Are you with my husband? Girl…run while you can. It will never get better.
Trina Quinn girl
If he’s like that now it will only get worse. Selfish doesn’t go away
Oh lord what a tightass.
Selfish ahole is what it sounds like.
Sounds like your going to have 2 babies to look after
This guy is dropping red flags everywhere. Run.
Looks like you hitched your cart to the wrong horse hunny… if there weren’t red flags before, consider this your LAST warning. Better to have an asshole baby daddy than an asshole ex-husband. Can you imagine what this douche is gonna pull after the baby shower??? AFTER THE WEDDING???
You should dump this guy.
Oh heck no! All baby !! Kick him to the curb, selfish xss!!
I forsee trouble ahead.
You need a better fut.
He sounds like a total selfish Prick!!
Can you walk…ok…now wave bye bye! Figure you got off cheap.
I think you are wrong for eachother.
I would re-think my future if I were you. Just sayin.
Tell to go to HELL!!!
Selfish prick sounds like a drop kick to me it’s not about him the new baby should come first
He sounds like a real winner🤮
Dump him quickly! He’s selfish as hell!
Kick him to the curb
Just make the man some breakfast…hot grits stick!!
Run honey. This won’t get better. Run fast.
Run far from this male, and don’t look back.
Your baby daddy?
Not married!!
POS put him on child support for sure and fiancé are u kidding me
He’s a douche bag and selfish
Being single is awesome.
Run and don’t look back!!
Fiance’? Time to reconsider!
He’s got some growing up to do!!!
Oh hell no! Run honey run
Dump him—avoid the expense of a divorce!
Dump the selfish jerk!!!
Why is he still there?
Selfish people can’t sort out their lives.
Don’t walk. RUN. Fuck the gift cards.
He is being very selfish
You better rethink marriage.
He sounds like a winner
This guy is a dick. Plane and simple.
Wait until you get their birthday money!! Sometimes you use it to pay bills.
You have a big problem, no wonder his other relationship failed.
so single motherhood it is then?
You slept with a real jerk and now you are pregnant.
…just run now and save the aggravation later.
And why are you with him??
That’s not a partner. That’s a walking red flag.
I can never get back the 45 seconds it took to read this.
And u still there leave while u can !!! Pregnant and all
What a jerk. I have no words
Rethink marrying him
Ooh, throw him back now. He is loser
He, i would think is on a short tenure. What a selfish …???
why are you still with this cheap selfish fool?
Wake up. Your seeing a very selfish boy . Having a baby doesn’t make a real man. You both sound immature. Into days world you both shouldnt.have gotten pregnant
Dumb to put on Facebook
You chose a real winner lol, I say run
Why are you having a baby with this selfish asshole?? #NARCISSISTIC
Runnnnnnnn …now!!!
Get out as quickly as you can.
I think you already know he is a selfish loser, better luck next time with your next baby daddy
Throw him in the river
Why are you still with him ask yourself that
Sounds like you need a new baby daddy
Hummmm you are the mum and the cards are yours
Get a real man not some selfish punk
You’re fiancés a nobhead sweetheart sorry! Xx
Run run run as fast as you can
Dump him real quick
Heads Up Hun
That says Too much…
This whole question is cring.
To be honest y’all both sound fucking petty and SELFISH …
So many RED flags…Yikes!
Wake, its not going to last long, dump him.
Why are you with this person?
Dont marry that. Ew.
I’m sorry you hooked up with a low life conniving sucker
Are you sure he should be a fiancé?
He’s just pre dumped
Please dump this guy. You, and your baby, will be better off.
Time to move on. Remember to petition for child support.
And u want to marry him
I think you need a new fiance.
You may have hooked up with a selfish asshole. Just saying.
You sure you wanna marry that piece of shit?
I mean if u guys are arguing over that just wait til the baby gets here
This isn’t going to get better.
Why are you with that Jerk. Don’t marry him.
He sounds like a jerk
WhT a scum . Drop him not be sorry for later
Ditch this loser. He sounds like a selfish narcissistic bandaid.
He is a loser with a capital L
He sounds like a baby daddy not a fiancé
Selfish he has a new baby ffs
You both sound like you have some growing up to do
You are marrying him?
Get rid of the selfish boy
Prayers for you and your new family