My fiance thinks baby gift cards are for him to spend on himself: Advice?

I think you know exactly what you need to do. We can all give you our opinions but its ultimately up to you to do what’s right. You either put your foot down, stay in this half ass relationship & be miserable, or move on.

Well, honey, I think his true character is showing itself a little bit.

What a selfish loser. HUGS

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Wow. I’m so sorry you are going through this! He sounds very self centered, and I’m afraid marriage won’t improve him. I would hold off on a wedding until he changes a little because if he doesn’t and you do decide to marry him, you are stuck. Please be wise about the situation and consider counseling or something. Prayers🙏

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Why would you even want to stay with someone like that? Thats not a man, thats a boy. Throw the whole boy in the garbage .


Totally agree with Meg Curtis. It sounds like you’ll be much better without him. It’ll only get worse


He is totally in the wrong. And I know it’s hard to hear especially from strangers but I would rethink the relationship. Best of luck and congratulations on your little one.


Run away from him! Do not marry this selfish man. My ex borrowed 1500 from his boss after my daughter was born to “buy things for the baby” I did not see the 1500 or anything for the baby. His boss came to me asking for repayment because he quit his job.

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You still want to marry that?
You’ll be a miserable “wife”
It’s not worth the title.


Umm… no. It’s not just for him. Take them while he’s asleep :joy: then get the stuff you need for baby. He is not a man if hes gonna pull that, especially when an amazon card can get you things for your baby. They’re not for just him. And not to mention all you get is the baby one? Hows that fair? He gets things for himself and all you get is baby stuff? Yeah baby shopping is fun but at the same time it’s for your baby. If you do take them he’ll get over it. If he doesn’t he’s the wrong man. And you shouldn’t be expected to pay half the Bill’s if your home recovering and the only money you have is going towards the little one. Tell him he can pay all the Bill’s while you’re recovering or he can find a new fiance.


Get out while you can, he’s selfish and acting like a spoilt child himself. Why should you pay half the bills? You’ll be home raising a baby let all me looking after your other child(ren). I wouldn’t marry him, I’d get out now he’s a boy not a man


He’s showing you who he really is and how he’s gonna be forever. Worry more about that right now


And just think you bred with that child…yes I said child.


This sounds like parenting together will go well.


No they are meant for baby.


Just an indication that neither one are ready for an important step of having a child together. Too late on that one but make sure you keep everything that is yours in your name. Man’s a loser.


Girl go back and reread this and ask yourself if that’s what you really want to marry.


Sounds like a totally selfish boyfriend you have there.
:pray: for you all.


And you are gonna marry that???


How many different marriages has he had and I think you just saw why


Selfish and immature for sure!


Do not marry this guy, he’s selfish


Idk, my personal opinion is that splitting bills sound not be an issue. I don’t get benefits at all, so when I have my baby it will be time off I am not being paid, but I will still pay my half of the bills and my own bills. I would make sure I had something saved for just that, but I am a big believer in having at least three months worth of pay saved incase of anything. Now as far as those gift cards, those are for new baby, not anything else. Not kids yall already have, or food, or clothing, unless it is for the newborn. To keep any for himself and his kids is downright selfish to that baby.

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You would be better off alone. Trust me as a single mother of 3 and the sole bread winner. He will not change after baby or marriage. He will get worse. You are not wrong!!! all the cards such be used together on the BABY or things for the TWO of you. he would not have received the cards if YOU weren’t having his kid.


You’re worried about some damn gift cards when you’re engaged to a :clown_face:?:woman_facepalming:t4: Honey you got bigger fish to fry. You’re talking about marrying this man and he’s treating you like a roommate. Screw the gift cards. How does he expect you to pay half of the bills when you’re on unpaid leave?:thinking:

I’ma say it, you are being selfish and petty and wanting attention. Just split the cards and get over it omg​:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Why are you marrying a man who isn’t going to financially take care of you and your baby when you’re having a baby? Maybe cut your losses and get child support… If you’re not living together, I think splitting the gift cards is reasonable though. Technically the gift cards were given to him as a gift for himself and the baby. While it’s usually implied the mother will benefit too, it doesn’t necessarily mean he has to give them all to you.


Girl, he is a Selfish Fool!!!


um, weird you guys pay each other back. When your together it shouldn’t be like that.


I would not be marrying him. He seems immature and selfish

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Throw the whole man away


Girl. You should get out while you still can. This sounds toxic.


This is a sign to immediately get into some kind of premarital counseling. If he has previous failed marriages as in plural then I would assume he’s willing to do the work it takes to make this one his last one. If not, then I would t give him another marriage notch in his belt.

Edited because apparently my autocorrect thinks notch is not a word and substituting a foul word made MUCH more sense

Was this a shower for your baby? Did people buy those cards expecting it to go towards your baby? That’s wrong if I bought a gift card for your baby it goes towards the baby. Who bought the cards call them up and have them tell your husband. That’s not ok.

That’s horrible and he is worse!!! I wouldn’t marry him it’s going to get worse… I wish I listen to my parents and others

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Off the bat you sound pretty selfish and entitled, especially calling them all “baby gift cards”. You say you split everything down the middle and that is what he did with the gift cards, plus he has children from a previous marriage that he takes care of too.

I’m waiting for your next post where you ask if it is okay to ask your partner not to see his kids from a previous relationship or give them anything.


I think he’s a jerk and you would be better off without him.

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Run he is selfish look for someone else

Eeerrrk. You are not sacrificing working for 6 weeks… For real… You chose to have a baby.
I personally think the cards should be used for baby and meals after you have baby… Sense they were given as a gift for the Baby shower… But Thats just my opinion.


Nope. I would have kicked him out already.

And you’re procreating with this guy, why? Sounds like a life of pure misery. Run! Never look back!


What an awful thing for him to do

i can’t believe what i just read.
poor girl.
that’s fuckin ridiculous.
shell never see how bad this sounds to all of us…
run, run, RUN away from him
for real

Those gift cards are for diapers and formula and baby items. NOT HIS SELFISH A$$! Put your foot down! Arrogant and inconsiderate PoS. Good luck with him. SMH - I think if it were me, he would have his ass out on the street.

  1. if you don’t have a ring he’s not your fiancé
  2. if you have a ring and have “engaged” longer than 2 years and there is no date set, he just gave you the ring to shut you up
  3. he is showing his true colors by keeping the cards for himself
    RUN! Run FAST

Ditch him and don’t look back. Totally narsistic

Leave by any means necessary. It’s only going to get worse.

You procreated with this large spoiled child? Yuk. Why?

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You guys are seriously fighting over free gift cards from his boss?

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Wooooowwww. You are in an unhealthy relationship.


Toss out the entire fiancé he’s trash!

Time to get rid of him. He sounds like a loser.

Your fiancé? You’re not actually going to marry this guy right? Throw his ass away and find someone that’s actually considerate.

And u decided to marry him and then have a child by him? :woozy_face:

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My advice is throw the whole man away

Can you say Red Flag!:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: Girl, Get outta there while you still can!

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Get rid of him
I say!

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No the right man for you! Go

Throw the entire fiance away and move on with your life.


For the love of all things, do not marry this man. There are soooooo many issues I’m so sorry you’re going through this. This man does not respect you or your baby. You deserve better.


You are having a baby with a man child :person_facepalming: And you sound like Tit for Tat like you want points


Run girl! Not kidding.


You Contradict yourself you said you bought all of it gave me all of it but he paid you back half therefore you didn’t buy it off you paid for half as did he . They are from his boss to him for the baby he’s giving you 3 to do with what you want and 3 for him what else do you need for the baby?

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The food cards would be for both of y’all to use while in hospital or after sure. But why In the hell would he take the cards and use it for himself only when they are legit baby gifts !!


Don’t walk out. Run!! That’s straight selfish, not to mention controlling.


Wow hes a right dick head i wouldn’t put up with that

He’s a DOUCHEBAG, plain and simple


U answered your own question in the first sentence. “Card addressed to both of us.” Meant to be used on baby and for food to make the first weeks easier

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Tell him to grow up and take responsibility for you and the new baby. It is not his and hers. It your together gift.


It’s for the baby and the two of u

Just throw the whole man away.


Thats all just weird. But no, they should all be for you and baby while at home. Amd him expecting you to pay half the bills without working is ridiculous. He sounds like a douche bag really. Like, how are you supposed to marry a MAN* HE DOESNT SOUMD LIKE MUCH OF ONE TO BEGIN WITH * that won’t take care of you and yalls child?? I’d get put while you still can hunny

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Nope… Red flag cut your losses. Hes showing you how he will keep on treating you and wont change. As for no pay … He needs to realize baby is to young for daycare til 6 weeks. He needs to help with baby. In California guys can take leave up to 8 weeks. Why doesnt he stay since you mentioned formula. Since he wants his part of the bill monies. Makes more sense for you to go back to work and he stay home.

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I think you both need to grow up!!


What I would do, send thank yous to who gave those gift cards and tell them how much your HUSBAND is enjoying them. Not you, not the baby, who they were intended for.

I’m disappointed in our society. Disappointed that woman don’t have enough self esteem to stay away for selfish man children. Disappointed that his parents raised him to be such a selfish brat.


He’s totally wrong! They are for yall, you, him and the new baby. What’s wrong with him?

You are not wrong at all . I would think twice about marrying him .


He would have never gotten it if it weren’t for the baby so obviously they are for baby and when baby is home for the household!
I guarantee you this is just the beginning, been there before and it only gets worse unfortunately. You both need to sit down and figure out what you want because this sounds like a toxic relationship. Also, life ain’t always 50/50, sometimes during struggles one person has to pick up the slack more or one person may get a bigger piece of cake…if that makes any sense :sweat_smile:


I’m sorry but u sound more like roommates than partners. If u were partners…u would consider his kids as urs as well and vice versa. When u marry someone ur suppose to be a team. He should catch the slack while ur out with the baby. Cuz whether he realizes it or not thats a “job” too. Maybe yall need to sit down and actually talk thru things before u devote ur life to this man

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This is so weird… so you don’t combine any money and you pay each other back? Not saying you need to have a joint bank account… I don’t but whatever money that comes in is ours… doesn’t matter who brought it home…and if the cards were for a baby gift why does he think he can just keep half… like I don’t understand… you wanna keep one to use for lunches or something … cool… but it’s to be spent on the family as a whole… AND to help get baby supplies… this relationship sounds toxic


I cannot wrap my brain around relationships where it is “my money” and keeping tally of who does what… that to me sounds like something siblings would do, not committed partners. Seems like there may be quite a bit of immaturity going on in this relationship. I pray you both grow up and figure something out. :woman_shrugging:


Wow, I can’t believe people are telling you to leave him over gift cards. Let him have the gift cards, let him spend it on his other kids, just because your having a baby doesn’t mean the bills don’t have to be paid…idk shit happens. Your suppose to get through it together. Not everything is going be centered around your baby now.

He sounds like he’s your roommate

Glad he’s just a fiancee and not your husband. You need to get away from him. Sorry, but he’s always going to put himself first


Wait you bought everything yourself but he gave you half the money for it?? He gave you half the cards but you deserve them all but his name is on the card as well!! Did you give him anything you received from the baby shower?? You didnt give anything up you chose to have the baby as well. So his kids arent as important as you and the baby?? He shouldnt do anything with them or make them feel wanted or special?? These ladies are right only he should be running from you fast as heck youre toxic and can only imagine how youll treat them once the baby is here and married.


Sounds like a selfish jackass who clearly only thinks about himself… if y’all in a relationship why would he not want you to see it and agree what to spend them on…
Also he is going to be a parent, clearly that child isn’t his priority. He sounds like a man child.

What a selfish pr… I would dump him now.

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Selfish… He’s being selfish and unnecessarily difficult


Run do walk away from this idiot dont look back


Y’all both need to grow up. You contradict even yourself in this post. You guys need to learn how to effectively communicate, actually this should have been done before you guys decided to bring a child into this world. I’m also inclined to believe that there is much more to this story than you are giving people. There are 2 sides to every story.


He needs to grow up!

I would have a VERY STERN conversation with him about the baby and expectations while you’re off with a new born.

We don’t know the whole story of your relationship, just this little snippet. Has he always been this way? Or just since the baby? How long have you been together? Does he support these kids from the other marriages (aka child support and visitation?)
Is this behaviour out of the norm for him?

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Seems to me you opened up a box of crackerjack…
SURPRISE !!! LOL :laughing: :rofl:

Previous marriagesss. Hmmmm. I think hes not worth it… He noe showinh his real colors. Better to throw him away while you still have a chance…


Run before it gets worse!


It’s for both of you guys I think to use for you guys and your baby … especially when you have a child together he should step up when your down and same for you to him , if you’re on maternity leave and won’t have any income then he should step up and make sure everything is paid for and taken care of . That’s how it should be IMO . Hopefully things get figured out and you guys can co-parent but it doesn’t really sound like a relationship that will work …

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I can’t even with some of these questions sometimes :woman_facepalming:t3: obviously your dude is a dick and you definitely know it. Move on from him cuz from here on out your life’s gonna suck.

How are you supposed to pay half the bills when you aren’t working and will be home with the baby?
He sounds immature and childish. Selfish as well. Leave his ass

Um that doesn’t sound like a fiance. That sounds like a really nasty roommate. I don’t know what advice to give other than you and your kid probably deserve better.


If y’all can’t figure out how to maneuver life together with gift cards just imagine what complications and difficult decisions will arise with the baby. This is a mountain out of a molehill situation; but at the same time this molehill kinda speaks volumes on his thought process. Obviously things given as new baby gifts are traditionally meant to be used for either the baby or the couple together (date night baby break time).

With that being said I wouldn’t be upset if my s/o wanted to use one for himself… it’s your s/o insistence of it being strictly his that is a huge red flag. But I also got lost at the whole splitting everything evenly thing… sounds like you’re practically already financially in a coparenting relationship :tipping_hand_woman:t4: may as well save yourself the headache and make it official.