Just keep trying with him but don’t ever get angry with him and he will get there in the end
Those people are not your friends. They are a little judgmental. Listen to your son.
He’ll let you know when he’s ready
Potty train when he’s ready
Otherwise you are training to put him on the potty when you thi k he’s ready.
Don’t force him. He will go when he is ready.
Well I had 4 children and the magic number was 3. Relax
He’ll let you know when he is ready.
Oh, good heavens, do what feels right. Don’t listen to “friends”.
My son showed no interest u til he was 3. Don’t rush it. He will b ready when he’s ready
He will be ready when he is ready…boys usually take little longer…he will be fine. Dont worry.
I would wait until may or June, better to potty train in warmer weather
Don’t worry about what other people say. All kids are different. I have 6 and none if them were potty trained at the same time.
Boys are different than girls. He will tell you when he is ready!
Stop listening to other people. Two is to young!
are they dumb… potty trained by 3 is typical.
No kid are the same. My son didnt start potty training till 2.5
He is almost two!! He is just fine!!!
do whats best for you and your son, not what other people think you should do. you will know when its time.
Every child is different.
Boys def take longer, do what you feel is right.
No… every child is different
We’re children smarter years ago all of my friends kids were trained by Two
Exactly! Stressing won’t make it happen!
Tell your friends to MYOB! Every child is different. When he’s ready, you’ll know
I agree with Penny and I raised 4
That’s not true, all kids are different
He’s fine. I have two boys and boys take longer.
Boys take longer - don’t worry he’ll get there
He will do it in his own time, just let him be.
Give him at least 6 more months
Don’t stress him or you out over this … he will get it in his time…
why worry…everybody gets it sooner or later…except trump. He just shits everywhere
my son turned 2 at the end of September and he’s just now starting to understand the potty. Tell your friends to shut up
Every child is Different!!!
buy him a special potty let him get used to sitting on it.
Dr. told me they know when the time is right.
Don’t be in such a hurry, you will know when its time.
Tell people to mind their own business
Same happened to me. It will happen.
I have 5 kids. They all potty train at diffrent ages
Some take longer to train. Best of luck!!
Boys take longer mine were almost 3
Rude friends. Relax. He’s a baby.
Boys potty train at 3
Do not force Him, he will start when ready. Follow your gut he is your Son.
When he is ready. Don’t stress out
My great granddaughter is gonna be 4 and she’s not either
My advice…don’t listen to your friends.
Too early, in my opinion!!!
It’s up to you to get him started, not the child
Don’t even try until he’s thee.
Boys take longer than girls but start now
Sometimes boys just take longer.
Great Grandsons are 4 and 6. Both not potty trained. Oldest had something wrong with intestines and could tell when he had to go poop. He’s getting better. But both to busy and will be good one day next just pee in pull ups.
Between two and three
I always started around 2 and seen how it went. Not all respond the same. My oldest was trained the very first time i took him to the potty. Never had any accidents at night or anything. Middle son make himself constipated and have urinary issues from holding it. He would only go in a diaper so i tried leaving it off of him. I had to wait 6 months and try again and he got it no problem.
You and your son decide, not your friends
Buy some big boy underwear to entice him.
Nah. Took both my kids until 3. Happens.
I was always told to start trying after the 2nd summer, but i the child isn’t interested at all, wait awhile then try again
There is no timeline. He will get there. You can begin some techniques of positive reinforcements to encourage him.
Boys take longer, plus kids all learn at different stages. Who cares what someone says. It matters to you and your doctor what and where you kid should be at.
My son had no choice. He had to be potty trained. He was a very chubby baby and didnt fit the diapers any more, lol. It was easy for him. Now hes tall and lean… And one of those people everyone hates that can eat everything and gain no weight. Yep thats him. LoL
My second writing try on Facebook
Next summer is the right time
If he’s not ready, wait! My son was potty trained at 2, all 4 of my nephews at 3. There is no specific time
Boys are super freaking hard… don’t expect ANYTHING completed until 3… if before hand, you’re a conqueror haha
People need to mind their own business…
All children are different. My oldest was trained before he was 2. I also had one that was almost 4.
I trained both of my boys over a weekend. My oldest never had accidents. My 2nd one had 4. But over all it worked out.
I just gave my kids drinks All day. We would use the bathroom every 20 minutes. Because they didnt eat during that time. I let them drink until bed. That means i would have to wake then up around 2 let them pee and the rest is history… no more diapers. Good luck
I didn’t even read past not even two yet. Both my sons were 3 and that is more normal for boys.
Bag of Marshmellows got
My great grandaughter going
My grandsons doctor told me not to force them to potty train. Children will do it on their time when they are ready. My boys are in their 40’s and 30’s and they were potty trained at an early age because I hated cloth diapers. Being around daycares the age most kids are trained is three. Best of luck.
Tell them it’s your business not their’s
They will do it when they are ready.
You’ll know when it’s time. He’s your Son!!
Hispanics wait until child is 3. Works much better
He’ll let you know when he is ready. You can start getting him use to the toilet by putting him on it and put him in pull ups not diapers.
I’m 61 years old and I’m still not completely potty trained…
Boys take longer than girls.
I started mine boys at 2 yrs.
I started mine when they were about 2. I would sit them on the potty whilst I got their bath fixed. If they did something fine, if not that was OK too. Then I would take them when I went. Pretty soon they got the hang of it. With my first I knew nothing, but I figured he was ready when he would bring me a clean diaper and lay down on the floor in front of me. .
My daughter is turning 3 in February and she’s still not interested in the pottty
My son was potty trained before he turned two. Kids do t like being wet or but some kids are different
Wait till he’s ready
When he’s ready you will know
Just make it fun. Start introducing him to the commode. Set him on it with a potty seat on top right after he wakes up. NEVER get angry or upset with him or let him see young frustrated.
That is pure bs! Closer to three is more like it.
My youngest was over 3. Don’t worry over it. Work on it but don’t make it a problem. Good luck.
Are you serious, 2 is like the earliest you can potty train, my son is 3 and he just isn’t ready yet
Tell your friends to watch there own bobber.
Wow heather felver u have 6 kids??
Don’t listen to” your friends “
Have your husband take him in the bathroom when he pee’s and tell him that it’s what big boys do. If he is ready he will try to do it. Tell him that you are having a baby and he’s a big boy now. My son was trained at 13 months because my husband did it. I didn’t have 2 kids in diapers at the same time so you can do it.
My grandson was over three when I potty trained him sosit in the summer and it was so easy
Boys take longer than girls to be potted trained.Dont hurry him.
One of my grandsons would crawl to his potty at 12 months. Earliest kid I have ever seen to want to potty. All kids are different
You’re doing just fine.
There is no set age. When they are ready it will happen. My 1st son was 3. My second was 2 and 3rd son was 20 months. It just depends on the child. Just don’t pressure him, it will all work out.
Step #1
pee on tree with older boy’s