My fiance thinks baby gift cards are for him to spend on himself: Advice?

You are marrying a selfish man🥲

He’s sounds like a DB

Let him have them…. And end this toxic relationship darling girl.

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What a friggin jackass

Your fiancé is gross.

This is NOT the man to marry

Find a new fiancé !!

stop commenting on this site. It’s bogus. the very same question and situation was on Mama’s Un-cut web site. these people asking these questions don’t even exist. It’s all just click bait and not real.

Wow sounds like u started dating my ex RUUUNNN :athletic_shoe::athletic_shoe:

Kick that looser to curb there for your baby

Wow, I can’t believe what I’m reading!!!

Leave now!!! Before it’s too late DV SURVIVORS Share the Dignity

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Run, he is a narcissist. Leave.

Are you flat mates or are you in a relationship???

I think he is full of s_ _ t send him down the road lol

Sounds like a selfish ass. Sorry while you can

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Leave him. He’s an idiot!

There might be a reason he was single.

Great husband you have maam, time to start making plans, !

Is this real life. Leave now :triangular_flag_on_post:

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Sounds like he is narcissistic.

Leave that man alone.

Get the hell out fast. If he is doing that now it will only get worse.

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Run and don’t look back!

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Not husband material, you can do better!

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Needs a life awaking with foot up his ass . As red foreman would say!!!

He didn’t give you a hint of his selfish self before you both got pregnant?

Sounds like your man’s a ball sack

Not a good baby daddy already stealing from the baby

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Oh I see problems here.

He is wrong on so many levels

Leave now. He wont change.

Walk away, you can do better

Kick him to the curb

I would write a very nice letter to the boss thanking him for only the cards that he gave you. Elaborate exactly what you will use them for and mail to him DIRECTLY. Hopefully his boss will question him, and even if he doesn’t he’ll see the kind of man his employee is. (Personally I think your baby daddy is an asshole)

He sounds like a douschbag!

Run as fast as you can. That’s not a relationship.

Tells me you have a bigger baby to worry about. . .


Where’s the love from either direction?

He’s an ***hole. Run!

Sound like your with a complete bell end u need to get rid of the complete tosser

Loser… with a capital L!

Maybe you need a new husband

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the bloke seems to be an ignorant tosser, but the baby is his as well and maybe you might want to reconsider the marriage thing ?


Felicia Ferguson ,RIGHT!!! Run as fast as you can!

I would kick him to the CURB!!!

Throw that man away!!!

Get a new fiance… this one is all for himself …

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Major red flags here.


Sounds like you needed a better baby dad

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Don’t marry that guy!

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That dude is a douchebag and you need to kick him to the curb now cuz that selfish behavior is gonna get worse.

Maybe his boss will see this &his ass will be out of a job.


What trash man did u get!! Throw him out

You obviously know that this man is a POS. I don’t see the point in asking a bunch of strangers for advice, mostly because you’re not likely to follow it anyway. The best thing I can tell you is you need to reevaluate your choice in men.

Sounds like you got a winner hahaha

I would drop his sorry ass!!

It’s far past time to LEAVE!!!

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he’s a selfish jerk. you shouldnt be having a child with him.

ring the boss to clarify

It’s too late to say anything to you…

Why are you with him? Seems like he is an irresponsible person :rage::rage::rage:VALUE YOURSELF AND LEAVE HIM​:rage::rage::rage::rage:

You married the guy, so how are you surprised ? Sorry :neutral_face:

When someone shows you who they are…BELIEVE THEM

How do folks even get knocked up by these loser idiots. Seriously? Is being alone worse than this?

Don’t marry this dude. He’s not the one.

See you on Steve Wilkos

Just a hint of what’s to come in future he’s showing u his hand

Say good by to him and move on.

He seems like a douchenozzle

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Throw the whole man away.

He’s a selfish fucking asshole

Dump him and sell your engagement ring

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You picked a real winner

Fiancé?? Girl, you sure that’s not just your broken down babydaddy?:face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

he’s a moron! get rid of him!!

Get rid of him. Big red flag.

Get rid of him and make him pay child support.

Girl if you don’t take your baby and run…

Sorry to say but I’m my opinion your baby daddy is a selfish jerk.

Red flags here… just saying

Pack up and leave, he’s not worth keeping around, it will only get worse. Run.

Not a lifetime partner, need to move on!

Your fiancé is a closet jackass !

Run for your life…:exclamation:

How self centered, :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:.

I sure know why he’s been divorced multiple times before. What a narcissistic bastard. My advice is run! By the sounds of it you’re going to be doing all this baby stuff on your own anyway. What a selfish snot

Oh honey. You picked the wrong baby daddy. :disappointed:


Wow. I’d leave that bullshit.

he sounds a bit self centered.

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Run he doesn’t see your family as his family run

See an attorney, protect you and your baby and run.


I think you best hightail it away from the so called father!!!

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Fiance?! What! That’s how I’d expect a bitter ex to behave :grimacing:

I would like every comment if i cud yall are on point… That selfishness wont change…

Yeah the cards aren’t the issue…

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I sure would not marry that cad.


This man is not husband material! Run!

Get rid of his selfish ass