My fiances ex wants us to call off our engagement because their son was not included: Help!

Seriously?? Why would you involve a kid in the proposal?


Baby mama is just petty af

Go about your personal business….You don’t have to discuss your personal relationship with anyone other then the person you’re involved with. As far as custody threats go. The courts frown upon any parent withholding any sorts of visitation.

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If your Boyfriend calls off engagement you should walk away. Yes the other child should be included but it’s not that bid a deal to call off the engagement. His ex should not be able to call the shots


I think an apology (which I am sure you have already done) to his child is fair but consider this as a huge lesson to having a blended family. Kids hear and see things while internalizing everything. Maybe have him do a proposal with his child included or the main stage. Do jot remind the child of the effort put in to including them, EVER. It’s like a backhanded gesture. Keep this lesson in mind for life and consider him as your own. There will be some extra effort on your part, but the child is worth it.


If he has legal visitation she can’t withhold it Shea being bitter because new pictures can always be taken :roll_eyes: my son nor my bonus daughter were excluded in my engagement (I didn’t take pictures) but my daughter was (shes the youngest). My kids don’t care at all

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She’s bitter and pathetic

Honestly, I feel like she would have complained either way. Darn if you do, Darn if you don’t. Just enjoy your new journey. :heart:


Redo proposal picture ! :slightly_smiling_face:

As a step mother myself with a close relationship to my coparenting mom, I can see how her feelings are hurt. And they are probably hurt for her child. He may see the photos and wonder why he’s not in them but yours is, and why you didn’t wait until it was his weekend (I don’t know the circumstance) I always try to be mindful of what I include my step son in especially if my biological child is involved.

HOWEVER threatening to withhold visitation about it is completely unacceptable and seems to be a very bitter and immature response. Instead of doing this she should have just voiced her feelings and let you respond hopefully apologizing and explaining it wasn’t malicious. Sounds like a toxic emotional response to being hurt from her.

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I always include my 5 bonus boys if my kiddos are included. Sooo I may not be the person to ask. I would definitely be upset if i was in the mom’s position. I wouldn’t with hold visitation or demand u to call off your engagement, but i would definitely be upset.

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I would have chose a time when he was with you. She shouldn’t ask you to call it off but down the road his son may feel hurt not being included.
Take another picture when he’s with you and post it with some kind of saying like you’re all going to be one family since he said yes to your proposal

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Then she’d still have threatened him because you posted a picture that included her child on Facebook… No matter what you do/did she’ll still try to find fault in the matter. Obviously he will be part of the big day.


Come on is she gonna run your whole relasionship if hes listening to her you might wanna think twice about marrying this man child

How old is her son? My husband and I moved in together, ( ex refused to sign papers for a divorce), had a child, got married and did not consult any of our teenage/ adult children. Some were living with us, one was in college (which we helped pay for)(we paid the ex child support) and yes, there was some drama but nothing like there would have been if she’d found before we got married.

Apologies and doing a kind gesture is enough

She’s being bitter.
Regardless of how it made her feel or if she felt like you could have done more to involve her child, it is not an excuse to withhold visitation.
She’s trying to control everyone cause it upset her. And there is a good chance it’s more about you getting engaged at all then it is that your plans just happened to fall when her child couldn’t be there.

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She sounds bitter also is visitation though the courts ? Because if so she can not withold it over something like that i would also not call it off if u do her pettyness will get worse because she will know yiu guys will do what she wants

Most kids don’t unless the parents mention it or make a big thing about it

You definitely are wrong for not including the other child. I think that it is reasonable for her to call you out on it because this is often how issues start with blended families, but I think it’s ludicrous that she’s demanding you call it off and that she’s threatening withholding visitation. So while I do think she was right to call you out about it, it seems like maybe she’s using this as an opportunity to let her petty flag fly.


You proposed? If you really loved his son like your own than you would of waited one more week to ask him until both kids were there or whenever you had both kids with you. The ex definitely doesn’t have a right to hold the kid from his father but that’s nice of her to look out for the child and actually wants him included. My husband would of really thought I was desperate proposing to him and probably would of been embarrassed.


I just got engaged in Key West on 7/2. We didn’t have any of our children with us. We have 4 kids between us- 2 each. It was a romantic getaway. I don’t understand why a child would need to be involved in a proposal, especially if the child isn’t yours together… She doesn’t get to decide how and when YOU get engaged.


I don’t know how you think through all that and leave the bonus baby out but I would just redo it.

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Shes definitely bitter and hella petty, hence why she is using visitation as a weapon. However you most definitely should have involved both kids or neither, it was really insensitive to your bonus son to not involve him when ur son was, surely you could have waited till it was his weekend to visit.


I think you are very wrong you should have waited until the week that his child came to your home after all your child is always with you so you need to take another picture of both children in with you and your future husband


I’d be upset that my child wasn’t included. It’s a really special moment in your life, and his dad’s life and you’re officially becoming his step parents and he should have been included.


You could do it again so he is included on it when he is there.

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You’re not in the wrong. She can chill out. If they have gone to court for custody and he has visitation rights she cannot withhold the child. If not, lawyer up and start fighting back cause she just sounds mad that she can’t hold him down.


I don’t think you’d be in the wrong had you not included your child. Since your child was included it’s only fair that his child be included also. The kids probably don’t really care but it does look bad outwardly. I do think she’s going too far with threatening visitations but she has a right to be upset. Don’t know that I’d call off the engagement though


The only way it will hurt his feelings is if she is in his ear about it telling him he wasn’t included and how hurt he should be, carry on.


No you’re not in the wrong here. You didn’t intentionally plan to do this specifically without him. And I’m sure he will part of the wedding which is what’s important anyway. Kids aren’t included in every proposal. And they don’t have to be. That was your moment and if it happened to be on a weekend he was at Mom’s, oh well. I would definitely apologize, which I’m sure you have, and maybe do something fun/special to celebrate with him when he’s with you guys next. Make sure he knows his part in the wedding so he’s excited and has something to look forward to and feel included in. It’s no reason to call off a wedding. It was basically a little misunderstanding that baby mama is blowing out of proportion.


I feel you should’ve included her child if yours was but I do not think it warrants her withholding parenting time because of it. That’s not her place nor did his father have anything to do with the planning. We all make mistakes but I would definitely try to do something special with his son so he feels included too.


I would be upset if it were my child not being included. U made sure urs was there. Bonus baby is the same. We do everything as a family


Shes 100% being bitter and using the child as a pawn. Send those messages to your lawyer.


I personally wouldn’t care if my son or daughter wasnt included but I also feel sorry for any women who want marry either of their dads.:tipping_hand_woman:

Or next time take pictures when he is not there and take when he is there then post both on one post. Then she can’t complain and he is involved.

I wouldn’t say you were wrong, maybe a little thoughtless, I’m sure he would have loved to have been involved :woman_shrugging:


You should talk to her one on one like grown women :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m sure it’s something that could be easily figured out. It’s not up to her to call shots in your relationship at all and she needs to stay in her lane. Congrats :partying_face:

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The amount of women agreeing with the baby moms actions is honestly sad lol she is 10000% being bitter!


Or even Better how would you like it if he puts his son in the wedding party and not yours? You need to grow up and stop being selfish! Shame on you


Do you. She is bitter

We all make mistakes, just take another photo. There is no way a court will allow that kind of behavior from the ex. She can’t punish children or their parents bc she’s mad.


No need to include a child for a proposal IMO. The child included in the marriage ceremony, then yes. She seems controlling. How dare her think she’s entitled to think she has the right to tell y’all when and when not to propose. Let her make her threats and do what she has to do. Bring it up in court how she blackmailed you. Don’t stress over it. She’s bitter. And anybody else telling you that your wrong is immature, imo. Sorry but nobody should black mail people to please themselves. That’ll be a story from hell how you proposed and did it all on her terms. Shit have her plan your wedding if she’s that involved. Lmao

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:rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::rofl: hold up ,some women can be so damn bitter. And if she added the child different story :joy::rofl::joy::rofl: look we have court and if she keeps playing around y’all will marry and take the kid away and she will get visitation :running_woman:t6::running_woman:t6::running_woman:t6::running_woman:t6:.

I think both of you are in the wrong. You should have thought about him. After all you want to be his step parent right? You obviously didn’t forget your child so the favoritism is showing all ready.

And she had no right to tell you to call off the engagement or keep his son from him.


Would you have done it that weekend if your child was with their other parent? If not, yes you ARE wrong. If you think of the child like your own like you say, you should have included the child like you did your own. Don’t plan on your marriage working out if you’re going to “accidentally” skip his kid out of events…


She can get over it! Her using their son against him over this is childish and selfish. She needs to reevaluate her priorities. You did nothing wrong

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Omg sound like a bitter baby momma


You guys are a trip ! (And a half):roll_eyes::weary::woman_facepalming:t4:

My bad…I read this too fast. Should have just put a pic up with just the two of you. I understand BM’s point of view but to hold visitation and say to call off the wedding is absurd. She needs to stay out of your relationship status.


Thoughtless. If you’re marrying that man, that is YOUR child too now. Should have waited a week and you wouldn’t have an issue.


The comments saying she was wrong are insane. She did an adult thing and posted about it. Her child was there so he was in the picture, they can always update the picture but the child or his mothers approval are not required.

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Yeah jokes on her. She can’t withhold visitation lol. And if you’d of included the kid she’d still be mad. So don’t even think or react to that. Ignore and let her talk to herself


I mean I get she’s upset for her child. But I wouldn’t have asked for it to be called off. A simple fix would be to have engagement photos done with all of you. My husband proposed to me without his son there… I don’t think there was any ill will behind your decision.


The ex is wrong none of her business, your boyfriend needs a good lawyer.


Offer to include him in any extra engagement photos and the wedding let her know it wasn’t an intentional exclusion and that you will not call it off because she said so but you are happy to include your step son in any and all activities


She legally cannot “withhold visitation “ LOL she’s a bitter cunt. Tell her to get over herself :woman_shrugging:t3:

It’s the "I proposed to my boyfriend " for me :flushed::flushed::flushed:


Don’t listen to someone like that she obviously is jealous of you. I would ignore her

She’s a BBM BITTER BABY MAMA! she can’t stop visitation if it’s court ordered. She’ll look like a psycho!

Kids don’t care about engagements and stuff. This is petty


She needs to grow up.She sounds so bitter.I’d tell her right were to stick it.

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If you loved him like your own (like the one present at proposal) he would’ve never been excluded :sweat_smile:…


Well let me ask you this… If your child was with their other parent would you have still chosen to propose that particular weekend? If not then youre wrong as fuck for doing it when his child was with the other parent… If your child being gone would have no matter on you doing it then so be it… And yes she is wrong for hurting her child by keeping him away from dad just cause of this…

Bitter baby momma and alot of people apparently it’s you and your fiance that’s evolved you don’t live to please her. That will just make more issues

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Ex is bitter and you can actually nail her in court for the threat of withholding visitations because that’s not up to her that’s up to the courts and if she’s not following a visitation agreement through the court you could end up with custody don’t let her shake your happiness and also when you have your proper engagement photos done include him in them


No I think :thinking: you might have

Well it shouldn’t matter whos day it is for a big event she skipped have allowed yall to have him for the day unless she had something planed but she sounds bitter so she wouldn’t have allowed that

If other kid sees and feels bad ya could be a problem!!! If you were making it a family picture otherwise it would have been just you n him

I think u were wrong. U planned that for a weekend that his son was not there. But his bm is petty for even asking u to call off anything. But u started it with the pettiness. And what u doing proposing anyway?


As a step child, I would (and have been) hurt at things like this. Forget the baby mama, your child is present in pics, his child is not. Not cool. Had you posted pics of just you both, then hurt feelings could be ignored. You don’t get to leave kids out and play the victim.


She’s in the wrong. Not you. You can choose what you want to do its your life!

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Nah she just wants to be in control or doesn’t want him moving on. Take her to court if she withholds visitation. What a petty thing to say lol

I’m pretty sure that’s not a reason to withhold visitation if it’s court ordered then she can’t say anything. They’ll laugh at her and if it’s not ordered he probably could take her for that since it’s a petty reason and it’s just cause it bothers her

Eww she’s miserable as hell

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Kids don’t give a fuck about engagements or weddings let alone being in pictures part growing up in a split household means not every single event will include every child thats a part of life baby mama needs to mind her own relationship I could give 2 fucks about whether my son or daughter was included in my exs stuff cus at the end of the day they will be fine and be happy there dad is happy

Post another picture with both kids in it!!! She will find something else to fuss about! She must still want her ex!!! She’s going to be trouble, if you marry her ex!! Is it strange he didn’t ask you to marry him?

Tell her to mind her own business. And keep anything she sent stating she would withhold visitation so you can use it in court if she really is a dick about it

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Oh wow. She can take a flying leap!!!

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Kids don’t care about being included in engagements lol
Just make sure you include the kid in the wedding

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Actually she can not withhold visitation. Been there and dealing with it now. If she tries it take her to court for contempt of court order visitation. Just have proof she said it

She’s trying to control the situation. Any judge should laugh at her if she denies visits over this. Please tell me his visits are protected by the court. If not, get on that. possession is 9 tenths of the law without a court document.

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First off I’m assuming you have our kids full time ( no dad visits)if not then why didn’t you wait for his son to be with you too 2) KIDS NOT PAWNS if she holds visitation take her to court ,document every time she dont let him go to his dad’s… she sounds bitter and wants to control her ex … but if he has court appointed visitation he has her in contempt if she does not let him see his son


Was it a spur of the moment proposal or was it planned? If it was planned you should have planned it on a weekend you knew his son would be with you guys (if you love him like your own as you said). If it was spur of the moment baby mama needs to take a chill pill.


Why did you not include his son? I could understand not including him if your son was not included


Okay, well I can see both points of view. But don’t automatically jump to baby Mama’s fault. Maybe your fiancee’s child said he felt not included or felt bad because he wasn’t there to be included in this event. And he said something to his mom about it and mama bear came out because the child was hurt. Although, it’s not her business maybe the child brought it up. Im assuming your fiancee’s gets his child every other weekend. So, I’m just confused on why you couldn’t of done this the weekend before or the weekend after to make sure all kids are included. To me, this sounds like you intentionally did this when the other child wasn’t there and you only wanted your child in this event. You can say you love his child like your own all you want but words don’t really matter, actions do. And by your own actions you did it when only your child is present knowing it could’ve been done when both were there. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s what it looks like to me. Good luck.


No you’re not wrong. Had he been there and you didn’t have him in the picture that would not be right. But since he was not there NO you were not.
She has to understand you all now have a life without him as well as with him. If you buy you’re child ice cream do you drive to her house to give him one…No u don’t. So life goes on. Sounds like she’s jelous, and mean spirited


•If I felt like my child was already being treated like they weren’t as important as yours, I would do whatever I could to make sure that you know that type of behavior isn’t aloud. Js.
•It’s weird that YOU proposed.
•Are you gonna exclude your soon-to-be stepson from every other important event that takes place outside of your weekend?

Shes insane and cannot legally withhold visitations


I see both sides but she would most likely be bitter either way. If you had included the bonus child she would be upset she didn’t know. I do think I would have included the bonus child since you’ll all be family but like I said she would have been bitter either way and she’s using that child as a pawn and that’s very sad :disappointed: only hurting the child by refusing visitation. :disappointed: hope things get better for all of you.


She can’t withhold visitation because y’all are getting married. That’s called being petty. Tell her to get over it!


You’re wrong. Kids absolutely care and if your child was included then you absolutely should’ve included his. I’d say redo it. Plan a special date to have them all involved.


First red flag is you proposed. Second is that you called her his ex baby mom. Sorry to telll you but there is no such thing :woozy_face:


The actual proposal is non of her business. There is nothing wrong w what u did. Most proposals don’t include children. The wedding does. Just like u wouldn’t take ur children on the honeymoon. She’s mad bc y’all getting married. Think of all the proposal videos u see on FB most of them do not include kids. She’s mad he’s getting married. I wouldn’t tell her anything from now on. So when u do have the wedding she can’t withhold the child from the wedding. A proposal is btwn two ppl. Many things can go wrong . What of the person says no and then after there’s this big emotional argument. Kids don’t need to be there for that.


Baby momma sounds bitter.


Some of y’all sound just as salty as his x. There is time for photos later you don’t have to do anything other than what makes you happy.


My husband didn’t Include my son and he didn’t include his kids. It was a moment between he and I and no one else. :woman_shrugging:t2: Legally she cannot without his visitation. She’s just a bitter woman. Jealousy is a bitch sometimes.

Families should be inclusive not exclusive. You 100% should apologize to the children and include them


She’s overreacting and you should’ve considered proposing at a time when his child could be included too. I know it’s about TPO, the right moment and everything but you have definitely planned for how to propose beforehand, and the fact that you didn’t bother considering a time in which your step-child could be included along with your child is proof that you don’t love him like your own.

Keep documentation of said exchange