My fiance thinks baby gift cards are for him to spend on himself: Advice?

The fact that there’s this mentality here “this is mine, this is yours” is a red flag. Yall are engaged and still set on dividing your belongings? It is going to cause big issues in your marriage. Marriage means joining as one- there’s no “mine and yours” or you guys are not ready to be married.


Those are for you, him, and your baby, not his kids from a previous relationship. Girl you have one selfish adult male there, a little look into what kind of life you’re gonna have


Don’t have any more kids with him (unless you can afford to be a single mum of more than this one) so you can leave when the time is right!


Girl you better go and not look back


Previous marriages? Plural? I guess now you know why


Lol. Both are AH. You are going to be able to cook, you will be able to do everything you need , maybe slower but a baby doesn’t make you disabled


There’s a reason he’s been married more than once. :confounded: Honey, RUN!!!


Kick his ass out he will only get worse

Ditto to everyone who said “Leave him now!” Apparently you already have a toddler (him). I hope the sex was good, but get out now!


Wow really I would freak just because of the selfishness of him my husband would never even when he gets a work bones ect he hands them straight to me lol I put them in the saving account but seriously we were giving gift cards as well I spent every penny on my kids and bills my husband didn’t sleep for two days while I was in labor the entire time then he went out as soon as baby was born and searched the entire town for ice cream for me at 2am but forgot to get himself food ! Some men need to be more thoughtful mine thinks more about me and his kids then himself :disappointed:that’s my issue really sorry

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Unhealthy Relationship. You have way bigger problems then those gift cards.


Are you not a ‘family’, & soon to be a ‘couple/team’? If he is not considering you and his future child (the family) now, what makes you think this situation will improve? The restaurant gift cards should be for you both as a FAMILY! If this is his thinking now, use one of the cards he offered you for a ticket for you and your child out of that relationship!


My money, your money, my kids, his kids…not alot of our throughout. you guys are not on the right path and personally I find this very petty to be fighting over. Good luck

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And you really want to marry that BOY???


No they’re meant for when the baby is there to help the family not one parent or the other. But if you guys have this many issues now before you have a child together than I’d recommend splitting before the baby comes


This man was married before??? And acts like THAT? It’s not a yours and mine situation this is an US situation.
Better take into account his attitude and keep an eye out for more red flags.
If he can’t step up during your maternity leave and expects you to pay half and he isn’t budgeting it taking overtime to compensate for the time off that’s such a red flag :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:
Keep that engagement long, make sure you have somewhere to go with the kids if need be.


Let him have them… What a prick… Then say you can’t pay half the bills this month and go out with baby and spend spend spend :grin:

The fact that he insists on keeping everything so seperate, (HIS kids/YOUR kids, HIS money/YOUR money etc.) Is a HUGE issue for you two to be “engaged” and expecting a baby… What is it magically going to change when your married because of a piece of paper? That’s a HUGE red flag… Id say to run… but at this point you need to try to go to counseling with his selfish ass and try to work this out… How old is he? He sounds like a child… :unamused:

This is odd that he even needs instructions on what these are for… SMH

Ummmmm so wrong. What an idiot for thinking any of those gift cards were solely for him. FFS

Sorry , he is a asshole.

U Guys R Gonna Have ALOT Of Issues!!

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The food cards are for both of you. The baby one is for the baby, of course.

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RUN…If this is a example of his behavior & attitude.

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So YOU bought things for YOUR baby and you want him to pay you back for that? Since when Is getting stuff for your own child rewarded with payback?
They are gift cards grow up.
You both sound money hungry and using this poor child as a pawn.
You won’t be sitting at home for 6 weeks straight you will be able to move around and go places after you have a baby. Grow up you sound dumb


Call his boss and then bounce


Nope. Hes not a partner he’s another child. Tell him to grow up or leave. Gift cards are not for his other kids… they are for his new baby with you.


I would leave him, you deserve better

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He is not ready to be a husband, or a father


Throw him away if he’s gonna be greedy like that nothing about this sounds right and it sounds like he needs to take more responsibility for bills while your home with the baby


Sounds like you need to make better decisions


Leave him. If he is your fiancé you should all be one family.


What a looser kick him to the curb and go for child support


Is he a addict, I only ask because this is really odd behavior?!


Drop him. He is selfish and it’s only going to get worse.

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I would let my husband have them but he’s also an amazing dad and would use it towards the baby and the food ones for date nights… all this over gift cards, HIS boss gave them to him so I’d say screw it honestly… but I also make really great money so it wouldn’t bother me to not have them

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You both need to get over this mine and yours stuff. You’re either in this together or not at all. A child is a much bigger commitment than marriage.
And if his boss gave him gift cards for the baby they are for the baby, not him and his other kids or you and your family. They are specifically for this baby and making the time after birth easier. As for going halfs on everything, commitment does not work that way! Sometimes you put up more and sometimes less.
I get the feeling he is not as happy about the baby as you are and you feel you’re having to give up a lot to have a baby. Both of these cause resentments day guess who gets resented? Each other AND the child. This is not a healthy relationship.
It also sounds like this baby will be your baby to support and care for, as he already has HIS kids. You sound like you view your step children as his but this baby has now blended your families, even if you don’t like it. Also the legality of marriage is harder and more expensive to undo than just walking away now. Start thinking about what’s best for your child as well as yourself. If he’s this self centered now he’s probably not going to change, and if you’re looking at HIS children as his only and your baby as yours only child rather than a blended family, then there’s not much commitment to your relationship.

You got that right. He’s a selfish moron, sperm donor…

I never understood the whole splitting bills when your a family.
He sounds extremely selfish. U deserve someone who wants to take care of u, especially after bringing his baby into the world.


You made a bad choice!

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Yeah that’s a clear red flag! 1 why does he need them for himself? Is she going to dinner with someone else or alone? 2 yes those are towards ALL of you henceforth y it was addressed to all of you! He sounds charming……

Also you are sound like taking 6 weeks off to recover from having a baby is such a sacrifice. You are using it in ways that are petty and childish you should be happy to even have that time with your baby some people don’t get maternity leave. These kinds of post are just ridiculous this is what happeneds when immature people have babies I feel bad for the kids in this situation. You are expecting handouts and being waited on hand and foot get up and make yourself food if you can afford food diapers for your baby then don’t have a baby. You sound more concerned with the money aspect and he has more then you do. Seriously grow up

He is being very selfish…

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Why is this just being put on him? She sounds bitter and jealous and points in her post. “I’m sacrificing 6 weeks of pay and my job while he gets a week of paid leave” “I need the gift certificates to deliver food to myself while I’m home caring for the baby cuz I can’t go out for 6 weeks” “he wants to use the gift certificates on his other kids from his previous relationships” “I paid for all the baby stuff and he paid me back half”. Like wtf? You’re supposed to be at ours stage in this point of a relationship. Things really shouldn’t be getting separated into his and mine at this point. Newsflash, you’re BOTH having a child and you both sound petty and selfish over money/gift cards.


My ex’s father gave him money to buy our first child a crib…he bought a BBQ grill.


You tell him next time he gives birth, he’ll get the gift cards.


It sounds like he has no interest in doing anything as a family. He also sounds extremely Narcissistic. Do yourself a favor and just walk away from him now. Bc it’s only going to get worse.


If he has kids from previous marriages (plural) why on earth would you have a kid with him? Please tell me you’re under 25.

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He sounds like a narcissist! Leave now before things gets worse…

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Why are you with him? He should be bending over backwards to look after you and little one.


He’s about to get a swift kick into reality being a parent means putting your kid before you I would take the cards

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wow run & spending it on kids from a previous realtionship they are for you him & baby u pregnant with get the fuck out big red flags

Why are you with him? You can’t love him? Sounds like an ass! Get out

He sounds like a selfish a$$ and if you let this go who knows what will happen next.

Dump his ASS your better off without him how dare he take from mom n baby

Kids come first- ALL the cards that can be spent on that baby should be. And maybe one restaurant card now for a celebration and keep the rest for when your exhausted after the birth

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Yes those cards are for you both are for you to share is it going to be hard to make meals while you just had a baby. The baby card is for the baby and the things that baby may need like formula diapers wipes clothes etc etc. Secondly those cards should not be used on his previous family. He should be coming out of pocket for situations like that.


I hope you mean former fiance. Run. Seriously. What a terribly selfish man.


You are about to be up all night with that baby and no help from him. He sounds like an ass. Take the cards and tell him to suck it up buttercup :woman_shrugging:t3:

You also deserve a massage!!! (Because of him)

What a selfish jerk!! He’s never going too change. Get out while you can and get him for child support.

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Would his boss just randomly give him gifts cards otherwise? To just spend on whatever? I doubt it.

He’s seems pretty entitled.

Wait, so WHY is he your fiancee?


If this is how he is now leave he won’t change and it will only get worse down the road

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Why are you even together?


Dump him , but you also need a reality check as well when it comes to this unborn baby who didn’t ask either one of you to bring it in this world :woman_facepalming:


Send his boss and thank you card for the 3 gifts cards he sent you. Then let your man explain to his boss where the other 3 went!!


Honestly you both sound selfish. The gift cards should go to the new baby and use the ones to the restaurants to take the older children to when they are with you. When I was married everything was ours together. And even now I’m not married anymore but me and my boyfriend are now living together and we have some things that are ours and some that are his and some that are mine. For instance his job pays the rent and utilities so we use what would be my part towards gas, cigarettes, repairs if needed, groceries etc. Sounds more like you two are separate houses.

Also you aren’t just going to be stuck at home for the 6 weeks. You are able to go out and go places once you feel up to it. With both my son and my daughter who are 5 and 3 I think I stayed home maybe a week tops and then I took them on walks and out with me


Wait a minute, y’all live together, are having a baby together, are engaged, yet its a his and hers money thing?! For one, its a house hold budget. There a no you have to pay half, he pays half. :person_facepalming: EFF me this is what’s wrong with today’s relationships


Wow wow What a selfish person. Speak out if he doesn’t come round mmmmm is he or has he been a good hubby / dad ?

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First do not marry him. He is a selfish jerk. Unless u want to be treated like dirt all your married life. He is giving u a clear view of the future. Open your eyes. U deserve better and so does your child


Wait what??? Red flags red flags!!!


Listen i do agree. But I disagree with the food will have to be delivered for 6 weeks lol. Thats just crazy.


Sounds very selfish good luck with that


Sounds like you have bigger problems than who uses the gift cards


Sounds like he is a idiot, good luck


Get out when you can! As soon as you can!!! This will only get worse


Well, first off, quit calling him your fiance. It’s pretty clear from your post that he really sees you as a roommate with benefits. Good luck. He’s childish and spoiled and this will not end well for either of you.


I can’t believe what I just read!


Sounds like a catch :confused:

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He is extremely selfish. Putting his wants before your babys needs. I would never be with someone like that. He is 100 percent wrong. I wonder how his boss would feel if he found out

And you need to run, he sounds selfish and immature.


I would hate to see what he expects half on next…sounds like trouble ahead!

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Y’all sound like you’re not even a couple! Why can’t y’all spend the cards together on everyone :person_facepalming: seems so split up to me. But if he can’t help support you now, in anyway, I’d be looking to get out of relationship :person_shrugging:


Girl. Don’t marry him and legally tie yourself to him. He sounds so selfish and thoughtless! Good lord. My now husband then fiancé literally forked over every single gift card we got during my pregnancy, even ones addressed to him. For baby stuff, groceries, etc.

Ugh. Sending you love girl! Sounds like you need to prioritize yourself and your kids cuz he sure isn’t


I’m confused if it’s both yours and his baby and you are engaged where is this I bought all the stuff and he paid me back you do realize your in a relationship and when you get married you money and belongings are both your not his and hers


They are meant for when you guys come home to help out of buy little things you need.

I would be writing a thank you and have those for when the time comes. My daughter came 4 weeks early, I was prepared but there was last minute things that we did have to pick up and grab.

You’re engaged and it’s still your family and his family, you guys don’t share money ? I think that’s a bigger issue than gift cards. You won’t need to order food for the entire 6 weeks. You’ll be able to cook. I think the 2 of you need to sit down and discuss how you’ll be using each of the gift cards. Also I’d really think about y’all’s relationship if you’re still not sharing money and separating families. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Good luck with this guy


You can get paid family leave

Imagine thinking you deserve special treatment for getting creampied :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

He sounds like an ass

You are a dumb ass if you keep him you are just as bad as he is enjoy your beautiful life with him dumb ass

start making him pay child support now , he already sounds like a real winner , so im sure itll head that way sooner than later … HE IS WRONG & sounds like a bit of a Narcissist …


Is there a reason you can’t go out for food or go buy groceries and cook for the first 6 weeks? Just noticed you said you wouldn’t be able to.


Sounds like a great relationship.

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Knock him over the dang head and send the crazy man off to himself. That’s childish

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What an absolute dickhead :flushed: there’s more than 1 way to skin a cat lovely. I am such a vindictive person towards things like that. I would unpick some of the stitching on the arse of his work trousers, then his jeans. Put superglue on the toilet pan! That will teach the fucker! Don’t mess with the lady that’s just had a baby :blush:

I’d take my baby and leave…
If I’m on my own may as well go on my own.


I personally think neither one of you need to be having this baby…this is some kiddy crap on both sides and feel bad when the kid does come