My fiance thinks baby gift cards are for him to spend on himself: Advice?

Leave him! I was married to a bastard like that for 15 years. We spent a year battling over child support and the debt he put me in because he’s so cheap but he never bought my son anything in his 14 years of life. But he got a fat inheritance from his dad that he spent on vehicles and toys for himself

OMG he has some nerve. Those are for baby gifts and only baby. I would kick his ass to the curb now. It’s for your baby not his other brats.

What a selfish jerk. The gift cards were given as baby gifts to get what you need. I imagine the restaurant cards were so you didn’t have to cook sometimes after the baby comes. I would send a not to the boss saying thank you for three cards. He will probably as you SO about the other cards, making him look like the jerk he is.

Well, if this is how it’s starting out, it’s gonna be a rough time for everyone. Wishing you luck that you figure it out

Guess you had a baby with wrong guy should of know from his previous family

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Run! You don’t need 2 babies in the house. He’s selfish and very immature. No wonder he’s had ( numerous marriages). RUN!


Honey you need to run. And normally I wouldn’t suggest to run but damn he sounds like an absolute nightmare and doesn’t deserve you

What a selfish ass no wonder he’s divorced.
There is no yours or mine in a relationship Esp with a baby on the way.
Your in for heartache if you don’t speak up now.

He’s very selfish and not ready to be a parent or husband otherwise he would support you both, gift cards aside, the last statement is disgusting.

ALL of those gift cards are for u both as new parents and for the new baby. Not YOURS and certainly not HIS.

Selfish asshole. Take ur baby and run!

True love is wanting someone else to be happier than you are. I’m sorry to say, that doesn’t seem like him in any way, shape, form or fashion.

Don’t break your marriage up over a little money. Give it time he’ll see. Let him take hos kids out and you go too. It’s a family deal.


The only thing that worrys me is you feel the need to put your business on Facebook just to attention seek!!

How about instead of asking strangers for advice who no nothing about your relationship maybe keep your private life off here!! Just a thought!!

2021 way of thinking I guess!! :yawning_face::roll_eyes:

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There is a good reason he already has an x and kids from another marriage. Please don’t marry this loser. Get out of this toxic relationship before you do that. Any real man would be more worried about taking care of his child and the child’s mother than himself. He is a self centered jerk. Kick him to the curb.

She has more than 2 children in that household of 3 if she needs to get advice about putting her foot down about what belongs to whom and why. If he’s taking cards to share with his “other kids” then it’s time to CUT YOUR LOSSES and leave. You’re his 2nd mistake already, and soon enough he’ll find number 3.

Well if he has other kids he has a right and responsibility to those other kids too just as much .

Pretty good indication that you are going to have crappy life!!! He is a jerk for even thinking of keeping them for himself!!

Dump now, he is already a looser with other children to support. You and new baby will be fine without him you don’t need him.

Jesus h Christ if you guys are together it shouldn’t be a my money his money thing it should be both your money collectively doesn’t matter who works, if you guys arent together, don’t know what to say, his boss, his bonus, his money :man_shrugging:

The toxic is strong in that guy. Couldnt you see it in the sentence you wrote with regards to him having ex wife and kids.
Youre pregnancy just made it worse for the existing kids he has, i bet they see very litlle of him amd he will see even less once your baby comes because you’ll expect him to be all about you amd bub, when really you’re going to end up in the back shelf just like them.
Sorry if this sounds harsh.
But i dont think i am far from the truth.

Run dont walk, if hes this way now you will regret staying. I do not see a good future with this guy. Get out before he knocks you up again.

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I think he’s a very selfish and thoughtless sob, sorry you had to find that out now with a baby on the way!

Girl… every red flag is waving… if that boy uses a gift given to him for this occasion on himself… he dont give a crap about you, that baby, the relationship or anything else… clearly a narcissist… if you were smart. Run… make him pay child support and lose the obvious zero.

This is your sign before marriage to get out. There is much more crazies left with him and you’ve been given your sign. It should not be a hostile breakup and just tell him that this just shows that you are not on the same page and that things need to move slower. If I helped give him a gift card from work and it went to his other kids I would be pissed b/that’s not why I gave ! I gave for the baby !

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Don’t continue this marriage. This boy is selfish & immature!. Is he educated in any way. Or is he just pitifull???

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Call his boss and ask him what the cards were for and have him explain to your boyfriend what they are for.

Get rid of bf keep baby.Hes an asshole and he will Always treat you and the baby as second best . He will Always come first

Your fiance has multiple children by multiple wives and you’re at least #3. Sounds like you should have made better choices.

You might seriously consider adoption or giving him full custody now and moving to an entirely different country.

What a nightmare this is going to be.

I am so sorry for you.

If you are not married DO NOT GET MARRIED to anyone like him, in the United States. The divorce laws crush mothers, but they can not coerce single mothers into hurting their own interests.

I have not seen my kids in 3 years. They are 24, 22 and 20. My early years were sweet, but their father, my mentally ill family of origin, plus his? I should never have even tried. It was hell. I ended up trying to kill myself over the whole nightmare 12/8/2016 and honestly they couldn’t feel a thing after 10 years of family court.

Took a long time to be okay after that.

But it sounds extreme to say ‘run’ over Baby gifts… I knew in my gut the first night we met. I saw in my mindseye dropping the napkin with his phone number into a puddle and it disintegrating… And let my friend convince me to second guess my gut instinct.


He sounds like an ar@e!!! They bought them for you to share! The ones for baby, then the others for you together!!! Is it too late to kick him out??!

Get used to it. If this is how he’s acting now, you’re going to be raising this child all by yourself from here on. You bought everything already? Where’s his commitment. He’s not going to support this child. You’re stupid if you stay with this loser.

He sounds like a loser selfish person he sounds like he does not care for you our your baby’s leave get someone who loves you

I’m not one to answer this with negative comments but… there’s a reason you said previous marriages… as in more than one before you.

Eww what a tacky jerk asshole he is! Wow! Have fun with that. This is his personality and he is not a family guy it seems. Weird shit

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Seems like an asshole whose not worth your time

He shouldn’t keep any of them unless he’s saving it for when the baby comes

You would be far better off without him! He is just a taker and very selfish and inconsiderate!

Don’t waste your time, he is very selfish and it will only get worse. I would leave his sorry ass, run don’t walk.

He’s selfish and greedy. You may want to be considered an ex because this is just the beginning. It will get worse

Drop him like a dirty diaper. If the baby didn’t exist he wouldn’t be getting any gift cards. Buh bye jackass

YOU need to KEEP ALL the cards and kick HIS selfish ass to the curb!!! Seriously!! What kind of person does this??? The cards were meant for the BABY not him or his raggedy ass kids!! WTF??? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

For fiance is an idiot unless he is spending them on a rocking chair.

I’m sorry honey but he’s a total loser. Cut your losses and send his butt packing!

Find a new man who has respect for both you and the baby.

When you divorce him he’ll try to bargain with you. Stand your ground.

Kick him to the kerb now because things are not looking good already. Just saying

Go spend them on baby items so he can’t buy what he wants.

No that is not right. Those are for needed baby items. You ate not in a relationship. Time to consider other arrangements

I’d be getting out of that relationship. He’s selfish. His kids. Your kids. What?? OUR KIDS!!

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Why in the world do you still want to marry this a$$hole? Move on and get a lawyer to get you some support money.

He’s a complete loser. Good luck with that one. :grimacing:


And THIS is why I’ve stayed single the past 5 years🤷🏻‍♀️

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So your man isn’t really a man, he’s an ass that doesn’t take care of his family. LOSER!!!

Kick this bozo to the curb. Sounds like a selfish self absorbed jerk. It’s only gonna get worse.

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What a complete ass!! I think you answered your own question. What a greedy bastard. Sorry for the language. Here’s your view in to the future on what life will be like with him. I’m sorry for you and your baby. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::broken_heart: cuz these should be such happy, memorable times. SMH :woman_facepalming:t3:

A very selfish person. You deserve so much better as does your child.

You need to tell him to take his gift cards and get the hell out. He is a selfish bastard

I would pick a new Man cause this one is an asshole

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He’s a selfish asshole and clearly doesn’t understand the vow he took when he married you!

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Ring his boss and ask what he thinks :joy:. It was given as a gift to the baby right? Pretty loser move keeping any of it for himself

He is a loser. Get rid of him. Don’t allow this selfish jerk to raise your child.

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Find someone who is less of a baby than your baby! He is a loser!


He’s to selfish to be a dad
Best of luck your going to need it.

Girlfriend,he’s an ass should of dumped him along time ago. Very selfish of him.

Run :running_woman: He stills expects you to pay YOUR HALF!!! While you’re not working!!!
Very selfish person!!!

That guy sounds like a dick! Kick him to the curb.

He is a self centered jerk seriously I would be gone

Oh boy. If he is going to be this selfish now! Oh boy, he has a big learning curve.

He’s a ass hole and If I were you I would tell him to fuck off & leave while you’re ahead!


He’s a pure and simple jerk no hope for him, he wouldn’t listen.

What a shmuck. Get rid of this selfish loser. What do his kids have to do with this?? Kick him out. Sooo selfish!!!

If hes this selfish now whats he gonna be like when babys here

This makes me mad and I know punching him is not ok. But I Wana punch him. He’s a dick and if it was me I’d leave.

Tell him to grow the hell up and stop being a spoiled pr@%k!

I’m not usually one to shout leave him on the internet but babe, fucking leave him. He’s a shit human being.

Girl , get out of that relationship , he’s selfish and only thinks of himself . The cards should be for baby stuff and food cards for both

I would tell him he can keep them if he’s paying your portion of bills while you’re out :woman_shrugging:t3:

You marrying the wrong guy. Sad and selfish!

Kick him to the curb…not someone who is worthy of you.

He’s stingy and self centered and a cheat.
It will get worse.
Don’t marry this guy.
Have an attorney draft child support now.

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The cards are for the two of you & the coming baby. His kids from a previous marriage have no entitlement to these gift cards. This man is a total jerk!!

This is your fiancè??? Like… your future husband? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: He knows that you are going to be his wife and this is his (forgive me for assuming) baby, right? He shouldn’t be so selfish.

Hes a selfish ass…he dont care two hoots about you or this baby… it’s all about him and prior kids…run.

You need to kick him out he is acting like a jerk

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Leave him. He’ll be paying a lot more in child support!!

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RED. FLAG. :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: A decent man would think of benefiting his child before himself.


I just read a lot of the comments, does anyone feel these two should stay together?:flushed:

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That spoiled brat needs to take his kids and go! If he is like this now he is never going to change. Unless you want to be taken advantage of for the rest of your life boot him to the curb. You and go to the health dept and file a paternity test for child support. He is


Time to rethink your relationship. He is selfish and honestly, it’ll probably just get worse after the baby is born. The card had both of your names on it which means that they are for BOTH of you, not just you getting the ones that he doesn’t want

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Honey you need to RUN!!! It’s only going to get worse! He’s very selfish and if you don’t get out now you will be in for a rough time!! Why do you want a guy with past failures? Whatever problems were in those failed marriages are evidently still around!!! Under no circumstances marry this joker- for you and your baby’s sake!

Dump the loser. You deserve better. What an ass

dont make dinner, make him buy it with the cards

Do not marry this dude … bad news.

Kick his ass to the curb, what a selfish person

Give him his walking papers.

Shoulda abort!!! Sorry he selfish now u done had a baby by him smh :woman_facepalming:t5:

You’re knocked up by a dead beat, pick better

What a pig! Id be worried about him continuing this in the future … so selfish!

Neither of you is ready for a child.

How the heck did u 2 decided to have a kid?