Don’t push it he will want to not have pants wet or start telling you he is wet then he is ready my son was about 2 when he started telling us was broke completely by 2 1/2. My daughter on other hand was done at 16 months. Don’t stress yourself
Oh goodness, please don’t let the “kindness” of others steer you in the wrong direction. If you try and he/she isn’t ready then wait a while and try again. If not, you just bought yourself lots of frustration and lots of crying for the child. Never, doubt that gut instinct the Lord gave you with that child. It works every time, even on the first child.
When ready they are ready and then you will wonder why you spent so much time worrying about it.! He is just two years old, and not at all unusual not being potty trained that young. One day he will just decide it’s time . Don’t sweat the small stuff!
When he is ready. One of my boys was ready at 2. My other boy was closer to 4 and almost 5 before I considered him ‘trained’. I did basically the same thing with both. One simply wasn’t ready.
I have had brothers that ranged from 3-6. On the other hand I have a sister that self trained at 16 months.
Try not to let others make it into a big deal. If you push when the child isn’t ready it can have the reverse effect. Meaning make the child actively work against potty training which makes the process take much longer.
My oldest son was trained by 2 and youngest by 3.
Buy a potty chair and have him start sitting on it. Look at a book for a minute. He doesn’t need to go. Keep doing that and eventually he will start. He will also understand seeing you and your husband use the toilet as well
every child is different. do not let people tell you what you and your child should or should not be doing !!!
get a small potty chair for the room you spend the most time in and introduce it, it will happen when it happens
My pediatrician always told me don’t waste your time they will go when they are ready. My 3 daughters all went by themselves before they hit the age of 3 and they did it themselves.
Don’t worry 2 is not the magical number for potty training. And for boys it’s closer to 3. Set a potty chair in the bathroom explain what it is used for and see how the kid reacts just be patient. Potty training for every kid is different just depends on the kid. No magical formula no magical age. Good luck!
Mine was potty trained by 3 but pee only. He pooped on potty by 5. But he was also developmentally delayed. He was still super smart. He walked by 10 months before crawling. Kids master milestones at their own pace. Introduce the potty but don’t force. He’ll go when he is ready.
If you wait until your kid is ready - when your friends are ready has nothing to do with it - it’ll go much easier. Right before a second child comes, I wouldn’t bother (my experience). Young kids often regress with a new sibling anyway, and it’s hard to clean up all the accidents with a big pregnant belly. If your kid’s potty-trained by preschool, all’s good
My son was was 3 years and 2 months old when we finally got him potty trained. It happened in a day. He just started using the potty completely without me leading him to do so. He did it on HIS timing. We joke because it was on Mother’s Day. It was the best gift he could have given me. Don’t stress Momma. Boys potty train slower than girls. If it’s frustrating him and you both, put it away for awhile and come back to it. Follow his lead.
Your son will begin potty training when he’s ready. My daughter all the sudden out of the blue started asking to go potty when she was four. We had tried to start her when she was about two years old and she wasn’t ready. So we didn’t push and when she was we never had any accidents or anything because she let us know when she was ready. Don’t worry about your son. He’s perfectly fine!
Apparently your friends do not have boys! My grandsons were 4 before they were potty trained. Boys tend to be slower than girls. Don’t drive yourself crazy. They are very healthy, intelligent 10 and 12 year olds.
Ah,my son flat refused to have any part of it no matter what I tried. He really wanted to attend pre school like his older sister, but the summer before I still couldn’t convince him to even try. Like he never once went or told me he had to pee,no matter what reward I offered or leaving without a diaper to feel wet. He did not care. I threatened many times he wouldn’t be able to go to school and he really wanted to go but had no interest in potty training. The very smart pre school administrator told me to bring him on day 1 with a change of clothes and they would call me and I could pick him up to go home when he had an accident. Take him home a couple months then he go back, as school would be his motivation. At 3 years 8 months I took him to class and assumed the admin had told his teacher our situation. 4 hours later I went to pick him up at the end of class. His pants were not what he had gone to school in and his very sweet teacher apologized because she told me he walked up to her and told her he had to go to the bathroom and he didn’t know where it was. She said oh he didn’t quite make it in time but it was her fault for not telling them where it was soon enough. She said he went a second time just fine. I was shocked! He had one other accident that first month and never again!
He’s not behind. Most boys are not potty trained until they are 3ish. Boys are usually later than girls. They usually show signs. Can he tell you he peed or pooped? Does he act like he needs to go(like he recognizes the urge)? They generally get to the point where they are uncomfortable in a wet diaper and you’ll know they are ready to start. Just a word of advice, and others will disagree. Pullups are a joke. They are glorified diapers. I used underwear with plastic pants over them. My oldest was potty trained in a week. He hated those plastic pants. Took a bit longer with my youngest, but imo, that’s the way to go. I will do the same with my daughter in about a year when she’s ready(just turned a year).
Oh, and expect a setback when the baby is born. My oldest was 21/2 and pretty much daytime potty trained. Our pediatrician said he might revert when his brother was born, and he did for about a week, because they see the baby getting more attention.
Every child is different. I was worried my Doctor told me I can assure u by the time he is in kindergarten he will be potty trained. Don’t worry and don’t let people tell you what your child should me doing and when. Good luck!!!
I have had five children 3 boys and 2 girls and they were all different. They will definitely let you know when they are ready. For me personally my girls were potty trained before they were 2, but my boys were 3 to 3 and half by the time they were potty trained and they were all trained in just a few days. My personal opinion I think girls learn earlier and faster than boys, my girls did everything and met all their milestones way earlier than my boys. Just keep in mind that every child is different and learn at their own pace. Don’t stress about what other people say, nobody knows your child better than you do! He will let you know when he is ready and it will make things much easier than trying to force it if he is not ready. Good luck, you got this!
They are ready in their own time.My three were months and years different. They would go and sit on their potty when daddy went in the morning. They loved the ‘private conversations’ with their daddy. Sometimes they ‘did’ but a lot of times they didn’t. When they start asking is a break through.
Boys are slower than girls because they get more absorbed in whatever they are doing. ( they had three girl cousins close in age
So hence this observation)
First he needs to know how to speak . A few words like potty, pee, etc if he doesn’t know that how is he going to tell you he needs to go
My daughter is 3 and not potty trained and not interested. My pediatrician told me that if she is giving me push back when I bring it up, then she is not ready and not to push her. Your child will potty train when he is ready. Pushing him before he is ready will be detrimental to him and stressfuk for you.
He’ll do it when he’s ready. Encourage him but don’t push him. My son was about a year and a half old when we had to go to Northern Wisconsin for my aunt’s funeral. Joe was napping so he stayed with my cousin’s wife while we went on a little tour of the area. When we got back, she said, “I think Joey is ready for potty training. He woke from his nap, flashed me a great big smile and took off for the bathroom before I could stop him. He pulled the front of his diaper down, peed in the toilet, and the let me help him was his hands.” You’ll know when they are ready.
I didn’t even know he knew where the bathroom was! At 34, he is still an amazing kid!
My son will be 4 next week. He still poops himself most days. He’s my 8th child. Kids mature at different rates. Putting too much pressure on a small child to potty train before they’re ready can be quite damaging.
That being said, there’s nothing wrong with gently introducing the idea. I suggest buying a potty book of or 2 and reading them along with whatever other books he likes. Talk about the potty as a normal thing. The important thing is here is letting him feel in control. He might surprise you and want to train. He might decide to wait a while. Either way, it’s fine. You both have to plenty of time.
I love how people try to tell other people what’s right for there kids and what they should be doing at a certain age… he will go on the potty when he is ready. That’s all there is to it. Boys are a lot harder than girls when it comes to potty training. You’re doing everything right. He will let you know when he is ready
I had slow learners. My oldest didn’t get it until she was 4 and still had accidents after that for quite a while. My second was 6 when I even started him because he’s special needs. My third was 3 and I did him and his brother at the same time. All 3 potty trained before high school lol. They will get it when they are ready. Not all kids develope at the same rate.
I agree with Leah Yee, above. Each child is different . My oldest was trained by 2, showed interest at about 20 months. My others also trained by 2, mostly from a “mothering older sister”. On of my grandchildren was about 3 1/2 just cuz she wasn’t interested! She would pee & wear a pull up but not poop until she was ready. They’re all different!
Don’t listen to anybody. Children are potty trained at different times. Although my girls where potty trained by 2-21/2 during the day. They wet the bed till 6. By the time my son was 31/2 he was completely potty trained While playing he did have an accident here or there. But he was trained day and night.
My child was 4 when he was completely potty trained. He did pretty well in prek with pullups , but he was just super strong willed and did not fully complete it till he was good and ready. He is a very intelligent, boy.He always has been.He has had an awesome vocabulary . He reads everything he sees, but even at that until he was ready that didn’t even happen. When they are ready it will happen. And if you don’t force it it will be much more pleasant for everyone.
My son is a February boy too & he was fully potty trained after he turned 3. It was like a light switch just came on. One day he wasn’t potty trained & the next he was. Give him time.
Although my son was potty trained by the time he was 2, many little boys are not; you just have to work with the child and stay on task. I wish, though, that I’d seen the cheerios trick (to get boys to place it in the toilet) when I could have used it. That’s a good one…
The only thing that should be taken away is the pacifier because it messes up their teeth.
It can be done…It really depends on the child and if you have the time needed to work with a child that young…You judge the time …Not others…Hes your son and you know the situation best.
My nephew is 4 and still not fully potty trained. He is on the spectrum but my other nephew on the spectrum potty trained himself when he was 2. He just started going on his own with no training. It all depends on the child. All children are different if your constantly comparing your child to others it’s just going to stress you out. Everyone learns at there own pace. Just watch for the clues that he’s ready.
I’ll go ahead and warn you, boys take longer! All my grandsons were almost 4 before they were completely potty trained, and I have 5 of them. My daughters were trained between 2-3, but they all were in daycare which was great help. They saw other kids their age sitting on the potty.Get him a little potty and make a big deal about him just sitting on it. Get him some “big boy” underwear. Get him to sit on potty every two hours. All that said, don’t rush or pressure him. These are only suggestions for when he shows interest.
One grandson was 3 when he was potty trained, the other was 2, he saw his big brother doing it so he wanted to do it. It just depends on the kid. I agree with potty seat in bathroom. Take him every half hour or so or with you for now and show him what is happening. Also we praised them every time with a little treat when they went. It worked great. Oh also training pants make it easier also.
I made a game out of potty training. My son had no interest in it until I put a handful of cheerios in the toilet. I told him to sink them…he had a great time and was trained in about a week. Every Mom has a different way of doing things… that just seemed to work for me… Good luck and just enjoy your son.!!
I always waited for my kids to be talking. When they could answer you with a complete sentence, then they are able to comprehend potty training. You can actually start trying to potty train as soon as they start walking. I just found it to be easier after they start talking. But yeah, all kids are different. So tell your friends to mind their business.
I tried to do my boys when they hit 2 and they could care less. Being wet didn’t bother them. Tried again at 2 1/2 and same thing. One would pee on the potty every hour and still have accidents and the other had a bladder of steel and would hold it 6 hours. We were finally successful 2 months after they turned 3. One idea - get a urinal.
I didn’t even start my kids til 2 1/2! They had a potty, practiced with a potty, but I didn’t really start training them til 2 1/2. People are crazy. As long as your kid is trained by the time they start Pre-K, they’re fine. All mine were potty trained by 3, one took a little longer.
My recommendation is stop worrying about it. Like most everyone else said, he will do it when he’s ready. I tried potty training my oldest and he wasn’t ready so I let it go because it was only frustrating us both. When he was ready he basically did it himself. I had very little to do with it. He was 3 years 4 months. My youngest I let him decide and it was the same thing. He was 2 years 8 months. There was no training because when they were ready they just did it.
I had a friend whose son refused to potty train when she was ready to train him. He finally let her know he was ready a year later st 3 and she had no trouble letting him potty train. Just do the training when your child is ready to train and he will learn with the minimum of frustration for both Mom and child. Please stop trying to force your children to learn just because a person, or book, tells you this is their time line. Best advice I ever received was to let your child tell you they are ready to walk, get rid of binky, get rid of bottle, start potty use. These are all things they will let you know when they are ready.
If they can say it, they can do it. Advice 45 years ago from a great pediatrician. Every child develops at their own speed at that is a great way to tell if they are ready.
My 3 1/2 yr old grandson just got potty trained around Thanksgiving… and for the last two weeks he is back to pull ups because he has more accidents than potty visits. His daycare says most of the kids in the class ha e been doing that since being back from Christmas break.
We didn’t really start with my son till he was 3 that’s when he started school and he wasn’t fully trained no accidents to he was 5
My nephew Nick was very smart for his age, he wasn’t trained till he was almost 4, boys are known to take a bit longer than girls. Don’t worry about it, Nick loved to watch the kids get off the school bus and started saying how he wanted to ride the bus too. We told him he had to start going potty on the toilet first. That seemed to do it, it was almost over night he finally showed the interest. I think it was more out of convenience or being lazy to not bother even though he understood the concept, but once he had a goal it gave him the incentive. So maybe something like that could work for your little one…good luck and don’t listen too much to others, every kid is different.
Those are people you don’t need in your life. Kids are ready when they’re ready. Don’t let anyone tell you your child is supposed to do this or that by a certain date! My son was 3ish when he was potty trained. It was a hard process. My daughter was easy and was potty trained at 2. Keep working with him and don’t rush him. Positive reinforcement too! The world is too rushed as it is. ((Hugs))
You should alway s wait until a child is ready to start potty training, if you don’t then both of you will get frustrated. When he is ready, put some cheerios or fruit loops in the toilet bowl and tell him to aim for the o’s and shoot… Worked for my boys
You know your son better than anyone. Start talking about potty training. Read books to him about this. Always tell him how smart he is and how much you love him and believe in him. I found a reward idea for my mentally handicapped child. Love and real concern will show you the way and time.
I have 4 kids that were all potty trained at different ages. I would much rather wait until they are ready instead of stressing yourself out about the whole thing.
One of the cues is if he starts “hiding” when he poops. My son would go to a corner. You can also read potty books or videos to see if he is interested, but i wouldn’t push it at his age.
I potty trained my son 3 separate times. He was completely potty trained and in big boy “unweewears” his word. He was born with a congenital nevis on his left butt cheek. They removed it when he was 2, 3, and again at 4. Long story short, they didnt get the seed of it the first 2 times and it not only came back, but came back bigger each time. After each surgery he was afraid to sit on the potty for fear it would hurt. So we went back in pull ups. He is now 14 and doing great. They let you know when they are ready. Just enjoy him being little.
Relax, enjoy your child while he is small, offer him a potty, but if hes not interested, dont push him. Leave the potty where he can see it and let him know that you use a toilet to potty. Just dont punish him for not going
My first was almost 3 when he was potty trained. My daughter is 3 and is almost fully potty trained. She took a little longer. Bit each kid is different. Took 3 days to potty train my son. Set a 10 min timer take him every 10 mins whether he has to go or not and sit him on the toilet to start. He will get the hang of it then as he gets a little older start teaching him to stand to go pee. It’s a little time consuming but he will get it. No worries on how long it take.
Agree with everyone… my son took forever… it is a slow process & our daycare helped us a lot. Every child is different & boys take forever & tend to regress… maybe try underwear under the diaper. My cousins suggested this but my son didn’t care if he was wet. Only hate if he pooped in his diaper.
My son will b three on the 7 th of February and we just started potty training him when he starts to tell u he’s dirty or wet that’s when you will know he’s ready don’t worry about what others say he’s your child not theirs
I have 4 sons all grown up now, they were all potty trained by 2. Buy a potty chair put it in the bathroom, let him sit on it while you go potty. Don’t make it a big deal make it a normal one. Once he goes potty start a star chart when he reaches 10 or 20 stars he gets a prize. It doesn’t have to be expensive prize. For 2 year olds popsicle, ice cream , fruit or coloring book from the dollar store. And don’t punish when he has accidents. No pull ups , use underwear for training. Of course at night put him in whatever you normally would. Good luck.
Boys are harder to train than girls. My son was 3 and still wouldn’t poop in the toilet. My pediatrician said to pick a day when you are staying home and let him run.around without his pants on. It worked. He wouldn’t poop on the floor.
I taught kindergarten and there were kids not potty trained. It is like changing an adult. All six of my kids were trained by 18 months, including one with cerebral palsy. You have to talk to them about it and let them go to the bathroom with you.
My girls weren’t potty trained until they were 3. You don’t need to push him. 2 is really young unless he is showing interest. Every child is different. Don’t worry about what people say. You do what’s best for him.
No way. None of my kids were potty-trained by 2. 2 we’re ready around 2.5 years older but my other was over 3 years old. He just needed a little more time but never had any kind of bathroom accident after that.
When my first son was in for a check-up about the time he was 1, I asked the doctor when he thought potty training should start. He said the muscle involved does not reach a level the child can adequately control before two. Some, a bit earlier, some later. I have seen some train very early, but really, I wondered if the child was trained or if the child was taken to the potty regularly enough that they were in the right place at the right time, as opposed to recognizing need and controlling impulse. It is ok to try early if you are willing to back off if the child is not ready. It is also ok to wait. It is you and your child. No one else needs to be involved.
My first son potty trained by 2.5, wore pull-ups at night for another five years, my second son was still wearing diapers in the three year olds class, at first was told he couldn’t go to four year olds class until potty trained but then by September only half of the three year old boys were trained, so they let them move up, he took of his diaper at four, never wore a pull up amd never had an accident, each kid is different!! When will people stop measuring your experience against others, it’s a slippery slope to depression!
My daughter was 4 when she was completely potty trained. 2 is a vague time but go by what your some is ready for. Don’t listen to anybody else. Each and every child is different. If he is showing an interest let him try but don’t force
My two boys were potty trained by 2 years old
Boys are harder. My 3 girls trained early. Oldest was two, middle child hated being wet was 18 months, youngest was 2 1/2 but my little boys in daycare were closer to 3 & 4. When they were ready they trained in a few days.
Never rush and never punish for accidents. Mine were 3 before they were potty trained. Today they are both very successful business women.
Children are ready at different times. I think almost 2 is a bit young for some. Barring any physical or cognitive issues they are almost always trained by kindergarten. My daughter was 2 weeks short of 4 before she was trained which I know is a bit late but she just didn’t want to do it.
Most little boys aren’t ready to be potty trained until the age of 3. I have raised and potty trained 8 little boys in my life and only 1 was potty trained less than 2 yrs old. Majority of them were around 3 years of age and it only took a couple of days to do it. The child will let you know when they are ready. It is different for every child, depending on how well they communicate with you. Austin children take a little longer than others
The more you push the more he will fight you. My son wasn’t fully trained until he was 4 and starting pre k. WHEN he is ready get cotton pull ups. More like underwear for him and cheaper for your pocket
My son was potty trained by 18 months but my grandsons were 3 and 4 and I had to bribe them with Stickers on a calendar every time they went but it worked. I’ve heard is throwing Cheerios in the toilet and tell them to try and hit them. You will know if they are ready for any of these things. Good luck
Nope boys take longer and if he doesnt have an older sibling to model after i would wait til he shows more interest/can tell you when he has to go etc. Our son was our first and he wasnt trady til 3. And once he started it went very smoothly/quickly because he really was ready and able to do it successfully
Our daughter was a titally different story… she saw her brother using the potty and wanted to start using it also but at 15 MONTHS!!!
She couldn’t even tell me but i coupd tell by her actions abd how frustrated she would get if she peed in her diaper. But i figured i had a lot if time because my son was 3 when he figured it out…
So after awhile, i finally realized that she really wanted to use the potty,
She was fully potty trainer for daytime at 15 months.
I did put her in diapers at night because she was a soumd sleeper and still in a crib!
No 2 kids are alike.
Your son will figure it out and when that happens then go for it… its so much easier!!
Boys an be a little tougher to train than girls, but 2 is kinda the age to start, they can understand more and be more vocal with you.
My daughter loved starburst so when she went she would get one. My youngest son started on his own at 18 mths going to the bathroom with his older brother who was 13, and it helped him… he had a “potty buddy”
But it is what works for the child and if they are ready.
Don’t sweat it
It will happen
Just be consistent with him… instead of asking if he has to go, just say let’s go potty… if he goes in the toilet reward him with a small prize… I did that with both my girls !
When my son was small he had a hard time…well I had a hard time with potty training! At first I worried and made both of us miserable. I finally decided every child is different. Putting stress on yourself and child is useless. I can assure you he will train when the time is right.
He is not behind. Don’t listen to unwanted advice. There is a toddler show, Cocomelon that has 3 episodes regarding potty training. It is really good show for toddlers. It has help my grand daughter.
My son will be 3 on February 13th and is not potty trained. We got him a potty for himself and when he is ready he knows that it’s in the bathroom. Yes we introduced him to it many times but he is just not ready. He is also autistic so he may take longer than some
My oldest are 2 years 1 day apart. There was no way I wanted two in diapers. My first a girl was potty trained by 19 months. Second a boy was a little slower. Third one by two. I’m old and told by others they needed to be by two. I’m 70 and things were a lot different back then.
All kids are different and if you push it he may regress when thee new baby comes. He will let you know when hes ready. Boys aree easy to train because they can go anywhere. Girls are a little harder.
He’s very young. I would start in 6 months. Put Cheerios in the toilet and play a game to see if he can hit the Cheerio with his urine! As far as bowel movements just sit him on a small potty and let him feel comfortable. Everyone gets it eventually! M&Ms is a great treat incentive!
I have three boys, who are all grown now and two have grown kids of their own. I didn’t even start until after they turned 2. And then I let them show interest at their own pace — put a potty chair out and told them what it was for and that they would use it “someday, when they were big boys”. When they started showing interest, I gave them positive reinforcement and helped them to use it. I put “trainers” on them when they started being interested in going, but if you do that, expect accidents, so anticipate that on carpet and furniture. If they had an accident, I just cleaned them up matter of factly and said for them not to worry, it was OK, and they would use the potty some day. I think the only rules are: 1. Don’t push them and get it to be a battle between you and them, and 2. Remember each child is different and needs to go at their own pace, so don’t compare them to others.
Try sitting them on the toilet and see how it goes you could also get a potty chair and take them with you when you go and have them sit on the potty chair they will let you know if they are ready and if they use the bathroom praise them tell them yay good job I’m proud of you
Raised 3 boys - all of them started training at 3 1/2! Went fast without any problems! Boys usually train later then girls and I agree when they are ready they are ready!!! Don’t push him!!!
It will happen in their time. You can start by asking if he wants to go to the potty but I wouldn’t push it. He will get there. And give lots of praise each time he goes
My two older sons potty trained at 4yrs old. Every kid is different. Don’t let other people’s opinions push you or your baby to do something y’all ain’t ready for. My 3 yr old isn’t potty trained and hasn’t shown any sign of being ready to potty train.
I would put my boys on the pot backwards so they could see themselves pee. Rewarded them when they did! A treat ( food) or stickers to build up for a toy there option,( they loved Thomas the train…it was usually a new train). We made a game and threw Cheerios so the could pee on them. One potty trained at 2 the other was 3. I think 2 is early but I was preform with # 2 at the time.
If your son is talking at all, talk to him and tell him about the alternative to being wet and dirty. He may surprise you and listen to your suggestion tell you when he feels the need. My son did and he was less that 18 months old at the time. No, this is not a tall tale. Children often understand more than you think.
I raised three boys and I think it is right to say between 2 and 3. One thing I remember doing was pouring a large glass of warm water over their front to help them relax to go. It worked perfectly for each boy.
Hes not behind. My daughter is 3 and were potty training now. He’ll let you know when he’s ready
I promise he will be trained in his own good time. Relax and enjoy whatever stage he goes through, they grow up so very fast! Mine could not figure out how to get the stream flowing, so grandma let him pee against a tree in the back yard. That was great fun, then he knew what to do in the bathroom. But he was 3! They do NOT follow a fixed time for anything. Just go with the flow of your own personal little miracle and relax and enjoy.
I have no children, so haven’t experienced this. It sounds like your friends have shared their experiences with you, which is very nice. I do feel that this should be a discussion you could have with his doctor.
His doctor is your professional. He/she and their office nurse are your trained professionals. Make use of them.
I hope this helps. Enjoy your kiddo and the new one arriving soon! You have been blessed.
Actually now days it’s seems like kids are 31/2 or almost 4. Parents don’t stay home like ages ago to potty train. They work and are busy. It’s seems kids learn at there own pace. I’m 67, it’s a different time
I potty trained my boys the week that they turned 3. They were day potty trained in about a week.
Night training took a little bit longer but they just needed to be potty trained to attend Pre-K.
Every child is different. There are no rules here. If you want him to potty train start. So t worry what other people say.
Each kid is different. My son showed interest but he has a big sister he idolizes and was trained by 2 during the day. Now he’s 3 but he has to wear pull ups to bed because he doesn’t always wake up to go. It doesn’t hurt to gift them a potty and start trying. I did cold turkey say goodbye to diapers and it always works (I was a nanny and trained several little ones before my own thru trial and error). When you can stay at home a few days in a row just keep him in underwear. Have a basket nearby of clean underwear for changing into. If he goes reward him with something small (like candy). If he has accidents gently encourage him to try again as it often embarrass them. If he’s ready you will see the interest. If not, leave potty and he will get interest eventually!
He is still so young. Barely 2 chances are he isn’t ready. Don’t kill yourself trying to train him. When he’s ready he’ll do it. Get him a potty and some fun underwear but don’t push for him to be trained…it won’t work until he’s ready. Good luck
They are ready when they’re ready. I have 5 children and almost all were 3 or older, tried earlier but no go. He will get it when he’s ready!!
Every child ia different and yours is still young. Plus with a new one coming your oldest will likely back pedal then. You can encourage them but dont by any means stress yourself out about it. Theyre ready when theyre ready. You dont see tons of kids going to college in diapers. Itll happen when hes ready. (hugs from a mom of 3 boys! )
No don’t let people pressure you to rush your child. I had two kids and they were potty trained at 3. Don’t let people tell you how to raise your child like you in a contest. I hear people bragging about how their child is trained at 2 years but their child is still having accidents. My children were trained at 3 with No accidents. If they are trained at 2 and still having accidents they ain’t trained. Many times family or friends meddle in your business. Every child is different. Ignore them and don’t worry about comparing your child with other children. I had to nicely tell my own Mother off when she went too far in telling me how to raise my child .
First of all don’t listen to ppl. Every child is different. 2 or 3 is fine they usual understand better. Good luck
My daughter wasn’t quite 2… My son was almost 4. They do it on their own time
boys are harder than girls. My daughter was potty trained by 18 months but my next my son was 3. I didn’t think he would never get trained. Patience is important. I finally realized my boy just didn’t want to go in a potty. But when he finally did go all the neighbors came over and clapped and cheered. lol After that he started using it. Kids gotta love them.