My friend doesn't offer to help with my child: Advice?

Stay at home Moms work very hard. They thrive on routine. So many working parents expect that their friends that are stay at home should offer to help them because they are out working and need the help. Guess what stay at home mom’s don’t want to always pick up everyone else’s slack. Stay at home Mom’s work 24/7. They don’t get breaks like working people do. They don’t get to listen to the radio on the way to work or go to lunch with co workers. The idea that this friend wouldn’t be put out by having another child to care for is insulting. It sounds like shes been a good friend to you and all you are focusing on is what she isn’t doing for you. Thats just rude.


I couldnt even read the whole thing :woman_facepalming:

That is your child, not hers. You shouldnt expect her to offer… good grief :roll_eyes:.


Wtf. Why do you feel like she owes that too you? What have you offered to do for her?
Maybe she thinks that would be too much considering you’re always hanging out the rest of them time. Maybe her hands are full with her own kids in the mornings. Mornings are hectic. Why do you feel like she should have to offer and why haven’t you just asked seems she’s your friend? Why don’t you offer to pay her instead of paying the babysitter? Maybe she thinks you prefer having your own children sorted out instead of relying on her


They are just users and not givers. I would offer 100% and I have a friend I help all the time but if the shoe was on the other foot it would be the same as your situation. I’ve just come to realize she uses people but I will in no way change who I am just because she is the way she is.

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What is entitled for $200 Alex?


You’re not being a very good friend whatsoever. You’re not entitled to her doing that. And it may seem simple to you but getting a child together for school each morning is hard, then someone else’s too? I’m sorry but I likely wouldn’t do it unless i was asked. I wouldn’t just jump to offer, sorry not sorry. I have a very ill child who is not a morning person and another child who is wide open the moment she opens her eyes. It’s not easy. I think you should grow up tbh. This is immature behavior and logic. She also might think y’all have it handled. Either way, y’all aren’t entitled to homegirl doing something someone else is paid for. That’s insane.


I kept waiting for the April fools part… but it never came. Yikes :grimacing:


As a stay at home mom wow just wow. I stick to a routine and I have 4 kids. Idc how close of a friend you are I’ll help all day if asked but honestly I would not offer that kind of responsibility because then I’m stressing myself out with extra things to do how is that fair for her to do what is your responsibility? As someone said above it sounds like she knows she would be taken advantage of and that’s why she hasn’t offered. You really should change how you view friendship cause that’s not how it works hun.


maybe she is at her capacity with the amount of kids she already has. maybe your child on top of her morning routine would be too much for her. you are being SUPER obtuse and expecting way too much of her as a friend.

should mom friends be there to offer a helping hand when you’re at your breaking point? HELL YES. should they try their best to give you a break/let you run to the store/watch the kids so you can have a long hot shower? absolutely. that’s the kind of kindness mom friends need from each other and it makes raising children so much less heavy. but they should not be expected to take care of your kids for you so you don’t have to pay a sitter. and the fact that you think she should means you don’t care enough about HER mental health.


I could not read it all can someone just tell me why is she bothered :confused:

Ummm, have you actually offered her the help? Have you ever asked for the help? Some people aren’t very considerate of other people because they have their own lives to live! Just because she is a stay at home mom doesn’t mean she actually has the time to do other shit for people. Have you ever considered that? Instead of beating around the Bush actually have a decent conversation with her instead of assuming the worst.

I love my friends kids!!! But I also work 2 jobs with kids( one as a cafeteria lady and one as a senior program worker for an after school program) so I don’t usually volunteer to take peoples children. I will offer if somethings important ( funerals, stuck at work later than expected, etc.) But I just appreciate my off time with no extra kids around. I also have two children.

If I was the friend, I likely wouldn’t have offered either. She is willing to help if you ask. But you didn’t ask her. I don’t typically offer help because 1. I’m exhausted and overran 2. I’m worried that they wouldn’t want me to watch the kids and would put them in an awkward spot. 3. Not everyone thinking to ask


Honestly you sound like an intilteled brat!
Making out cause you work and she is a stay at home mum that your better than her.
Its your child. Your responsibility, not hers. Grow up.

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I was a stay at home mom. People take advantage of you. Offer her the money you pay a sitter. You didn’t offer her money to watch your kids but you offer someone else. This has 2 sides trying looking at her from her stand point.

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Coming from a stay at home mom… I absolutely HATE when friends and family assume I can watch their kids or do do them favors all day long… if I am asked &I can I say yes… or sometimes I do offer but I’m tired &have my own kids


A friend helps out when asked AND THEY CAN, but when exactly have you helped her out? When have you realized that she NEVER gets a break because shes a stay at home mom? When have you been a friend to her?

Stay at home moms work just as hard as working mothers. I have been both. So dont try to think that just because she is not getting paid to be somewhere working means that she can help you with your child OR that she should. Why should she disrupt her daily life and responsibilities as maid, chauffer, cook, tutor, medic, and every other hat that a stay at home mother (or any mother) and offer to be your unpaid babysitter (doesnt seem like you intended to give her any benefit for the benefit you feel she should give you)? Why should she help you with your child when you havent asked and shes consumed in her own life? Seriously hun… I mean I cant really fathom looking at another mother who is rightfully focused on her and her family’s life (instead of expending her energy outside her home to fix problems that aren’t hers to fix) and saying “well why isn’t she offering to fix my problems that I’ve never asked for her help with?”. That’s just a whole new level of …what…?


Your child, your problem! Quite cheeky for you to expect that of her, have a word with yourself!!!

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Grow up, they are your kids, not hers, it’s called being a parent and just cause she is your neighbour doesn’t mean she has to be your kids babysitter, she has her own life and if you were my neighbour I wouldn’t help your selfish ass either!!!

Girl, I don’t expect help from anyone when it comes to my child. That is my job, and my job only. Let go of expectations and just know that your child equals your responsibility, not anyone else’s (unless the other parent is involved, but in some cases, we don’t have that either.)


Just because your friends doesent mean she’s supposto care for your kids and the way your feeling and blasting her on media iam glad iam not your friend

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As a stay at home mom. I do not have the capacity to offer to help watch your kids because mine are hard enough. If a friend needed me and asked I would go out of my way but don’t assume they should be your built in babysitter, so rude!!


Jeez mornings are hectic enough without having another kid in the mix. To expect your friend/neighbour to have your child everyday is ridiculous. I know I wouldn’t want that, no matter how close I was with the family. It would be a huge tie for your friend/neighbour and you shouldn’t expect it. If the tables were turned, would you really want additional kids to organise every single morning, probably not!


This is a joke, right?


You cannot expect that of anyone no matter how close.
She already has her hands full , as you know raising kids is no walk in the park.
Stick to your routine and appreciate the help she does offer when your sitter is unavailable.
It’s not so easy as offering help . Taking responsibility of someone else’s kids is not easy. She has her own .

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Entitled Much, Just because she is a stay at home mum doesn’t mean she should drop everything to accommodate your child regardless if you have known here for so long. You chose to have these children so its your responsibility to ensure they are looked after and get to the bus, Would you be expecting her to do it for FREE?


This has to be a joke right?


This sounds not only entitled but passive aggressive. You’re upset she’s not doing something for you, but you never asked her to!? HUH!? Come again!? She’s a SAHM which by the way is not easy at all, SAHM’s never get a break even when the kids are at school & now you want her to be a mind reader AND comply to the wishes & desires you have in your head, that you’ve never tried to verbalize to her!? Damn girl ignorance is bliss I guess! Right? I really don’t like to be rude to people but girl you’re being rude. Put yourself in her shoes! Would you like it if your close friend & neighbor assumed you would watch her kids every morning (without at least some kind of trade off or payment mind you) & get them on & off the bus just because you’re already a SAHM & clearly have nothing better to do!? Something tells me you would loose your mind if the roles were reversed & someone did that to you. Good luck, hope you don’t blow up your friendship!

You sound like my next door neighbor. I’m a SAHM to three little ones and she works from home with a daughter who is 8 and a newborn. Last summer she fired her sitter cause her daughter was always at my house. Just cause she stays at home doesn’t mean she has the time or patience to “help” with your kid. Get over yourself and feeling entitled just because you work and she doesn’t. She has things to do, a family of her own, and a life to live. Want her to watch your kid then offer to pay her. I am sure she would love the extra income. But stop acting so entitled and thinking she should just offer because she is a SAHM!


Just because she stays at home, doesn’t mean she needs to constantly make herself available for you. I would say you’re overreacting. She has helped when you asked. Your kids are not her responsibility. If you work, then you should pay for someone to come help. If you want HER help, offer to pay her instead.


It’s the entitlement for me!!! :joy: :joy: :joy:
Your friend doesn’t owe you anything.


Ummmm she’s your friend not your nanny. Most people will say hey if you need help blah blah blah, but it’s not her job to take on your morning duties and get her own kids ready. I don’t expect anyone to help with my kids, my husband and I figure it out and ask for help when needed but beyond that you if kids and they’re your responsibility, no one else’s…


You’re rude for even thinking like this seriously. You need to honestly mind your own business and bite your tongue for the sake of your child’s friendship. There could be a billion reasons why she hasnt offered. Don’t be so selfish. Honestly this is on a whole other level rude selfishness. #Entitlement.:expressionless:
Sounds like the friend has set some awesome boundaries and you should probably respect those and maybe set some for yourself.


Wow, you sound pathetic


Wow what kind of friend are you to assume that she help you just because you are friends…its your child and YOUR responsibility…what if she didn’t live next to you would you feel the same??


It is not her responsibility just cus she is a stay at home mom to watch your kid! Like wtf!


Have you tried to offer her money to help with YOUR CHILD? Being a stay at home mom she could probably use the money just as much as the sitter u have and PAY in which u said u don’t trust her driving your child and you do trust the friend so I think if it was me I would give my friend a little extra money than just a random babysitter.


No wonder she doesn’t offer to help you, listen to yourself!
Watching someone else’s kid no matter who it is, is a HUGE responsibility! Are you kidding lady??


Ok, so I think I get where this is going wrong…

You would offer and do it willingly for her and her family, so you’re frustrated and angry at her, because she’s not offered to do it for you.

What you need to understand is that not everyone thinks like you do… Perhaps they are keeping their noses out of your business.

This is what I would do…

1…Have a conversation. Ask the question, with full upfront understanding that there is no obligation… Ask if they would be willing to accommodate your child and the morning bus routine. And that you’d offer payment.

  1. State your intentions… I.e. my friend, I just wanted you to know that if you need help with your child, I’m here. And BE THERE if she needs…

Assess her responses and do not be offended if she says no. It’s not her responsibility after all and perhaps she doesn’t want to get involved, perhaps she doesn’t want the extra responsibility.


She literally owes u nothing…


You’re what’s wrong with 'merica :laughing:
Want something for nothing a$s b!+@#.

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Wow. Is she a mind reader? She isn’t you. You sound like a couple of entitled parents. She didn’t choose to have your kids, you did. They are your responsibility, not hers.


Yes you are 10000000% overreacting… This is the most entitled thing I’ve ever read. Just because they’re your friend doesn’t mean they also have to be your babysitter!


Why don’t you just ask why

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Honestly…she may have a lot of trouble getting her own kids on the bus in the morning and off in the evening. I’m a SAHM too,but getting my 7 year old on the bus in the morning is a struggle bc my almost 3 year old wakes up sometimes during the night,then I get up and make my hubby coffee at 5:30 am…then get up with my daughter at 6:12 am to get her on the bus before get back to bed and actually get some needed sleep. I can’t imagine taking on someone else’s kids to get them ready and on the bus in the morning on top of it. Now…my daughter has a friend that just lives down the road. Around Christmas, i told her about pics with Santa going on at our insurance company. Well…our truck decided to run hot that day and couldn’t get them over there. Told her about our problem and she just said…Oh…That Sucks…and pretty much drove past us…in a van with room for us…to take her kids to get pics while my kids missed out
Never offered a ride. Took her kids to see Easter bunny the other day
Never even told me where or when pics were going to be done . Set up a playdate at my house for her kids to come over and play with mine…never showed and then I see her posting photos at the zoo with her sister and all their kids together. Never invited us. I stopped being nice to her. Obviously selfish as hell and doesn’t care about my kids feelings at all

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What if your friend, who is a SAHM, is offended that you haven’t offered her some of your hard earned money from your employment? I mean, she’s staying home, and you get to go out and earn money! Now, obviously, I’m being facetious, but hopefully you can realize how ridiculous you sound.


That is not a friend if that’s was me and stay at home :house_with_garden: I would offer to help you but have you said anything to her if she could help

Helping out occasionally is one thing…doing it daily is a while other deal. She doesn’t owe you this so get over it!


You lost me at YOUR CHILD


Why don’t you offer to pay her instead of a sitter so she has a little spending money? It’s important to remember that everyone’s time is worth something. I also think you should communicate to her that you could use the help! Maybe she doesn’t know how you feel? I hope you can have a talk with her and sort things out :heart:


I am not a morning person and I would not want another child in my house, in the morning, while trying to holler at my kids to get their butts moving. Also not all people think like you. Ask her if she will help and you can pay her but expect the possibility of a no. Don’t get upset about thr no. You only have a couple more months till school is out.


Omg ur a joke. Don’t ever rely on anyone to do anything for ur dam kid

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Honestly you’re expecting her to help parent and care for your child and you shouldn’t. She has enough on her plate and may often feel overwhelmed and stressed taking care of her kid(s) and probably doesn’t want to take on more. I’ve been there. I’ve had neighbors who my kids play with want me to do exactly what you’re talking about watch the kid in the morning before school and after etc… I have 2 babies of my own and I don’t want to take on another that is not mine even if they’re my daughters friend. It’s a big responsibility and not hers… stick with paid help or family etc. Also not fair to be getting mad to the point you can’t even look at this friend you vacation with and see every weekend and daily etc etc etc. Just stay friends and ask for help when you run into an emergency but other that that stop expecting your friend and neighbor to help care for your child… it’s too much.


If you spend that much time together maybe she needs one in one time with her own kids. We had friends like that, always together. It ended up with us breaking ties because it ruined our friendship because we never had our own family time and if we tried, she’d get mad lol. Not to be mean but you sound like that friend. Maybe she needs a break, maybe her mental health is suffering and get own child is all she can handle. Maybe she just can’t read your mind. Maybe she’s like some mothers that aren’t super fond of kids unless they are their own. I’m not honestly. I love kids but I was never one that wanted to watch others kids.


First, you have to put on your big girl panties and ask. You don’t know what she is going through mentally that she has not offered. I would ask her if she could watch my kid and pick them up and offer to pay her a decent agreed amount. I am more than sure she will say yes. In the future, people are not mind readers. You don’t know what goes on behind closed doors but it sounds a little bit like you need to mature a bit more if you can’t communicate your needs. I hope it all works out for you.


I’m a stay at home mom and I could help others but I don’t. I have too much to do at home during the day.


Honestly it’s crazy that you expect your friend to want to do this everyday especially when she sees you and your kid so much as it is. Entitled much?


Your child… Means you have to do it. I dont expect someone else to do it unless its their father. It be nice but its not a given.


You are over reacting period.


Your acting as if your kid is also her responsibility. Your upset with her for nothing and she has no clue. You shouldn’t expect someone to take on that role, and you shouldn’t be mad at her for something that’s in your head.


Honestly, I get the frustration, but it is 100% not her job. No matter how close you may be she is not required to help you in any way. If you don’t want to deal with a sitter, talk to your friend and ask if she’d be willing to help instead of getting a sitter. Its called having an adult conversation.


You sound so entitled! That woman doesn’t owe you anything much less her time, just because you are friends. Let me guess just because y’all are friends you never offered her money? I couldn’t imagine getting other people’s children on the bus and whatnot in the mornings I barely get out myself half the time. I also am a SAHM, I’ve done the job thing as well. I already know even as a sahm things get hectic. Your children are exactly that, yours and your responsibility. Not hers, she doesn’t owe you anything.


It isn’t her responsibility or job. It is however yours. We all have our own struggles we deal with daily. She isn’t family and she is a neighbor. And even family isn’t obligated to offer. U said if it were the other way you would help her in a heartbeat. How do you know she doesn’t need the same help and u have yet to offer. As people we are quick to assume and we know our needs but we don’t as quickly think of others. We also are not mind readers. She doesn’t know you need help if you don’t ask. With that said it doesn’t mean she should. But you’re having a hard time looking at her because she doesn’t offer to give help you haven’t asked for?


I will help my freinds out in an emergency with their children anytime, anyday but I personally wouldn’t want to do it every day.
I don’t do mornings and my kids don’t do mornings it’s enough of a struggle some days to get your own kids up,washed ,dressed ,fed and out the door on-time along with what ever else you have going on in the morning.
Unfortunately you have the child it’s your responsibility to get then to school or into the bus ,she has her own to deal with you can’t expect someone else to take on the responsibility of your child each morning just because your close friends.


That is a huge nope. You shouldn’t be expecting that. That is exactly why I stay to myself


Not her kid not her responsibility :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Find a mirror love, what sort of friend are you?
Sorry all I heard was “ I resent having to parent my child 24/7” I’m frankly more sympathetic to your neighbour who believes you genuinely are her friend. Which you’re not whilst you sit in judgement and whine about her not working.


Not her kid not her responsibility . And that’s 45 minutes in the morning that im sure she needs to get things in her household in order. Her kids ready. I have a best friend same aged kids grew up together since they were born four months apart. And I only ever babysat when she absolutely couldn’t find anyone. I am a stay at home mom and my kids are exhausting enough let alone volunteering to watch someone else’s kids. I simply just didn’t want to. I never felt obligated to either because he wasn’t my child! She probably already has enough on her plate she doesn’t owe you anything


Save yourself the disappointment and don’t expect anything from anyone, it’s as simple as that mama.

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If she’s not offering, she must have reasons of not wanting too. Maybe it’d just be too much for her. I know I personally wouldn’t want any other kids here with me and my kids in the am especially. Just because I can hardly deal with my own. :joy: And I’m tired and i just wouldn’t want too. It’s her right. Might make you upset, but I think you just gotta suck it up…

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You expect so much from her but here’s the kicker… What do you do for her?


From a SAHM, don’t assume. You need to ask instead of expecting it. This post sounded really entitled. I was a working parent and a sahm. It’s not like she’s sitting around all day and as the free time to be a parent to kids who aren’t her’s. Also agree with the other person saying she may be worried you’d take advantage of it. I can offer help once and from then on they expected me to do it every day just because I was home.


Wow. This is ridiculous. It sounds like she’s there for you if you ask, but you are being insanely unreasonable. She’s doing her part, the issue is definitely with you.


Oh my God. Maybe she is pissed you got a sitter instead of asking her. Use your words. You are an adult :roll_eyes: and you are extremely petty


Stop holding it all in and talk to your friend. Because if you don’t, you are going to ruin your daughter and her friends relationship. Your friend is there when you’ve needed her. But it shouldn’t be a given. She obviously wants to keep boundaries so fair play to her.


I am thinking of how to put this some people need to be asked friend,family whatever people cannot read minds. She might think you got it under control so why bother asking I would be bothered if I asked her knowung she goes same way same place and has to do it and she had sed no to men but you have nkt even asked the women if she mind doing it offer to pay her or dont up to u if u can affors ut and she is a stay at home mom might help her as well as help you . Ask her you might be surprised.

YOUR child isn’t HER responsibility :joy:


it’s not her obligation, you’re just frustrated with your situation so you find others to blame. and if you want or have a favor, ask the person since you’re the one who needs something , and dont get mad if she will say no.


Your kids are not her kids. This post is filled with entitlement


Maybe she feels like because you haven’t asked your not comfortable with her doing it most mornings :woman_shrugging:

Your child ur responsibility end of!!!


Its your child :joy::see_no_evil:if you chose to go out to work then that’s your prerogative just because shes a stay at home mum does not meen she should have to watch your child even if it’s only 45 mins maybe she has enough on her plate in the morning trying to get her own kids out the door and onto the bus without adding another kid into the morning madness


It’s not her job. Even as a friend. You are the mom. Mornings are hectic with children. She’s trying to get through her own day. She has zero obligation to help you parent. You sound entitled and I wouldn’t want to be your friend if you think friendship means getting things from people.


Oh wow. Just wow. OK your friends, your neighbours, she helps when you ask. Youv said nothing negative apart from “she never offers to help”.
Here’s a shock for you she doesn’t have to. I wouldnt even expect my sister to help as much as your expecting your neighbour/friend to. I dont expect my sister to do anything and I’m grateful for every bit of help I get from her. And that’s my sister and we help each other.
You can sit her down and ask her, talk to her. But your child is not her responsibility, its not her responsibility to offer to help every time. You dont know what her mornings or afternoon’s are like. I’m a SAHM and I struggle most mornings. Youv never once said what you and your husband do for her? When your expecting her to have them to have your child and offer to have them


Nah sorry you’re being rude , if she hasn’t offered then she doesn’t want too and that’s ok it’s your kid not hers I don’t offer to have my mates kids but if they txt and are struggling I say yes because I have my own kids to do toughen up chick


I always have my routines with my kids in the mornings, having a friend there throws that off. We all need our personal family time.


Your kids are not her responsibility!?!


I would feel used and irritated if my neighbor or friend just assumed I would watch and cart their kid around because I only work weekends.

My S/O doesn’t drive so I take him to and from work every day. Our neighbor works at the same place and I wouldn’t expect her to give him rides just because their right there. Or the other neighbor’s baby momma also works at the same place and usually drops her kids off right across the street in the mornings. I wouldn’t just expect her to take my S/O either.


You’re friends not family. She has no obligation to you. She doesn’t want to tie herself down to you and your life and that’s fair enough. I was in a similar position and I said no to the friend because quite honestly, I was happy to help out when asked in an emergency but kids are only little for a short time and I wanted alone and quality time with my kid in the morning before school. Bonding time. If I always had some other peoples kids over then I miss seeing my kids grow up. I want one on one conversation, cuddles and chats. I don’t want my brain space taken up with kids who aren’t mine.


Your the parent it’s your responsibility but Maybe you should sit down and talk to her about it she might be willing to help but how does she know u want or need her help if you don’t talk to her about it?! You shouldn’t just assume she’d watch your kid either just because your friends and neighbors doesn’t mean she has to be responsible for your child.

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I think it is important to never expect anything from anyone, as your expectations are going to be different to theirs, if she will do it in an emergency if you ask, then thats great otherwise, just repect that she dosent want to look after others kids.


It may only be 45mins twice a day but that’s everyday day in day out. She may have other obligations sometimes and doesn’t want to feel like she would be letting you down. If you got rid of the sitter then she’s obliged to not let you down and do it every week day of every week. I’d be happy to do it gear and there but probably not permanently

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Google “what is the role of a friend!” Lol my thoughts are once you start being the go to nanny friend does it ever stop!? No! And maybe your children are a handful! Stay at home Moms have their hands full also!


Firstly your kid not hers… Second … Friends are friend not sitters… Lastly have you asked her if she wouldn’t mind or even talked to her … Personally I wouldn’t want my friend to as it’s to much to ask unless I pay her instead but still


Check your entitlement ma’am.


I bet your a really good friend. :roll_eyes:


Glad to come in here and read the right comment. She has no reason to offer help. She sees you have help but sounds like she’s there also if u ask :person_shrugging: what a lovely friend/ neighbour u have :blush:


She does not have to help you she has her own child you are responsible for your child not her


I mean have you ever offered to help her with her kids. I bet not. She’s a stay at home mom maybe she wants some time alone. Maybe if you offer to help her, she will offer to help you. But don’t get me wrong she has zero obligation to your kids. Honestly if you need help ask, but never expect…


Wow…the entitlement…