Where did he grow up a box on the side of the road
Yea feel sorry for you and your child already.
Ewwww, girl.
Leave him:flushed:
Blending families us hard. His kids will always be first for him. You will always have a backseat. Take this as how your relationship is going to be going forward. Because you are not married he has no obligation to spend anything on you but he should want to and he doesnt. Get out…
Can you see why he has multiple babies to multiple women?
Yeah I hate to tell you but it seems like you got yourself in a deadbeat daddy situation the fact that he thinks that he can spend money on stuff that was supposed to be for yours and his kids and he thinks he can spend it on his ex and their kids is already a sign of why he’s most likely with you and as hard it is to say it he’s as much with you for his benefit which is probably just sex and extra money to rely on cuz I’m willing to bet he ask you for money even though he has a job and the fact that he can’t seem to understand why that’s a little bit messed up why he was giving gifts for you and y’all’s kid and why he shouldn’t do that that’s almost like turning around and getting engaged to somebody and them giving you the engagement ring from their last relationship.
I can see why his relationship with his previous kids mother didn’t work out.
I just hope this is a joke.
What does he mean by your family and his family wouldn’t you all be family. You and your baby deserve better. Someone who won’t want you to stress about anything before or after your baby is home. He sounds very selfish.
Uh…you don’t see any red flags in this relationship? Sad.
In my opinion…he’s not a good person…think again…not sure his boss would appreciate it either!!!
I’d be dumping his sorry ass!!
Wth. Yes they are for BOTH of you. You can either use them together or split them up but there aren’t just for you to use. Once a gift is given it is able to be used however the recipient sees fit. I just had a birthday. I was given money and told NOT to use it on bills but to buy myself something nice that I wouldn’t normally be able to buy. Guess what? I paid bills. That’s what was needed. He may not be the most responsible but if there is something he wants or needs he can spend it on that.
You’re lucky. You got the ‘Hand writing on the wall’ just in time!
Why are you even with this selfish twat of a “man”?
Run for the hills giiiiiirrll He’s TOXIC !!!
Im sorry but is he fiving birth and destroying his body, i would litterally tell gis boss what hes up to…screw that
Re read your post, and then take note of these comments😩 he isn’t any good for you, or your mental health whilst pregnant and after birth. You need a selfless partner not a selfish one babe x
Good grief both y’all need to grow up!
Probably don’t marry that guy.
I would advise you not to you stay with him. He is the most self-centered selfish person I’ve heard of in a long time.
Does this make anyone else see lava like it does me…wtf is that man even up to, what a horrible piece of work…his previous marriage are you even effing kidding me…what the feck
Sounds like you had a kid with the wrong guy
If you aren’t married - kick him out. He sounds like a spoiled a__h____. Make him pay child support but don’t let him in your life.
Sounds like a very greedy selfish man.this will be the type of life you will have with him.
Girl,run.dont give him a chance to get your hard earned money.
Nah massive red flag
He’s selfish get rid of him
He sounds like a selfish arse hole. Being a single mum is so so much easier posts like this make me glad I’m doing it on my own.
He is selfish and self centered.
Hope you’re prepared to go it alone, this guy… really !!
Why would you let money effect you this way? Its just money, which isn’t worth a fight. Im with you on thinking it should go to the new baby but He got them from His boss so can see His point. Either way dont let this have power over your relationship to the point it damages it. Its just money, and that comes and goes.
you need a new fiance…yesterday OMG he’s in the wrong here on so many levels
Do you really need advice? Having the minor issues now, you need to say goodbye now. Plan a life with you and your baby.
There is a reason he has been married multiple times!!! I think you might to read this back to your self and ask your self if you want a man child or a life partner!! My husband and I didn’t split our kids stuff or even our pay checks. The red flags here are ridiculously obvious. Run girl run.
And you want to spend the rest of your life with this guy? Um NO… take it from someone who’s been there, done that!!
Serious question, is he an idiot?
I had to go back and re read the title… i had to make sure she said fiancee… reading the question I thought it was her boyfriend that she doesn’t live with or something…
So. That should tell u something but if not…let’s clarify…
This should not even be an issue…they were given for a baby… so yeah baby it is… as for the food why wouldn’t it be for the family?
I see her kids… his kids … one person giving up pay the other gets to work… idk.
Sounds like u need to reevaluate the whole relationship
The alarm and red flags I’d leave now
And that’s the guy your having a baby with ! You should rethink that relationship hope u ain’t married ! Run and run fast ! Wow
Honestly he needs to be your ex! If this is whats happening without marrage it makes no sense moving further
get rid of him! sorry to be harsh, I know easier said than done but if he’s not willing to support you & be that selfish, you’re better off without him and doing it alone! Wishing you all the best
Why are you reposting shit?
You need a man not a selfish child