My friend doesn't offer to help with my child: Advice?

Wow they are your kids why should she have them?


Wow… :woman_facepalming:t2:… you do realize that this friend of yours has her own life outside of your friendship right? She’s taking care of her own kids, doing her own thing in the morning and handling her own responsibilities. Step up and be a mom, stop assuming other people are supposed to be handling YOUR kids. She’s there when you need her in an emergency right? That’s a friend. She’s not your baby sitter. Grow up and get off of your high horse.


That’s just it. Your not even asking at all. You just EXPECT your friend to do this stuff. If I was her, I wouldn’t want you as a friend :woman_shrugging: entitled


Maybe she jus don’t want too and that’s why she never offered :tipping_hand_woman:


Some people have been burned by so called friends before and feel like if they offer they’ll get used. Not saying this is how she feels but she’s there for you when you ask. I think you’re upset for no reason. You can’t expect her to read your mind.


Shes a friend who didn’t help make your children so doesn’t need to help raise them :woman_shrugging:


Never expect from others what you would do and you will be genuinely happier.


Grow the fuck up the fucking audacity and entitlement you have you need to get your head out your ass and off your high horse :joy::joy:

You’re upset she hasn’t “offered”, did it ever occur to you that you just need to ask her and talk to her about it? The woman isn’t a mind reader


Your expectations are what’s upsetting you


Just because she’s a friend’s doesn’t mean she’s obligated to help with your child. Maybe she feels uncomfortable for some reason. Not everyone is the type that can or wants to take care of other people’s kids. But if you haven’t asked her about it how is she to know that you would like her help. But I would also say that she shouldn’t have to do it for free just because she’s your friend either. My friend and I pay eachother to help with each others kids because it’s a job to keep an eye on them.


You can’t fault your friend for not helping. She has her own family.


Some people just don’t think. To be fair I wouldn’t offer to look after someone else’s kid. One is enough for me


If she wanted too she would have offered by now!


Maybe you could ask her to become your sitter? While yes it would be nice if she offered noone is obligated to help out. You are getting upset over something you have not ever addressed with her. If she is such a good friend that you believe she should be helping, you should also be a strong enough momma to ask for help. Maybe if she can do the bus, you take the kids a few hours on your day off to give her a break. Or you could in fact offer to pay her.

But again noone, not friend, family or anyone other then you or your partner are required to do anything for your child.


Ummm…open your grown up mouth and ask.

Also, she is not your built in babysitter just because she lives next door.

Maybe offer to pay her whatever you pay the sitter to put YOUR child on the bus.

She’s got her own family to worry about. The world does not revolve around you. :woman_shrugging:


It’s not her responsibility to watch your kids wether your friends or neighbours.


I refuse to believe this isn’t an April fools joke of a question


I think that the other commenters are correct in saying that perhaps if you asked? Perhaps she’s thinking you’d rather a sitter than her? Maybe she’s sitting in a different boat full of hurt and confusion.


No disrespect but you cant have those kinds of expectations for friends. Yes you’re close but that doesn’t mean she knows you would like the help. She might just think offering is overstepping. Or, maybe she hurt you haven’t asked her to babysit. She also could be overwhelmed with her duties as a stay at home mom. Either way if you dont communicate you’ll lose the friendship


Maybe you should act like a damn adult and use your words. Say something. Maybe your friend doesn’t even think about. I mean you are not center of everyone’s universe. Just a thought.


I’d try talking but make sure you are calm when you do it. Personally I would probably offer too but I also have a really hard time in the morning due to medical issues and I am also grumpy and usually anxious. For me it might be overwhelming to have an extra kid in the morning. But I also totally think you have a fair point to be a bit hurt especially if you offer to help her sometimes.

Sorry to say but she doesn’t sound like a friend at all! What kind of friend doesn’t offer this?! I don’t get it and it doesn’t make any sense. Maybe she’s jealous that you get to leave your house to go to work. Maybe she feels that since you work you can afford it. Who knows where her head is at but that’s not normal.


Yes your overreacting. Your a grown women. If you need your friend to do something you ask. You can’t sit there and complain that she hasn’t offered, that she didn’t think about you and your kids. She has her own family and isn’t a mind reader.
I almost thought this was an April fools joke! :joy::rofl:


If someone already had a sitter and didnt ask me I wouldn’t offer either :woman_shrugging:t4: Why would i offer something to someone who already has it “handled”


Not her problem or her responsibility to worry about you. You need help ask her and offer her money occasionally. But she does not have to do anything for you. Do you watch her child or offer to watch her kid so she can have a night out or something??


I would think you can ask as much as she could offer. Maybe she thinks you have it all handled and feels she would be upsetting your routine by helping?
You are a grown woman, ask her, maybe she will say no as she is unable to handle more obligations, plus make sure you pay her as her time is valuable too


You’ll always be disappointed if you expect people to act the way you would…I struggle with this too


Yes u are overreacting. She doesn’t have to offer. If u need help, u need to ask.


This has to be a joke


:rofl::rofl:u think someone is just suppose to “offer” to do for u?! Most ppl have they own lives and not really considering ur issues…try to ask her.


If your that close with her, why not just tell her how your feeling and ask her if there is a reason why she doesn’t offer. Maybe there is something you don’t know about, or maybe she assumes you like the schedule you have with the sitter and doesn’t want to mess up your routine, maybe she wants to helps sometimes but doesn’t want the commitment of having to be relied on all the times. Regardless I would just talk to her I’m sure there is a logical reason. Good luck

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My best friend babysat my son and I still paid her :woman_shrugging:t2:


Your children are not your friends responsibility, they are yours.


She’s not required to add anything else to her plate. If you’re going to offer help with the expectation everyone can give exactly the way you do, just don’t help. Seriously.

Being a stay at home mom is fucking exhausting - we work just as much as working moms.
If your cup is full and spills over onto others, that’s fantastic. Her cup very well could be empty and she is not required to help fill yours just because you want her to.


Being your friend sounds exhausting.


My kids daycare is closed tomorrow and I asked my best friend if she would watch my kids and I pay her what I would’ve paid their daycare. Just because she’s your friend, doesn’t mean she HAS to do it or has to offer her “services” to. Maybe she thinks you have your reasons why you haven’t asked yet. Who knows. Act like an adult, put on your big girl panties, and ask


“Closed mouths don’t get fed”
Nobody has to offer and maybe she’s pissed you haven’t asked her for help maybe you made her feel not trusted not seen not appreciated if you’re having all these feelings imagine how she feels


Not everyone has the mentality to offer help without being asked first. I would simply ask her “hey, would you mind helping me out by putting A on the bus in the mornings?” Maybe offer something to show you appreciation for her help.

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I must be lucky because my neighbors are amazing and we do favors for eachother like this weekly. Even a newer neighbor that we just met has taken my kids to school before. We are a village! I don’t think you should resent her, but if you really need help, try asking her IF she can help.


April’s fools, right !? Just because she’s a stay at home mom doesn’t mean that she wants to watch your kid. Do you offer to watch her kid because you know… her job can be overwhelming for her. If you ask her to watch your kid then pay her like you would a sitter.


Wow why should she!! Pay her like you pay the sitter but ask her if she wants to she might have her own things going on! Whole world doesn’t revolve around you!!


If when u ask something n they say yes just ask n offer to pay instead of bringing some1 else in maybe she thinks ye like doing yer own thing because ye pay some1 to do it n if shes doing it with her own maybe that’s enough on her or maybe d fact yer friends it could interfere with d friendship have a cup of tea like adults n speak about it rather then resent her because of ur expectation expecting nothing in life leads to no disappointment I mean I offer friends n family n u know the real ones tell u u have enough others take advantage I wudnt like to be ur so called friend reading this if u haven’t spoken to her,uggh

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Just because you would do something for someone doesn’t mean they have to do the same for you. Never expect that first of all. Also your child is not hers she doesn’t HAVE to offer any help. You need to not expect help from someone who never offered it. Just because she already has to do things for her child doesn’t mean she has to do the same for YOUR child. I’m sorry but really that’s how the world works. Crazy to me you feel she should offer just because her child has the same schedule. I can understand if you actually asked but your neighbor is no mind reader honey and even if you did ask she’s not required to say yes bc your child is not her responsibility.


April fools?..

It’s not her kid. She doesn’t have to do anything honestly.

If she is such a great friend just ask her to help you out and you can offer to pay “stay at home parent” is just as much work as any other job(sometimes more) and maybe she doesn’t want to be incharge of another human :woman_shrugging:t2:


U feel entitled… That’s what.


Wow…the sense if entitlement. Maybe she is struggling with her own child and life and can’t muster the energy to help. Is working from home supposed to mean she has more time or the ability to help? You said she helps when you ask so to me, that’s a friend.

This post is a little obnoxious


This is ridiculous, You can’t be upset or hurt either for not offering when You haven’t even asked her to help.
Maybe she thinks you are so independent that you don’t need help.
But you are responsible for your child, nobody else is. You should be doing it.


I know it’s hard, because sometimes I think “I would offer to do it, so why don’t they”, but I have learned you can’t expect anyone to think or act the same as you. Maybe she just doesn’t have anything more to give right now, we all have our own stuff and need to set boundaries to look after ourselves


April fools! … I hope :crossed_fingers:t2:


Maybe she feels like once she offers then she won’t get our of it and if she wants to say no at some point that you won’t like it or something. If she hasn’t offered so far, it must be a reason why. If you want to know just ask her. At the end of the day though, she’s not obligated to be your kids nanny.


I wouldn’t come out and offer something. I’m that person that waits for you to say hi to me first before I do it. I don’t find that rude I’m just closed off and shy. If you find it’s an issue then ask her or talk to her about it. Like if you ask her for help and she helps you then I don’t see why she’s a “bad” friend?

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Ummmm, they are your kids… ask or just stttooooopppppppppp

She’s not their mother?!? Why should she feel the need to do anything?


She already sees you on vacations. Your kids are so close they probably play together daily and often. She wants hers space. I don’t blame her. You are not the same people and she may not want to. Im sure if she asks she will continue to say yes but not obligated to and has the right to say no or not offer at all.


Maybe she doesn’t like being responsible for somebody else’s child. Even if it is a friends. Honestly it doesn’t sound like you’re that close if you can’t just ask her…


Girl, she’s not a mind reader. She’s got her own kids to worry about too. If you want help, ask. Don’t expect it to be offered without you communicating your needs to them.

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It’s not her job. Ask her if it that big of a deal. Grow up

This is absolutely ridiculous. Entitled much? You are a grown woman, ask for help if you need it. Offer to pay for her services or offer nights out. She cant read your mind.


How is she going to know this if you don’t make it known?. She might think you don’t want or need the help because she might think you have it already figured out or might not know you need or want the help… just talk to her…

Maybe she doesn’t want to get locked in to it everyday. I get that. I would still think she would offer in time of need. Or she isn’t as good of friend as you think.

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I think it’s rude to be mad at her for not wanting to take on the responsibility of your child, especially for free. Friend or not, everyone needs their own boundaries. 45 minutes before school starts is still 45 minutes with an extra child to care for.
If she is willing to help you when you’re in a bind then she’s doing her “friend duties” anything more than that is just taking advantage of her time.


…have you asked her to do any of these things?

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Wait. I heard a post about a woman who works outside the home and passes a grocery store everyday and could easily n walk in and get food for their elderly neighboors…but this woman has NEVER once offered to get meals for them or cook them a meal or sit with them…they never told the working woman to help them, never mentioned it…but the woman still passes the grocery store every day and doesn’t once think of the elderly neighbors. I think they may have been referring to you.


Okay first of all she has no obligation to help with YOUR kid/kids at all none !
Second maybe YOU should ask them because you know your the one that needs help and maybe she feels like you don’t trust her enough to watch your child that you can’t won’t ask .
Rant over life is hard !
Closed mouths don’t get fed !

Trust me with this one, it’s better to still have things on your own. You don’t want your friends, especially when they are neighbors, too involved with everything that is going on with you or your kids.
Keep your sitter and the great thing is you will never feel guilty for not being able to return a favor or even worse, being used in return.


Maybe your not as close as you think you are. Maybe you feel differently about the friendship than she does. If you want her help ask if she says no than there’s your answer.

You haven’t asked her to do anything… Seriously? You need to reevaluate your own attitude here…


You are asking her to read your mind. Not fair of you


She’s not babysitting other people’s kids. It’s not something she’s interested in. I was a SAHM and helped friends occasionally but I’d have never wanted to have their kids over all the time.

Friends aren’t free babysitters


Maybe she is busy. Just because she is a stay at home mom doesn’t mean she has all the time in the world to cater to everyone.


First, it’s not her child. She chose to have the children/child that she did. So if it were to be that she doesn’t want to take on the responsibility of a second kid, she doesn’t have to. There was no obligation to her when YOU had a child.
Second, she’s NOT a mind reader. She knows you have a sitter, why would she intervene with the sitter. You probably told her you got a sitter and she thought “oh cool”. Before hiring the sitter you easily could have had a conversation about how you are having a hard time finding a sitter for just that 45 minute gap you have before you kid gets on the bus. Ask “would it be cool if my kiddo hung out with yours before the bus came? Rather then me finding a sitter for that 45 minutes?” Then she would have the option to say yes or no. Judging by the way you described the friendship, she probably would have said yes. But she also has full right to say no. And you can’t hold that against her or hold anger and resentment when it’s not her kid…

Could just ask her or talk to her, she maybe trying not to intrude🤔 but personally i wouldnt depend on anyone to look after my son, but thats just me

If I was a stay at home mother, I would not be happy if I was expected or asked to take care of more kids each day. It’s stressful getting kids up in the mornings, feeding them, making sure they are ready for school, and getting them on the bus. I’m assuming your kids would want
To eat, and then would take shoes off and make themselves at home for 45 minutes. Then not getting paid because “I’m your friend”. Personally, I would say no. If she wanted to help, she would have offered.
Maybe I’m selfish, but I have my own kids to worry about, and sometimes I schedule appts before school or have them come a bit late. I don’t want the extra burden of having other kids at my house when I may be running around in my pajamas and sending my hubby off to work when other kids arrive.


Have you ever stopped to think maybe she has her own shit to worry about without adding yours to her list? Seriously… dont be that person. Do you and move on. She is under no obligation to have to do anything for you. Just because you work out of the home doesn’t mean she doesnt work just as hard as a SAHM. That’s a pretty hard job honey. Dont you ever assume she has all the time in the world to cater to you.


So I’ve actually been her before… but I actually would offer my (former) best friend help… but her child wasn’t the best behaved, was actually pretty rotten to my child and very sneaky… make sure that is not your child. I would offer every once in awhile but it was a super head ache & every time I took her out with me, I would be super embarrassed by her behavior or being rude to elders.


This better be an April Fools :woozy_face:


I think you may be overreacting, if you haven’t even asked her for help! Clearly she is willing to if she jumps at it when you DO ask. I would just assume my friends have it figured out unless they said something.


Completely over reacting. Ask her if she would be willing to do that for you. She can’t a read your mind and probably assumed you got it all under control since you’ve never asked for help outside of a few circumstances. Plus, just because she’s a SAHM doesn’t mean she has all the free time, energy, or ever desire to have another kid over and to look after every day.


I have learned not to depend on anyone for anything. Most people are just acquaintances and not really friends.

First of all- and sorry to be blunt- but you come off as someone so entitled it’s ridiculous. She doesn’t owe you anything those are your kids…you just said if you ASK she offers to take them. Maybe you should actually ask her ? Tell her you need help? Maybe she isn’t offering because she thinks you have it under control. Imagine her saying this about you and that you don’t offer to take HER kids. She also is a mom who I’m sure has her own life too and responsibilities etc. in my opinion you’re highly over reacting.


She is not responsible for your child, grow up! Get off your high horse and take care of your child.


You’re mad because she has not offered to do favors for you, that are not her responsibility, that you never asked her to do, and that you haven’t done for her? Got it…


She may be your friend, but she not obligated to do anything with your kid.

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Wow!! Its your responsibility to get your child to and from school…it dosnt become her.obligation because you’ve over stretched yourself!!


Your kid is your problem with the school issue. Most daycare have before and after school services. I worked and never expected my friends stay at home or not to assume my responsibilities of my child. You need to enroll him in daycare before and after school and don’t get resentful she has the opportunity to stay home.

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Oof your entitlement is showing


I’m waiting for the “April Fools”


I’m a stay at home mom and I have enough on my plate with my one (soon to be 2) kid(s). If someone asked me for help I probably would but I’m not fixing to offer to take on extra responsibility. Stay at home moms get pretty much no breaks away from little people. Why would we want to add more little people to the mix? Especially without being compensated for it.


Not even trying to be a dick but closed mouths don’t get fed. Ever wonder if maybe she hasn’t offered because she thinks you get a sitter and haven’t asked her for help for a reason? I feel like you shouldn’t be upset with her at all it’s not her responsibility to ask you. If you’d like her to do that then ask nicely as a friend would maybe offer to throw her a few bucks :woman_shrugging:t3:
Also maybe her kids are hard enough to deal with in the mornings, can’t ever expect someone to take on your kids especially when they have their own.


she may think you have it handled and sees you as someone capable. People aren’t psychic and sometimes don’t see the forest for the trees. Ask her if she’d like to make the money you pay the sitter to do her job and see how she feels about that. She might be hurt you haven’t asked her?

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I wouldn’t be mad. There’s probably a reason why she hasn’t offered. You also haven’t asked so its not like she said no, with no reason why…

If thats something you would want her to do then I think you need to sit down and talk to her about it. I would even offer to pay her, even if you guys agree on half what you’re paying now.

But I definitely wouldn’t just assume she’s not offering just bc. You never know what goes on behind closed doors, or just what her reasoning would be in general.

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Maybe you could ASK* her.
Sometimes the solution is so simple.


Once upon a time before I had children, we decided I would be a stay at home mom. It sounded pretty easy and great and maybe I could watch a few other kids too to make extra money. Well fast forward… stay at home mommin is way harder and time consuming than I had ever imagined. NO WAY do I want to watch any body else’s kids. I just don’t have it in me. I just don’t. The thought of bringing another kid into my home even for a short bit every single day would give me such anxiety and dread. But that’s just me and my personality. I know it sounds like such a simple thing. But maybe it’s not. But I hope you can find a solution and some peace about it. Mommin is a hard job all around. :heart:


You are a horrible friend lady.


You are overreacting. Your child and everything that comes with your child is not your friends responsibility. Period.


Just because she is a stay at home mom doesn’t mean she isn’t busy and able to be your free childcare. I’m sure she has her own reasons she doesn’t want to be responsible for other people’s kids every morning. What have you gone out of your way and done for her? Maybe she is dealing with some personal stuff and isn’t thinking about your families needs. :woman_shrugging: You sound kinda self centered honestly.


I feel like you’re very much out of line on this. I imagine she is not a mind reader. So it’s really presumptuous of you not to mention audacious to think that she should just offer.


Hell no. That’s some entitled bullshit right there. Nobody is responsible for your kids other than YOU. I’ve been on both sides of the fence and when I was working full time there’s no way in hell I’d EVER assume my friend who was a stay at home mom would cover for me. That’s a round the clock job that basically shit on by most people. Frankly working full time is way easier.


OVER REACTING, you’re making it seem like she’s mandated to do this :woozy_face: you are the one that should ask her.