Ex fiance**** . We not be making any excuse for individuals poor behaviour in 2021.
Feel like he’s already going to be a problem when that baby comes. He seems very immature and selfish. Your going to have many problems out of him… just saying
again, why are you marrying him? he sounds like an abhorrent, selfish person let alone father. I would raise baby by yourself if possible. as for everything else, he is in the wrong 1000000%. and it’s disgusting for him to think otherwise.
Tell him to keep the all the gifts cards as parting ways gift lol run girl run #petty
Not only will he never change, things are going to get progressively worse as time goes on. Throw the whole man-child out and make him pay child support.
That bloke is a selfish prick
They were meant for both of you and no doubt for when the baby arrives… for u to eat without having to cook… a very thoughtful gift…
He is one hell of a dick to even think that is ok…
What the hell are u with such an ignorant twat for… he should be supporting u while ur at home taking care of his family… kick that cretin out and get a grown up man to have a family with … not a selfish little school boy… I hope u show him all these comments so he gets some education.
They’re not for him at all. The food cards are for y’all. The others are for the baby. Peoply treat you how you allow them to. Tell him you’ll leave… There should be no “paying back half” either.
Do us all a favor, including yourself, and don’t make this man your husband.
He’s very selfish and sounds like a jerk
Stop breeding with these type of almighty assholes!!!
Wow… talk about being selfish! I definitely wouldnt marry him, but to each their own.
Why do I keep seeing this reoccurring theme, of men thinking they either don’t have to contribute as much, whether monetarily or otherwise to the household? I swear every few posts are about women paying most of the bills, or men taking advantage. How did you get to the point, where you have moved in with, married, or pro created with a person who does not view you as their equal? Relationships are about being a team. You can not have a successful relationship where one of you is greedy. May I ask what the hell he needs from a baby store🤣?!? Ladies, know your worth and accept nothing less. When you start to feel taken advantage of, say something. Do something about it, otherwise it’ll just progress.
Im sorry but he’s being petty.
What a selfish ass. Leave him if he acts like this he’s has no thought od you or the child
Break up with him, run while you can. He’s selfish and immature. Did you say “….previous marriages…” there’s a reason there’s been more than one divorce in his past!
Not a good situation
SMH you got half he got half what is the problem? Don’t listen to these women that tell you to get rid of your man because 99% of them would not get rid of there’s.
Um no, that’s just him being selfish
I cannot be the only one who doesn’t understand the not sharing of finances. She bought everything but he paid her back half, so they each paid half. She is sacrificing 6 weeks of work but he will be working that whole time to pay the bills. Do they split rent and the electric bill and food? Seems like this is about more than gift cards ( which are for the WHOLE family to share) but thats just my rambling opinion.
Sounds like he is draining. I’d advise you to consider going to state child support enforcement agency. This is NOT teamwork at all!
I’d get a new fiancé. Normally I wouldn’t say that but if he’s splitting it like that “my family your family” nope.
For God’s sake woman smarten up get rid of him
Let him keep the cards and kick his ass to the curb!!!
He’s so selfish. This won’t change with time. Pack you and the baby up, end this relationship.
Sounds like a major red flag. Y’all are a team and he’s just thinking of himself.
I’d tell him to keep the cards and leave his selfish self.Imagine how hrs gonna be when the baby is here
I was young, and dumb, when I married the first time…but still respected my husband.
Second time, we both respect each other!! I so completely don’t understand this mentality of me, mine, you, yours…
If you are going to be in a committed relationship, if you are going to bring children into this world, if you marry…you are then one unit, and should act as such!!
Wow. Sounds like an ass and very selfish. When I got things like that from people my fiance didn’t even try to take them. He knew i would be spending them on the baby.
I would think there is a reason his marriages have failed!! Maybe save the time and money and don’t even bother marrying the guy! He’s already proving not worthy!
What a selfish little man
Sounds like you picked the wrong dude to have a baby with
Sounds like he controls everything so let him stay home with the baby and make him get up in the middle of the night. If he wants to split everything then go big.
For the sake of peace you may have to let this one go. But I’d definitely be out of that relationship ASAP! I would not live the rest of my whole life with someone like that and on top of that let my baby be around that and learn from that RUN !
Whatever you dont marry that sod! He’s a piece of work. Was he dropped on his head a time or two? They are for you and baby. He’s lost his ever loving mind especially with what he said of using the ones he’s keeping for his previous kids and you can use the ones he gave you for you, your kids and family…um drop him like a sack of hot tatters.
I am sorry to say that this man doesn’t sound mature enough to parent a child.
Your future looks dim
Kick his butt out and forget him! Find a real man.
What do u need him for? Why would you be paying bills during the time you’re off having his child? I’m so confused as to why you’re dealing with him besides the gift cards🤦🏾♀️
He’s a selfish prick. That would really piss me off either he forks the gift cards over or I’d have to strongly consider raiding the child alone. I know that’s hard
if i gave those to a couple awaiting a baby, ALL of them would be FOR the baby or for after baby was born for takeout food etc. NOT for other kids or parts of the family. I personally would be looking for a place of my own because I would not put up with that type of self centered narcissistic for any amount of time.
It’s seems like he’s treating you like a roommate rather than a partner. Why wouldn’t they be for you all to use together as a family? It’s odd to me. You’re the one doing all of the hard and painful work giving birth, they should definitely all be shared with you.
Those are gifts for u both cause u r having a baby. They are not random gifts to keep for yourself. Sounds pretty selfish to me.
If you are marrying this man it shouldn’t be his kids your kids?! You’re supposed to be a family working together. How the hell does he expect you to pay bills while on maternity leave??? That’s insane. I would not be marrying him. I agree about the gift cards being used on the baby and family. It’s not for him to selfishly spend on himself. I would strongly consider a serious conversation and maybe premarital counseling before you marry this man.
Ooh girl this is scary. Everything is supposed to be team work, 50/50. That’s very self centered and selfish of him. Why is the family as a whole being separated also? It shouldn’t be “your kid’s” and “my kid’s”, that should be “our kid’s” or “our family”. This would be a big huge issue to run from for me.
He’d get shit for real… I’d take it all and have food while he’s gone and stuff for baby…. What is he two talking about mine mine mine
These “men” do not change.
Get a new fiancé. Guy sucks
SHELLFISH! for real though, that is absolutely selfish
Taking a page out of somebody else’s book here, but I think you chose the wrong person to have a child with.
It’s obviously a gift card to use for the baby! It was given to you guys because of the baby! how does what he says makes sense at all!!! is he okay in the head?! You are only getting the gift cards because of the baby!
Get rid of him sounds like he would not be much help for you and the baby anyway
Seriously, these posts are not real!
Your having a baby with a guy that you are separating everything with, he has his family and you have yours…
Wtf happened with being with someone…ONE person, and being a family completely, wholey.
This is a joke, right?!, If not, he’s a fiancé and it seems like your money is your money, take your kids and leave the asshole
You fiance doesn’t seem to understand there should be no more “me” or “you” - it’s “us” now
I’m sorry but they were gifted to Y’ALL as in YOU BOTH!! not just him. He’s a rude selfish asshole.
Treating you more like a roommate
Keck him to the curb
Yeah don’t give the baby his last name
Throw the whole fiancé away!
When you’re in a serious committed relationship there is no yours or mine it should be ours. And maternity leave is not paid time off, unless you have vacation/sick time saved and built up. Does he not know that? Sounds to me like you all need to sort some things out other than gift cards.
Red Flag. Selfish …you don’t need that kind in your life
BIG fat GIANT red flag there !!
Run , not a good sign, he’s not a partner he’s a selfish child
You may be in the wrong relationship…just saying. Those gift card are for you guys collectively. For baby needs and mommy and daddy while caring for baby needs. There should be no his/hers or this side and that side. All your kids should be considered as a blended family. Seems you (not specifically you personally) divide them. I’d get on the same page with things before you continue on with this bonded life together…
RUN- I’ll go out on a limb and assume this isn’t the first red flag you’ve noticed. Did you guys have a baby shower? Does he expect half those gifts too?
This sounds deeper than dividing gift cards. Sounds like this relationship needs counseling. It does nit matter who is right, how it should be divided… you both need to be able to communicate and put the needs of the children first.
You chose to have a child with this person, he will be around forever, learn to communicate, share goals, finances, etc. good luck
Wow I’d run tf away!! I’m sorry but that’s just F up!!! All those cards are for the new baby and the food cards I’m sure are meant for all 3of you not for just the father. Like what is he on thinking that what he is saying is ok to do in the first place. Just WOW the nerve people have these days is scary and sickening
Looks like you ended up with a selfish person that doesn’t care about his child or you only himself you know like a narcissist. Maybe time to start saving money to leave him
So personally if he’s this selfish and self centred you wouldn’t see me for dust………tbh you will probably get on better going it alone, sorry be he is a total arse wipe and definitely not mature enough to have already had kids far less being a role model to another one.
Write a thank you note to the boss , and tell him to ask the fiance "what he bought for himself so he can thank him "
Oof what a red flag. Sorry sweetie you need to get you and your wee babe out if there asap.
I would say the fiftcards are to be used for tlanything needed regarding the baby. The restaurant cards were most likely intended for the family so you don’t have to worry about cooking after the baby.
I would have a conversation with him- with a couples therapist or your church leader if needed, as applicable.
Honey he is showing you exactly who he is right now. Hope he is worth it because it wont get any better after the baby.
Sounds like ur with a boy not a man. I wouldn’t put up with someone that’s so selfish.
would start pre-marital counseling now, the type you go to before marriage to help navigate marriage and also helps you to see if and how the two of you can work as ONE - a couple.
You need a new man he isn’t thinking of you at all. very childish he isn’t seeing you as his family why would you want to raise a family with him…
You both need counseling the gift cards are for the baby and food for the household after the baby. red flags everywhere. Go to Counseling ASAP
If it was a baby shower gift/ paternity leave gift then yea should be used mostly for baby but I’m sure he feels that his kids that you sound KINDA bitter towards Also deserve something. They were given to him probably to spend on his family or how he sees fit. Most people would be thankful that the boss even gave anything
I wonder, as you said that you paid for all the baby stuff and he gave you back half, maybe is there a half and half thing going on here? Do you usually both pay halves for things? Does he think its the same?
I personally think once you are in a relationship and having a baby it’s one unit. No more half and half, each person’s earnings or not earnings support eachother. One may not work now and the other supports while it may swap in future.
I may be wrong, just another perspective. Hope you both work things out.
He’s not about you both. SMH
Yikessss he sounds selfish af. Manchild 100
Tell him to keep them because he will need them to start over. He has not a bit of respect for you. You are not wrong!
It’s for the NEW baby…
For his/her baby things…
Maybe point out that it’s to be spent on things for the NEW baby only. It shouldn’t even be viewed as a reimbursement for stuff already bought.
This doesn’t sound love, it sounded like business relationship you have with him
Girl. Don’t marry that man.
Wow and this is the man you’re having a child with… Hope you’re not married, it’s easier to separate when you’ve had enough of his selfish ways
Yeah maybe you guys need to think about not being together cause this sounds like a toxic relationship, an the cards are you an baby since you’ll be the one home an it will be a little easier for you to get food well home not for him to spend on his other kids! But good luck missy.
Throw away the whole fiance! So not cool!
They were addressed to both of you and so they are neither his nor yours but joint gifts. Tell him you are going to ask his boss what the intention was for clarification! He photographed them for you to see!? Seriously nasty.
I wouldn’t lose sleep over it. He’s just being a brat. If that is going to cause such a ruckus, maybe it’s time to make more important decisions of what should be divided
Fiancé? Yeah, no. I’d be OUT.
What a lover, this isn’t going to get better
First off he needs to go… second those cards are for the baby. Say you use a pacifier and it goes missing right ? Down to one… use Amazon to order more or diaper or wipes or breast pads or diapers for yourself. The good ones should be spent on food when you don’t feel like cooking since you just pushed a baby (or had a csection) outta your body! The baby store one is still good for the baby. And the visa could be used for gas when you have to leave since you’re home for 6 weeks but still have appt and everything else.
If my husband got a gift like that and didn’t hand them all over I’d be like take your visa gift card and get out. Fuck that. You do all the hard work being pregnant and birthing a child . He should be like this is for you. Not be selfish and the gift cards for the baby not his other kids
And you’re with him why? A baby gift is for the baby. Lucky to get dinner cards for you.
You are supporting him and past.
I have never ever heard of fighting over gift cards! Totally mind blowing. Use them for important stuff like diapers, wipes, formula etc. And can’t the FAMILY use the restaurant gift card? You are “sacrificing” 6 weeks of work to be home? Shouldn’t he be working to keep your income up? So many red flags its sad.
Girl you need a new man!
I have no words. Open your eyes.
It sounds like hormones are high. Honestly pick your battles. Yes the cards are for baby and the birth of baby (meaning for both of you guys) but is it really something you want to pick a fight about? Also why are you needing to pay half the bills? Y’all are married? That doesn’t sound right especially right after your birthed his child. I wouldn’t be marrying someone who couldn’t bother to take care of things financially if I needed time off to recover from birthing his child. My husband has offered for me to stay home after the births of our children, but I have chose to go right back to work and start bringing money in again
Girl u need to say bye bye to him. How selfish.
And to think y’all bred together
He’s showing his true colors. He is out for himself only . Don’t walk run away from this relationship.
Sounds super selfish! I would be raising that baby alone if it were me!
Fuck that dude, this is probably why he’s divorced. Take them cards, tell his boss about it. Then tell him to man up and take care of his damn family