My fiance thinks baby gift cards are for him to spend on himself: Advice?

Take one of the Cards. and buy you some “RUNNING” shoes. and( you and the Baby) hit the Road.

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I would make sure that the people that gave you the cards knew you never saw them and never were able to get what was needed , he needs a life lesson , he needs to grow up you will be raising 2 kids.

I’d email his boss to let him know how his “employee” is using the baby’s gift cards.

Your in for a rough ride when baby comes along if gift cards are an issue :rofl:

oh no honey my question is has he always been so self centered n greedy? those cards were sent for u both. i’d put a stop to that nonsense.

Unfortunately for the baby BOTH of you are tooooo IMMATURE to be bringing a baby into this world! And definitely don’t get married. Live together!

And he’s still there why? Send his selfish backside back to his mother she must be so proud of him.

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This man is a selfish thoughtless person and I am afraid I would be rethinking “fiance”. Why would you want to marry such a person. This is a simple thing, I can’t imagine as life gets more complicated, no wonder he has previous marriages <> think girl.

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You need to sit down to discuss all the issues regarding your life with you baby if this cannot be solved , get out or get him out.

The cards are not for him! They are for the baby and to help support the family as a unit!

Explain the situation to the person who bought them and ask him to talk to him about what he bought the gift cards for. He should probably agree with you.

Some people just haven’t grown up yet I just hope that he does before he loses the greatest gift in the world

You had me at “previous marriages!” This guy is not husband material. With your word “marriages” that means you’re #3 at least. Don’t be his #3.

Break up with him and file for child support. He is beyond selfish. That is all for the baby and to help you guys out when baby comes.

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Good luck. As of late, I have seen many unkind men. You must have bred with one? He may change. Ugh.

There should be no me and you in a relationship… What happened to sharing and being a gentleman and giving everything you can to your woman.?

That is so selfishly WRONG! Those gift cards are meant to help you prepare for new baby! Not for his personal use!

Ask him to trade you the ones he gave you for the ones he kept. Then see if he still thinks it’s fair.

Sounds like you should reconsider the reference Fiancé if this is how he thinks.

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Run dont walk. Leave now while you can. He is not husband/ father material

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The guy has give u half and said spend how u wish and he has kept half, nothing wrong with that in the slightest

Dump the totally irresponsible jerk. He will only get worse. He would never be a role model to your child. Run for your life.

Oh boy lady. The writing is on the wall. I have a prediction, but won’t post it. God bless you and good luck.


Sounds like he is self-centered. You are right. If you get more I wound ot tell him about it

You both sound too immature to be starting a family tbh.

If this causes an argument then yall need to reconsider the relationship

That should not even be a question it belongs to you and your unborn child

I’d call him an ex rather than a fiancé.


Paying for things should be based on a percentage. If he makes more then he pays his share

Not sure what food card 8s but assuming it’s either for a place for take aways which is much needed when babies just born which will feed who ever is in house on the night you choose to use it or for a date night for you and hubby when babys abit older. The amazon 1 will be handy for any we bits you realise you need for baby along way then will Come next day etc. They should be for any equipment or stuff you need any of use need due to new baby coming in first few weeks like 8f you need new bras or feeding pillow or special lamp or noise machine or baby.needs a swing or a sling if he needs to be constantly held. Why should you absorb all costs. Xx

YOU made a bad choice of man. Run. It will only get worse. Poor baby.

Cool meals at home. Use cards for a night out. And the baby card should be for the baby but the others is probably to do what ever with.

Sounds like he’s given you plenty red flags before and you didn’t pay attention. Baby, hey are glaring now. Get out while you can.

I think he sounds selfish and immature. Maybe you should consider being a single parent or else you are looking at having an infant on your hands along with a teenager who has way too much power…

Unless he’s planning on birthing that child between his legs :leg:, he better cough those cards up :arrow_up: to you! lol :joy:

It’s time to reconsider staying with this “man”. This shouldn’t even be a question.

Sounds like a sperm doner and not a “loving father”…red flag !!!

She need a new man Nd the cards are for the baby not y’all lol

I’m thinking if your honestly fighting about gift cards when a baby is on the way its time to rethink this entire relationship

Listen to this if he your fiance then shit should be used as if ur married for both of you to use together :heart: yall made the commitment to eachother to get married then yall should act it its a good thing he still working yall need money but that money is yalls because you guys are supposed to be one a unit why are bills split you guys are a couple his money is your and yours is his you can’t sit there and say owe this my money and ur money is yours that not how it works you two have a commitment to get married dont you so yall better start acting the part that separate shit is when yall dating not for when yall engaged

Run. Straight out the door. It all sounds like a bunch of red flags. If you can’t agree on this, imagine agreeing on how to discipline your child. This all sounds like a very nontraditional relationship that will have you trapped and unhappy for years to come. Sorry that sounds harsh…but having a child with this person sounds like years of arguments and disagreements with no compromise. No place to raise a happy child. Marry someone who compromises with you and has you and your child’s best interests. Money and even trivial gift cards are not something that should be separate when you bring a child into the world. You should be a team that has each other’s backs at all costs…not dividing the cost. If I was told I had to pay my share while I wasn’t working, I would be happy to pay my share by myself with my child somewhere else. On my own. Good luck to you.

When I give gift cards for baby gifts, I kind of assume it will be spent on stuff needed for the baby…just like when I receive gift cards as baby shower gifts. It doesn’t get spent on me, my fiancé, nor my kids from my previous marriage…it gets spent on whatever we are needing for the baby and if we don’t need anything, we feet diapers, wipes, etc to stick up on stuff we will go through fast.

He 100% sounds like a selfish jerk.

You both sound too immature to be starting a family tbh.

First of all…you guys are married so their is no mine or you. It 'a OURs. He acts very selfish.

You really picked a winner. The card was for both of you, the gift cards are for the baby. How selfish can a person get. Its his child too.

I say give him the cards as a going away gift and take your baby and run as fast as you can. This dude is bad medicine. He’s no good now and he will never be any good. Maybe that’s why he first girl left him.

The only thing that comes to mind is “gigantic poop :poop: show” (Since no cussing is allowed.). Sorry, but this is before you get married? Why don’t you speak to the other ex WIVES. There might be some sort of pattern you are missing here. Good luck

Pack you bags and baby and go. This is just the start of a bad situation that is headed the wrong way from the beginning.

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He’s not a very nice man and he should be putting his baby and you first. That he doesn’t is a big big big red flag. Take heed before you walk down that aisle.How’s that saying when people show you who they are believe them

You both made the baby so it is for both of you. Wow. He seems selfish

He’s being selfish. Y’all should both be working together to combine the family not spend this much on his kids from other marriages and that much on the new baby. It’s supposed to be combine the money and tackle each thing that needs to be taken care of for the baby then use the extra on the children that are taken care of already and then you use the rest on yourselves for when you have to or save it for when you’ll need it next.

This post said it all. You should give him what he wants and get the hell out of his life. If not your in for very sad times. He will leave you so leave him first.

End this relationship as fast as you can. Like right now. He’s showing you who he is. Believe him and end it. You can do bad by yourself.

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Total arsehole! Reminds me of a relationship I had… Ditched that zero, sorry but this is never going to work he’s clearly a narcissist, you need to get rid ASAP because this personality type never changes…

Should have kept your legs crossed and got married first! No excuses!

“Him and his kids from previous relationship” and “you your kids or your family”… and you live together and are engaged… your kids are his kids now too and his kids are now your kids too… shouldn’t the vouchers be spent as a family? Not split and divided. Your ment to be joining families and he is acting like your just dating…

Sadly, I’m sure this is not the first red flag :triangular_flag_on_post: that you are seeing. How do you think your marriage is going to be different when you are supposed to be partners and share everything.

No question: you’re right and he’s being selfish and inconsiderate. I’m sure he would be embarrassed if his boss knew that he was “bogarting” the gift cards that were meant for you and your baby.

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I’d call his boss to explain to him what it means to be a man and use them on the new baby.

Walk…!!..You already know that he is a Jerk with more than one marriage behind him…What other advice do you want ?!

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Wow he sounds like a selfish little man, it’s only going to get worse. Put ya foot down now and show him you won’t put up with any of that crap or move on.

It’s 2021 why are you relying on a man for everything? If he had to “pay you back” for half the baby stuff then yeah you get half the baby cards and he gets the rest because sounds like that’s how you guys split things up lol

You’re probably not very attractive to him right now. I’m sure he wants to take his girlfriend out to dinner with the gift cards and not spend the money y’all need to live off of. You should be thankful for that. I think you’re pregnant hormones has got you thinking all crazy. Just pray he doesn’t leave you for a younger woman.

Sounds like you’re both too immature to be having a child together

Its supposed to be used while momma is bed rest with baby and can’t cook ect.

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Hmm he sounds like a dick butttt “his” boss did give him the cards not your boss… sooo… at the same time you should’nt get all the say

Where did you find this guy?? Totally selfish in every way

Not marriage material at all he is being selfish and inconsiderate

:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: He sounds very selfish, self-centered and narcissistic! He’s mostly thinking about himself and his other kids. He thinks that he’s doing you a favor by giving you the 3 cards. I would not marry this guy! You & your baby are NOT even close to being his priorities! This relationship sounds toxic, unhealthy and will not be good for you and your baby. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

He is selfish and SHOULD WANT to use them for you and his child w you ! I’d call him out to said boss ! Then pack and leave ! He’s a selfish loser !

I honestly wouldn’t have a child and relationship with this person. They’re obviously separating himself and you/baby into two different families.


Are you sure you want to marry this guy? Seems a bit selfish

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You’re so lucky to have a man like that. Not husband material. Rethink the relationship.

How about move on from him? Then you’ll only have one child, not two.

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Do yourself a favor and break off the engagement. This guy will be nothing but trouble for you- even if it seems like the opposite at present…

I can see why you didn’t marry the jerk. Too bad you are pregnant. Cart before the horse. Doesn’t always work. You had better make a long-term plan. This is a selfish AH.

You said previous marriages, that could be your answer right there. He needs to grow up. Get a lawyer and get child support set up and post pone that marriage.

Your baby father is a brat that is self centered. Does he pay child support for his other kids, does he take an active role in their lives. This is your’s and your child future. Run while you can.

How many times has he been married? How many other kids does he have???

Your fiancé is your biggest child. Think carefully before marrying this spoiled brat. He’s the new generation MeME I want what I want now. The hell with you. Run fast. Let him have one of the cards but if you have kids should exclude everyone.

I’d just use it on things that you guys all need. Not to blow on junk but to get stuff that’s needed even if it’s just toilet paper. Money is money even in a gift card form.

Id send a thank you card to the boss and only mention the ones your fiance allowed you to keep. Let him explain to his boss why the others are not mentioned

Why would u have a baby with a male who has not yet matured I’m not saying anything bad about the fiancé. But why not grow up first before taking on the responsibility of a Child. He’s not ready and neither r u. But it’s too late for that. But consider going for parenting classes and couple classes. It will 100 %if u guys give it 100% EFFORT. NO GIFT CARDS R FOR BABIES NEEDS.

Girl, leave that a—h…, he will be worst when the child gets born.

So . … kids from previous marriages and he hasn’t grown up yet? Immaturity isn’t easily cured.

You shouldn’t have a kid with him but at this point just leave

This is a disastrous relationship in the making. Unfortunately you are having a child with him. Do not marry him!

Sounds like a loser. He will not help out with the baby and won’t be helping you out much either

And you had a baby with this guy? It’s no wonder he’s divorced already.

He needs a cast iron skillet on the noggin.

Boy oh boy so much wrong here. He is very immature. And the more you spend of your money, the more he will let you. I am afraid getting married will be a hard lesson to go through. Run fast away asap.

This just sounds strange - you’re sharing a baby and you’re worried about ‘his’ and ‘hers’ and whose got what … :exploding_head:

Leave now , he has an ex fro a reason , anyone that selfish will never change .

He is completely out of step when sharing is the key, he didn’t have the baby and yet he wants all the reward from it. Not a fair player in the field.

Sounds like child support court to me and a whole big mess. You’re claiming this man as your fiance, why?

If this is even a question then you shouldn’t be getting married

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I think your right about the cards …
But I have to say… didn’t you get any red flags before you got pg …

Get out of there. I don’t think you really needed to ask, did you?

Honey…my old lady view is this. He is a selfish ahole. You should give some serious thought to if you want to spend the rest of your life in continuous frustration over him always putting his own wants 1st. He is not yet a man, he is still a little boy chasing his own wants. I think it likely you know the answer but are not yet comfortable with it. Hugs.


Lmao he sounds like a child :speak_no_evil: that’s so crazy I just can’t even :roll_eyes: