I would take your child’s cues. Not all kids are ready just yet. M daughter will be 2 in April. She. She wakes up with a poop she has already stripped her on bottoms off or says eeww…lol, so she’s obviously aware of her bm now. She peed in the tub and we asked did you just pee and she said yes. We are going to get a potty for her 2nd bday and just let her lead the way with a little encouragement.
You’ll know hen he’s ready. There’s no set age or time. I heard someone say before that no kid ever started school still in diapers.
My son was almost 3 before he was potty trained. But I still put him night pullups.
Don’t listen to your “friends”
Each child is different, give him time & patience.
I would wait until the new baby comes as little ones often back track when the baby comes along. I always waited and it seemed to work out well!
In my experience girls train earlier than boys! Boys are usually 3 or 4 years old
My youngest son will be 4 in May, and while it isn’t ideal he isn’t potty trained yet. It is what it is. Tell your “friends” to shut up.
My oldest son was a premie baby, and a little behind at a lot of milestones. He wore pull ups at night until the month after he turned 5…my middle 2 boys on the other hand basically potty trained themselves, both before they were 3. Every child is different.
If he isn’t showing signs he is ready, pressuring him to do it is only goi g to push him further from it. New baby plus that pressure also will cause regression if he isn’t ready. Let him tell you. General rule of thumb is if they can communicate needs with legible words they can begin the process of potty training, but only if they are interested and are not forced. People like to tell other moms what they need to do just because their kid did it. Do not listen to them, your kid, your time, you do things how you feel is right
I had two girls then two boys. Potty training the girls was easy not so with either of the boys. I got them character underwear and that’s what did the trick. Never thought that Superman had such power with my youngest son. Also, treats when they accomplish peeing in the potty helps too. I found with my granddaughter that a Mickey Mouse toddler potty chair was the answer. Every child has a different incentive to go in the potty. Find the child’s favorite incentive and it will be easy.
1 they let u know when they are ready and that’s the easiest time. 2 boys are slower at everything. 3 most boys aren’t ready till around the age of 3
When your little one wakes up dry then it might be time to start. It can take time don’t rush it. Boys typically start about 2 1/2 to 3. You also might want to have a special surprise in the beginning of potty training. Also this works well with boys. When he learns to stand up and pee place 1 or 2 cheerios in the toilet and tell him to aim at the cheerios. Trust me you won’t have pee all over the toilet.
My son wasn’t potty trained until almost 3. Thats normal for boys
Most Boys are closer to 3. Don’t worry!! When he is ready you will know it.
There are no set dates…each child is different! That being said…you can introduce it to him and encourage but let him lead…I used cherrios as targets in the toilet when they were ready to try…
I would strive to start him in spring , shorts are easier to pull down than pants and in a few months he may be ready
Most people don’t even start till around 2 years of age. I thought my boys were never going to learn.
My daughter left her daughter till she was 3 as she would understand better she was out of nappies in less than a week the end of the second week she was dry at night dont listen to others
My son just started going on his own and he turned 3 last month!
Don’t listen to anyone else. You’ll know when he’s ready and when you’re ready!! Boys are notoriously late training!!
Mine wasnt potty trained till almost 4
My grandson is very stubborn so I haven’t started yet & he’s 2 1/2
Don’t worry about what other people say. Each child is different. If you’re worried ask your Dr.
My son is turning 3 in February and has no interest in potty. Dr said he is fine and let him decide when to go
don’t listen to what other people say…it is between you and your son and he will let you know when he is ready…could be 3 before he shows signs of potty training…
Don’t worry if he’s not, start introducing it and he’ll catch on
My grandson with be 3 on Feb 5th and wants nothing to do with it.
You can try putting him on the potty if it works good. Most little ones will show they are ready.
Not until he’s ready every child is different
All children are different dont worry when he is ready it will happen
Do you and your toddler a favor and stop listening to what others are telling you. If the statement contains “should, would or could”, disregard it! If your child is happy and healthy, safe and loved, you’re doing fine.
If he’s not showing any signs and doesn’t communicate with u about it I would say no
That’s kind of young, every child is different there’s no set age for when they’re ready we didn’t start with my son til he was 3 because he didn’t seem ready before that, don’t let anyone make you feel bad or like your doing it wrong, you know your child and you will be able to tell when you believe they are ready to begin potty training
boys are harder to train hes still young so dont worry about what others says
That’s crazy 2 every kid is different, you do what works for your child
He’ll train himself by watching others to young yet.
I’m confused…what’s is showing signs?
A parent says when. I know some parents who never initiated potty training and panic set in that they couldn’t go to preschool. The easiest way is to stay home for a weekend and remove pants and keep a portable potty nearby. Explain the potty and if they need to go that’s where they go. Find what motivates the child and use rewards. At night put on a pull up and show them big boy underwear. Don’t forget to praise and throw a party (clap) each time they go.
I have 3 sons (adults) they didn’t learn until they were 3
My son was 3. Don’t push. When they’re ready, you’ll know. You do you.
My 3 year old grandson just said one day…no more diapers…I want big boy pants…he was ready…
Don’t train till the the new baby is born. You don’t want him going backwards
He will go when he is ready! Don’t fret!!!
That’s crazy. Most are big trained by two. Usually two in a half to three
The farmers almanac. Has been used for 100 of years there is a section called best days. When to potty train, when to wean from bottle. Chances are many grandparents have used it.
Have daddy take him and show him how boys go! Don’t rush, he’ll catch on.
Both my boys were 3 ! They start when they ready
I wasn’t potty trained till I was 4 years old because I wasn’t ready till then. Don’t sweat it.
It usually happens between ages 2-3. Some encouragement with a treat after has helped. But dont worry it will happen.
I don’t know who the hell your friends are, but Do Not listen to them. For a little boy 2 is much too little. Must boys are almost 3. Little girls in the other hand can be around 2. But girls really want to potty train, some boys have No interest. Don’t worry! And definitely Do Not Rush him!
You will know when he’s ready. There is no age for every child.
My son was almost 2 1/2 years before we got him trained.
Most little boys start around two. You can’t potty train a child before they are ready don’t let anyone shame you about it. It’s not even uncommon for boys to take a little longer
You’re always going to have the “perfect parents” that know everything. Each child is different…he’ll go when he’s ready
Don’t worry about it. Start perhaps around two and a half then introduce him to the potty, explain, at his level, what it’s for and when his part is using the potty.
Don’t worry some kids don’t train as young as others He will learn on his own time. I think if you push them before they are ready it will take them longer
Each child is different they go when they are ready 2 is when u get them ready to potty train
Both of mine were fully trained at 2. However it was a time of using cloth diapers. They did like feeling wet and I didn’t like washing poop out of diapers.
Boys definitely take a little longer than girls. He will let you know when he’s ready.
Every kid is different. Don’t listen to your friends he will get there.
He is not behind. There is a muscle that has to be physically mature in order for him to control urine, etc.
He will let you know when he is ready …ny oldest two sons were right around 3 and my third son was younger but he had older brothers to keep up with lol
Tell your friends to mind their own business. When he is ready it will happen.
Don’t let anybody tell you how to raise your child. Threatening, screaming or spanking isn’t going to make them learn any faster. My boys were about 3 yrs old my daughter was 2 1/2 when they were potty trained. I had both my mom & mil on my A$$ about getting my oldest trained. I finally had to tell them NICELY that I would potty train them on OUR time. When they started hiding from me that’s when I sat & talked to them about going pee & poo in the toilet. I took them shopping & let them pick out a toy & Big kid undies. We got home put the toy on a high shelf & told them that they were not allowed to play with it until they started doing their business in the toilet. They put their Big kid undies on. I would ask them about every 20 minutes if the had to go. Every other time I would sit them down, turn the faucet on & talk about the pee & poo going down the belly pipes. About 80% of the time it was successful. I would make a BIG scene about how Excited I was about them going in the toilet. Prepare for a few accidents, use a timer to keep track of time. My sons took about 3 days (a few accidents), my daughter about 1 1/2 days( no accidents).When they got it, I gave them their toys because they had earned it. We stayed home about a week to get them on a routine. This was the Best way for everybody without anybody being Frustrated. Sorry this is long but you shouldn’t feel like you’re not doing a good job at being a mom from anybody. Good Luck!!!
I put Cheerios in the toilet for them to aim at, they thought it was great! And a star chart not candy treats
My sister tried to start potty training @2 but her doctor told her its too early and to let her just get use to the idea of it
Boys for some reason take longer, dont even try till he is 3.
Like everyone, he will be ready when he is ready. Don’t push, the time will come on its own. Tell the others to mind their business. This is your kid not theirs
Well first off it SHOULD be Dads job to take him in and show him how its done !!! also you need to buy or build a step for him to stand on so he can practice peeing down into the toilet. If you’re a single Mom you are going to have to do these things and yes you should start doing this now by always asking if he needs to go maybe right after you do.
Boys are a little harder then girls but he will when ready I bet when baby comes he will do it just tell him big brothers use potty! He is fine!
People really should mind their business…
2 years is NOTHING to worry about. 4 is where I would worry a bit
Tell them to pack sand. You will know when he is ready. Pushing before could backfire…
It is different with all children.
2 is pretty young especially for a boy. My 21 month old grandson is just starting to want to sit on the potty when someone else is.
My son was 2 1/2 - 3 … they’ll do it when they are ready. All are different.
Don’t even start till he is 2 and1/2 you’re just going to frustrate yourself and stress him
Every child is different. Boys on average take longer than girls but at 2 dont sweat it. Sometimes its 3 b4 they get interested and pushing too hard before theyre ready can make it take longer
My girls started before the boys. Don’t push! They are ready when they get there!!
You should introduce it but don’t be discouraged if he doesn’t pick it up
Tell your ‘friends’ to mind their own business. Each child is different and will accomplish things on their own time frame.
Most boys are not ready until they are about 2 1/2 or 3. If you force it too soon they will rebel and it will take a lot longer
When he is ready I say maybe after 2 years you can start and see how it goes
It’s common for small children to have delays when they hear of new arrivals coming.
Don’t worry… He’ll let u no when he is ready… Mine were both about 3 1/2
My son just turned 3 and isnt potty trained
Boys do it when they are ready… they may have already been ready but not really. Boys!
My pediatrician told me way back when, 2 for girls and 3 for boys
If he’s only 2, he isn’t . 3 is average age to even start. Don’t stress it
Little boys tend to be ready closer to 3 yrs.old. don’t beat yourself up over it.
Mine just turned 4 in December and just had fully potty trained. It depends on the child. He will get it . No worries
I had 3 boys and none of them trained til about 2 1/2! Boys are usually a bit slower too than girls but each child is different. You child is FINE!
Don’t listen to anyone. You’re his mother and you handle things the way you want.
I had three kids seven grandkids and one great there are ready when there are ready don’t push
My older was potty trained by 2, the youngest was almost 3. Kids are different.
My son was 3 and a half boys are usually harder ,
2? Most boys are closer to 3 before they are potty trained.
My grandson started at 2 but he was talking and could tell us. Every child is different. Don’t rush it.
All children are different. I’ve raised 7. Three of my own and 4 grandchildren. Only one was a girl and she didn’t train until she was 3. One grandson did all by himself at 18 months. I think that was because he had 2 older cousins in the house. Tell your friends to butt out.
Mine wasn’t pottie trained until 4 1/2
My son was trained at two I think 4 is to old they will be starting school at that age…
Don’t listen to everyone he will get there. You are his mom. Opinions are like assholes everyone has one