My friend doesn't offer to help with my child: Advice?

If you’re that close I would’ve just asked her from the start? Especially before going through getting a baby sitter. It’s not something to be so upset over. I’d just ask her or let it go.

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I think communication. Perhaps she thinks you would rather it that way for some reason. There are two sides to the coin here. Just communicate people aren’t mind readers.

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I think your over reacting. Shes not obligated to offer herself to you just because your friends and she is home. If you want to sit down and talk to her maybe work something out where you pay her, that’s different. You don’t know what her mornings entail. Maybe she didn’t think to offer because you already have a sitter and she doesn’t mind picking up the slack when she has done that for you.

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Why would you expect her to care for your child when she has her own kids to raise? It’s your choice to work outside the home. Do you offer to care for hers when you have a day off?

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I disagree with most of you all - if they r close friends it seems odd to me that her friend has never offered . This lady never said that she was entitled or wasn’t going to offer something in return for the babysitting g or car rides . To have a friend you need to b a friend sometimes❣️

U should have asked her B4 looking for a baby sitter and hear what she will say. U cannot just assume things. Remember as people we differ, some people if U don’t ask for help they think u have everything in control. I hope U are not expecting her to look after your child for free

You are for sure wrong here you shouldn’t expect anything from her and it doesn’t mean she’s a bad friend for not offering. I could give you a million reasons why I wouldn’t want to be responsible for another child in the morning… mornings are tuff for all families… and if you don’t ask her then you have nothing to be mad about. But you shouldn’t look down on her for not offering to make your life easier maybe hers isn’t so easy


So she mentioned her husband … so she is moaning that her friend hasn’t offered to help, right? But why isn’t the husband sorting out their children? They need to work together on this, and not harbour resentment towards their friend. Besides, if they are such good friends, why hasn’t she spoken to her? That’s what good friends do, often having difficult conversations.

No one is obligated to offer help. I have been in a similar situation and honestly, just because I’m a stay at home mom, does not mean I want added responsibility.
If you have expectations of people offering to help you, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment when the offers don’t come.
Just because you feel you would help, doesn’t mean she should feel that way.

Omg… grow up. Take care of your own kids. No one is entitled to watch them just because you have known each other for ever or because you lived right next door or for whatever reason. Heck, I don’t even ask my sister to watch my kids ever jajaja. She never offers and neither do I. Your friend owes you nothing so, just take care of YOUR kids. She is busy too.

Ok first of all just because yall are close friends and yalls kids are close does not mean you are entitled to the free child care you are trying to get from her, she does not have to offer to watch your child when you are struggling you are not entitled to that and if you only want to be friends with her to use her as an emergency babysitter than she deserves a better friend also if you need help with something BE AN ADULT AND ASK FOR HELP STOP WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO OFFER A HAND OUT JUST BECAUSE “YALL ARE CLOSE FRIENDS” thats ridiculous because you do not know what all is going on in her life and just because you work 9-5 doesn’t mean you are entitled to your friend who is a stay at home mom to watch your child or do things for your child when it is convenient for you.

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You seem to be a person who offers to help and expect others to do the same. It could be because she is overwhelmed, she might think you don’t need help, or she might not really like your kid. That’s hard to hear but it might be the case. I was taught if you’re not invited don’t ask to be. I take this attitude with my child too…if you don’t offer to help with my child (when I’ve offered to help yours) pay attention. Bottom line she might adore you and not your child. And if that’s the case…it is ok.

Umm where’s your husband to help? You’re mad at the wrong person. Or how about closed mouths don’t get fed… say something.

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It’s your kid . So what if she is home ? Doesn’t mean she automatically has to offer . Stop acting so entitled . Adulting is hard . Parenthood even harder . Be lucky you have a friend that will help if you ask .

Are you kidding me?! Just because you and her are good friends doesn’t mean she has to help you get your kid on and off the bus. It’s not her responsibly! She owes you nothing. If you feel uncomfortable with your sitter then why did you hire her? You and your husband are the ONLY ONES RESPONSIBLE FOR GETTING YOUR KID ON AND OFF THE BUS. I couldn’t believe what I was actually reading…smh


Entitled much. Expecting to have someone offer to watch your kids just because your friends is ridiculous. It’s not her job or anyone else’s to watch your kid. And if you ask and she says no you can’t be upset or offended either. Watching other people’s kids is a big responsibility and she probably has her hands full with her own children.

That’s unrealistic and slightly delusional to assume that others are supposed to anticipate your families needs and scheduling conflicts. Have a conversation with her and see if she can help you out, offer to kick her some cash or offer to sit for her child so maybe the stay at home mom can have a night with her hubs, but accept her answer whatever it may be. And I would avoid putting your feelings in the matter, especially if this is not only your friend but your child’s friends on the line

Is this for real or April Fools!? Lol
Its not her job to watch your child just because she is your friend and lives next door! Just because she doesnt help with your child it does not mean shes not a good friend. Stop acting like your entitled. If you want/need help ask for it. You can expect others to know what your thinking

Is this a real post? I’m offended that she’s offended that her friend hasn’t asked! Girl, that’s your kid!


I would ask her if she’s interested and pay her something. Work out what you can afford and ask her if that amount is ok. She might tell you she don’t want to watch anyone’s kids.

I’ve learned something that applies to this and relationships too… nobody can read minds … if you want something you ask, simple…so how can you be upset when you have never ask. I understand that’s how you think or how you would act but people are different and she legit might have not thought about it or thought you had it figure it out, you cannot be upset at her and expect her to do something you have never even asked for… don’t you think?:thinking:

She probably doesn’t want to over step her boundaries. You said if you asked she would say yes so start asking and stop expecting people to offer :woman_shrugging:t2:

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If I were your neighbour I would want to be paid the same that you pay your current sitter. I wouldn’t do it for nothing. Not every day anyway. If that’s what you expect then that’s taking advantage of a friendship.

You are already paying a sitter, ask her if she would help and you can pay her. She may not want to babysit. It’s a big responsibility every day.

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My jaw dropped reading this… That is no where near her responsibility, and tbh, if I was this friend and saw this post, I would take offense and seriously question the relationship.

Did you ever stop to think that maybe she’s got a full plate already? Maybe she’s overwhelmed with her family/life. Why would you expect her to put you and your wants/needs at the top of her priority list.

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I understand the frustration but, it is not their job to take care of your kids. If they’re as good of friends as you can sit down and ask them if they’re open to helping you getting your kids on and off the bus. I wish someone would come and rescue me from my nightmare and help me out with mine, but, I don’t resent anybody for not reading my mind. Please just find the right time and talk to your friend.

Ur kids ur problem! Why should she offer if you won’t ask?? Maybe reconsider your work/family life balance and work something out that works for you. U should never expect anything from anyone

I agree with all the above plus, what’s your child’s behaviour like when youre not around? Could it be a problem?


Entitled much? This woman owes you nothing. You take care of your own kids.

Being a stay at home mom doesn’t mean they are just around to do whatever you need

Your definitely overreacting it’s not her responsibility to ask or offer to help she’s your child. Your home is a 2 parent home none of you can get your child on and off the bus?

I’m a single parent and I get my child on and off the bus when she wants to ride and will also pick up If she wants me to pick her up.

That’s very wrong of you to even pond an extra child on her for about an hour each time even if your child is ready still you don’t know what she has to do what plans she has etc…

If you do ask her about it you can’t expect her to do both is one or the other and you do the other one so it benefits her as well. The way your wanting it only benefits you and your husband it doesn’t benefit her at all.

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Sometimes we got more to deal with than minding other people’s burdens

if you don’t trust your child in the car with your sitter then she shouldn’t be sitting!

Key word, your child, either you or your husband need to step up! Change work times, ask your job if you can come in later and stay late. Don’t make someone else pick up the slack. Most school here in my home town let you drop the kids off early because of this reason. There’s always a way to get your child to school if you try hard enough. I think this is a joke question, after all it is April fools!!

What have you ever done to offer her help? Favors are a two-way street…

It’s not really her job to offer if you want her to just ask if not than you got your answer but you can’t just expect someone to take care of your child for you or assume

All I can say is wow. Like really? Not her duty and you don’t know what struggles she may have, example: depression. Does she have other children. Honestly simply ask her but expect to pay her a fee. Smh

How old is this lady ?? Seriously get a grip … not everything is about you

Maybe she doesn’t want the extra responsibility

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Maybe she just doesn’t want to be responsible for someone else’s kid in the mornings.

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Where can I get some of those reserved rolls though?!

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By reading this it feels to me like you think the world owes you a favour they are your kids you deal with them you find someone to look after them why should your friend (just because she’s a stay at home mum) have to look after yours I’m a sahm too and never would I look after someone else’s child she already looks after yours for 45 minutes in morning what more do you want stop being so entitled my god can clearly see who threw their dummy out their pram when they don’t don’t get their way by any chance was you an only child that got what they wanted when they were younger because you sound as if you were

Personally If I was your friend I’d be thinking about my friendship with you…

This post didn’t exactly go the way you thought it would did you :rofl::rofl::roll_eyes:

It’s not her responsibility to look after your child.

Just because she’s a stay home mom doesn’t mean shes not busy all morning long getting her own kid ready and on the bus. To assume she should also do that for you just because she’s your friend and a stay home mom is extremely narcissistic and down right entitled. Get over yourself!


I refuse to believe this is real.
Why should she have to help you with your kid?

Sometimes people don’t know you need help til you ask. Just ask.


I will be the one to go against everyone else and say no ur not overreacting. If ur supposed to be that close of friends then she should have at least offered. I know I would have if it was me

:roll_eyes: I get it yall are friends but she not obligated to do anything if you want her help ask her a closed mouth doesn’t get feed

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The key word here is FRIEND. She has no responsibility to you or your child. Maybe you could offer to pay her instead of the babysitter :woman_shrugging:

Did I miss where you said you’ve watched her child before? Just because she’s a stay at home mom doesn’t mean she doesn’t have enough on her hands. Who helps her? You’re being extremely selfish. No one owes you a thing when it comes to your child besides who helped you make it.

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She doesn’t owe you anything. Your kids, your responsibility.

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Lady u shouldnt expect ur friend just because she ur friend to help w ur kid…and you never asked her.

What kind of friend just expects that though? You should never expect someone to do something. You have no idea if it would be an inconvenience. No one is obligated to offer to help with something that has nothing to do with them. I think you’re expecting a little much from someone just trying to parent their own child


It’s funny how people don’t feel the same way you feel you have a heart

I would definitely let her know how you feel. Communication is :key:

Basically it sounds like you want your friends to watch your kid for free so you don’t want to pay a babysitter. Some people, including myself, have their own routines and having another kid does add chaos to the mix. If you want her help ask and offer to pay her. Just bc she is your friend doesn’t mean she has to watch your kid for free, sounds like you trying to take advantage of your friendship.

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She deserves a better friend. You’re over the top mad at her for something she hasn’t even done wrong and doesn’t even know about.


Maybe the problem lies with u definitely, or your “relationship” …just saying u are married so bother and worried about what your friend,think,say,do blah!
Blah! Blah! Sh does not owe u, nor your hubby…kyk na jou “Huis” voordat my na ander kyk"

Try offering help to her 1st. Or maybe, ask her for help.

Is this a joke? Your child is not her responsibility nor are any of the situations that you’ve allowed to fester and build into the resentment you now have. The fact that she helps when you ask shows that she doesnt mind helping. Communication is not only important for romantic relationships but also our friendships! Instead of directing all the responsibility of these situations onto her, why not take initiative and sit down with her and discuss the topic. Maybe she wouldn’t mind, but isn’t thinking to do this for you because you haven’t asked. Closed mouths don’t get fed. I think your reaction and resentment towards your friend is completely unfair given you’ve just assumed and waited for her to offer rather than asking since you feel this strongly about the situation. If I were in your friends shoes I’d be hurt to think you let this simple thing boil up inside of you instead of just talking to me. I mean, you call her friend so give her the kind of compassion and thought that we give to our friends. Best of luck to you!

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“It’s not like I’m asking her to go out of her way.” But, it doesn’t sound like you’re asking at all. She may not have even thought of offering help because she’s busy being a SAHM, or she may think you prefer the sitter, or maybe it’s something else entirely. She may even be vibing your resentment and may think you don’t like her anymore. Regardless, making assumptions gets you nowhere. Your friend is not a mind reader, and becoming angry/resentful over something you have not tried to discuss is, in a word, unkind.

You should ask her if you two can make an arrangement, and if she refuses, then you can call her unhelpful and act accordingly. Until then, your insistence that she be the one to offer help instead of you being the one to ask is really on you.

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Maybe she’s already overwhelmed With her own responsibilities. Being a stay at home home is hard. If you’re paying a sitter anyway maybe ask her if she’d be interested in making that little bit of cash for herself. Sometimes in life we only look at our side of the situation, maybe try understanding she has a lot on her plate also

Have a conversation and see how things go

Jesus open your mouth and ask her and offer her some cash

It could be any possible reason but the most important fact is that it’s not her responsibility. I would never offer or commit to that. I barely can deal with my own kids in the morning.

Ummm sweetie, you need to stand on your own two feet and not depend on anyone. Life is unfair.

So your feel that since she’s a SAHM she should just offer to take on another child regularly? You sound entitled.

Ummm did u even ask? Communication.

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I mean if you want her to do it offer to pay her? She’s not there for you to use just because she “stays home”. I really hope this is just a joke though lol

Why don’t you ASK her? I mean as a friend I would have offered but that’s me.

I’m SAHM of 4 I really hope none of my friends be holding their breath :rofl::skull:


This is a joke, right?

Girl bye. Your kid is not her priority. Smh at this post. If I found out it was me someone was talking like this I wouldnt even help if you asked.


Some people are busy with their own kids and leave it at that.


You’re definitely overreacting. She can’t be expected to know how you feel unless you talk to her about it. I’m sure she figures that if you need the help youll ask but you never do. Stop bubble wrapping your pride and ask for help when you need it or fail on your own.

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You’re not entitled to free childcare just because she’s home with her kid.

Not trying to be horrible but you chose to have children which means you are responsible… no one else! I’m a full time mum and I am busy from the moment I get up till the minute I go to sleep and even then my children may need me in the night :woman_shrugging:. I don’t expect my friends to offer left right and centre to help me out.

So why not ask her? She’s not obligated to offer… Friends or not…

It’s not the friend job or responsibility to make sure your kid gets on and off the bus let alone watch your kid.

Your biggest problem is that you are expecting her to act and react like you.

This is an excellent example of entitlement. Take care of your own damm crotch goblin. And you’re definitely not being a good friend. Glad I dont know you.


So ur looking for a friend with benefits… u have a job and she dont… did u even offer to pay her bills… u are such a selfish person.

She does not have to take care of your kid at all…like are you being for real?! Lol

Are you fucking kidding me?

Instead of paying baby sitter, pay her instead. She’s your friend, lives next door, the kids are good friends too and she probably needs a little extra money to buy something for herself. You want your back scratch? Do the same for her too. Nothing come free this day. I’m a full time worker single mum, and I appreciated all the help and compensate them for helping me.

Shes your friend not your nanny😳


Not much of a friend

Well Honey You and you’re Husband need a damn REALITY check! Your Friends one income household DOSEN’T OWE her Friends 2 income household FREE child care! Ppl today are so damn ENTITLED!

She is tripping hard. If she don’t leave her alone and let her live her life in peace. I know I wouldn’t want to commit to that. I am willing to help every now and again but she’s asking for too much. She might have some bad ass kids that don’t have manners on top of the fact that she feels entitled. People need to stop assuming that stay at home moms don’t have lives. I absolutely hate when people think just because I work from home I’m free to deal with them or their kids.

Don’t beat around the bush honey👏
Just ask! It’s simple! Always ask!
:woman_facepalming: Get straight to the point!
Like hey I need gas money, do u have a few bucks i can borrow and I will pay you back when I can?
People be like I have no gas in my car, I don’t know what to do?
Me: * waits for them to ask*
Her * waits for me to just hand it to her*
Some people help out of :heart: heart
Some people just don’t like to be asked.
Some people need to ask first because it ends up being their responsibility to care for the child
Some people don’t care for your problems or maybe they don’t get the hint you gave them.
And LASTLY why is it her responsibility about your kid regardless if friends or not.
Honestly just ask when u need a helping hand. Some of us don’t mind at all and some will help to the ends of the earth. Others will help only to an extent. :pray:

As someone who walked her neighbours kids to school for a whole school year thinking I’d help another mum out, I have to say I’LL NEVER DO IT AGAIN.
I started being the one the school called when her kids hit other children. I was the one HER PARENTS dropped her kids to on Sunday evenings. Damn, I had to make sure she dropped her kids when mine were sick or not attending school. :flushed:
I ended up babysitting more often than I was comfortable with :roll_eyes: And when I politely refused to help once, I got deleted on facebook :rofl: Happy days :partying_face:
Your friend is not your babysitter and isn’t obliged to offer you help. Even a short walk to the bus stop comes with responsibility. If something goes wrong (child runs off or gets injured) she will be the one who has to answer for it. You have a good friend willing to help out when needed. Don’t throw that away. Not many people would do that :heart::heart::heart:

That is completely on you! You sound a little absurd. Maybe she doesn’t want more on her plate, maybe she doesn’t know you want her to, maybe she wonders why you haven’t asked? Maybe one day since you are so close you can say hey if you want some extra income I can pay you what I pay so and so that way you can make some extra cash and I know my child will be with someone I trust the most. You should 100% pay her the same as you pay the other person. Make it like you don’t have ro have her, but you trust her and also think it would help her too. I used to drop my son off in the morning at my sis in laws to catch the bus. He was about 7. He was there about 30 minutes each morning. I paid her $50 a week. She just had a baby so was off work and we helped eachother out. She got some cash and I didn’t have to drive like a bat out of hell to work each morning.

Surely this has to be an April fools joke! But if you’re seriously asking, you’re an entitled jerk! It’s not their job to watch YOUR kid, even if she is a stay at home mom and it’s only for a short time. Why would she ask to watch your kid? Maybe she hasn’t because she feels you would walk all over her, you sound like the type of person who would. I sure as hell wouldn’t watch your kid for free, that would make you even worse. Also, She may not want to be tied down waiting for you. You’re an asshole!

She doesn’t have to do or offer shit to you and no that’s doesn’t make her a bad friend. Get over yourself

It doesn’t seem to me that you have actually asked her these question but rather have devided she should be a mind reader and offer. Maybe she views you as someone sho has their shit together and doesn’t think you need help. Easy solution just ask like “hey if im ever stuck may i call on you and you may do the same” end of problem lol

The bitch should not offer and not following through. Yeah I know its her responsibility. But don’t offer help. Hope Krama doesn’t hit her child. All the comments on here suck. It takes a community to raise kids. I am guessing you all are :ok_hand: not.

Yes you’re completely overreacting cause it’s not her job to offer you help! If you need help ask her don’t put it on her like that and resent her for something that can be easily fixed with a chat between the two of you! Closed mouths never get fed!! It’s your child and you should be the one to ask not her! I’d pay her to watch my kid before I’d pay a sitter and she could probably use the extra money!

Lol your child is not your friends responsibility :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

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Unspoken expectations.