My fiance thinks baby gift cards are for him to spend on himself: Advice?

Are you kidding us…I never heard of that. He should be thinking of you so that’s not a good sign. Hes being selfish!

I pray for you​:pray::pray::pray: Because that’s some Bs & your soon to be husband is full of shit for even thinking them cards is for him & not y’all as a unit or for the baby​:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::pensive:on top of that fact he still want you to pull a magic trick out your ass to pay half the bills while on maternity leave…


The line. Previous MARRIAGES… Sounds like u should just cut your losses and move on


Sorry - I’d be having that baby by myself. He sounds like a selfish AH…

Sounds like a toxic relationship and he seems very selfish

Just leave the bum as fast as you can. He thinks only of himself. That’s about it.

Girl…you need to run! Run like your on :fire:!

Get away from him tell his boss what he wants to do go live a happy life with your baby they are not for him alone

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I can go both ways - the cards were addressed to both of them (so she says) so the intention was to use them for the two of you, supposedly. Although technically they’re from his boss, meaning him working and doing a good job (because why else would he get the generous gift) is the reason he got them in the first place, so I see his side in thinking the baby one is for the baby and the others are for whatever, otherwise it would have just been a bigger buy buy baby card. Doesn’t matter anyway because money has to be spent on the baby eventually so it’s either via the gift cards or money that would be spent at the places the gift cards are for, so it’s all moot. And no? When you first have a baby not every meal has to be delivered :roll_eyes: she sounds like she thinks all the food ones should be for her, so fine she has the food ones, give him the Amazon and visa and call it a day. Saying “I bought all the baby stuff - but he paid me back half”, means you did not buy all the baby stuff - most likely because you had a preference as to what to get and he dgaf. Women often feel entitled because they have the baby, it’s weird. I think there are A LOT of missing pieces to the story, we’re only hearing one side… the side that wants the gift cards LOL


He’s showing you who he really is. Pay attention.

Oh mamas, you’re absolutely in the right here! Those cards are for you guys as a family and for the baby. Especially the baby cards clearly should be just for baby supplies. Also this worries me that he might withhold money from you in general wether that be in secret accounts or just flat out like what he’s doing here and not letting you use the cards. Especially when your gonna be the one home with your new precious lil one, while he’s out working.

You said your not married yet…you might wanna think long an hard about that. JS

What a treat for him bull**** !!! If it was given to the two of you for the birth of another child its not fun money the bills add up once the baby is here and it was not a gift for his children from a previous marriage. Sounds pretty selfish and your going to marry this guy and he is playing like this I hope you plan on keeping your own money come the marriage it will be a fun ride good luck!

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Sounds like a narssasitic dirtbag :flushed: RUN and don’t look bag. This red flag is flying high DON’T ignore it !!!

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I think you need to swap him in and tell the nboss how he’s acting you just had his baby so you are supposed to pay half the bills I think you should tell him to catch a fast moving train out of your life if you think it will get better your wrong

What an idiot! Run girl…forget his cards and rather get child support.

What kind of relationship are y’all in. You say fiance like you’re going to marry him. Maybe you should’ve waited to have a child with him. Call me old fashioned but when I got married and had a baby everything was ours. There is no more mine and yours. We are a team. A family. That goes for all kids before and after. There is no half of bills. It’s all ours. What happens when u can’t pay your half?? Thats ridiculous.

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Call and tell his boss!! Lol

On a real note, he not ready for this. Girl not sure how much time you have left, but you need to find a safe space soon.

I can only imagine the emotional abuse you will endure while trying to recover, and I am assuming he will not be of any help when the baby gets here and you’re going to need it.

Listen to all of us mama’s we know.
I wish I would’ve listened.

He will have big jealousy issues over the baby. The signs are there.

Stay safe.

Sounds toxic. I think you’d be better off without him. Sounds like a real jerk

When someone tells you WHO they are…believe them !!

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Sounds like you both need to grow up and rethink on ever having kids…people are so darn childish…if you can’t agree on gift cards, you are gonna have a long road ahead of you!

Keep his name off of birth certificate as if it’s on there he can walk away with the baby an get full rights

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Kick him to the curb and get child support. If he wants to use one of the cards for him and his kids ok but the shower was for YOUR baby. It is for you both to use. If he can’t take care of you while you are home taking care of his child …well.

I don’t care for how he says his family and your family . Will he always be that way ? Do u really want your kids to live like that ? Just in my eyes , I’d leave .

When I had my baby shower for my oldest daughter I received $125 as well as some very nice gifts. I knew when I went home with cash that it would not be spent on the baby, but would be spent by my then husband on God knows what. Before I drove home 2 hours south my mom and I went to the Carter’s outlet store and spent it all there. As I predicted he was pissed I spent it.

This is why you don’t give husband priveleges to non husbands.


Girl if he’s you fiancé this shouldn’t even be a problem might wanna think hard before you marry a man that separates finances cuz that baby is gonna need all of both of your money for real.

I can imagine what he would buy for “himself” at Buy Buy Baby.

Run don’t walk out the door. He’s not the kind of man you want your child to grow up with!

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…, clearly my opinion is not the the majority here- but to see women agreeing with the woman isn’t very surprising lol also this is just one side of the story - who even knows if it’s truthful.

Looks like neither of you, can get out of your own way, when it comes to relationships. Kids from previous relationships, all over the place, and you’re having another baby???:exploding_head::thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow::smile::rofl::smile::rofl::thinking::rofl:

Girl I’d be kicking him out and changing the locks now.

I think you should run from that relationship… he sounds like a selfish inconsiderate prick

Strange selfish man, do you need him in your life?

At least you found out he is selfish now. It won’t be a surprise at 2am when the baby is crying.

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1st and foremost there should never be your kids and my kids. If it aint OUR Kids he can hit the effin road cause why you making a difference in our kids?? why is there ANY yours and mine bc a marriage is a freaking team. Let him pass out and take that shit. He aint the one out of work pushing a watermelon out :person_shrugging:t4::person_shrugging:t4:

His previous MARRAIGES? Oh boy take yourself out of there girl! Your life will be better without him

oh boy…want some cheese with that wine? Grow up, you can cook gasp after having a baby. In fact, some women even clean house!

You better plan on getting child support out of this dude…and don’t ever, ever have another child with him because he is a perpetual child himself.

Write the boss a thank you note for JUST the ones the B/F gave you. Let him explain to his boss why you were not given all of them.


Baby gifts are for the baby. Doesn’t matter if it’s a gift card or a onesie.

Wow…you dont haveuch of a partner…sounds like a true narrsasistic asshole…the gift cards are for the babies needs, the food should be shared equally.

his seems like a bitch wouldnt you want to use all you can on the baby so its not to hard when they get here there something wrong with here and why do yal have to pay eachother back for what you buy for your guys baby thats strange

His previous marriages and this behaviour are huge red flags. Now a baby is involved. You’re here asking for an answer you already know. Is this how you want your life to be? He isn’t going to change, they never do.

What kind of family did he have growing up? He may be handling this just like his daddy did and thinks it’s normal.

You need to run from this selfish man will never get better or go to counselling and sort himself out

NO they are not!!
How/why would/could he EVEN think this???

Hell no. I would leave now before the baby comes. It will be much worse after. Been there done that.


Girl run. This made me so mad just reading it I want to kick him in the dick. Not kidding. How unbelievably selfish. It’s obvious he doesn’t value you or the baby. He’s not going to change. I’m blown away. Don’t let this man or any man treat you this way. This is not ok.

Gift cards for you should not pay for his previous children . They are for you both and your baby . Looks like he is pretty selfish .

If he acting this way now, don’t expect any better once the baby arrives….RUN!


Dump the guy! He’s showing you his true colors and he will always be selfish.

Dump him…fast. He doesn’t care about you or the baby. Check his past baby actions


Just keep the one’s for the restaurant, others for baby cause you’re going to be needing them.

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You’re still engaged to that selfish a$$??!!? Don’t walk, RUN!!


I think if he still wears diapers and wants to suck on a dummy then he is too immature for you

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Oh lord, this isn’t good at all. Sounds like total be better off alone

He is a a$$ wipe run :running_woman: now he’s selfish and is not going to be a contributing dad yikes :flushed:

Wow he’s a selfish @ss#0!3. Who would do that to the mother of his child or even his child. Cuz I agree those should be used in things for the baby and all that has to do with the baby’s care.

He do not love you pack up and leave him

He’s selfish and thinks he deserves more than you. Bye bye

You will be miserable. He is so selfish. He will be jealous of the baby too. Get out of this relationship. Life will be good. Believe it !

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Don’t marry him. He is selfish. The gift cards are the least of your worries.

Kick his ass to the curb, along with the gift cards, so his kids from his previous marriage can be there to help him sit on the potty in his aging years. You’ll be busy living your best life with this baby. Things will get worse when this little one arrives, and doesn’t need the poison that your drinking.( same goes for the other kids) Get out and far away.


Think about this…if this is how he wants to treat you and your new baby…and IF you ALLOW it, your opening the door for him to treat you WORSE and WORSE til you are broke and broken.
You either put your foot down…which I believe will only work for a minute if at all…
OR You get rid of the USELESS BASTARD.
ALSO, why would you want to raise a child around this? If it’s a boy…he will act like him…if it’s a girl…she will grow up thinking being treated like this is ok…RUN FAR


He seems narcissistic. It’s about him and not the family. His needs already come first before his child. Very strange behavior.

You need to take your cards for the baby and your life and run away from that man. Toxic AF. Selfish AF.


This man is selfish, those cards were meant for the new baby if he doesn’t come around sent his boss a thank you note on The once he gave you and list what they were , maybe his boss will mention the other ones but I really don’t think he will, I would think twice before I’d married someone that won’t even help with the expense of his child and that makes me wonder if this child will always be push back from the other

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It’s not the gift cards It’s the rest of the bull I just read wth… That’s is a straight loser


What are you doing with him? You think he’s gonna help you once the baby is born? Omg, I can’t believe you can’t see him for what he really is, a selfish a$$. You need to run, and I mean fast!!!

You say fiance…dump this jerk as soon as you are able.


Wow, what a selfish human being. If he’s like that about gifts/money, how do you think he will be about considering yours and the babies needs when they are here. I’d seriously be reconsidering marrying such a person. It shouldn’t even need discussion to know that the gift cards are for you as a family to help you while you have a newborn. Who does he think he is. Fuck. All he did was impregnate you. At the end of the day, you have to do everything! You have to carry the baby for 9 months, then give birth and then care for you and your baby after birth - hes not considering you or your child’s needs at all. Sorry - gone off on a tangent - but you get my drift. He sounds like an absolute self centred c*nt

Leave this fool. He obviously doesn’t care about you’re well being during the most intense time that you need a partner there for you. And he’s being unreasonable and a jerk. Do not marry him. If he wants to act a fool don’t let it be on your time, money or health.

Wow, this guy is going to be a GREAT Dad :woman_facepalming:t4: Already acting selfish AF. PLEASE do not marry this dirtbag!!! “Previous marriages” = he’s already screwed up this matrimony thing multiple times. Those women got real sick of his :poop:.

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This guy is toxic…self absorbed if he wants to spend baby gift cards on his other children and himself. Its only going to get worse when baby is here…run before it’s too late.

Lord Jesus. I would be divorced. He is narcissistic and you should run.


What a horribly self-centered and selfish child. He has a LOT of growing up to do, and you have quite a hard road ahead of you, dragging him along until he either: 1) grows up; or 2) you finally ditch him. I feel for you :broken_heart: :pensive:


I would kick him to the curb and never look back

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My fiance thinks baby gift cards are for him to spend on himself: Advice?


He needs his ass kicked, head examined, and a healthy dose of reality that they are for yall and the baby as a family. Sounds like a asshat to me.

Get out now. Let him be a father to your child, but he’s not even almost ready for another marriage.


He could keep those three gift cards and himself along with them! He would be paying some child support on that baby and wishing we were still together. He’s an ass. Don’t marry that selfish man!


Take the cards, ditch the baby daddy. Maybe let his boss who gifted the cards know that he thinks they’re for himself to dine out alone while u struggle to buy formula and feed urself. His previous kids have a mom and if they’re still alive, there’s good reason to suspect she is capable of feeding them. Gift cards do not equal child support loser. He needs to grow up and get a set because it is not urs, ur baby’s, or his bosses job to keep him swimming luxury for free. He has a job, he can spend his PAY CHECKS on his children and give the gifts sent to their intended recipient. Nobody is going to reward his hard work of getting laid, nobody is going to deny u ur needs for the crime of baring his child. If he wants to be all “But its Miiiine :persevere::sob:” then he is too damned childish to be a proper dad to ur baby or the previous kids. She left him for a reason. Don’t be a doormat.


You really have to ask for opinions? Honey, go back and read what you wrote and pretend it is someone else, what advise would you give? Run like your butt is in fire and torment is catching. Get rid of his toxitity before it rubs off in your child. Wait till he is asleep and take all the gift cards. If he says anything then call his boss and ask him what the gift cards were for!


Would his boss give him those gift cards if you were not pregnant? If they were addressed to both of you, why would he believe that the visa cards and restaurant cards or for him. Call his boss and thank him for the gift cards and that Her husband will show you pictures of what your card was used for. Congratulations and if he’s your fiancé and does not want to give his child the best, kick his ass to the curb.


He’s definitely in the wrong.

Take the profound advice repeatedly being given here.


Apply for child support and don’t expect anything more from him. You’ll only be disappointed and hurt.

I know it’s easy to say and hard to do but you deserve better.

Your child deserves to be raised in a loving environment and this guy isn’t going to provide that.

He’s Toxic.

Best wishes.


You already know the answer. Leave. Stay with family till you find a place for you and the baby. Hes a selfish ass and hes already got you upset


The moment he said I’m gonna spend this on my other kids is the moment I would of said it’s over & to gtfo.


Vulgar as it sounds, he is a POS. Get out while you can, collect child support, get back to work. He us taking advantage of you while you are vulnerable.

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You both sound ridiculous and immature. There’s no rule that says you have to stay home for 6 weeks. Going out with a newborn is the easiest stage to go out. Honestly you both need to grow up, him more so.


And you are going to MARRY him? You can do bad all by yourself. He is only going to get worse. Quit while you’re ahead. You will only continue to be barefoot and pregnant. He is a loser. Open your eyes and close your legs.

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I would be kicking his arse out. If he is doing this now. He will def be doing. it down the road- leave his arse and take him to court for child support. He def is jot worth the time of day. Very selfish

He is a selfish bastard. Of course the gift cards are for you and the baby’s needs. ( And him if he were man enough to support you and the baby and contribute to the family). So sorry, but he is a dick.

Theres a lot wrong in this. 1) he is wrong to spend any on his other kids if its for your baby, 2) you dont HAVE to give up 6 weeks of pay to have a baby. Should he expect u to pay the bills for it all, no, but you also could take less time so yall dont struggle financially (im sure I’ll gt hate for that but maternity leave is a luxury not a requirement) Im petty af tho n would call his boss n thank him for the baby card n if he mentions the others say he kept them…prolly shouldnt listen to me tho :laughing:

Sounds like a very unhealthy relationship. Best to leave him now vs trying to make something work out that never will. He’s a selfish jerk. Run fast!!!

If you have the bosses number i would text or call and let him know what your fiance did, he may be a nice enough man to reprimand or give you some gift cards to help you out since you finance is a selfish little narcissistic cunt. ask your parents for help if you have a good relationship with them and break off the engagement it will only get worse and the child will see his behavior as right and treat you like trash

This isn’t a relationship it’s 2
children bickering, I feel sorry for your unborn child if this is what he/she is being brought into

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I’d say he’s a selfish POS and you might want to get out while the getting is good before you waste too much more of your life on him.

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You spound real intitled miss, would you have the cards if not for him? And he split it with you? Hmmm


RUN now! Get out while you can. He’s obviously not caring much about you and the new baby if he’s putting guidelines and rules on your life (really? Paying half of the bills while on maternity leave? What a blind loser HE is). Move out and leave no forwarding address. He’s probably too lazy to even look you up. Pray that your unborn child doesn’t take after him