My first boy finally got the potty training at 28 months, I wasted a lot of time training myself to take him to the potty. My second boy trained himself at 18 months old. He was going to do what his daddy and brother did. That helped a lot.
Wait until around 3 too young boys takes longer he will let you know when he is ready tell everyone to mind their business
Don’t listen to them. He probably isn’t ready if he hasn’t shown interest. I have a boy and a girl, and neither one was ready at 2. I tried at 2 for my first child (girl) and she was oblivious at the attempt at it. I gave up and waited 6 months and tried again and she was ready then but still had issues with it. I didn’t even attempt it at 2 for second child (boy). Tried at 2 1/2 and he still fought it hard with the pooping part. He did good with not peeing in his trainers but he hated pooping in the toilet and constantly was going off and hiding to poop in his prior to training spots. He fought that til he was 4. Use your best instincts. He will be trained at some point in the near future.
Look, I had one that was potty trained, bottle broke and walking at 10 months (her choice). My second was not potty trained till 28 months and her brother of 14 months wanted to train at the same time because she wanted it. Leave it to the child. At one year old (in the last two cases) I bought a potty chair and placed it in the bathroom. Please note that for about 2 months my son would wear it around the house on his head. That also ends when he learned what it is used for . . .
In my 30+ years and raising 1, Boys normally do not have muscle control until 3. and don’t fret you are doing no justice to yourself son if you worry about what others think. wait till the baby is about 6 mostly and try then the newness of the change will be gone and you will have no relapses. (do not use pull-ups they do not help they make the connection to wet and uncomfortable.
30 years as a daycare provider. I haven’t met a almost two year old boy who is independently potty trained. Now I have met Mom’s that spend their days running their sons to the potty every hour, but boys are very rarely independently potty trained at almost two. It might be a fun time to introduce him to the potty and let him sit on it, but don’t stress yourself out about it. He will let you know when he’s ready.
My girls were potty trained around 2 but not one of four boys was before 3. Don’t let people make you feel bad for not forcing your son to do something before he’s ready.
My son didn’t start training until 3.5 yo. He just wasn’t ready. My second son will be 3 in April and he’s not ready yet either.
My boys refused to go on the pot. I let them go. On their own at 3 they decided that they didn’t like wet diapers. They potty trained themselves and we never had any accidents
Dont let anyone pressure you. At 2 hes still a baby. By all means start, it wont happen in a day but you will get there and yes you will have accidents along the way. The bit that controls a little boy wanting to pee doesn’t mature until they are 7 years old so be patient with that at night. During the day invest in disposable training pants. They were a Godsend to my daughter in law. Last of all be patient.
My son was well into his 3’s . I was lucky to be home with him, waited tables a few nights a week. When he’s ready he’ll do it
Boys tend to be later I think. My son was almost 3. Also depends on many factors as in stress level at home divorce etc can make it hard for child. My Pediatrician when my kids were little told me Never to compare your children. Also they are NOT Robuts. Each is an individual. Try rewarding him with bright big stickers. Maybe make a chart and let him put them on when he able to go potty. Don’t stress or listen to he should be.
Try getting a potty chair and slowly introduce him to it several times a day. WITH NO PRESSURE!!! If he uses it he gets mega praise!!! He’ll get it when he’s ready.
Once a little one turns 2yrs, the language centers in the brain have developed enough to start potty training. They are able to speak simple complete sentences. If he has a father or is around other children who are potty training, the interest will begin. The father figure helps because he is wanting to do what daddy does.
My son would go in with his dad and was potty trained early for number 1 but I had a hard time training him to do number two
I think each child is different. My oldest daughter was 3, my youngest daughter was 19 months. My granddaughter was 2. 3 of my grandsons were 2 to 2 1/2. My other grandsons were over 3. So I say when he’s ready you’ll know.
Everyone is different and there is no right ore wrong and sometimes with boys it can take a little longer! I wouldn’t worry about it to much until he gets to be closer to 3…its all normal process
I missed the signs when my son was ready, I think. He was almost 4, but trained really easily. You could try him on the potty, but don’t force it. And don’t listen to everything other people say. All kids are different. But, I will say, I don’t believe most schools let kids start pre-k unless they are trained - if that makes any difference to you.
I have 4 kids and it was different for all of them. Oldest daughter was 18 months. My 2 boys were harder and wernt potty trained until we’re 3 and 5 and my youngest daughter is pretty much fully trained at 2. All kids are different!
Boys generally take longer than girls, and the first born takes longer than the second. He’ll do it when he’s ready.
As a pediatric nurse, the average age is 3. Some learn earlier, but they just may be more on a schedule. Cut yourself some slack, mom, he will be ready when he is ready. The bigger an issue you make, the more stressed he will be about it.
Don’t listen to those “friends”. Most people I know have said that boys take longer to potty train and most are trained by the time they turn 4. A lot of girls train early around the age of 2, but most by the time they’re 3. Don’t feel rushed to train your son. You’ll know when he shows signs that he’s ready.
My son decided he was done with diapers and pull-ups on day and never turned back, he was 2 1/2, every child is different and will learn at different pace. If you think he’s ready to be introduced to potty training then try. If not don’t rush it
My son was 3, and then one day, a light bulb went on. It took 24 hours. His more particular sister took 18 months as she didn’t like being “soiled”!!!
Theres no time on potty training. My son will be 3 in August. He shows some signs but is not ready. 2 is still little. Majority says most are ready by 3
I have 8 kids and let me tell you this I learnt that not every child is the same. My oldest boy was using the potty at 1 and half my two older girls one was 3 almost 4 and the other was 3 my 5 year old boy was 3 my 4 year girl was 3 my 2 almost 3 is potty training now. My 1 year old will use the potty when she wants too.
If he hasn’t shown any interest it’s not worth it. Ask your pediatrician. Most say the average potty training age is 3. In my experience with my own girls. My daughter showed interest at 18 1/2mos but regressed when I was pregnant and was potty trained until 3. My younger daughter just turned 2 1/2 year in December and is fully potty trained. She asked to pee pee on potty. I trained her the week of Thanksgiving.
What everybody is telling you about him being trained at 2 is poppycock. My oldest didn’t train until he was three and a half. I’ve had five kids. i found my boys were a little harder to train than my girls. I think it partially has to do with anatomy. My girls didn’t like the poo in their lady parts. My boys were kind of like poo on my balls. Ehh no big deal. The advice so far about setting him on the potty is good. And praise the heck out of when an “accident” happens when he is sitting there. but let him get there on his time not on what others say he should be.
Lol… my son will turn 18 the same day! He potty trained ON his 3rd birthday. Don’t let people tell you what is best for your child. He will do it when he is ready.
Just give it time to start w you will know when he is ready had three kids all potty trained at different ages about two half start but if he is ready it won’t work good luck
Gosh he is not even 2 yet. In my experience with 2 grown daughters and 3 grandsons/ none were potty trained by 2. My experience 3 is more likely though you of course should try getting him to sit on the potty maybe reading to him while he sits and if he happens to go -have a few m and m’s or goldfish in your pocket to give him immediately with high praise. He’ll get it.
My twins were almost 3 before being potty trained. Their lil brother was just over a yr old. They are all fine. You will potty train him when je shows signs of being ready or when u get tired of changing him🤷
This is something that can’t be forced. Try sitting him on the potty chair when you are in the bathroom yourself, don’t force the issue. When trying to train my grandson we put a few cheerios in the toilet and told him to aim and hit them.
all my girls didnt start potty training until 2 1/2 and my nephew wasnt potty trained til 4, he was behind i think, i also have a friend that her son was potty trained at 18 months. every child different girl. ull know when hes ready.
I have 4 boys and the first 3 were fully potty trained 3 months before they turned 3 and my youngest boy is 2 1/2 and has little to no interest in potty training. Every child is different
Ever child is different. There is absolutely no age limit. Some children do it on their own.
It takes boys longer to potty train . He will show signs when he’s ready . You can set up a potty and see if he’s ready .
Nope! My son was almost 3! Boys take forever to be ready sometimes. We started trying to train him a little after he turned 2, but he was not ready until he was almost 3. You’ll know when he’s ready.
Some kids learn faster than others so just keep doing what you are doing, stop listening to others about the time frame of a potty trained child!!! Y’all need to stay out of other people BUSINESS!!
Is he dry in the mornings? Is he talking and boys take longer he will let you know. Closer to 3 or more don’t listen to anyone but your child
Mine was potty trained completely @ 22 months. I also know 4 year old who weren’t each child is different.
It is easier on both of you if you wait till he is ready. Others can’t tell you about your child! My mom let him pee against a tree to help him realize how to get the stream started when he was at her house, then moved indoors to the toilet. He wanted to pee but did not understand how to get it started. No pressure on yourself or him, please, relax. You don’t have to be super mom or have a super child. Make memories, not horror stories. Not that you won’t get tired and behind on various things, like dishes or laundry, but they will not matter in the end. Sweet boy and sibling need all the love and attention. Time flies…bless you so much, wish I had it to all do over again…
None of my kids were younger than two when they potty trained 1 was 3 and 1 was 3 and a 1/2.
The only one that was near two when he potty trained was the oldest and he was 27 months
Not every child is ready at the same time. If you try to push it because you’re ready and they’re not, you’re just setting yourself up for frustration for both of you. Let him lead the way
All children are different now days with both parents working it’s harder to do but if you are a stay home mom it’s easier to do boy’s are easy to potty train you just need to stay consistent
I have 4 children 3 of them were all potty trained around 2 my last one was almost 4 they all go when they are ready
He not behind at all. Some kids are different then other and u can try but if he seems like he as no interest in it then he do it when he is ready. l did try when my son was 2 and like u and he had no interest in it. So I didn’t push because it wasn’t worth it and by that the crying and fighting with me. Finally one day he just decided he wanted to start because he got tired of having dipper rash all the time. If I remember he was 4 when he finally started going by himself.
Our grandson is 4 and all of a sudden, one day, he came in and told his mommy he went potty outside. He’s never turned back…have a little faith and a lot of praise and encouragement for him.
My son was 3 when he became potty trained. His pediatrician said all children are different and when he’s ready he’ll do it.
Most are showing interest in the bathroom by 2, but it just depends on the child’s comfort. Start by having a potty chair on the bathroom, sitting them down on it when you go. Be patient. Don’t force. Good luck.
Potty trained our over 2 1/2 old Granddaughter. Really she potty trained herself. We let her do it on her time with a little try here and there. Started in November and she is completely out of diapers and pull ups. She comical fir when she has to poop she will ask you to leave the bathroom and call you when she’s done!
My oldest was almost 3 before she used the potty and the youngest was right at 2. They all move at their own pace, boys usually take longer than girls
Every child has there own pace. If he shows no interest it would be a waste of time and make him Leary of it
Every child is different. You can try… Then you’ll know of he is ready. Some kids want to feel clean and dry, some want rewards for success…whatever works best for you and your family.
Dont worry about it!!! For some reason it takes boys a little longer to show interest in learning. From my experience caring for young children, my nephews included, in a day care/preschool setting, the boys didn’t begin expressing interest until they were about 3. MOST of the boys had it down by three and a half. There were one or two stragglers(whom were almost 4) that realized they were still the only ones in diapers and hustled to be like the other boys in either pull ups or big boy undies.
That’s rediculous, I’m a gramma now, I had people telling me what “should or shouldn’t”. Be done and by when…screw them! I say as long as they don’t go to prom wearing a pull-up it’s fine. Don’t listen, dear young mommie…it’ll all come in due time, take a breath and smile…you’ll ALL be fine, good luck to you
Dr once told me …I never saw a healthy child go to first grade in a diaper…I raise 9 kids and he was correct
Boys take longer, my son was almost 3 when he decided to potty train. Never had an accident, once he made up his mind.
Tell anyone that thinks he needs to be potty trained to feel free to come and do it themselves.
Most boys aren’t ready at two. Introduce the chair. Praise him for sitting on potty . Lot less stress if you wait until 21/2
My son was almost 3 when he was completely trained. Had no problem going pee it was the other we had a problem with.
Just remember…he will not graduate from high school in diapers. The harder you press; the harder it’ll be for him to succeed…true in potty training, reading and math.
No, start around 2 1/2 or when he tells you he peed or pooped in his diaper. I work in childcare and have worked in a 2 year old room where potty training happens.
My girl was potty trained at 2 easy three days and done. My son was almost 4. He would not do it and the more we tried the worse it got. 2 is a little hard with most boys. One day my son woke up and said I pee pee in the potty and never had an accident after that day.
My 2 girls potty trained early. My son was 3 before he was potty trained. He was very smart but lazy on this. When he was ready it happened very quickly.
I had 3 boys, all grown men now. There is no rule to potty train. I just know you have to be consistent. Each one of mine potty trained differently. My oldest was 3, I used the ruse he couldn’t go to preschool if he didn’t try. Took about a month. Son number 2, potty trained before he was 2 watched his brother. Number 3 was the biggest challenge, he was almost 4. So just try to be patient and see how well he can perceive it.
People really need to parent their own damn kids sometimes. No honey. It’s perfectly fine if your don is not potty trained right now! Don’t let the judgmental jerks try to convince you otherwise. My mom ended up teaching mine to pee off the porch because he was so hard to train. Sorry neighborhood!
all in his own time, 2 is early, some moms are trained to know when the child should be on the potty but that doesn’t mean the child is trained in his mind.
Both my boys didn’t potty train until 3 + years old. They are both fine, well adjusted, intelligent young men. My daughter told me on her 2nd birthday she wanted to wear big girl panties and that was it! Kids are different especially boys and girls. I wouldn’t stress over it.
My granddaughter is almost fully potty trained …she turned 2 , last october. She was just reallybjnterested in it from the day my daughter got a potty chair. Rewards help! Even if its a few fruit snacks. We are shocked at how well shes doing with it. She will even take her diaper off to go!
Your child will tell you when he is ready. I had a neice whom decided to potty train herself when on holidays with her parents at 18months old, she was obviously ready.
He will train in his own time. That’s not something you can force or speed up. Just relax about it and you’ll know when he’s ready. My son was over 2. My daughter was well under 2.
I only have girls but from what I’ve heard is that Boys don’t start potty training until they’re 3. So it’s fine if he’s not potty trained. But if you do want to start to potty train just because you don’t want 2 in diapers. My husband told me that he potty trained one of his nephews. He would toss in a few fruit loops in the toilet & told him to aim @ them lol He said that he got him potty trained real quick.
Most biys are developmentally ready for potty training between the ages of 3 and 4 years old.
My daughter just turned 2 and were letting her do it in her own time dont push them every kid is different
Boys are usually not ready for potty training as early as girls are. But now is a good time to start. It may take longer, but he’ll get the idea eventually.
Get him his own potty chair, boys like to aim at Cheerios in the pot. I raised girls they are easy to train I heard boys are difficult.
Start by setting him on potty, if you catch a little something, give a m n m just let him on for 5 min set a timer when it goes off let him up do this every hr be surprised how quickly he will catch on oh 2 m n ms for a no 2
A child develops at all different levels. I work with children in early childhood. Children might start to potty train at 2 and some may not start until 3.5 or 4. If they are not potty trained by 4 or 4.5 there might be something else going on. Don’t rush it. If you start too soon you could have the opposite effect. Also look for signs that they are ready. If your child is unable to stay dry from about 2 hours then they may not be ready to start
My oldest was 3 1/2 before he was trained. My youngest was around 3. Every child is different. When they start noticing they have dirty diapers and want changed, is when I started potty training.
My oldest was 4 before he was fully potty trained. Pushing it made it slow the process down.
Both my boys resisted potty training. They were past 3, and could not good to preschool because they were not potty trained. Every kid develops differently. Better to let the do it in their own timeline than risk having the retain their stools later and cause medical issues.
Good grief, almost 2? Tell them to suck eggs! Our 2 1/2 year old is potty trained in the daytime and usually dry some times in the morning. BUT!! One out of 8 grand sons, he is the only one trained before 3 1/2! He’s a fluke!!! Relax! You’ll know when he’s ready!! Neither one of you need added stress that is totally unnecessary!! Enjoy your baby!!!
Every child is diffrent. Some show interest some don’t until you start training. Make it fun it helps or rewards help too. My grandson just turned 3 and is almost potty trained during the day.
Boys are harder to potty train, my son was 3 until he was fully potty trained!! Work with him on potty training, it will fall in place when he’s ready!!
Don’t rush him, he’ll let you know, don’t listen to what people tell you, a friend told me her baby was trained at 8 months, my Dr said, no the mother is trained, not the baby, she knows what time the baby goes, does she tell her when the baby has diarrhea,
My oldest son was 3 1/2 before he finally was completely trained. He just didn’t want to be bothered.
If your a working mother a lot of daycares will not take a child if the are not potty trained. I agree boys take longer.
I suggest u wait until after baby is born. My daughter was getting potty trained at 20 months when her baby sister was born. She watched as we interacted with baby when changing her diapers. She actually told us she wanted to wear diapers again!
I’ve got 3 boys an 1 girl my girl was completely potty trained at 2.5 but my boys were all different ages mostly 3 or 3.5 (please no bashing I was advised not to pressure them) but they all done it at their own pace
Don’t rush it. I did with my daughter and it made it very very hard. I should have stopped listening to people (i.e. my mom) who kept telling me she was ready. She wasn’t. But when she was it was a piece of cake!
Mine wasn’t until he was 3. And they said boys were easier. Not!
Mine is 2.5 and some days he does great and others he won’t use it all day no matter how many times I take him each kid is different
He is not old enough. Boys are usually older than 2 to be fully potty trained. Relax and buy more pull ups.
Never push a child to potty train. Its amazing,when they are ready they get it done. Most of the boys in our family were between 2 1/2 and 3. Closer to 3.
You potty train when he is ready it’s not an age! Let him give you signs. Does he want his diaper off as soon as it’s soiled is he showing any signs of being interested. It’s you and your child’s decision not others.
My son just turned 4 in November and he’s barely starting to fully tell me when he has to pee. He has more of a hard time telling me when he has to poop but he has been doing it for the past few days
No worries, sometimes it takes a bit longer. My son was almost 3 when he learn, just be patient with him,
I can tell you as a child i was 3 almost 4 by the time i was potty trained. Do not worry about it at all. The only thing i would say is try to get them potty trained before they are in krp/kindergarten
I was a child care director for 45 years children potty train when they are ready and not until
Boys are normally trained around 3 where little girls from 2 up
Diapers and pull-ups keep them dry and comfortable so they are in no hurry
If your child isn’t potty trained by 4 talk to his pediatrician
It will happen and usually urinating comes quicker and easier than bowel movements because they feel they are losing a part of them
Be patient there’s so much more to focus on
Tell your friends and relatives that you will raise your child they raised there’s