My friend doesn't offer to help with my child: Advice?

Omg how dare she think that you should be responsible for child care for YOUR kid …or to get YOUR kid on the bus that’s down the block !! You sound like an entitled brat and Im sorry but she owes you NOTHING…


Just because she’s your friend doesn’t mean she needs to offer to watch your child! Sounds like you just want help for free. It’s not her problem! She has her own lid to deal with in the mornings why should she offer to watch yours for free? 45 min before the bus is still prime getting her own kid ready time. You don’t know what mornings in her house are Like.

If I was a sahm I wouldn’t be offering to my friends. No offense. I love my friends but not my kids not my job!


As a stay at home Mom she may have so much on her plate that it doesn’t even cross her mind to help. Not because she doesn’t care but because she’s just as overwhelmed.


Hell folks don’t want to keep they own kids half the time parenting is hard and she probably not trying to pick up an extra kid friend or not


There were a few kids whose mom needed help and I never offered because their child was an ass. (Destroys, hits, or constant arguing) Not saying yours is but something else to think about


I completely understand where you are coming from. Maybe she has enough to handle at her house. Maybe you should just ask if she would want to for pay. Don’t assume she will do it for free. Also you could offer to keep her child one afternoon and see if she would want to alternate and keep yours another afternoon. I think her not having a job job and you having a job should not play into it at all.


Self entitled much? She doesn’t owe you anything.


You and her are not the same person. just because you would offer without her having to ask you doesnt mean you should have the same expectations of her. It may nor even cross her mind because she is equally busy. Unfair to hold that against her and communicate as adults if you want her help.


She is your really good friend and that’s all she is… she has her own kids and own family. She clearly doesn’t have the same heart as you and that shouldn’t be a problem… it’s just how things go sometimes. I wouldn’t want to burden anyone with my kids situations so I’d much rather pay a sitter than get a friend or even a relative to do it for free. That’s just me though.

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I’m upset that my 70 year old neighbor wears her booty shorts as soon as the weather warms up and I too expect her to know this and not wear them. Yet here we are. She’s out in them as I’m typing🙄


Why should she? Just cause she’s at home doesn’t automatically make her free child care for you


Did I read this right :woman_facepalming:t2:


If you’re good friends it should be -your kids are my kids and my kids are your kids. My friends has helped me a lot and I didn’t have to ask. Simple things like picking her up from the sitter because they get off an hour earlier, taking her to get ice cream so mom can shower and get a minute to herself. I disagree with a lot of those comments. Maybe some people haven’t really had a good friend. Idc if she has a whole family or 3 families. Friends look out for friends. And if it is as simple as your child sitting on her couch for 45 min until the darn bus came then… I’m not sure if she considers you a friend like you do her. It is kind of sad in my opinion & I hate that you’re hurting because of this. I would too.


Maybe she’s overwhelmed with her kids already so she doesn’t offer.


If you do not ask her how will you ever know if she would do it? You cannot assume or expect YOU from anyone else. Ask her and if she says No then just understand that a boundary for her.


Girl, she doesnt owe you or your family anything. She has her own life & family to care for. Maybe she already feels her hands are full as it is & doesn’t want to add on to it. Even if it is just 45 mins. It’s extra people to care for. If she’s a stay at home then she has her hands full 24/7. You got it figured out with a sitter. Don’t expect others to come to the rescue. That’s just life.


As someone who’s put myself out there to help out friends and family with their children(during the days I only had 1 child), maybe she hasn’t offered to help with your children because you have never offered to help(while you’re not at work) with hers? Just because she’s a stay at home mom doesn’t mean she’s got it all handled. I’m a stay at home mom, have been for years. I stopped helping people who could never be bothered to offer to help me. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Have you considered asking her instead of expecting her to offer. She might be feeling the same way, she may want to offer to help you, but assume you don’t need her, apart from when U want to need her.


She didn’t have those kids, you did. Damn people think the world revolves around them🙄 she isn’t your slave or you built in babysitter. Grow up. It’s so petty and childish to be mad because someone won’t offer to watch your kids.


Some people have to be asked. Don’t get upset if they don’t offer, if you really need help and they are your real friends asking and getting a yes shouldn’t be a problem.

Wow. Sounds like she’s better off without you. I’m the friend that always offers. I never expect my friends to return the favor. Your friend is not your babysitter.


Maybe ask her if she’d mind putting him on the bus for you and maybe offer to pay her a little bit as well. She’s not obligated to and you never know, she might get her kid up and ready 20 minutes before the bus shows up.

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Some people prefer boundaries. Maybe its a situation where she doesn’t want to be stuck constantly feeling responsible for someone else’s child. I am a teacher and have certainly felt that way when family or friends wanted to dump their children off to me during the summer like I am everyone’s personal babysitter because I had a “cush job with summers off”…meanwhile, I would mentally be drained and struggling with trying to recuperate and reset my mind from the school year…and I could barely deal with my own kids. Yet a few had those expectations of me…and I just felt mentally drained and honestly I didn’t feel like giving more of myself.

Everyone has struggles. She may be a stay at home mom, but you do not know if she is struggling with her own demons…and if all is well…maybe she flat out just doesn’t want to do it and there is nothing wrong with that. When it comes to my kids I have learned to never depend on anyone and felt super grateful when someone offered.

Honestly, I’d ask her if she could do it daily …but offer to pay her instead of the sitter. and the same amount as the sitter.

Have you ever thought that she may be upset you didn’t offer to pay her to do it? Maybe they struggle financially and she could use that extra money.


As a stay at home mom I have my hands full with my own kids and home. I say yes when friends ask/need my help but I wouldn’t just volunteer it because I am home. I work my butt off and I’m not free child care for anyone other than my husband lol

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If you’ve never told her you could use some help, she probably figures you’ve got everything handled. Communication is a very good way to fix this.

If you need help. Ask for it.

Friend or not, she’s not responsible for your child. Maybe she enjoys her morning alone with her own child. I mean she didn’t sign up to be an open daycare.


You’re a fucking BRAT.


Look, this just screams entitled. Being a stay at home mom doesn’t make you entitled to her time or labor. If I were you, I’d reach out and say “can I pay you to help out with the kid more often? The baby sitter isn’t as reliable or trustworthy.” And then whatever her answer is go with it. But stop acting like you’re entitled to her labor because you’re friends. That makes YOU the shitty friend, not her.


Sometimes you just have to realize some people won’t do what you would for them. You can be a little bothered by ultimately she doesn’t have to. Maybe she doesn’t feel comfortable taking on extra responsibility… if you can’t work things out between you and your husband than you’re only option to pay for the help which sucks, but it’s life.

You never asked her! Has it even occured to u that maybe she is a mom dealing with her own kids, trying to get them ready for school, its stressful. U cant sit here and actually expect someone to volunteer to watch ur kids. Some ppl dont want that responsibility due to all the things that go on about babysitters and kids. She has her own thing going on. Have u ever volunteered to watch her kids at all? It works both ways. Maybe if u would ask her if sge could watch them for the 45 mins, than maybe she might say yes. But u didnt, u assumed. Even if u are close friends, doesnt mean she cant read ur mind. And if she knows the struggle for u, maybe she doesnt feel comfortable watching her kids plus ur kids all at a bus stop which is very stressful waiting on the bus to come. kids play and do stupid things at a bus stop. So why be angry!? After all they are ur kids, ur job to take care of them and find the right resources. But dont sit here and expect someone to just volunteer when others might be struggling as well. Maybe she may have some sort of depression or mental problems and it might just be too much on her. Maybe u might just be selfish and only be thinking about what u need. U work, she doesnt! Shes with kids all day everyday. U get a good break from urs. How bout u volunteer and help her for a change on ur day off or something. Maybe theres things she doesn’t want to talk about that u dont know about. Maybe ur not close friends at all. Especially if u are working all the time. Think about things first before u blast it

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I feel the way you do sometimes. With more than stuff reguarding my kids. I am an overly considerate person. It’s been hard to learn people won’t do for you what you’d do for them. Not because they’re spiteful or mean but because they don’t think the way I do. I’d just talk to her about it and be open and honest! Who knows she may just never realized. Maybe she didn’t offer because she thought you always had it all figured out.


You cannot expect someone to want to tend to your child. I get it’s only for a little bit but your kid isn’t their responsibility. They do not owe you child care. Taking care of a house and her own child/children is probably exhausting enough to her.


And idk why so many people are laughing at this. That’s rude

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You’re not owed child care. :unamused: FROM anyone but the other parent of your child. You have struggles, she has struggles as a stay at home mom(its not easy) you cannot assume someone is just going to offer up. Not everyone is comfortable in doing so even if they can handle it. Booo hoo, you work. She does too except her work is consistently at HOME. My personal opinion, you’re way out of line and overreacting


Ukmhm…it isn’t normal for you to consider someone less or more of a friend because if what they do or don’t do for you? Are you serious right now?…


Just because she knows your struggles finding care doesn’t mean that it’s her job to help out. I was the working full time mom until my son was three and now I’m at a stay at home mom. I get both sides, a working mom struggling to find care and a stay at home not looking for another child on my plate. I offer help, but I’m careful with who’s kids. It’s also a difficult position to be in…being friend and care taker for friends child. It’s more than just 45 minutes before school, it’s her routine that she has set for her children…I know when my son has even his cousins over, everything I have in place goes out the window as my SIL children have different upbringings. I wouldn’t ever expect my friends to offer or put that on them unless I absolutely had zero choice to ask, I don’t want to put my problems finding childcare on them. They have their own lives and children.

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Im curious… do you do those things to her for you to demand/expect that kind of “service”? Or do you just expect her to be always available and look after your responsibility? What have you done for her and her kids so far?

No way this is real! There’s no way you’re feeling some type of way towards your friend! Those aren’t her kids! So you’re willing to lose your friendship?? Why not just ask her to put your mind at ease. Either way she’s not obligated to help you. Friend or not she has her own life, her own kids. Your kid isn’t her responsibility.

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It takes a village!!! Maybe talk to her about it. If you have never ask she doesn’t know. But there’s always another side to the story too. Who knows why she hasn’t offered? But communication is a marvelous thing!! More people need to try it instead of assuming!! :woman_shrugging:t3:

You can hardly look at her, for not offering to help watch your kids? Grow up, she doesn’t owe you anything. That is so childish.


This has got to be a joke.

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Maybe she doesn’t think you need her help. You need to ask her if you want help. Take turns! Maybe you both have different parenting routines and your kids can get hers out of theirs. If it bothers you that much speak up but don’t get upset if she doesn’t want to do it every day. Stay at home moms also get overwhelmed. I love my son but that doesn’t mean i want to spend extra time with other people kids.

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Just freaking ask jesus christ

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Mornings are busy whether you’re a stay at home mom or working out of the home mom. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for someone else’s kid every morning.


Epic April Fool’s! If not, wow.


I don’t expect my neighbor to watch my kids… wtf😂 this is a dumb post


You just expect her to read your mind? No one owes you anything in a friendship. Have you ever stopped to wonder if maybe you never asking her in the first place has offended her? Maybe she thinks you don’t trust her with your children because you haven’t asked for her help. If you’re that close of friends you should be able to talk to her about it. However, if my friend came to me expecting I do such things for them and acting so entitled I wouldn’t be calling them a friend anymore. She also has her own family she needs to take care of. Communicate with her but without expecting she take on your responsibilities.


Wow, as a sahm mom this is embarrassing. Just because she’s home doesn’t mean she isn’t battling her own struggles. I know I’m happy to have my kids friend over for a play date, but I’m not taking on an extra child every day with no help back from you either. Her being home doesn’t make her available to be your babysitter, it means she’s home with her children. You could ask her “hey if there is an issue with the bus in the future, would you mind helping me out?” But to expect her to offer? Are you willing to pay her or just expect her to help you? Because no darn way, I’ve got enough of a hassle with my own kids, I don’t need to add another to the mix and won’t offer a friend other than to help them out of a bind (which I have absolutely no problem with) either. Even a close friend. If you want help from her, be willing to offer her help when you are home. All moms are tired, not just working moms.


Maybe your kids are bad :joy::joy::woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: I got a few friends that I’d die for but I’m not letting their kids stay with me cause they are hell on wheels


You say if the roles were reveres but what does that mean…? Have you offered to help her out or just assumed shes good since shes always home and should be more considerate of your needs that she is just suppose to add to her own without being asked or anything?

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She probably doesn’t want to be responsible for your child, its hard enough with her own. But with her own she can get up and go when ever.


Honestly, I would never expect that from my SAHM friend. I am 100% NOT a morning person and getting my kids clothed, fed, and where they need to go is all I can manage. I would either revaluate my roll as a working mom, and be a SAHM like your friend, or come to terms with the fact that SAHM is a full time job, and if you wouldn’t expect this from her working, you shouldn’t expect this from her being at home. Unless she starts drafting a car pool, I would not bring this up to her. Also, shame on you for #1 not asking said friend and #2 expecting a friend to do this willingly and not offering monetary compensation for her time if she could.

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. I am happy to help others but all kids are different. Maybe your kids are exhausting.

The entitlement here. Yikes. Don’t expect your heart from others. Have you offered to help her out? It goes both ways no matter who is working outside or inside the home. Maybe since she knows you have a sitter she doesn’t think to ask because it’s not needed. You handle your family and let her handle hers. She doesn’t owe you a single thing.


Maybe she isn’t as much your friend as you think. My friends offer. My real friends do. But ones who aren’t your true friends aren’t gonna do that. So maybe you thought y’all were closer than you really are. I agree you should have to be the one to reach out and ask but if she doesn’t want to I would just let it go. People have their own lives.


This is the funny thing I’ve seen all day. You have no right to be upset at your friend.


Are you being serious?? Its your kid - ask! Wtf :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


It is almost like your child is your responsibility and not theirs :thinking:


Idk if this post is real or not but as a SAHM and a homeschooler, I will rarely offer to watch someone else’s kid. Some days, I can barely handle my household much less someone else’s


As a former stay at home mom, people always had opinions of what i had time for. Never expect your friend to offer. Your child is not her responsibility. Furthermore, she says yes when you ask her to help, so what is the problem. And, maybe if roles are reversed you would do differently, but we arent all the same.


Just because to you she appears to have time, doesn’t mean she does. She may be mentally drained, her kid may be hell to get out the door in the morning, she may not want to be tied into the responsibility of caring for your child every day in case her own life comes up, and she may just not want to offer free childcare to you. :woman_shrugging: sounds like yall are together a lot- maybe that’s enough together time for her. Everyone is different. I know I love my friends, but my mental health and ambivert personality only allow so much together time before I’m completely socially drained and need to recharge. I had one kid so I only had one kid to be responsible for. I didn’t choose to have multiple kids. I will only offer up what I am capable of handling without ending up on snapped. No one else has to like it. :woman_shrugging: respect the differences in who you are versus who she is. It does NOT make her a bad friend or person. It does make you sound entitled af. She doesn’t owe you childcare just because you are friends… it’s not an expectation or requirement of normal friendships. If you need help, ask her. But if she says no… move on. It is your responsibility to find childcare for your child. Not hers.


Wow you are so annoying and entitled. She didn’t offer because she doesn’t want to, take a hint. The nerve of people. Smh


Wow! You should be ashamed of yourself.


It’s your kid and your responsibility, not your “close friends” regardless if you would offer the help. Obviously she doesn’t want to. I hope this is an April fools joke post


I worked. My next door neighbor was a stay at home mom. Our daughters were same age and best friends. I took my daughter to day care before she started school. Then to the sitter to catch the bus after she started school. Never thought to ask her. Just me. She never offered either. I thought nothing of it. Again. Just me

Just… ask? My bff used to live up the road from me and if either of us couldn’t get our kids to the bus we just asked. Shes not a mind reader… communication is key here. Maybe that’s how YOU think but that may not be how she thinks and thats ok, she doesn’t owe you anything friend or not.

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Maybe she just has her own children to do. Dont expect her to just do it for you. That’s abit rude. It’s not even her responsibility no matter how close yous are.

Have you offered to look after her children? Being a stay at home mum isnt an easy job. I work full time and we pay someone to look after our children. I would never expect a close friend to offer to have them before and after school because kids are hard work. But if I need help with something I ask my friends for help. They aren’t mind readers but I know if I’m in need they’re there 100% for me. Same for my friends if they need help they’ll ask and I will happily look after them. Being a parent means YOUR children YOUR responsibility, noone else’s.


Everyone im friends with expects me to do this shit for them because I’m a stay at home mom of 5. Oh. Hell. No. You have lost your mind.


I’ve found that often times we do ourselves a grave injustice when we don’t come right out and ask for what we want from someone but then get upset when they don’t offer whatever it is that we want to us.

Maybe she hasn’t offered because she sees that you’ve had it covered all this time and/or assumes you do. Maybe she doesn’t want to begin to assume the responsibility for your child on a daily basis and/or thinks you may not want to give her that much responsibility if she had offered.
Maybe she’s only able to handle her own child’s needs.
Maybe all she can do is get her own child on and off the bus each day.

We never really know what’s going on in someone’s head behind the scenes even if we’re “close friends”.

If you’re prepared to accept her answer, whatever that may be, without expecting her to give you a detailed explanation and without attempting to guilt her into saying yes and if, when you’re being completely honest with yourself, you can say with certainty that you will not allow her answer to have an effect on your friendship, negatively or otherwise, especially if she happens to says no, then you should just ask her.
Otherwise, let it go including this building resentment.

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Yeah it would probably go over my head too. I have severe focusing issues I’m friendly but I tend to stick to whatever task I’m trying to do. Outwardly I’m sure it makes me look like I’m not being friendly or awkward. But really I’m just focused, ask her, she probably doesn’t realize she’s needed. And another thing, if you’d like to ask her that, don’t expect it for free she still has to go out of her way to ensure another child gets on the bus on time. Since she stays at home majority I’m sure she doesn’t mind but if it’s going to be every day, it just be the right thing to do to compensate her for going out of her way.

I’ve been there before! 45 minutes in the morning, an hour after school. Next, feeding breakfast, snacks, dinner. Doing homework . Sorry I’m late, I ran into Target real quick…That is probably why your friend doesn’t just offer! She doesn’t want to be taken advantage of because she is a friend who is a stay at home mom. If you really do value your friendship, don’t have expectations for someone else to make your life more comfortable. Believe me, just because she is a sahm, doesn’t mean she is making plenty of sacrifices. If she wanted to babysit, she would probably be babysitting for money. I didn’t see where you offered your friend any money for helping you . Outside looking in, honey, she is the hood friend here. She is trying to preserve the friendship. Where as, you are trying to see how the friendship will benefit you.


Imagine having the audacity to want so badly for someone else to handle your responsibility. Oh wait…


I don’t care how close I am with someone I feel awkward just offering things like that so maybe she does too. You seem kind of expectant of her when it’s not her responsibility to offer anything to you regarding your kids. You birthed them not her, she has her own to handle.


Just because she’s a SAHM doesn’t mean she’s available. She has her own kids. Geez. She said “let me know”. She needs you to ask her.


Just stop it lmao never expect that from anyone. You take care of your own.

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This is a lot of words to say “I’m too chicken to ask myself”


Keep your friends close and you enemies closer

Just ask if she would be comfortable with it, offer some money and if she doesn’t want to or can’t, it’s nothing personal to you

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Are you planning on paying her the same rate that you would pay the baby sitter? Because even though she does have to get her own child on, adding another child for almost an hour is more work. So unless you are planning on paying her, you should not be expecting her to offer!
And expecting her to offer, is extremely entitled!


My SIL is a SAHM and I work part time at a job an hour away from home. Her twins and my son are the same age goes to the same school etc. I would never expect her to take on my kid to all because I work outside of my house . Don’t get me wrong she has gotten me out of many pinches but I have helped her the same when I can. She may also not be comfortable keeping your child for x amount of days and hours. For numerous reasons.

I was a stay home mom and helped a lot of people out not everyday

Um… that’s your child, not hers. Just saying


How could you expect something like that from someone? Resent her omg you must be out of your mind. She’d have her own home family & kids to look after sahm or not.


Is this an April fools joke?


As a stay at home mom I hate when people try to use me as baby sitter cause I " already do it 24/7" that’s your child and your responsibility. It’s not up to her to offer to watch your child. As a stay at home wife, I get ENOUGH of children 24/7 I’m not about to add any more onto it


You sound ridiculous.


Do both of you a favor an cut the friendship nobody needs that kind of negativity in there lives …you sound toxic af probably one of them “close” friends that the other person is dying for you to move away. Nobody is going to offer to watch your kid. If they do it maybe a red flag js :v:


Offering and taking care of your child IS out of the way. When you take responsibility for someone elses kids, its a huge responsibility regardless of how close you are as friends. I am a stay at home mom and i also run my own business while teaching my kids. And when they were in school, my sister just expected me to watch her kid because they went to the same school and she would drop her off in the morning on the way to work. Then had the nerve to get mad when i didn’t help her with homework and make sure she did it. And This was even when my kids did not go to school. While Her dad sat at home dealing with his mental health. Don’t get me wrong, i love my niece. But someone elses kid is a huge favor. You can’t just expect someone to say “hey! Bring your kid over while i watch them for free since they go to the same school and its only for an hour before and after school.” Its making sure they are taken care of even in your home and after school. Then worry about " Do they need anything?" You decided to have a child and that comes with finding someone to do the things you can’t when you have to work. Or when there is an emergency. Taking care of my own kids is tiring. And I’m dealing with things no one else knows. So to take on someone elses child means less time for me to be able to do what I have to do. Much less the stuff i WANT to do. I already have 0 time for me. And that comes with parenting. You and your husband need to stop being so offended by her not offering up what she is comfortable with on a daily. Once in a while is fine when you’re in a pinch. But to do this every single day for any amount of time can be stressful. Time to stop feeling so entitled and think of how you will fix your outlook on the whole situation and not expect others to offer up their time.


She isn’t obligated to take care of your child just because you are friends. Would it be nice? Sure. But she also has things going on and doesn’t owe you an explanation, etc for not babysitting your kid


I think you should tell her how you feel about that. I allways help my friend’s with putting kids on the bus if she has two put her kids on the bus she should help you out good luck

What kind of friend assumes that her friend will take care of her child when she has her own child to take care of. Also, stay at mom is work. The audacity on you is amazing. You are the one in the wrong. I hope to god your friend has better friends than you and your husband who seem entitled. I mean you said if you ask she helps. I hope she reads this sees how ungrateful you are and never agrees to help you again.


Okay I’m a SAHM and one thing I have noticed when watching another kid on top of my own is chaos. In the mornings me and my son have a very specific routine we go through after my husband leaves for work. If our morning routine gets disrupted or changed I have a difficult time throughout the day. And when there’s more kids to add on top of your own more toys thrown around, more food scattered throughout the house, crying/fighting over toys, getting into things that they aren’t supposed to and the list goes on. While that is happening in the background I am doing laundry, doing dishes, cleaning the bathroom, take the dog outside, tidy up my bedroom and my sons. I have things to take care of throughout my day and it takes 3x longer or more to get my stuff done because I’m constantly diffusing whatever is happening with the kiddos in the living room.


You sound like a terrible friend


1st off, a SAHM is equivalent to 2-3 full time jobs. There’s no time/space for extras or breaks no punch in and punch out for the day and b done. Secondly you do not sound like a good friend. I would offer as a nice gesture for the kids but not for u as a friend and that would b occasionally but everyday come onnnn.


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: she does not have to watch your damn kids because y’all are friends. You’re a shitty ass friend expecting something just because of a friendship. I’m a stay at home mom and I wouldn’t watch anyone else’s kids for anything! I have a hard enough time getting my home ready :woozy_face: you really typed this out and saw nothing wrong with your shitty expectations.


Why should you feel entitled over your friend, over something concerning your kid?


I think these fan questions are getting ridiculous… :woman_facepalming:


You might be good friends but you may have no idea what her life is like and she might not be able to take care of your child every morning. Just because you all are friends doesn’t mean she should take care of your child too. Are you willing to pay her for helping??? If not…then who is being a worse friend?