Ew, gross. Ew. Literally ew. I wouldnt even touch that man with a six foot pole. Seriously, that’s disgusting…
He’s an incredibly selfish person. If you’re planning on making him your husband, just know that it’s not normal for a man to expect you to pay half the bills and to buy your own shit, the babys shit, etc just in general… but especially after you had a human? Absolutely fucking not. My husband and I are a team. I pay what I can and he pays what he can. When I can’t, he does, I buy us food and whatever we both want or need, we both have our money together so I dont even care if he uses the money I make and vice versa. Dude. Fuck that and fuck your man too.
Run. Run while you still have a chance. You do not want to be stuck with this selfish bastard for any amount of time. And I am speaking from entirely too much experience. Trust me.
Tell him to ask his boss who they are really for since he is too dumb and selfish to get it. Sounds like you need to found you a man who is about you and his family before himself
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Wow - incredible!!! What a thoughtful and lovely boss to start, however what a juvenile your partner must be to even think that way? They are clearly a gift for the both of you to ease the first few weeks of having a new born … I’d have him do the food shop deliveries and pay them for a few weeks soon make up for the voucher cost and yea as above - Red flag on his Attitude xxxx
I’m so, so sorry for you. You chose poorly.
He sounds childish. He is already putting himself before y’all’s baby. HUGE red flag. Don’t ignore the red flags.
He’s a twat.
Personal experience, save those damn cards! There will come a time when ends dont meet and those cards will be life savers!
Also, dont marry the jackass, and for the love all that is holy, dont put his name on the birth certificate! Dump him before the baby comes, because it’s a while lot easier to raise one baby than two.
Oh no fuck that. First of all using it for anyone other than you, him and that baby is bogus. Even you all went as a family that’s different. But smh no. Take that card for y’all baby.
He should split it equally.
Dude sounds like a douche … leave his ass.
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Take heed and get out of that relationship ASAP!
Your man is a ass.
I’m sorry but he is and I doubt he’ll ever change. If that was my husband he would give me his last and go without to see me and our kids get . You and your baby isn’t his priority but the looks of it . You both deserve better x
Why are you with such a jerk
Run for your life- you don’t need two babies. If you were married he would be legally obligated to support the baby- food, clothes, healthcare, etc. He’s a fiancé ( date set yet?) he’s the biological father but he doesn’t seem connected or committed. Is he writing thank you notes for the gift cards and sharing what he’s purchasing for the baby? Doesn’t look good for a future good provider/ husband. Sorry
Sounds petty and immature on both parts to be honest!!
You need to start kicking him out now, go to the county and apply for help, which you will qualify for, and tell him to pay child support since he strongly believes what he is doing is right. Dont let a guy like that destroy you
To the OP Women Who Support Women💜
He sounds like a narcissistic self entitled spoiled brat, they were given for the baby, oh yeah he is the big baby… run now …
You mean your ex fiancee that you’re about to kick out and put on child support? That one? Idk, I’d probably call his boss and ask him who the cards were meant for. He sounds like a .
I mean. He split the cards between both of y’all… so I think you’re overreacting…
WOW he sounds like a real WINNER that need to be kicked to the curb!!!
Why are you even having children with this person. sounds incredibly childish and selfish to me.
Why can’t you go get food for six weeks? And he’s a loser! A roommate who should not be engaged to anyone.
And you got knocked up by this guy? Welcome to the next 18 yrs of your life. Wow, he’s a total puke!
Is he going to pay to take care of the baby
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Esh… Yeah this isn’t gonna get better when the baby comes.
Buckle up…
Fiancé = make him pay child support…he’s already splitting things…
What do you mean you paid him back? He’s the father of your child and your fiancé. He’s a d***
Should all be spent for the baby!
That’s for the parents to pick out something they may not have gotten at a shower for the baby in my opinion
He’s a Loser…sounds like it’s all about him…RUN fast. baby or no baby.
If you’re not already, get signed up for WIC.
You will get formula for the baby, and some fruits and veggies for yourself. As the baby grows, you will also get baby food.
I really can’t believe you’re with this person and intend to raise another human with him.
Yea i would run. Thats so selfish. Shouldn’t be spent on you or him. It’s for baby stuff!! And the food cards are for after baby is born for your whole family since you should be resting and not cooking.
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You need to rethink your life. Is this how you want it to be for the rest of your life??? Know your worth sis!
Wow, I can’t believe so many women procreate with men like this!
What a dick. First off why is it still his kids your kids why not our family? You better think long and hard about marrying that piece of work! Your bills my bills and your engaged??? It’s all baby money you wouldn’t be getting it if it weren’t for the baby. What self centered idiot
He is not a man or father he just a piece of shit loser
find a new man. this guy is a giant loser.
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Your fiance lives with you? If he does what in the H?
Seem you may have more to issues than gift cards
I’m sorry to say this…but he is a very selfish boy. He is not a grown-up & I think you will be sorry if you marry him.
Is he or is he not your fiance.
At the risk of sounding like a bitch,he is entitled to half of everything,half the expense,half the worry,half the night feeds,half the nappy changes, half the childcare,as for the gift cards they belong to the child,let him and his ex pay for his other kids x
They were given as a baby shower type gift. So the cards should be spent on stuff for the baby. Lots of stuff is needed. For sure, you can enjoy the restaurant cards. And store cards can be used on diapers, too.
But to use the baby’s gift on his other children (or yours) is wrong. The whole reason the gift was given was because of the new baby. It’s not to say the other children can’t benefit when they are with you.
Why do y’all stay with the toxic selfish men. That is NOT a man he’s acting like a little boy.
Sounds like a selfish move…
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He’s toxic! I would leave and raise my baby alone
Why don’t you tell your fiancee you’re going to call his boss and ask for clarification since he’s confused. See how fast he panics and changes his tune. He’s selfish and I’d just leave if you’re financially able.
Oh my God first of all, the length of leave is not up for debate. Neither is the fact that she’s talking about 6 weeks unpaid vs 1 week PAID, but… I mean? The boss gave the family gift cards. So THE FAMILY should use them. Not just him. Not just his children. Not just you, and NOT JUST FOR BABY. Use them when needed. For whatever is needed, including the older children if necessary.
The fact you have to ask strangers on fb for advice tells me you already know the answer. This man is selfish.
Get out while you can. He is wrong on so many levels. He is a loser and selfish.
Give him either the visa or the Amazon one and insist on the rest being for you and baby.
Run and they are a baby gift not for his older kids
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He sounds like a real winner. Drop his ass before it’s to late. Selfish. So unbelievably selfish!
Good thing your not married to this douchebag! You can walk away before he completely ruins you financially
Idk I usually use any gift cards for whatever. Me and my husband share income though because we are a family in the same house. I think you have way more issues than just gift cards here.
Sounds like you are having a kid with a kid TBH
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This is extremely petty and childish. Yes, he’s wrong. Those were meant for the new baby. He seems like a damn nightmare. How in the hell does he expect you to pay half of bills, while caring for his new baby!? Even the biggest POS ex that I had STILL had me stay at home for months after my son was born and he paid all the bills. This man child sounds ridiculous and it will only get worse.
Since it’s sounds like you half everything already…it’s no different…but I would say when your off work with the baby he needs to pay for all if you will have no income coming in
Ummmm, run? Way more going on here than gift cards.
You are in for a real struggle. Married or not he still owes child support etc. Be thankful for what you got. The cards are a family gift . He should help out extra while you cannot work. Get these financial arrangements settled before you get married. Have either of you considered the paychecks as being ours not mine and yours. If there is no ours get out.
Oh my! That hurt my head reading it! To me yall both are being petty.
Tell him keep them them! Not worth arguing about
I dont see why splitting them would be a big deal, tbh. I couldn’t imagine fighting with my spouse over gift cards either though. I dont see how a few gift cards could really start a fight like this lol. Considering you both pay half the bills, I’d assume you guys both depend on each other to do your part to pay for what you’re supposed to each month. With that being said, you’re going to be off for six weeks, pregnant with his child, and you both knew this in advance. You both need to save some money so that will be covered when the baby comes. He is also the reason you need six weeks off of work, so for those 6 weeks that should also be split in half. If that makes sense.
Bye bye it’s only going to get worse when baby arrives. My advice is start stashing money now! He should be paying all the bills on your downtime , man up because you can do bad all by yourself
he is S.E.L.F.I.S.H. !!!
This just screamssss red flag to me!
He’s selfish. And not behaving like a proper dad. He’s thinking of himself not for the new baby or even for you.
Dump him. Why would you want to marry that and spend a lifetime with that behavior. Hun, if you gotta ask on a fb group. You know what you gotta do.
Raise baby on your own.what a looser of a man.
Just put his ass on child support and run.
My husband’s boss gave us a 300 dollarer gift card and he went and bought my Breast pump
He’s wrong but for real you’re both wrong. Marriage and parenting isn’t who gets what like being h divided in a divorce. This all sounds so petty and childish. I completely understand why this is at least marriage number 3 for him🙄however if I were you I’d reconsider making this permanent with marriage and just raise the baby yourself. It sounds like you’ll be taking care of the baby alone anyways because if he’s fighting with you about some gift cards he’s definitely not going to be changing diapers and helping with baths. At least then you can take him to court for child support🤷🏻♀️
He is selfish he only thinks of himself
Okay. I’ve read and agreed with most of these comments. But here is the truth. If you two want to raise a child together you better find middle ground. Sacrifice comes from both. I understand the previous marriage has nothing to do with the blessing of a gift for arriving baby. You 2 better figure out a communication system between you hearts. You can both be wrong and right at the same time. FIND MIDDLE GROUD. If you can’t move on love.
Is his boss a woman? I would be the one calling the boss upset stating how he handled the gift and thank the boss anyways just so they know what type of employee they are dealing with. Also what kind of man expects half the bills to be paid while your out of work birthing a child! . The fact he used your baby’s gifts on his older kids just shows the type of man you have. Don’t tie the knot with this guy.
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Get rid of him he’s worthless and selfish
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Wow are you guys married? He sounds petty. Are you prepared for a lifetime of score keeping and things meant for you and your Baby to be used for his other kids? My only advice if you decide to stay with person is keep All your finances separate. Good luck
You need to get rid of that guy right now. It’s only gonna get worse. He’s a crappy person.
Wow, that’s narcissistic as hell. Those are for the newborn. What a total jerk.
Arguing over gift cards is also kind of crazy. They were gifts. Thats not something thats gonna make or break you. It wasnt gurantte coming like a paycheck with that said your gonna make it without them you didnt need them nor knew you had them coming unless you aboutsley need them to feed and cloth the baby and you then Whats the big deal? Screw it take the 3 be happy and Dont stress the lil shit i am a women i had a kid i know emotions can be high but why argue and get worked up over gift cards?! Yall got way more important shit to worry about. He split evenly hell cant be greedy im sure his boss gave them to him for all yall. That way you can get what you want and need so can he. Im sure as you need things so does he!
Time for you to go, his core self is very selfish.
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You think having a baby is expensive? I wouldn’t go through with that marriage (not all weddings are cheap either btw) because it sounds like y’all will just end up getting a divorce. If you think splitting $ or gift cards is the big problem here, imagine the mess when y’all have to split that quality time with your child with each other. Smh both y’all goofy.
Get away from this man child. Why aren’t you both paying for baby things instead of paying each other back- this guy has some really selfish views of parenting and childcare. It will never be fair to you. I’d really question if this guy is worth it . If you have to pay for everything why is he even there? He should give you the gift cards as he only takes care of himself and his half. Reconsider marriage this is only going to get worse.
Wake up and smell the coffee. He’s a looser and a user.
Sounds like you’re roommates not partners. And not good roommates at that!
He keeps half the cards and expects you to pay half the bills while on leave? Throw the whole “man” away because that’s definitely not a man and there’s a reason his previous marriage failed (see your own post for lightbulbs and red flags).
Y’all sound like roommates
He sounds like a selfish twit!
Sounds like a douchebag. Run. Fast.
It would be better to be alone than with him.
Please leave him. He won’t change, he will always out his wants above his child’s needs.
He should be taking care of you & y’all’s baby! He sounds like a JERK!!! You probably need to run & marry you a real man!!!
Sounds like he is a very selfish guy and the best thing you can do is to just leave and never look back. He should be paying all the bills while you are out of work. As far as the gift cards they were given as a baby gift to use on items the baby needs and not what he wants. The food cards are so that he can go out and pick up food and bring it home to you while you are recovering so those and only those should be spent on the both of you. If he doesn’t hand over all the cards then seriously that’s your sign to get out while you can as he is only in it for himself. He also sounds like he is still way too much in love with his ex if he wants to spend the cards on his other children and not on the baby which they were meant for and he is only trying to impress his ex. Maybe call his boss and let them know so they can have a talk with him about it that they are meant for the baby and not him or his other children.
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Why are you even talking about this? Seriously, you have just had this man’s baby and this is how he’s acting!! Smfh, get the hell out of that relationship until that man grows up. He sounds like an over grown child, who could care less about you or the baby. Good luck Mama