There’s no set age or law as to when a kid could be trained,people being pushy and rude,tell them to bugger off!!! It’s your child not theirs!!!
He will be trained when he’s ready. Don’t try to push him and please stop listening to others. Some are early and some are later. Stop worrying about it
If you try to potty train him when he’s not ready, you’re just training yourself to take him potty every 20-30 minutes. If he happens to go, you just got lucky. Until he wakes up dry everyday for a week or two he isn’t ready and he’ll just wait till you take him meaning lots of accidents. In the summer when he can run around naked and figures it out that works best. Also, when sitting him on the potty, sit him backwards since he doesnt know to hold it and aim. After a while out Cheerios inn and let him practice aiming. Closer to 3 is better. That and he can speak so much better. Good luck!!!
Every child is different my first one was and is still stubborn and didn’t start potty training until almost 3 my second was easy fully potty trained by second birthday they will let you know when they are ready to start
Mine are 20 months apart. Mom’s friends started on my when #1 was 18 months. She was NOT interested. When the baby came, every time he needed a diaper change, I asked her to get me a BABY diaper. Within a month she stated she was a big girl and didn’t want to wear baby diapers anymore. Within a week there were no accidents to and a month she was done with them at night! Son was easier at 2 years…
No every child is different. I have four boys. 2 were potty trained around 2. One was 3 and one was 3 1/2.
Boys take a little longer than girls. I have 3 boys. I thought they would never potty train. If you can do it by May, you are lucky.
He’ll be ready when he’s ready on his time and terms; enjoy them little after 4 and youngest 19 they grow to fast!
Every child is different. When he is ready he will train quickly. Force the issue and you will have a fight on your hands.
Your friends are putting pressure on you that is not necessary. When he is ready you will know. Does he wake up from sleep with a dry diaper? Does he show interest in trying? Does he have good communication skills to be able to understand what he is expected to do and tell you when he needs to go? Boys mature slower. If you force it before ready you can delay it even more. Preschool starts at 3 and they want you to be potty trained. I’d shoot for that goal and just relax.
He will transition when he is ready to. Do NOT listen to what they say. Every child is unique.
Every child is for example i have 2 got rid of her diapers at almost 11 she is 11 years.the other one that s 2 years now got rid of hers at 1 and a half.don t listen to them.everybody is different and i know for sure that for boys the process is slower.when he s gonna be ready he s gonna do it
My two oldest sons were potty trained at 3. They’re fine
My parents like to tell the story that I said I would be potty trained when I was 3 and on my 3rd birthday I wore big girl undies and went to Palm Sunday mass. With very few accidents after that
My 1st want fully potty trained until age 3.
My middle at 3.
My youngest was 1.
Every kid goes at there own pace. Tell these people to stuff it!
He’ll use his potty chair when he’s ready. Just praise him when he’s successful, and don’t fuss when he has an accident,
I would wait until after the baby comes. He is not behind, 3 is usually the right time .
You will know when he is ready. Don’t let anyone dictate how you raise your child.
BS…mom is trained not child. We have 5 grandchildren and they were trained at 5 different ages…don’t get nervous until junior high is around the corner. Tell peeps to mind their business.
My son was potty trained by 3 1/2 yrs old. Talk to your pediatrician if you’re concerned.
You can start by putting him on the toilet after he drank something and sit with him with a book or something…and make a big deal when you hear him pee…also watch him when you see he is messing his pants,put him on the toilet. It worked with my boys
My girls were 3 when we potty trained, one key to readiness someone told me was that kiddo should be able to get clothes off and back on independently.
My son talked early walked early gave up his bottle early and potty trained late who cares.
You can get a little potty chair and introduce him to the idea but I wouldn’t rush it. They potty train when they’re ready
I didn’t even start my children until they were 2. They did fine. I didn’t get all upset about. They will do it in their time.
When they are ready, you will know. Both of my children were 2 and potty trained. But all children are different. Be patient.
Boys are on their own time potty training. He’s not even two. Don’t worry about it.
My youngest son was just under two when potty trained. His brother, a year older was almost three. Believe it or not, the youngest watched n copied his brother. Voila…!! Double header, both trained together. (Competition?) Really lucky!!
My kids were closer to three when they were fully potty trained and I had 5
Boys take longer, besides my mother always said never potty train in the winter.
My little guy also turnes 2 in February. We have not started potty training yet. Boys are way harder then girls to train. My oldest son did not potty train until he was 3. Some do and some don’t. Tell people to mind their own business.
Thats total BS. Kids learn at their own pace and cant be forced. 2 is on the younger end. My sons didn’t fully potty train until the summer leading up to preschool. Some kids do learn early and some dont.
My daughter didn’t train till a week before 3. Sooner or later they all catch on in their own time. Once she got it never had even 1 accident.
not really boys take longer and like 3-4 years I would say, some earlier but boys are slower than girls on it…
All kids are different. No timetable for potty training. My greatgrand son is almost 3 and he’s potty trained. Just in the last few months is when he really tried.
He’ll potty train when he’s ready. He doesn’t need to be compared to anyone because every child does certain things at their own pace. Don’t worry about it. When he’s ready he’ll show interest.
My oldest daughter was potty trained fully by 18 months but my youngest we tried everything but she wasn’t potty trained till 1 month before her 4th birthday every kid is different
Every single one of my kids started out young. I tried to put train them before they were young like my mom did me. It didn’t work. Every one of them decided on their own when they were ready and it was on their third birthday. I have four kids and they are several years apart. They’re 19, 15, 6, and 4. No matter what I did and tried it didn’t work until they made the decision to do it.
Both my boys trained at 3 and did great because they were ready. My daughter at 2.5
My son wasn’t completely potty trained until 3 , every child is different.
My 3 boys were different ages. First boy was fully potty trained by 2 yrs. 3 months, 2nd boy trained by 2 1/2, but wet the bed for years, last boy trained by 3 1/2 but when he kept wetting the bed we bought a “wee alert” which worked .
I started with my 1st son at 2 & 1/2 and it was a very long process. My 2nd son I waited til closer to 3 and he was literally completely trained in 3 days, #1 & #2, day and night.
Don’t push him, get a little potty chair and just start introducing him to it, goodness a new baby and potty training,don’t stress, use the pull ups easier to deal with than diapers during the day, summer is easier to potty train, they don’t have as many clothes on to deal with, one step at a time, don’t let people make you feel like your not doing a good job, he’ll be potty trained by the time he goes to college it will work out:heart:
Boys are most easily potty trained at 3. Don’t push him. It will be easier on both of you if you wait.
If you want start potty training him. You should put him on the potty every two hours. If you’re at home put him in underwear. After he goes give a big praise and even m and m”s when he goes. One for pee two for boo.
You might have a lot of laundry for awhile but don’t give up.
I am a preschool teacher that have potty trained a lot.
My oldest son was 18 months because his brother was on the way. Then he was trained at 18 months and there sister.
So no your not late or early.
It’s up to you.
Good luck.
He young. He will be train when he ready . Don’t let others make you feel bad. You and your son are just fine
Each child goes at their own pace. Don’t worry yourself n by all means DO NOT let other people mommy shame you!!! 4 kids and 10 grands n they all rained when they were ready. Some did great, some not so great. He is at an excellent age to introduce him to the potty though! Try putting him on the potty while drawing his bath water.
My grandson I. 3 1/2 and he is just now starting to even want to wear undies he refuses to even sit on any potty chairs or the big potty your child will let you know when he or she is ready if you push them or force them you will scare them and then they will be scared of it just slowly introduce it to him and go from there each kid is different
My boys were potty trained very early. By one year old they were on their way. We simply made potty time fun. Played games or read to him while being potty trained. They learned when they were wet or dirty, they didn’t like that feel. They would begin to whine when they were. Never left them wet or dirty.
Too many people with unsolicited advice to parents. In reference to others saying he should be potty trained already
Boys train later train later then girls but are usually easier then girls. It has to he on tbere own time frame up to 3 years old. Watch for signs he is ready dry thru the. Night or can tell you of he is wet. If he has older brothers or dad to set an example. From a seasoned preschool teacher. Good luck
My son is very smart and advanced and was 3& 1/2 before he was fully potty trained. Don’t stress!
Any child potty trained before age 2 is not really trained. It’s the adults that are trained to put them on the potty at scheduled times.
Both of my boys were closer to 3 when they started potty training. Boys take a lil longer then girls do. Plus kids go at their own pace if he’s 4 maybe your friends should be worried but for now let him do his own thing.
He’s not even 2? No most babies toddlers aren’t potty trained at 2 leave him be he will let you know…Like all things every child is different.
They do things when they’re ready. My son was 3 when he was potty trained.
All 3 of my kids were almost 3 or after before they were potty trained. If they are going on 5 thats when you should be concerned
Each child is different. Work with him , encourage him , praise him , and make a male figure take him when he goes himself.
Doctors say to wait til they are three. If you try before then you are just training yourself to take them potty at a certain time. Some children want to go potty at 2 but most don’t
Two can still be a little young. Sometimes littles are almost three. Just depends on the kid ! Don,t worry about it. Sometimes other adults need to let the mothers raise them how they want to and not how others think they should be raised.
I let my son run around naked, few accidents, but it worked! Outside was the best, lol Boys are slower!
My son was potty trained at 3 as he was not ready. Every child is different.
I had friends who fussed because their son who was almost kindergarten age wasn’t potty-trained. Then they happened to get him a pair of jeans with a zipper and he began just doing like Daddy did. I guess he just didn’t want to pull his pants down and sit!
One son potty trained himself, @ 18 months.
2nd son was three. Just put the small chair out and available, don’t force it, let him feel comfortable.
My son was 35 months when his sister was born…he said “she can have my diapers” and he never needed a diaper after that. The doctor told me, “he will train when he wants to”…boys are different.
All children are different and if you give him some time he will show interest in using the potty.Ive got five children and they all trained differently.Relax…hes fine
My oldest was 3.5 before he was potty trained and my youngest potty trained 1 month shy of his 3rd birthday. You’re doing fine
2 is a bit early for a boy. Give him time and he will be ready. Don’t force him and don’t scold him. This is all new to him.
They are ready when they are my 5 boys trained at all different ages and they were right on track
This summer is soon enough. It’s hard to potty train in cold weather. Too many clothes. When it’s warm out training pants and a t shirt on him. Show him how to potty and he will take care of the rest.
He does not need to be potty trained yet! You’ll just make it difficult for everybody if he’s not ready!
Hes still pretty young.i know a lite boy that’s 5 and still not potty traind.thats a little old tho.someone is not doing there job with this boy.and I know a little girl that’s 3 and has no desire to use the your son is ok
There is no set age for potty training. He will show signs when he’s ready. It’s best to not rush him.
Don’t worry one bit about it! It’s none of their business! Tell them you’ll train him when he’s ready! You CANNOT force a child to go to the potty give him time. Introduce him to it and explain what it is then go on as normal. He’ll do it when he’s ready! And no there’s nothing developmental wrong with him. So ignore the butt- in Skies and work with him yourself and his dad as well.
Train him to pee on them JK. Boys I’ve heard take a little longer. I had all girls first 2 were 3 and almost 3 my youngest was 18 months because her sisters too her with them to the bathroom and trained her I had very little to do with it (they were 6 and 8)
They started too early with my Grandson, he was terrified. I think he became traumatized especially with going #2 to the point he would hold it and become constipated. He was not fully trained until well after age 4.
Each child, to they’re own. Just going on 2, start now. Don’t force or get mad. He will do it. He no where close, to being behind
Don’t rush it… I have a 2 1/2 who just now realizes what she is doing… too late for toilet but it will happen soon enough
My son is over 2 and he isn’t potty trained yet. You start when you think he is ready.
All kids are different. I hate when people talk nonsense. There are some interesting psychological studies that have been conducted that talk about downsides to pushing/rushing kids to do stuff when they are not ready.
My grandson is 3 and only just starting potty training your not on your own some kids are faster than others at wanting to go on the potty you could get him a potty and leave it round so he knows it’s there
He will get it
I raised 5 and every one was different. Encourage him and be patient with him.
Holy crap he’s not even 2 yet. I would worry yet lol. What happens for one doesn’t happen for all. My daughter was around 2 (diapers at night til she was 4) and 3 of the 4 boys had it between 2 and a half and 4. Yes, 4. My youngest son (almost 8) has non verbal autism and is still in diapers (omg THE HORROR!). All kids are different.
Each child is different. As a parent you will know when he is ready
I have 3 boys my oldest trained at 3 and my middle son is a little over 3 and still not 100 % there. My youngest is about 2 1/2 and I just started with him im hoping it will push my middle son into getting all the way there
I let his Dad show him how he went, From that day forward he was trained
I started my oldest at 16 months buttttt. She was number 1 trained fast. It took until she was 2 and a half for number 2. So my last 2 I started them at 2 and a half and they were trained in 3 weeks. So no he’s not behind. If you start him before he’s ready the one that is trained will be you😄
He’s not going to be ready until he’s ready. My kids’ pediatrician says if they start waking up dry it’s time to start. Encourage but don’t get pushy. Put the idea into his head and see what he does.
We bought our oldest a potty chair and set it in the middle of the living room. At first she acted like it was going to bite her. Then she started playing with it. Then started sitting on it. Then we moved it to the bathroom. Then she started using it. She’s got a lot of developmental issues so I doubt she’ll ever be completely potty trained.
They are all different I found summer was easier with my boys (many years ago) less clothes ,outside more so fewer accidents in the house. My mother used to say she thought my sister would be walking down the aisle in a diaper…lol
Boys are slower at potty training than girls. As long as he is train before he starts school, he will be fine.
Boys take longer to train. Try in the summer, it’s easier if there are accidents. When he’s ready, he’s ready.
Let your friend raise her kids… you raise yours. Don’t worry about other parents and their opinions, do what you feel is right for your child.
I found my boys potty trained later than 2. Also when you do potty train think about stocking up on thick cotton training pants. I found my kids trained faster with those than pull-ups. The felt the wetness a lot more than the pull-ups.
If you are having a second child in May I wouldn’t even bother right now. As someone regression
Every child is different it is good to offer the potty but he will do it when he is ready
My daughter is just over a year older and has zero interest in the potty. Let your child lead, but offer often when he starts to show interest.
My son will be 3 in 3.5 months. He’s no where near ready to potty train. He has absolutely 0 interest my oldest got potty trained around 3 tho. I used jelly beans as rewards and he picked it up really fast. I tried to train him once around 2 and he had no care so it so we waited
My girls trained earlier than my first boy, who was trained by his third birthday. I know a 4.5 year old who wears a pull up to bed. I wouldn’t stress, he’ll be ready when he’s ready
My son is almost 3 and is just now interested enough to start. But he hates under wear of any kind so far so it’s a hassle. You can start introducing him but he will do it when hes ready
If he’s not showing signs then I’d wait, if you start before he’s ready then it can make it harder, i nannied a little girl who was started way too young and now she’s 4 and still scared to poop in the toilet, she’ll hold it for 4 or 5 days before her parents have to finally just do a suppository because she won’t eat any more, when your baby is ready he’ll show sign like noticing when he’s dirty, taking his diaper off, or attempting to change his own diaper, he’ll show you that he doesn’t like being dirty