My friends have told me my son should be potty trained: Advice?

Every child,is different and it seems boys are harder

There’s no set age,they learn it when they’re ready.There’s no sense stressing out about it.One day it will just click.

No 2 children train the same way, give him time.

My grandson was almost four before he was potty trained! Turned out his bladder was too small at 2! Do what’s best for your child.

Don’t force the issue just keep introducing the idea they will when they’re ready

You can try it, but not all kids will do it this soon! I know someone who used to put regular underwear on & a pull up on top! This way when the went they could feel it! It worked! But not all kids are the same!

Boys tend to take longer. My son wasn’t trained until 3 1/2.

if you are really worried have him checked at the doctors to make sure everything is ok, otherwise he will be potty trained when he is ready - maybe skip the potty, get one of those steps and let him use the toilet like a grown up

I agree with not pressuring them, however there’s nothing wrong with trying to catch them at the right time and rewarding success. Little boys especially enjoy peeing on a ping pong ball, or Cheerio, or even in a bucket! Heck, grown men make a game of peeing🤦‍♀️

No, he is fine. But you can start as they do take longer than training a girl

my son wasn’t potty trained until he was 4.

You have to start training them around 2 . Talk about it before then., like let’s go potty . Talking to them is a part of it.

Boys especially are usually 2 1/2 when you start. You will notice the bladder holding a little inbetween diaper changes. It is ok to have him to go with daddy to see how it is done. Try not to use pull ups when starting to get serious about potty training, just when leaving the house. If they are wearing big boy pants and they feel the wettnes it goes much faster.

No way, my son was almost three…i dont know who told you that! He will when he wants to…

Kids potty train at different ages, some early some little later.

Def not too early or too late! I have another baby coming Tuesday and my youngest turned 2 in September! Each kid is different m! Don’t stress!

Every child is different. Boys are usually a little older than girls.

When my 3 were kids that age I’d put them on the potty right after breakfast diner and tea but all kids are different

My boys were three-ish. Save yourself a lot of grief and wait a while.

He is to young, forget it for a yr or 2.

Boys are later them girls just don’t push or he will take longer when he is ready you will know.

He will go when he’s ready to encourage him but don’t scold him for having an accident

It’s a whole lot easier to wait until he’s ready. There’s no set time to have them trained. It’s a lot less stressful for you both.

My baby is almost 2 we’ve started on potty training yes but I’m not forcing it because they will start when they are ready too.

He’s too young - usually 2-1/2 or 3 for boys

He’s still quite young to be completely potty trained but you could begin to encourage him by putting him on the potty at set times to get him used to it and it will happen don’t worry so much what others tell you.

Your the mom, train him when you are both ready for it. 3 of my girls were trained at about 18 months… the 4 daughter was two weeks after her 2and birthday… no training needed. Put undies on her and she knew what to do though she still couldn’t talk. (Had surgery on her tongue tie at 22 months because she couldn’t talk). I have one grandson trained at two the other was 4(is behind developmentally, muscle issue) my two grands just turned 3 are not full trained yet either.

if i recall correct boys are harder and can take longer. hes fine.

Each child when they are ready.

Dont worry about what other people say. You are his mom they are not. He will let you know when he is ready to start

It took all 3 of ours boys to be trained closer to three years old. Both girls by 2 :woman_shrugging:

Tell your friends to mind their own business…kids will learn when they are ready.

Leave him alone. Most boys train later and 2 is just too young. Let him be.

No little boys will start around 2 to 2 1/2. Dont fret your son is not behind…

Don’t let other people tell you when your child is ready. He will let you know and you will work it out together. . .

I’ve been working since she turned 2 because she had interest in it. But then I had her younger brother & she kinda stopped

You can start but don’t force. They all make it.

My girls potty trained around 2, but my boys were not ready until they were 3. Rather than spend 10 months tearing out my hair in frustration and making them feel badly about themselves, I waited until they showed interest and they were pee trained in two days and poop trained in 7 days. Much easier on all of us.

Wait till spring or summer. It will be warmer and less clothes to deal with.

You will know when he is ready! Don’t worry about anyone else!

I’ve potty trained 11 of my 12 kids . By the time they were 3 they were potty trained for day n night no accidents. I just started showing them the potty n big kid underwear when they turned 2 . I’d ask everyday if they wanted to use it . Some trained right after they turned 2 but most did it a few months before they were 3. I let it be on their time saved me from going crazy and poopy underwear :joy:

I started my son at a 1 year old took me 6 months every child is different just keep supporting them. You will get through this

Everyone hits milestones at different times.

My son was 1 and my two girls were 2.

I always waited until they were two and a half to start training. Worked fine with my 3.

Each child is different…

I read that if you put Cheerios in the toilet it makes it fun.:thinking:

Tell “a lot of people” to mind their own business!

I really do not know if kids were smarter years ago my daughter was trained by 2 back in the early 70’s no problem most kids were trained by 2 because you had to either wash diapers or send them out to diaper service so moms trained there kids now with disposable diapers parents do not

Boys are three or older. You know your child, don’t sweat it, it will happen soon enough.

As a mother of 3 boys 20 months to 4 years…no fretting

I had 5 boys. The easy way to train them, is do not use a little potty chair. Train them on the regular toilet. But, sit them on backwards. Kids are afraid of falling in. If you put them on backwards, they can hold on to the tank. I tell you it works. They learn in a few weeks…

Every child is different. Does he talk?

Don’t worry, you and your child will do it when you are ready

Short version; it’s none of their damn business.

Most three year old pre schools will not except a child unless they are trained

Put Cheerios in toliet and tell him to dunk them

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When they are ready they are ready. There could more be going on. If you are worried talk to your doctor and that is all to it

Most kids aren’t usually ready to start until 2 to 2 and a 1/2 or so

My granddaughter is 3 and learning…

Boys are much harder- I was lucky and my 3 boys were potty trained by 2 1/2- and that’s early

STOP listening to ‘people’! 2-years of age is when you begin this process, however, if he shows no interest, then wait a few months and try it again. He should be potty trained by 3-years of age.

At not even 2? No way

My grandsons were not potty trained until 3 1/2.

I think your friends should mind their business instead of yours!

Your friends need to mind their business.


I started with my boys when I noticed them having more dry diapers at night, which was closer to 3. My daughter is not quite two yet and still wet at night, but showing interest in the potty now, so I’m starting a little bit now. She successfully goes in the potty but not ready for serious training. They will tell you their pace!

My Momma always told me as long as they’re potty trained before Kindergarten they’re fine! :grinning:
I let my daughter do it in her own time. She was 3 1/2 and never once wet the bed.

Too soon. He’s nit behind. Ideal most effective age of understanding is 2 1/2.

You will know when he is ready! He has to be interested or he isn’t ready. Keep gently encouraging!:hugs:

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You cant force him to do it. And hes not even 2 yet. He will show sign that he is ready, like being dry for long periods. My son wasn’t fully potty trained until he was 3 1/2. If you try and force him to do it he might end up scared to go on it and it will take even longer. Potty training takes patience

Boys by age 3 …girls by age 2. Don’t try to rush it

Just start letting him pee outside for now. Then once he’s tall enough for the toilet. He’ll be fine.

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Tell these “know it all busy bodies” to mind their own business.

Omg :scream: no!!! Boys are difficult to potty train please do not stress yourself and learn to tell people to mind their own business

Set the timer for every 2 hours and take him to the bathroom. Turn on the water a little bit. Be patient and encourage him. When he goes praise him.

If he has a young one to show him how, he will train easier. Good luck :+1:

Boys take longer than girls… he is fine!

Boys take a lil longer, relax it will happen when he is ready

Don’t listen to that. Not true for every child, especially boys. He will when he is ready.

Time and love will prevail. So interest in ur child learning but don’t force .it’ll happen

Don’t let anyone tell you how to mother your child, he’s ready when he’s ready

I have 2 boys and a girl, all of them were closer to 3 when they were officially potty trained :woman_shrugging:t3:

Not until he is ready!

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He’s fine!! No worries! He’ll do it when he’s ready! Keep introducing the idea to him!

Wait until he is ready! Otherwise it will just be frustrating!! He will let you know!

Every child is different not good to push

he will potty train when he is ready

Thats dumb. He will let you know when he is ready trust your motherly instincts!

Leave him alone. Way too young. Otherwise you are trying yourself, not your child.

My grandson just got potty trained and he is 3

He will get it on his own time

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Tell your people, as adults, they should be able to shut their mouths!

Dont listen to any one each baby is different… … you will be surprised congratulations on your new baby

People really need to mind their own business!!!

Encourage him but he will do it in his own time.

Listen to your mother’s intuition, YOU know he’s not ready… YOU will know when he is ready…

When he is able to understand what potty means.

Not all are potty trained by then

No. When he is ready, it will be easy. Don’t push him.