My friend doesn't offer to help with my child: Advice?

:woman_facepalming: Communication people! She can NOT read your mind. Plus, it’s your child. It’s not her responsibility to take care of your kids. She most likely thinks you’ve got everything handled.


I don’t understand what she’s pissed about… like she never asked the neighbor to do the things she’s mad about in the first place. So she’s mad the her neighbor can’t read her mind and tell that she wants help? Also it isn’t her job to ferry someone else’s kids around… and what about asking the father for help? Where’s he at?


You sound like you feel extremely entitled to her time. Maybe it’s you that’s the bad friend.


What kind of friend are you? Expecting your friend to be a built in babysitter just because you live close??!!! Hell no!! I’d cut you off sooo damn quick :wave:t5::wave:t5: pfffttt :unamused:


Have you offered to help with her kids? LOL. I watch my best friends two girls so she can go to the gym because she’s a single working mom and I’m on ei right now because I’m pregnant and have a toddler and she offers to take my son to five me a break also. It’s give and take, as most relationships aren’t just one sided… it’s nice of a friend to offer but it shouldn’t just be assumed… I wouldn’t just want to assume she’d take my kid whenever I needed her to just because we live close as she wouldn’t assume I’d watch her kids 7 days a week just because I stay at home… :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Well if your paying a sitter why don’t you offer your friend the same. She has her own kids to worry about and it’s a huge hassle getting them ready in the morning. Sitters are not free. Reach out to her with a compensation offer.


She is a SAHM who probably has her hands full already.

Do you ever offer to take HER kids somewhere? So she can have a few hours to herself? I’m willing to bet money the answer is no.


I don’t mean to be a dick. But who popped YOUR kids out, you or her ? I learned a long time ago that NO ONE is ever obligated to do anything for you unless you under 18 years of age and talking about your parents… I used to think like that, but I’ve came to realize that no one offers is because they think I have it handled or they have their own crap to deal with


Dude you are 100 percent over reacting and they are your kids not hers…She already has to get her own kids up and ready on time…YOU SEEM SO ENTITLED ITS SICKENING…


Wow, as a stay at home mom, all I gotta say…is fuck you dude. You said she’s always willing if you need it, if you would like that set up then be an adult and ask her yourself but she owes you nothing just because she doesn’t work herself.


This is just for attention right :joy: raise your own damn kids they aren’t her responsibility.


Those are YOUR kids. You cant EXPECT someone to help you with them. Family, friends, or not. Wow.


Is this an April fool’s thing?? Because just wow…if this is true!! How dare you expect help!!!Those are your kids no one else’s responsibility.


Is this a joke? You sound ignorant. Lmao


I stayed for all the comments :rofl::joy: I love when y’all keep shit real here. :rofl::joy::rofl:


You have to be joking. This is an April fools post right? If this is real I feel so bad for your friend. She helps when you ask, and here you are mad that she doesn’t assume you want help when you haven’t asked for it? This mentality is so entitled and toxic.


Maybe you’re kid is an asshole at her house and she doesn’t want to deal with him.


I’m not trying to be rude at all when I say this, but I feel that you and your husband are overreacting big time. You should never expect for someone else to give their time to care for your child, that’s your job as their parent. Imagine if this friend came to you and said she was so offended that you hadn’t offered to give her money for her child’s expenses because you had a job and she didn’t. You would definitely be offended if she said this to you and you’re expecting something very similar from her. Her time is also valuable and she has her own family to think about and care for.


Really? If this was the reddit am i the asshole thread? would be at the top of it for your assumptions of your friend.


Why is it her responsibility? Why haven’t you asked her or offered to pay her? You are responsible for your children and she is responsible for hers. Being a stay at home mother doesn’t mean she is doing nothing all day


Is this even real lol


Literally just ask…


I wouldn’t want someone else’s kid in my house for 45 minutes five days a week, especially in the morning when everyone’s hustling to get out the door. Even if I love that kid to death, it’s another body to deal with.


This is EXACTLY why I stopped trying to make “friends” they alwayssss EXPECTED me to watch their kids whenever they needed just cuz I’m a stay at home mom so now I’m afraid to make friends cuz I feel that’s the only reason they even want to be my friend ( for a FREE babysitter) dnt get me wrong I love kids and have noooo problem with all the kids playing outside etc or watching them in a emergency etc but that’s another thing they would always leave their kids with me and then when picking them up they would just come pick them up and leave right away not even make their kids help pick up toys etc I have 4 of my own and got sick of picking up after everyone else’s kids as well :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::pensive:


Wow. People sure have changed!! I had no issues with my BFFs kids coming over whenever. I use to take them just for the heck of it and there was TWO of them.
Clearly bitches ain’t the same these days :joy::joy:

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…wow. If you need help, just bloody ask. Something tells me she isn’t a mind reader.


It is not her responsibility.


Maybe she is upset with you because you have never offered to pay her to get your kids on and off the bus, but you would pay a sitter. Maybe she has resentment against you too…


Ask her! A friend of mine used to pay me to do this with her daughter. She came to me and asked, offered to buy breakfast and after school snacks for the girls and it worked out great.

Not her job to watch ur kid. Sorry.


You sound a bit high maintenance, maybe she doesn’t want to take on the responsibility. Or. Maybe she thinks you don’t need help since you pay a sitter. Communicate.


This is a joke right? It’s not her kid


Ouwwwww… Why would you even feel entitled to have your friend “care for YOUR childl”?Maybe she is overwhelmed with her own? This just hits me wrong.


Wait. What makes you feel entitled to help?


:joy::joy::joy: is this a series question??

Wow , im sorry but you can’t just expect her to help with your kids, this sounds very entitled! If you need the help ask her, she shouldn’t have to offer, a stay at home mom already has a lot on her plate! If you ask her for help you should offer to help her when you’re off! Ultimately though your kids aren’t her responsibility!


This right here is why I dont have any friends. They always expect me to watch their kids. Your kid is not my responsibility. I’ll help and watch out for them but you also have your friends spouse to think of. One extra kid can be stressful at times. You don’t know her real home life regardless of how close you are.


Hey Amber Rose Ward this feels familiar :joy::sob:
Like no, I’m not your free babysitter.

Ummm entitled much, she isn’t responsible for your kid. You are acting like a Karen and expecting her to wait on you hand and foot, get over yourself princess. :roll_eyes:

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Entitled much? Why tf would she watch your kid? Also, just because she’s a SAHM doesn’t mean she doesn’t have her hands full. You really need to get over yourself.


Maybe you should offer to pay her.

Omg! The bloody cheek of you. Shameful.


I make it clear I’ll deal with my own kids I don’t like to deal with other people’s kids. Sounds odd I dont like most kids. If you choose to have my child at your house and have them tag along with things at times cool. However 99 percent of the time I will not have the kids friends over I do not allow tag along. I simply won’t I mean if your child happens to maybe bike over to my area I’ll give snacks but yea ummm after an hour two max little kid I think I hear your parents calling.

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Maybe ask her if she’d like to make a little extra money in the morning


If your that bothered by it ask her to watch your child. Maybe she doesnt want to and she shouldn’t feel obligated just cuz she is a friend or a stay at home mom. I have friends who have kids around my girls age and I wouldnt watch them cuz they are brats and I dont want that around my girls.

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Surely this is an April fools joke, right??? :flushed:


Why is she obligated to do your job as his mom just because she’s home with hers? She’s not your employee, you’re entitled and selfish. I wouldn’t do shit for you.


Is this real?? I can’t wrap my head around this :poop:

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Well. Offer to pay her instead of a sitter. Simple solution :person_shrugging: I wouldn’t offer because it’s not something I’d want to do every day. But if someone were to ask me for a favor on occasion, I would do it. Stop being a princess and ask her, with pay because it’s the right thing to do. Or just deal with it


If this is serious, you are overreacting :woman_shrugging:t2:. It’s not her responsibility to take care of your child/ren at any given time. They’re yours- it’s your responsibility to see that your child or children get to and from school, have a sitter, etc.
Some people don’t like other peoples kids for whatever reason lol. I have kinda turned into this person :woozy_face::joy:. Before I had kids, I worked in childcare. I worked weekends to babysit, etc. so I’ve ALWAYS loved kids. Once I had my own, I have had no desire to take care of other peoples kids, and I’m definitely not doing it free lol.

There are soooo many scenarios that can be the problem… another one- offer once, and they won’t leave you alone and take advantage of the situation…
have you offered pay?


Umm yes you’re overreacting and acting entitled as hell. Its not your friends responsibility to put your kids on the bus PERIOD. You need a reality check girl because I wouldn’t want to be your friend. This is about the pettiest thing I’ve ever read.


Why don’t you offer to pay her? Why pay someone else? Have you ever thought she might feel the same way?

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Wowsa, mom guilt can be a b*tch but don’t project it on your friend, that’s not fair. You chose to work outside the home and she’s able to be a stay at home mom, stay in your respective lane and stop being a judge Judy. Have an honest conversation with yourself about your feelings, and then ask for help, which you obviously need.


Maybe she can’t get past the smell. You reek of entitlement. If your husband is also bothered by it tell him to change his schedule.


Grow up. Her world can’t revolve around you. Just because she isn’t working out of her home doesn’t mean she isn’t busy with her own life. Quit being selfish, why aren’t you helping her? Annoying whiner.


In my opinion… She is no friend, if you are really as tight as you explained, infect not everyone can be called a friend…

I have a friend of almost 20 years of friendship between us. She is older then me but that makes no difference, Her kids is mine and visa versa. Her twins is 10 years old and calls me their elderst sister which they don’t have. I have a 6month old baby which they call their little brother, yes I know lol but will correct them on another day.

I am the stay at home mom and she’s the working mom…

Things happens automatically without asking, if we ever ask then it’s basically a reminder.

I know I am responsible to drive the kids to school and see to it that their home is done, some nights when she works late I have to get them settled, eat, wash and go to bed Inorder to be fresh for school the next day.

On her off days she automatically takes care of my son, literally, just so I can take a break and gain my strength again.

But because of our beautiful communication levels, we automatically fall in and know how to assist when needed without feeling abused or entitled.

This is just our beautiful relationship because we choose to.

So maybe talk to your friend and hear her point of view because clearly you guys are not on the same page. You have expectations of her that she either don’t know about or choose not to know about you will only know when you have spoken to her directly.


I’m a full time working out of the house mom. I have an hour travel one way to work and an hour travel back home.
If I need help I will always ask the stay at home mom next door, but I would NEVER expect her to just volunteer to watch or “help” me with my kid because she is home! When I do ask for help I pay her so she knows I’m not taking advantage of her or our friendship. I would have to pay for a babysitter anyways. I pay full time after child care till 5:30 because honestly no person who is a friend is 100 percent reliable to watch or help with the child you have… if I need the extra help from other moms I ask.

Have you offered her any help? Like taking her kids for 45 minutes in return of her helping you out to get your child on the bus?

She is your friend. Her kids are your kids friends. She doesn’t “owe it to you to offer” you any sort of help with your kids.

Figuring out child care, transportation, and odd and ends is between you and your husband, that is not your friends problem.

I don’t know what your relationship is with your husband but with mine I don’t trust him and can’t depend on him to take our daughter to school because of his work schedule. If I know we are gonna have bad weather, I won’t have daycare or Iam in need of some help, I plan in advance with my work, even if it’s a day that I will be late and handle it myself or pay one of the other mothers to help me. If I have some sort of an emergency without child care I will call into work or take my kid with me and explain the situation in person to my boss.
I have done this a lot during covid shut downs.

She is your friend. Not your babysitter you feel entitled to.

Stay at home moms have no outlet. They are working 24/7 30 different jobs.

If you need that much help maybe take your kids to school yourself if they offer a breakfast program take them early, so no waiting for the bus, get an after school care provider, Or perhaps ask the grandparents or family or you and husband take turns on situations like this so neither one of you are consistently calling in to work.

You are the parents.

Don’t confuse being friends with babysitter.


I had to stop taking care of my family’s children because I have 3 of my own and honestly don’t need the added pressure and I was honest about it.

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Maybe she sees the red flags that it’s expected by you that she help - and it isn’t. Do you offer to take the kids on the weekend so she gets a break?
Do you offer to go halves in the sitter with her so she can take mornings off?
It’s seems awfully prejudiced of you lol


Your friend has her own kids and own schedule she doesn’t have to offer anything. Maybe find a job that is more flexible.

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Ummm have you ever offered to watch her kids so she can get a break? All I hear is me me me and I need etc. What about her? Do you think because you get dressed and head to a job that because she’s at home she’s not busy too? I’ve been a stay at home mom and believe me I detest babysitting other ppl kids! Yes detest! I love kids don’t get me wrong but my days were so consumed with my family I couldn’t bear to take care of anyone else’s child! Stop being a whiny ninny and offer some help to her too! And maybe she will feel to do the same! Either way friend or not she is in no way obligated to take care of your child. You are very boldface to assume she should!


I wouldn’t want that responsibility of another’s kid everyday. I don’t care how close. I might not feel good. I might be running late with my own kid. I might not want my friend to get to high of expectations of me. Just saying, why I would never offer.

Glad your not my mate :+1:


Pull your head out of your ass and see that nobody owes you a damn thing. No matter how easy it may be for her to “help” you, it’s not convenient and she has her own kid to worry about. Get a fucking grip.


Wow! I am speechless ( and that don’t happen often )! How old are you? This is jr high/ high school level shit! Have you thought about asking her for help, offer to pay her for the help? She is not obligated to offer you anything friend or not. Grow up


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: you need to get the hell over yourself. You are definitely overreacting. She doesn’t have to offer to look after or hep with YOUR kid at all! Doesn’t matter how close the kids are or how long you’ve been friends. Honestly you should tell her so she can find other friends she doesn’t need one like you hiding resentment for absolutely fuck all :rofl::woman_facepalming:t2:


You are very wrong, she doesn’t have to offer anything to you, doesn’t matter how close you guys are she has her own responsibilities, and you even said that when you asked her to help she said yes, how about you ask her if she could help you out and you pay her what you pay the babysitter, instead of making stuff up in your head talk to her and be honest and give her the opportunity to tell you why she would or wouldn’t be able to help. She doesn’t have to offer anything, it’s your child, your responsibility and no one else’s.


Have conversation with her and let her in on how you feel.

Just because you would do it doenst mean other would. And it’s your child not her responsibility.


As a once stay at home mom I can honestly say WOW. Why would you be butthurt about your friend not taking care of the child YOU chose to have? It’s your child and your responsibility not hers. She is in no way obligated to take care of your child and you need to stop acting so entitled to her help seeing as she has her own kids you just sound downright selfish and stupid.


Why did this pop up in my feed? Do you know how many people offer to help with ALL 5 of my kids? 0. That is the number.


Why don’t you ask?maybe she also feel offended that you hired someone while she’s there.


Your kids your responsibility stop being so entitled and selfish


When you make the decision to have kids they are your responsibility and yours alone. You don’t expect help from others. You are being unreasonable. The same way she’s doing for her kids without asking for help is the same way you do for yours. It’s just ridiculous of you to expect her help.


Are you serious?? She doesnt have to do anything for your child… i wouldnt expect my best friends to offer to look after my kid no matter how convenient it would be for me, id just ask. Be honest and ask her for help instead of crying about it like a lil bitch… Geeze!! :unamused:


So I have a friend who lives next door and we have babysat for each other several times but we’ve always asked. You can’t just feel entitled to that help. Your child, your responsibility. If you need or want the help, ask for it. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Please tell me this is a joke

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Entitled is one word you could use… She doesn’t owe you ANYTHING. PERIOD. Why should she offer when you pay someone? Maybe you offer to pay her for what the sitter does! You just don’t want to pay anyone. And the worst part? You even said the sitter has to come back. So you are paying someone before and after school, but expect your friend to take that on free of charge? Come on. I’m glad you are not my friend. I stay at home and trust me, some days are harder than others without worrying about an extra kid.


Wow. Just wow. I honestly can’t believe what I’ve just read.

I don’t think I’ve seen a post so entitled in all my life.

The fact you expect her to offer says a lot about who you are as a person.

You’re an adult. If you need help, ask.

You’re harbouring all this resentment towards this poor girl and she has no idea why. That’s disgusting.

Just because she’s a stay at home mum doesn’t mean her time is any less important than yours, and it doesn’t mean she should take your kids every day no matter how long for.

You and your husband both need to have a word with yourselves.


Holy shit. I get being hurt, but this is silly. You’re acting like she is obligated to look after your kid for you. You gonna pay her? Mention it to her that way. “I pay a sitter to look after my kid but you’re my friend and I trust you more. Maybe we could arrange something?” Otherwise, don’t say a word and maybe do this woman a favour and stop being her friend. Sounds like you’re feeling entitled. I’m a stay at home mom and I don’t offer to look after my neighbour’s kids and that’s only because I have enough on my plate, I don’t need to add to that.


Maybe she’s just overwhelmed with her duties. Just because she’s a SAHM doesn’t mean everything comes easy for her.
You want her to share of what she seems to have plenty, try sharing of what you seem to have more. That would be money for working outside too?


Offer her the JOB. Like why wouldn’t you? She doesn’t owe you anything, if she’s your friend then ask yourself why you’re unwilling to value her time and honestly why should she offer to solve your problems? It just sounds shitty.


Get over yourself both you and your husband. Take care of your child. Make the neccessary arrangements to make sure your child is safe and comfortable. No body owes you anything .excuse me??? She hasnt offered. Have you tried offering to pay her for looking after your child like you do the helper? You have no respect, you are self serving and selfish. Respect peoples time and peace of mind.


Have you even asked her? :flushed: just because she’s a stay at home mom doesn’t mean she has all the free time


No wonder she hasn’t ever offered! I wouldn’t offer either considering your whole mindset!
Jesus girl, grow up.


Dude, maybe she assumes you would ASK her like an adult if you needed it and not expect it to be offered. She ISNT a mind reader, she can’t be expected to know what you want or are thinking and even if she did it is absurd for you to take her help as a standard expectation.

As an adult, you can ask her if you can give her a little extra money to pick up, keep, drop off your child with hers since you are neighbors and your kids are good friends and say it would really help you a lot if she could.
Don’t be passive aggressive or act entitled. Go with humble sincerity and there shouldn’t be a problem.
Also, she is allowed to say “No.”.

Your kids rnt her responsibility, she has her own family to take care of and get ready for school- she doesnt need your kids as well- sounds like your friend takes care of her responsibilities doesnt sound like she expects someone else too. U sound like u think she owes u bc u work . U seem very rude, disrespectful, entitled and selfish - so does your husband. Just bc shes an at home mum- she doesnt have to be a babysitter for u. I hope she sees what u r really like.


Uhhh it’s not your neighbors responsibility to look after your kid. Why don’t you just fucking ask her instead of expecting a handout


I’m a SAHM to 6 kids, and I sure as shit don’t go around offering my help to ppl with kids JUST bc they work outside the home :woman_facepalming:


It really sounds like you think you are entitled to her providing child care for your child. This level of entitlement is actually gross and super distasteful. Additionally it sounds like you think since she’s a SAHM, she should do it all for you. Being a SAHM myself, it is hard as shit physically and mentally. I definitely don’t suggest discrediting the work SAHMs do… that’s really crappy honestly. We have just as much on our plate if not more than you do going to work.

You and your husband both need to sit down to figure out your entitlement issues you both seem to have. Never in a million years would I expect or feel it’s my friends job to provide child care for my child since they ride the same bus, go to the same school, are best friends, families go on vacations together, she’s a SAHM, etc. that is just ignorant.


I’m not sure what your job is but imagine being a maid. All day for 40-50`hours a week you clean…clean clean clean. Then add on about another 14 hours a week cleaning your own home. Now your friends gets upset because she works 10 more hours a week than you and you have never offered to clean her home. You dont even know bc she’s never even asked either. If she had asked you may have had the time or you may have been able to explain how you have too many houses youre cleaning right now but since you’ve never been asked its kind of presumptuous to just out of the blue say id do a job you’ve never asked me to do but im not able to because of… if you’re a good stay at home mom your job NEVER ends. It is 24/7, 365 days a year, no holidays off, no sick days, no vacations. She can’t quit or change fields if she gets burnt out. What you see as ONLY 45 minutes, you should see as what if your boss added more work on you and said you had to work 45 minutes more everyday.
I’m not sure why you and your husband are so hurt about this or why you haven’t put yourself in her shoes? I also don’t know why neither of you have ever bothered to ask her to babysit. Did you pay her when she did it the other times bc if not that maybe a good reason why she never volunteered.

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I was gonna say something but I realized that it had been said 494 times…


Dummy. She is not your friend

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Wow these comments!!! It takes a village people. These comments are everything that’s wrong with the world these days. If I see another mama in a pinch, I’m going to offer to help her out. On the other hand, I think the author should just outright ask her if she minds being her back up. She could even ask her if she wants to do it daily and pay her. Just communicate with your mummy friend. Not everyone can see our needs if we don’t ask. But a little grace, people! :two_hearts::two_hearts:

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Because then people expect it… I am not saying she is right. But then she doesn’t owe you nothing. You do get that right. Your & your husband’s decision or need to work outside of your house… Your choice your life. Her being a stat at home mom doesn’t mean she is free to take up the slack you have from not being home… If you’re a stay at home mom, great if you prefer to work great. If you need to work, sorry… But your issues are not her responsibility . And you say she nevers offers but does say yes when you ask. And you now feel as she should be offering… Cause what she’s your mom… Her responsibilities are her children, her home, her family. Doesn’t make her a bad friend… Other than you see her role as nothing compared to what you gotta do. Not her problem. Having to be responsible for your own child is a given… But having to worry about another child, someone else’s… She just can’t have grandma take the child for the day or… Point is assuming she ain’t doing nothing but waiting for moms who can’t be home to do their job. Again… Nothing wrong with not being a stay at home mom… Till you looking at while others aren’t stepping up to do your job. Them kids are friends? And all y’all can think is your own selfish… And that’s why she probably doesn’t offer cause then you’d expect her to be your babysitter… And personally why would you want someone who doesn’t want to to watch your kid. Y’all got issues


I think maybe talking to her and asking for help would be the best thing to do, sometimes we as mommas can only stretch ourselves so thin! It’s already so hard to take care of your own family, and to remember ask your friends if they need help sometimes isn’t a priority when you have so much on your own plate. Some of us are better at offering help than others, I do my best to offer help when I can, but I’m sure she’d help whenever you were in need. But you can’t expect her to offer it, it’s unfair.

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You cant expect people will offer. She may have her personal things to deal with, she may be struggling as a mum and taking on someone elses child might be too much for her. It’s your situation and you have to deal with it without expecatations.

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This has to be an april fool’s joke.


I’m shocked you and your husband are in agreement about this! It’s not your neighbour’s responsibility and you sound entitled! “I can’t even look at her”, “I have so much resentment”?! You’re not a good friend. Childcare is 100% YOUR responsibility! You AND your husband.


She might not want the responsibility of taking care of another child