Sounds like he should be your baby daddy and not your finance’. Good luck momma.
Excuse me! But s real man wouldn’t do that! He’s just a punk in a man’s clothes.
Wow… … And 2 shall become 1… It is not yours … It is not his… It belongs to the family unit as a whole… If you are planning for this to work out … You both need to learn to not be selfish and learn to give… Been married 42 years … Best advice given to me … Live as one… Love as you desire to love . and never go to bed with anger in your heart. Treat others as you would want to be treated…
His family your family what the hell - he is a selfish child and if he cannot see having a baby together as a commitment to being family then he is not committed. If u accept this action you live with a baseline of selfishness (disregard for others - you) for his behaviour to build itself on moving forward.
That thought in itself is soul destroying. Please allow yourself the value you deserve, he is wrong.
Sounds like you really picked a winner. Believe me if he is that selfish now he will only get worse.
Honey, you are not married to him “YET” THANK A LONG TIME BEFORE YOU MARRY HIM. He is not thinking about you or his baby. He is a selfish person and it will get worse, not better. He is not a man, he is still a little spoiled kid. Maybe you need to talk to his Ex an find out why they split.
Stop it. Where u work that don’t have paid maternity leave for females.
Sounds like your adult child needs to grow up…get away now…run…run…
Those cards are meant for you both. The meal cards are for you both and the rest to order what you need for the baby
Hence the words “past marriages” sorry but he is an asshole
He sounds like a real jerk. What do you see in this guy?
You picked your bed. Now sleep in it. I am sure he just didn’t change.
Sounds like he. Needs to grow up before he has anymore babies. He is selfish. Those cards were meant for you the 2 of you to use for the baby. And why are you buying all the baby stuff? He should also be buying baby stuff.
The engagement is over, AFAIC. He sounds like a total pig. A very selfish one. I’d leave that toxicity. Have joint custody of the baby. But pretty sure he’d be okay with you taking care of baby until way past potty training. What a douchebucket.
Thats why hes divorced from the other wife .
Omg! I have been married almost 40 years. What is mine is also his. What is his is mine. We share everything. My husband would never treat me the way your fiance treats you. He’s a selfish man. Good luck you’re going to need it.
I would dump this tightwad as soon as you are able. He sound selfish and greedy.
I think this fiancé needs to be an ex-fiancé.
Sounds like a man I wouldn’t want to have a baby with
Good luck, everyone needs to grow up.
Selfish. Quit playing house with him ASAP
Lol. I’m sorry but this is ridiculous. You can’t be serious with this question. I can’t even say what I am thinking.
How are yall going get married sounds like me and mine thing. I wouldnt get married dnt sound like yall ready
Srry but your baby daddy is very ungrateful and very disrespectful… I can’t see my hubby doing that ever.
What a dink. If somebody can be that selfish I would rethink the relationship.
I dont understand women who have men like this in their lives, then complain about it,
I’d be packin it in… you and your baby deserves better than that!
This is a HUGE RED FLAG if there haven’t been any so far,and I am sure this isn’t the 1st time ~ probably his LOWEST but truest colors shown here so RUN don’t look back and do you and yours it will all work out.
Totally reconsider what it will mean to live with this guy for the rest of your life! Ugh! . Run don’t walk!
It doesn’t sound like a very good relationship you got yourself in
Wow. I’m so glad I’m single. Sorry but that’s no man. Thats a sperm donor
Uh, run fast and far or as fast as you can being pregnant good luck
I’m just gonna cut to the chase. He sounds like a scumbag.
Doesn’t sound like a true ‘partner.’
If I were you I would re-evaluate your situation. Best of luck.
He sounds like a spoiled brat
And should of given u the cards so the both of can get what u need .
I suggest not getting married to him. He has other priorities, himself.
Sorry honey I wouldn’t marry him This should give you a clue You deserve better
RUN:running_woman:!! RUN:running_woman:!! RUN !! You deserve better than that !! It’s only going to get worse…He’s self absorbed n his kids have nothing to do with the gift for the Baby … the reason both your names are on the Gift cards is to show unity n to make decisions together on what to be spent on at the time of purchase as a bonding process… there is no bonding here …. You need to pack or tell him to pack cause you don’t need a grown a$$ selfishta Tosturone (ms) teenager to deal with n damn don’t want to marry one !!! You need a Man that knows how to be a man who knows how to treat his woman w/ love n respect !!
You need to talk to his x on how to get read of him
Reconsider your choice on a life mate it’s not going to change you are seeing the real person
So sad to say that u r in for some more selfish stuff from him. I pray for a better future for you
Time to send him packing before it gets worse!!
I would return the ring and ask for child support.
wow if he is that selfish now id say get rid of him ASAP they should all go to the Babies needs
Yikes. This isn’t someone I would want to be having a baby with
For the sake of your baby and your own personal health and well-being, I suggest you take a giant step back and reassess your situation. As many, many have said here, this does not appear to be a healthy relationship, and it may very well get worse with time.
You may be in love with him. I question his commitment to you and the baby based on his actions and attitude.
Thank heavens you have concerns. My feeling is that they are very valid. Please consider stepping back and making a decision in your own and your baby’s best interests. If you have a job, that is a good first step. There are many resources that can help you past that, if you look for them. The very best of luck to you and your baby (who should be first priority, followed closely by yourself).
I think you married the wrong man. So selfish and it will it get worse .
And he is a fiancé yikes…
I’d be majorly reconsidering your relationship… That’s not how partnership works…
History repeating, other kids and other marriages.
Wow, already he’s taking food out of his own babies mouth.!!! Disgusting,he has no idea what it takes to raise a baby.
He sounds selfish and immature. Time to reconsider his presence In your life.
I think neither of you should be procreating
Grow up…do your own life… Trust your gut…This thing is everyday events
And he will be jealous of the time you spend with the baby. Get out now.
girl if you don’t leave him. what the heck do you want him for if he’s not gonna help you with Y’ALLS CHILD. he’s treating y’all like a charity case…and he’s your fiance??
He sounds like a selfish jerk. I’d be giving him the boot
The fact that y’all call it my family and his family is a red flag to me
He is showing you now his true character. He is a narcissist and has never grown up. A lot of red flags here. You and the baby deserve better than this.
Unfortunately make a plan for you and the baby to leave this toxic relationship ASAP.
Might’ve picked the wrong dude to have a baby with.
This is your fiancé?!?! It sounds like he’s your ex the way your describing things. He’s deff wrong, I don’t even have words for this smh
Sound to me like he is selfish…you better think long and hard about your and your baby’s future
A lot of men r so jealous of the time a baby takes
These are the men you don’t get pregnant for.
Leave him, it will only get worse. He thinks only if himself. He will be liking, partying while you are home with the baby. You will have 2 children til take car if
Lady, Can’t you see you have a selfish human being on your hands. You should see that yourself… Goodluck!
Yall the fools for rewarding these type of men with children!!
I’d tell him where to go and lead him to the door. How selfish of him.
I wouldnt tolerate that at all
#1 - they are for the baby and to be used in conjunction to the baby.
my advice – drop him like a hot potato and fast
They belong to both of you and the baby. Not to his kids, not to yours. He sounds like an ahole!!
This is just gross. How awful I bet his boss would love to know that.
Time to take back the cards and your life… he sounds like a douche … get rid of him!
I didn’t read all of the responses, and maybe the 1st line to some,
but you need to tell this guy adios Mutha.
You dont have love and commitment , you have a roommate. Js
Who is this poor excuse for a man-and partner- Yep Run…
I think you just need to leave him and get child support if he’s that selfish.
I would say don’t get married. Self centered. He is wrong.
What kind of low life takes from his child
What a selfish prick ! I think his boss obviously intended the Amazon, Visa, and Buy Baby cards for things for the baby that will be needed , especially as the baby grows ! As for the restaurant cards, they aren’t for your fiance! If anything they’re for both of you to enjoy a meal out if you can get some time together! Otherwise, if they deliver, to have food delivered ! Unless you fiance gets time off to be at home to help with the baby for more than a couple days, who’s going to make sure there is food for you to eat or dinner ready when he gets home! Since when does the father get gifts? If anyone does, it’s the mother for what SHE has to go through during the pregnancy, giving birth , etc. ! Your boss must know what your fiance is like so maybe that’s why he gave the gift cards, assuming this guy would realize they weren’t for him! I never heard such a thing ! I know that sometimes there are showers for couples to attend, but I’ve never heard of one where the dad thought the “serious” gifts were meant for him! I feel sorry for you, how old is this guy anyway! You should send his boss a thank you card , thanking him for the cards for your husband, that he really appreciated them and you can’t wait to see what he buys and the one for Buy Baby for the baby! I’m 70 and I really don’t get it sometimes! I’ve been to so many baby and wedding showers and I know things change and that’s fine! I know that some new moms even get “push presents” like jewelry and that’s also fine! But never have I ever seen a soon -to be- dad that was so big an ass as to think like this guy who was going to keep all 6 cards for himself!
You are wrong and selfish. “I bought everything.” But he paid for half? So you went shopping? You both sound like children. If he is paying for half he is doing his job taking care of child. He IS NOT YOUR HUSBAND. Take him to court and get support. It will probably be less and you can complain about that. He is taking care of his other children according to you , so you want your child first? If he gave you half he is entitled to spend his half as he sees fit. Maybe he’s just trying to see how much of a control freak you are so he can dodge this bullet.
When I read this I assumed he was very young (17-20ish) until I read the part about previous marriage and kids.
No, he is in no way behaving as he should. I’m so sorry.
Dump him now before you are in it 13 years and sacrifice your health and sanity.
Do yourself a favor and find yourself a real man… This is a spoiled little boy.
I don’t really know what to say about this one. I know it works for some people, but I don’t understand couples that keep their money separate. I guess you just have to decide how big of a deal this is to you. To me, fighting over 3 gift cards seems a little petty, but it sounds like this isn’t the only issue and it probably goes deeper. You have to decide which battles you want to fight. Are you willing to let your relationship die on this hill?
Sounds like You are not a team just a women be carrying his child
the gift cards are the last thing you should be worried about, my opinion is they should be used for the baby and only the baby. The food ones should be used together to help y’all out after the baby comes. He should be caring for you and all the children while you are off work. Y’all should be working together to create a family unit. It should never be mine or his it should be ours and if it isn’t, you should really rethink your relationship. Also a baby is a blessing and a beautiful thing it’s not a sacrifice by any means.
Dump him and find a real man who wants to be your partner.
Toxic! I feel for the kids! The both of you need to find better things to argue about.
Wow. Time to find another fiancé who’s not selfish.
So self centered I would be leaving him
Those cards are not for him to use at his discretion it’s for the baby that’s why they were gifted and honestly you should throw that whole man away he seems selfish
Red flags everywhere…please rethink this…he is a child… you’re already going to be caring for a newborn…you don’t need an angry toddler adult as well
Put him to the curb, sorry you are with baby, but it’s all going to be about him.
You’re stuck with him now. Too late too make a good choice.
Wow, you are engaged to a dirt bag! Is it to late to RUN!!!
Girl run. What a crappy person and relationship!
I say he is selfish n only is looking out for himself! Are you on WIC for you n the baby? If not do so
Sounds like a room mate situation not a relationship
But oh there’s no consequences of shacking up and making babies
His company was very thoughtful. They realized after giving birth, women need extra nurturing and you could probably use takeout food to boost your health. Unfortunately, the gifts for your baby’s wellbeing(mama needs to be healthy FOR baby) seem to not be not understood. Perhaps the father isn’t aware of which person is the priority. First its the baby, then the mother, THEN himself. He needs a reminder.