My fiance thinks baby gift cards are for him to spend on himself: Advice?

Run. What a greedy prick

“There’s your Sign”! :upside_down_face:

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:joy: good luck with that.
Also, don’t have anymore children.

Cheeky swine that’s the baby’s money

Sean Dantimo those cards are for the baby tho?? :rofl:

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Selfish, me me me …. !

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Selfish comes to mind

He sure sounds like a winner !

He sounds like a bum tell him to grow tf up!!!

Double standards much

Selfish down right selfish need to put a boot in his ass

Sounds like you found yourself a real winner!

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what an asshole lol get out now!

Time to find a different man

Hes a p.o.s !! Sorry you had a kid with him thats for the baby & you

Where did you find this LOSER???

Baby gift cards are for the BABY.
Good luck!

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There your prblem a fiance

You need to find a better man!!!

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What a chump lol money issues lead to divorce

Ditch him NOW he is not a loving man

Throw the whole husband away

When someone shows you who they are, believe them. ~ Maya Angelou


What an annoying lady

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Call up his boss and ask him who they’re for :woman_shrugging:t3:

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RUN!!! get a backbone and leave his selfish toxic ass!

Cancel the whole man

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Sounds like a nice guy :joy:

Run run run …:man_running::man_running: :man_running: :man_running:


He told u who he was a long time ago.


What a heel. Damn selfish man.


He seems like a real jerk…

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I stopped reading at his kids and your family.

He’s a pos and doesn’t deserve you or the new baby. He’s not a man.


My advice summed up:


If you guys can’t figure THIS out… OH BOY ABOUT A BIGGY!!!


Sounds like a selfish prick


And she has nerve to say fiancee? Get out now, You are engaged to a bum.


Why do women keep having babies with fucking reject men?


Key word. Marriages.

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Lmfao well this relationship is fucked!

Ewwww what a peice of shit.


Why are you having a baby with someone that thinks that way?


He is a walking red flag.


The card that the gift cards came in is the clue. If it’s to celebrate the birth of the baby, then they should be spent on the baby that his co-workers thought they were contributing to. If the card said “Dude, you’re such a great bro, spend these on yourself” then that would be okay. How old is this guy that he is so clueless. You might want to rethink that “fiancé” thing.

WTH you are totally right. And those cards certainly were not meant to spend on himself or his other kids.

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Thank goodness you haven’t said the I Do’s yet!

Cut your losses, he only cares about himself. Shouldn’t even have to question the gift. If it weren’t for your baby, there wouldn’t be a gift! YOU ( and baby) deserve better

Well that’s a clear sign what kind of man he is… So just don’t invest feelings for him…

So sorry for you. You need a new boyfriend.

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Just throw that guy in the bin and move on!!!
He is selfish and isn’t going to change!
Best of luck to you

Woof. This is beyond toxic. Honestly, I think your issues with this man lie beyond this specific incident. This is pure selfishness & disrespect on his part.

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This is not going to end well if you two can’t get on the same page. You are not even married yet.
This could be a huge issue dealing how you two save money and spend money

Sounds like you have two babies

If you are seriously thinking about staying in this relationship you need help! Get rid of him?..

The key words were”his kids from his previous marriages (plural!)”.Doesnt exactly engender confidence in him.Sounds like a selfish dick with a bad history

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What a train wreck of a relationship,and the baby ain’t even here yet.

Omg lady!!! They were fir you and the new baby not for that waste of space and his kids from previous. Why are you with him?? I would be telling his boss he kept them all. Booting him out and doing it alone. Your basically doing that now. I would kick that lowlife to the kerb!!

Sorry but where did you find this selfish jerk?

Ring his boss and tell him to explain to your fiancé what the cards are for and WHO their for

They are for the baby not him

Why are so many of these posts like this lol how did you get into a relationship with and then go on to marry/get engaged and have kids with such crap men? Damn.

Get out of there.

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Sounds like you need a new man first off. Secondly, tell his punk ass to stop bein a child and do his duty. Fork the cards over, pay the bills, and take care of mama and baby.


You need to throw that baby daddy away and get a new one :wink:

I would never tolerate a man that did this. The baby you having is his so why does he think its ok to deprive this child of gifts meant for the child. And the restaurant gift cards is for you both since you will be basically be in recovery after having baby- use them to get food in. How ridiculous to use these gifts on himself and his kids. Or suggest you do the same. I think he only told you to fo the same so he can spend it on his kids. And to still ecpect you to pay half the bills when you have no pay coming in is ridiculous. Being pregnant and in this situation would literally have me in tears but at the same time mad as hell.

Your husband sounds like a douche. Find better. :woman_shrugging:


You need to be independent and leave him in your dust. Those gift cards are for the baby!!!

Tell him to Fook off. Literally.

Divorce the bastard.

Maybe you don’t need him.

Ned to kick the garbage to the curb

You need a new fiancé

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If y’all fighting this deep over some gift cards you don’t belong together its real simple. These things probably got what 20-50 dollars each on them? Literally who cares? You’re both being petty as fuck for fighting about it.

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Get out now !! Red flags everywhere. You don’t want to raise a child in that toxic environment. Good luck ! Prayers for a healthy happy baby.

Why are you with that jerk???

He sounds like a man-child and everything about his behavior is a major red-flag.

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You decided to have a baby by this selfish man! I had one like him. Wasted 33 years on him. Divorced him and now married to a wonderful man. You are arguing like two children. You are the adult in this not him. Since you have a career, my advice is run as fast as you can!!!

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Sounds like a dead beat dad…sorry…not a good husband or father


They should exclusively be used for you two and the new baby. But he’s too selfish for that. Mind as well break it off now and save the heartache. You already are doing the 50/50 thing you just live together. If it can’t be talked out or fixed, I’d scrap that relationship real fast. It’s not only toxic for you but will be extra toxic for baby.


Maybe there was a note written in the card as to how the gifts cards should be spent and that’s why he didn’t allow to see the actual card. Why would he take a picture of the card rather than give it to you to see? I’d run for the hills. Good luck


Run. Run now. This is not going to work
Anyone that selfish greedy and narcisstic you should cut ties with now.
Get yourself and the baby sorted.
Make plans get organised.
Don’t get emotional over this with him.
Forget happy families this man is incapable of them. Save your strength for your child. Focus on the future. Think logically.
Get help and advice. From family and friends.
Get legal advice.
Get packed and go


It saddens me that y’all are fighting over gift cards when there’s obviously children and soon to be more children in the home. Take a step back and reevaluate your entire relationship. Praying for you all.


Forgive my bluntness, but he donated sperm and that seems to be all he plans on doing! I would lose the loser… Just saying!


Ask him if he can spell BABY

If that’s how he thinks he’s not All
In with you and the baby

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Let him keep the gift cards and tell him that’s your half of the bills while you’re on unpaid maternity leave taking care of his child :expressionless: this is totally not serious btw…

Scenes of things to come.

Is this even real? He is not a good person if this is true. Gross.
IF this is real, I cannot stress enough how fast and far you need to run.

Seriously. This is a real question? I guess I see the need to type it out but, once you read it back…

If you read this about someone else, what would YOU think? If it’s not ok for them, why would it ever be ok for yourself?

If your already splitting things now, then gift cards should be split evenly. Btw can/does your employer have maternity pay?


Very selfish of him…:woman_facepalming:t4: if it’s a gift for the baby, then it’s for the baby. Not for him to buy shit for himself! Does he KNOW how much babies cost?? Looks like you’ll be raising two kids…

Hell naw, he is treating you like a roommate instead of a soul mate!!


When people show you who they are, believe them. This will NOT end well.


Wait you guys are supposed to be getting married? Do you live together?

That’s not a men your kids would deserve for a “father”


Get a new fiance that financial abuse, seriously, if that it his behavior when your having a baby just imagine how much worse it’ll be later on in life. Get a new man you deserve to be the queen in someone life.


And you want to Marry this F***.
You may as well be a single mum with what you are explaining.


He sounds like trash so I would put him on the curb with the rest of it. He should WANT you to have those gift cards to help take care if his child. He is not a man. He is an immature selfish little boy.

He’s selfish and I would let his childish immature ass gone about his business

You are in the right here… also, do not marry him.


Omg … sounds like ya’ll have all kinds of problems ( not just about the gift cards ) so sad !


Any man that puts his needs or wants before his child is a selfish ass.