My friends have told me my son should be potty trained: Advice?

My sons pediatrician just told me to wait until he’s about 2 and a half because boys are slower at learning how to potty than girls are and that’ll we’d all just get really frustrated trying to potty train him. It wasn’t to say not to she was just being helpful. Needless to say its completely normal for him not to be potty trained yet.

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My boys were 3 before they trained . Your son is a bit young . Trust me , he won’t go to kindergarten wearing diapers. He will use the potty when He is ready !

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Many kids, boys especially, don’t potty train until way later… 3+. You are still way early! My son is 20 months and I don’t see us starting until 2.5 or so… But, if you wanted to (not because of pressure from others), start reading some potty books, and learning terms. We just got my son a big boy potty so he can get used to seeing it and sitting on it. Your son will show signs when he’s ready (diaper pulling, verbalizing or signing).

Both of mine were 3. You can’t force potty training, he will go when he is ready.

I potty trained my small fella in the winter and because it’s cold he got it very quickly.he didn’t like the wet feeling obviously…

My son was 2 1/2 when he was potty trained…he was sooo easy to train. A nephew was nearly 4 & the other nearly 5 when he was potty trained. Your kiddo isn’t even 2 yet. Girls tend to potty train earlier than boys, but before 2 isn’t too common anymore for either gender. You’re doing good Momma! No worries!!!


My son was almost 4, before completely potty trained ! Every kid is different

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All 3 of my children were potty trained at 4 years old , waiting did them no harm


My son is 3 and potty training sux lol he is my 6th and last child and is very stubborn he will go when he is ready I keep telling myself

Boys tend to be trained later than girls. My son was almost 4 before he was trained.

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When our son was almost 2 we put a potty chair in the bathroom and when his dad would teetee he’d take him with him and see if he needed to go too. Soon he wanted to be a big boy and potty alone. Pretty soon the other part just happened. So all in all he was easy. His sisters were another story all together…


Dont go by what other people say. All kids learn at different rates. My son wasnt fully potty trained until the age of 3 going on 4.


I knew when it was time to potty train when my son told his daddy he needed to change his diaper…LOL…he was about 1.5yr. My dad had him potty trained in a week while he was on vacation. Usually you’ll know and the kids will too…there is no time limit.Good luck to you momma.

If you have another baby on the way, starting him now may not be worth it, especially if he’s not ready. Many older siblings regress in their behavior once a little one arrives, so any progress made would probably be lost. Frankly, he doesn’t need to be potty-trained by now. It’s not abnormal at all. If he was four, sure. But he’s not even two yet. Your friends need to cool their jets and mind their own business.


My daughter will he 4 in march and she just completed potty training. Depends on you and how well he takes to it. Some dont and need to wait a little longer.

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I used fruit loops in the toilet for him to aim at! Also allowed a sticker for each time he used the potty and he placed them on his potty seat… But he was 3 almost 4 before he was fully potty trained. My girls were 16 months and 18months soooooooo much longer

Every kid is different. I speak from experience in saying that boys usually potty train a little later than girls. My 3 girls were all trained by the age of 2. My son was almost 4 before he was finally trained.
That being said, it’s never too early to introduce it. Just try not to stress yourself out too much. He won’t fully train until he’s ready.

It depends on your child. NO one should tell you what to do with him about this. Maybe you can get a potty and set it where he can see it and there are kids story books( maybe videos too) that tells a story about using the potty You can watch it with him. If you think he is ready for it then go ahead and try. Just don’t MAKE it a big thing just yet. I think my son was before he was 2, I had a really great babysitter that helped as when he was there. Maybe start out with those pull-up and explain to him about it. Just don’t push him the first few weeks. Does he have other kids around (?) he might see them and decide he wants too. ONLY you know your child and can decide when to start

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Every child is different. If he isn’t showing any indication that he’s ready, forcing him to start could cause him to become even more resistant to potty training.

My son was not completely potty trained till the day of his thrid birthday all kids are different don’t stress about it.

Don’t let people judge you about your child all kids are different you will know by his action when you ask him to something and he can follow though then you can at least start that the way I did mine but everyone different

They are wrong he won’t be ready until about 3 let your son learn when he’s ready

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He will let you know when hes ready don’t let people tell you how to raise your child both my boys where ready by 2 1/2 my girls where almost 4 you can try but wouldn’t push it cause it can just make them fight it more

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Kids are all different. People are always going to push their way if thinking on you. Just ignore them and keep doing you.

Most children learn by 3 years old but, be patient have him or her cue you in when they’re ready Beverly rushing them just creates anxiety & they’ll take longer to train.

Honey, do not stress yourself out. If he’s not showing signs you’re just wasting your time. When the time is right you’ll know. Potty training requires A LOT of patience. If you start too early you will be frustrated and so will your son. Just follow the clues when you see them.:wink:


Both my boys were 3 and I tried many times prior and they weren’t ready/feeling it so I did it when they were ready. You are not behind, you do what is best for your child!
Good luck :smiling_face:

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All children train at different ages look for the signs if he’s ready. Does he hide to poop, or come tell you he has peed or pooped in his diaper. You are the mom. Training won’t go well unless your child is ready.

My boys were harder than my girls. But I started at 2 with mine. But I would say it was about 3 before we had no accidents at all. We used Cheerios to help with the aiming because they had to stand up. I just told them to sink the cereal.

I use to work at a child care place and a child had to be potty trained by the time they were 3 so you give your son time my granddaughter will be 3 in March and she is almost there

I never trained my boy’s until the age of 3 bcuz they can hold thier bladder better

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Tell them to kiss your butt!!! All kids are different. He will be trained when he’s trained. My son was I believe 2.5-3 and that’s because he was bladder shy. It took me for ever to figure out why. Then I did and bam he started going to the bathroom. I think we used pull ups a couple times at night. And when we stopped we only had a few accidents. Don’t listen to what ppl say YOUR son should be doing. Just keep trying you will get there.

Boys are harder to train. My daughter was 18 months i believe and my son was almost 3.5 before he was fully potty trained. They both started pulling their diapers off and acted crazy when they were “ready” you still have time

You know my first son was 15 months old when I started at 3 I said screw this and was convinced he would go to college in diapers at 3 years 5 mo he came in to the house yelling mom give me big boy pants and that was it he was trained I had 5 in the end and the youngest was 2 years 11 months the longest was 4 years 3 months

My oldest son wasn’t potty trained until about 3 1/2. Don’t stress out about it. Just keep offering the potty & big boy underwear. He will get it. You got this.

Both of my children werent fully potty trained until they were almost 4

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My son was 3 before he was potty trained

Dont listen ro people saying he should be already. My daughter was 3 and half when she decided to potty train. Like everyone else is saying he knows his body and he will tell you when he is ready

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My mother always said u should take a baby that is 2 years old to the potty every 2 hours during the day and it should be trained by the time its 2 and ahalf or 3 years old girls my be ready to start at 1 and a half

Don’t worry he is too young! Worry about it when he’s ready for kindergarten

My son was almost 3 before he was potty trained…my daughter is almost 2 1/2 and she’s not potty trained yet but we’re working on it

each kids different. oldest son 18 months youngest 4 years they will do it I. their time

You will know when it’s time,allboys are different,had 3 boys,the 1st was 3,2nd was 4,3rd was 31/2 when ready to train.Don’t let people tell you when to train your kid.

Most boys do better at 3years old, but every kid is different

there is no rule for every child, my oldest was almost 3, my son in the middle was using the potty at 2, and my youngest was closer to3, about 2-1/2. Dont rush just relax

Every child is different! He is in no way behind! He will be ready when he is ready! Really upsets me when people put numbers on milestones like that.

Dont be like my MIL and potty train your son at the age of 6 she told me she didnt want to teach him so she didnt do antything until he was 6

My girls were all 3 before they were 100% potty trained. Do your best and just let those comments go in one ear and out the other.

I hear with boys it is best to be closer to 3.

Your child will potty train when HE is ready… not when you want him to be.

Kida do what they want theres not 2 the same its ok it really is dont let people rush ur child :wink: throw a cheerio in the tolit n tell him to aim for it make it a game

When he is ready you will know don’t push him

I can’t remember what age mine was, but it was time when they started taking them off

Let him do it when he’s ready, you’ll know when he’s ready… if not it’s gonna be more stressful on you and him

Don’t know rushing him went he ready he will let you know ok bye stay dry during nap time and waking up dry

Stop worrying he will when he is ready. He may very well surprise you

Every child is different n never force it …he’ll let you know when he’s ready

Still small! Give him a bit more time x

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All children are different, don’t let anyone make you feel bad or question your parenting !!

My son and daughter were 3

Dont let anyone get u down, all kids are different, my now 2 yr old daughter isn’t potty trained yet, she goes on the potty but only if I have her sit on it, shes not at the stage of telling me she has to go yet, now my almost 1w yr old daughter was waaay different she was completely potty trained by 2n half. Started her at 18 months same as my 2 yr old. Each child is different

To young to even think of trying

Summer after 2nd b day

Both boys by 2yrs old

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Not even 2 yet? He’s definitely not behind. 2.5/3 is more of an average age kids start showing signs of readiness. Some are ready sooner, some not til later. Every child develops at a different rate. If he’s not showing signs of readiness, trying to force it can delay him. It causes frustration and stress around subject. I would leave it alone until he’s showing signs and tell everyone else to mind their own business.

I am a toddler teacher at a childcare center and boys tend to be late in potty training then girls. One thing you could do to start potty training if you are ready is to have him sit in on a potty chair. Most kids are comfortable starting to sit on the potty chair first and then when they are ready will transition to the toilet. He might not be ready yet and that’s okay :slightly_smiling_face: Also when you are getting him ready to potty train/ when you want him to start wearing underwear it would be much appreciated to the teachers if he’s in childcare that you try it out over a weekend so that his teachers can get information on how it went. Another thing that could help to motivate him is having a sticker chart so when he goes on the toilet and doesn’t have a accident all day he gets a sticker so if he get 5 stickers he could get a prize. Another thing that may help is if he’s not quite ready yet or if he asks to wear underwear you can have him wear it over his diaper. Hopefully this information will help :slightly_smiling_face: It might take a while for him to be fully potty trained every child is different.


They are ready when they are ready. My pediatrician told me you don’t see children going to kindergarten not potty trained so they will do it when they are ready. You can encourage and use positive reinforcement but don’t push. Tell those people to mind their own business and don’t let it get to you!!


My daughters are both smart, beautiful and look very similar, but one was almost 4 when she finally decided to potty train and one was barely 2. I tried to force my first one and it just ended up in tears for both of us. I always say I didn’t potty train either of my girls, I just had everything available for when they decided to train themselves.


Don’t worry about what your friends say :tipping_hand_woman:t3: they should worry about themselves.

Secondly, my first didn’t potty train till almost 3, while my second started potty training before he was 2 and was potty trained at 2.

There’s no need to rush this. Each kid will do it on their own time. People need to stay out of other peoples business


My oldest potty trained even at night at 2, my middle child was stubborn and almost 4, my youngest potty trained during the day by 3 and still has accidents at night at 7(dr has been talked to and there is no underlying conditions he just sleeps really heavy). Every child is different and trying to force them to conform to what you believe they should or shouldn’t be doing isn’t ok. They will be ready and you will know when they are on their own time.


Can he dress/undress himself? Does he tell you when he feels like he has to go? Does he show interest in the potty? If not he’s probably not ready. My girls trained at 2 and 3…my boys were 3 and 4. There’s not a time they’re “supposed” to be trained. Each child is different. Let his readiness guide you. Also talk to his pediatrician.


Almost 2? Puh-lease!!! Not even 2 means you can see how he feels about the potty. But no way in hell can anybody say with absolute surety that he SHOULD be potty trained by now. :joy: They don’t all have a switch you can flip to go from diapers to perfect potty training. Every single kid is different, and they’re ready at their own pace. You can try little tricks and tips from other parents to see if he’s ready, but you can NEVER make them ready.


I would wait until after the baby is born too, IF he is ready then. If you try to do it before he will probably revert back. I know it took longer with my son than my daughter and NO there isn’t anything wrong with him


I found out I was preg with my second when my son was 20 months! I immediately started potty training. He wasn’t ready. Started again the week after his 2nd birthday and he had it mastered within 5 days! Point is… do it when he is ready! (p.s. Kindergarten is a little late to “start”). Enjoy it all. It goes faster than you have ever imagined! Signed, the mom of a 35 & 33 yr old!


Don’t listen to or get discouraged by what others say or ‘think’ is right!!! He’ll be ready when he’s ready. Don’t try to force him into it either because he’ll more than likely end up having ‘accidents’ that way. My baby girl turned 2 in May and we still haven’t started potty training yet. They have to be able to understand what they’re doing and be able to feel & know when the urge to pee hits them. I don’t feel like she’s at that point yet, so I’ll wait til I believe she’s ready. Some people just want to rush them into it. I say let them be babies and quit trying to rush them into stuff just because you don’t want to be changing diapers or spending money on buying diapers!
They’ll learn when they’re ready!!!


I have six kids you’re doing fine. I found I don’t believe in potty training until close to three, especially boys. So much easier and we were always done training in a few days!


As a dance teacher and gymnastic coach, many kids aren’t ready to potty train until 3/4. Many parents push their kids at age 2 so they can “join in” activators. Believe me many “ accidents” I’ve had to clean up weren’t accidents if they happen everyday. Kids will start when they are ready and it will come and go.

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There isn’t really a set age . My oldest was just past 2 and his brother was past 2 1/2 . It all happens when it happens


Forget what others are telling you!!.Each child is different.My 3 year old Grandson never took a shine to them little potty chairs at all.He has a older brother n he has seen everyone uses the big potty…He kinda trained himself!..Just by observing his older brother using the bathroom…Just had to put a step stool for him in place. As for the toliet itself…We invested in a dual…Where its a reg size or flip it to a child size. Im even surprised one nite he woke me at 2am…cause he got to go potty…to pooped!! I was so happy n proud of him.Nobody nagged him about this at all…Went smoothly.So please just give your child space n time.Good Luck.


Nope. The worst thing you can do is push him before he is ready. I worked in a child care center for 10 years and have 3 of my own. Very few children were potty trained by 2 and the ones that were pushed into it had tons of accidents.


My daughter turned 2 a month before my son was born, (a few decades ago, lol) and was just starting potty training. She decided that if the baby could wear diapers, so could she, and quickly back pedaled. When the baby was about 3 months we tried again and it went smoothly. My son was still not fully trained by 3. It’s different for all kids, boys or girls, and there is no reason for it to be “bad”. Your child will potty train when it works for you and him. Do not let anyone tell you differently…


Every child is different, and boys often take longer than girls. My son was nearly 4 before he was fully potty trained, but could read by that time. They’ll get there when they’re ready.


Bull crap!!! 1. As a rule, boys potty train later than girls…my first 2, I took them potty every hour…I was trained not them, but they eventually did it on their own, by age 3. #3 would always hold something back-not empty bladder and go in his pull-up…a battle of the wills ensued…you cannot force a child to control his bodily functions…you will lose! Finally I gave up…gave birth to a child with heart problems, and I just didn’t have the time or the energy…he stayed dry one night and was always dry from that time on, at about age 3-1/2.


Tell the critics to mind their own business. Each child trains at their own pace and the more you pressure a child, the longer it takes. Make it fun, a game. When my son, who is 35 now, was training I used to put Cheerios or Fruit Loops in the toilet so he could “aim and shoot them down” LOL. He loved it and no stress. Good Luck!


I personally think boys take a little longer. And like others have said each child is different. I potty trained my son at 18 months and I regret it. He wasn’t ready and he had accidents and wore a bedtime pull-up FOREVER! Take your time. He will let you know when he’s ready.


What I’ve done is I bought a potty chair (last one was a potty ladder, worked really well!) and just put it in the bathroom so it’s not unfamiliar to him. Let him sit on it throughout the day. If and when he goes make a big deal out of it and let him know how proud you are. He is still a little young. Every child is different. You will know if you try to train him if he is ready.


Some children take longer than others. Tell you friend to go tend to their children. Hes fine. I worked in child care and had 3 year olds that werent potty trained and they werent behind. Give him time and just keep working with him.


Back in the old days when we had cloth diapers and manual washing machines believe me they learned around one yr to one and half. disposible diapers changed all that!!! My mother in law said it is the mother that has to be trained first. They were very uncomfortable in the wet diapers so made it easier.


He is perfectly fine!! He will be ready when he is ready. You can have conversations about the potty, model potty behavior, etc but he’ll use it in his own time. Please don’t feel rushed! It’ll only frustrate you both. I teach preschool (3-5 year olds) and I will tell you that there is NO magic number when it comes to potty training. I’ve had 3 year olds come in fully trained, and I’ve celebrated the milestone with 5 year olds who just figured it out. All kiddos are different. He’ll get there eventually! Just be supportive and patient.


Are you able to use the bathroom on command? Neither is your two year old! When he develops an awareNess of his bodily functions, he will be easier to train. (Waking up dry, telliing you he went potty or poop.) Familiarize him with the toilet but don’t stress. Each child has their own timetable. Mother of four here- three sons, one daughter - all trained differently. Just be patient with him and yourself!


I have three children and they were all potty trained at 2 years old . I dont think your late or anything like that… I just personally started potty training when they started to talk more. they picked up pretty fast when I introduced them to it … it never hurts to try if they don’t get it its ok , it’s a learning process! Good luck


Every child is different. As long as he’s trained by the time he starts school.


I have 3 boys. I think they are not ready at 2 years old. All 3 of my boys were 3 when I potty trained. They were older, understood the concept , picked in up immediately and never ever had a wet bed. I think it’s worth waiting for a bit


My pediatrician said boys are usually closer to the age of 3 before they are ready to start training. She said to wait till he can go to bed and wake up with a dry diaper. We have started him on pull ups to get him used to pulling them up/down though.


You should start entertaining it for sure, one of mine was 18 mos the other two were done by 2.5. They do it on their own time but it needs to be introduced young so they know it’s an expectation


Not every child is the same. My son will be 4 in June and just now started telling us he has to go potty. He pees on the potty but not poop, everyone tells me he should be going on the potty by now, it’s hard because I have 2 other kids also in diapers but I’m glad that he knows now when he has to go. We just ask him every half hour and we make him sit on his potty even if he feels like he doesn’t have to go. Most times he actually goes. Consistency is key


Every kid is different
A lot of people say boys potty train later then girls
I agree with that
None of my boys were potty trained at 2


Please relax. My first son was 2 and 1/2. He didn’t like being in a wet or dirty diaper, so it was painless to potty train him. My second really didn’t care, so he was closer to 3. Each child is different.

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Don’t feel pushed to potty train when he or you aren’t ready…my oldest son was 3.5yrs old…we started the process when he was almost 3 and it didn’t really go until right before he started preschool…my youngest will be 3 in February and we are just starting the process slowly because he isn’t fully ready. But we are just having him pee when he gets up in the morning and after nap. You also have to find what their incentive is. My youngest loves chocolate chips. My oldest could care less about candy or stickers…so we had to find out what would work for him. Good luck. But again do what is right for your family and not what others are saying you should be doing.

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Wait until after baby is born. Watch your child. If he hides or can tell you what he wants, then introduce him to the potty. I’d wait about 6 months before REALLY trying to train your son. Do the training in warmer weather, let him go bare butt. He’ll feel the need faster. Then, he’s likely to hurry to the bathroom. I know that’s not a popular thing to do now, but it works! I would suggest trying to make a bit of a game out of it if you have carpeting by putting down plastic