Don’t push him. My grandson start just under 3 and was trained in a week.
Go at the pace you and your child are comfortable with. All kids are different.
When your child begins to eat regular food, in my opinion you should begin potty training, if he’s walking. My son was trained at 15 months. His sitter had a potty, we had a potty and his grandmother had a potty. We’d take him, morning, after meals, bedtime. If he went in his diaper, I’d sit him on the potty before I put the new diaper on. Poop and tinkle was a big accomplishment and got plenty of congrats and ataboys. Also let him go potty with his dad. It was easy, actually. I used cloth diapers, trainers, big boy pants.
My son refused to have anything to do with the potty until he was almost 3. He is now a prominent physician. I wouldn’t worry too much yet.
My son hated being in a wet or dirty diaper, and trained just after he turned 2. My daughter didn’t care, and was almost 4 when she trained. Each child is different.
My boys did not take longer than my girl,mine were broke from the bottle & potty trained before 2
My son wasn’t potty trained until 4 months after he turned 3
Some take longer than others. There is no set age. My 6 year old was almost 4 before he was totally pottying on his own.
Every child is different. My first one was not potty trained until he was almost 3. Tried several times he just was not ready. 2nd and 3rd child were 2 years old. No rush
No don’t listen to anyone but your child and your instincts. They’ll let you know when it’s time and this summer will be the perfect time to test the waters then go from there. Good luck.
Talk to pediatrician. My Doc told me yrs ago. When they go to school no one is going to ask at what age he was pottie trained. Relax be open about it but dont force
Mine started at 4 and was completely potty trained a few days before he turned 5.
All I can say, after 32 years in day care…do not use pull ups. It’s just like a diaper to them. Underware lets them feel they’re wet. Be consistent every day…you will need about 2 dozen pairs of underwear and will change them a lot…a sticker chart or rewarding him with skittles can help too…I have trained hundreds of children and these work…
My son wasn’t until he was 3 and a half- he just refused to do it. I started trying to train him at 2.
I have 5 kids, 4 girls and a boy. My girls were almost 2 when they were potty trained. My son took a little longer, he was almost 3.
I was told to not even try if they still woke with a wet diaper in the morning. But that was 30 years ago and it was my grandmother that said it so at this point they could be saying differently.
Jane said it all. He will back lash, after the baby comes.jjust wait. He’ll do it all at his own time sometime all in one day
That’s not necessarily true children all mature at their own age. I am a mom of 6 and have always believed around 2.5 and 3 is actually closer to normal for most children!
Dobt push him it will scar him… Buy his favorite character underwear…talk to him about being a big boy a big brother a helper to you with the baby… Let him pee outside…he will thinks it fun…He will do it when he is ready…dont push of get him scared.
He will show signs first. Every kiddo is different don’t listen to anyone but his cues.
Boys seem to potty train later than girls… mine were 3.5 years old before any type of interest
#1 about 3 1/2 years; #2 18 months; #3 4 years, #4 2 years. Your child will toilet train when he’s ready. For the record, #1 is a son, 2,3,&4 are daughters.
Don’t worry about it! I’ve babysat for almost 46 years and if they aren’t ready then you are just wasting your time. When they are ready it will be a breeze. Just keep taking them to the potty and if they go-give them a treat (couple of skittles or M & M’s-something like that). If there are other kids around don’t give them any—this is a reward for him. If he goes #2-bigger treat-cookie or mini candy bar-just him.
All children are different, he will be potty trained when he’s ready.
My son was nearly three and he was staying dry through the night and only had a few accidents when we started
He will be ready when he’s ready. Please don’t compare children.
Boys take longer than girls typically. By 3 is appropriate and don’t listen too anyone except your son’s pediatrician!!
Tell your friends to mind their own business or they can come potty train your child. All kids are different and train when they are ready. With a new baby coming even if he were trained having a new baby in the house might cause a set back.
I was told 3 if it’s a boy. They are usually so active that its u realistic to try and force it before 3.
My two oldest grandchildren did not want to potty train at two. My middle two are showing signs one is two and the other will be two in May.
All kids are done different. You will know when they are ready.
He will let you know when he is ready. Until then you are wasting your time trying to make him use the potty. Boys take longer than girls to train.
I have 3 boys…waited til 3 to potty try them all. Thus is how it went. It’s time to stop wearing diapers…here’s some cool underwear…don’t pee in it. Done. There’s no need to try at two…do what you want.
My kids were almost 4 and already 4 when they were potty trained. It will come when they are ready to be trained.
Buy him some underwear like his daddy and let him go to the potty with his daddy a few times. He will get the hang of it. Tell him he is a big boy now and to tell you when he needs to go. Worked for me. It takes a little time.
Don’t feel pressured to do it now. My boys both potty trained a few months before they tuned 3 and it was pretty easy. I also waited until summer so that they could potty train naked and I think that made it a lot simpler… of course, not everyone embraces naked potty training, but I’m a total hippy so it worked for our family!
My grandson was 3 going on 4 depends on the child he will go when hes ready.
Not too worry…and don’t bug him about it.
Not quite 2 is still very young…
2 is very young, potty training sometimes starts at 2 but anywhere between 2 and 3 is what all my grandchildren did.
Boys are generally later to potty train then girls. My son was 2 1/2. I tried when he turned 2 and he was nit having it. If he isn’t ready it will only stead you and him both out
I would say to just start out by putting him on the potty when he wakes up in the morning and naps. Just get him use to it. I have potty trained boys and girls by 20 months so it can be done whenever. Most dont get trained until 2 1/2. If you want to start, just do it slow.
My so was 2 and 1/2 we knew he was ready when I asked ‘ Brandon do you need to use the bathroom” his answer was “ no I have a diaper on” at that time 33 years ago we had training underwear so we switched him to that because he knew if he had a diaper on he didn’t have to use bathroom
Boys you are lucky to have trained by school.he is fine.maybe start before he is 3.once they get it.they are good
Best to start in Summer as it’s cold for them now. But get a kiddie potty each time u go take him with u and show him r perhaps also ur husband best way ever praise him each time he goes. Boys are harder
My daughter was 3 when she was fully potty trained. Each child’s bladder growth and strength develops at different times. Be patient, it will occur naturally.
I started potty training my son at 14 months old, this was way before pull ups.
I was 8 months pregnant with my daughter.
You can start now he’s old enough but I warn you it could all go out the door when the baby is born.
I kept at it and by the time he was 18 months he was trained.
Oh my goodness why are you listening to other people when your child is concerned some children
I just put the potty chair in the room they were in most of the time. You couldn’t keep clothes on either of my kids. I just made a game out of it and they would run to the potty and use it. My son was around 3 when he was trained, my daughter was 1
I had two sons and two grandsons and they were all around 3. Many people who had both boys and girls said girls train easier. I don’t know but you could kind of try but don’t stress over it. And stop caring about what other moms tell you.
My son was nearly 4 before fully toilet trained each child is different.
I don’t think so mine were not fully potty trained until they were 3
Most boys need to be closer to three to potty train and it is always easier to do it in the summer when they have less clothes to deal with getting on and off.
Pull ups, catch the look or timing of when he might have to go…and try it. Let him see you or daddy go…and then let him try…itll come. The first time you actually get him to the pot at the right time…make a big deal YAY. High 5!!! He’ll get it. Give overnight a little more time…pull ups at bedtime…Good luck w him AND the new baby!!
Every child is different. Work with him, buy kid books that encourage the potty trading process. Consistency and patience is the real key.
Go to the store with your son and get him excited about wearing big boy underwear. They have those that are still diapers they call them trainers. See if that gets him excited about it. Worked for mine. Boys are slower in that department I will agree with that I had two of them.
I had 3 kids who all figured it out at 3 1/2. 2 is super young, 3 is getting a little old, but they have to be ready. Each child is different. It can’t be forced.
Your child and you will know when he is ready! Until your friends pay for his diapers and support him they don’t have a say when he should be trained. Every child is different with learning. Congratulations on the upcoming baby!
My older kids weren’t fully potty trained till they were like 4-5 years of age, only with pooping tho. We started after they were 2 probably closer to 3. Makes me wonder if your friends have kids of there own. I would at least try and get it started around 2.5 give or take. It really depends on them. Happy birthday to your little one as well. My birthday is the 15th as well
Don’t do it till you know he is ready. When he’s ready he will learn quickly. If he’s not and you try to train him, you will spends months in it and you will both be frustrated. Bits usually get potty trained later than girls.
They shouldn’t be pushed into it. Just a suggestion to go to let them know that’s what they will need to do is enough
I have 3 kids,I started potty training them when they turned one ,by the time they turned 2and half they were fully potty trained
No he isn’t. Wait for signs from him. Summer is the best time
My great-nephew was potty trained when they went home after staying with me for the summer after my husband died. I still had the high toilet seat in the bathroom and the two older girls liked using it. He wanted to sit on it as well. I told him that if he sat on it he had to pee-pee and he did. Usually only a few drops but always poiined out to me that he did. Mom kept disoers on him and the baby, born that May but told me that when they got home at the end of the summer he was trained. He was about 2 then. I also read that teo children about 2 and 3 trained in a qeekend at their grandparents house once. Grandpa had remodeled the bathroom eith new shiny faucets and handles so the children spent lot of time playing with the new shinny handkes. Mom told then if they sat on the new “potty” they had to use it so they did.
Most children are not developmentally ready before age 3. A lot of folks feel very motivated and start potty training at 18 months, 2 years, and then wonder why its taking so long. I would not even worry about it yet
Sometime between 2 and 2 an a half. Each child is different.
Not to listen to your friends… you’re his mom, you two know when he is ready…
they will potty train when they are ready my boys were almost 3 before they were my daughter was almost 2 so when they are ready it will happen
Each child is different. Some are closer to 3 or even over, especially boys.
Take his pant off for a period of time each day. Then he can learn to associate what his body is feeling with what’s happening. Some children are extremely surprised the first time they happen to pee with no pants on.
When it happens talk to him about what he is doing. Let him help clean up and then show him where mommy and daddy poop and pee. Very matter of fact, no blaming or scolding.
You are just making sure he knows what the toilet is and what it’s for, and what the sensation in his body is before he goes. These are things he needs to prepare for toilet training.
And don’t let people guilt you about the age he is trained. Watch him for clues that he is interested and ready. Let him see you use the toilet and especially let him see daddy pee.
That’s my advice anyway.
I guess I was one of the lucky moms . My daughter was potty trained at 2 and my son at 18 months. But that was 40 years ago.
People make too big of a deal about potty training. Kids will train when they are ready. Some train earlier than others some take a bit longer. Trust me he won’t be wearing pull-ups to kindergarten. Relax.
He can be potty trained when you feel he is ready. Tell them nosey people to mind their own business. They arent changing diapers you are
Start trying to introduce him to it. I don’t think he’s behind, but 2 is a good age to begin. Do you have a potty chair? Start watching him closely, you can usually tell when they need to go. Take him to the potty chair, pull his pants down and sit him on it. He will eventually get the idea. With my nephew we bought cloth training pants and told him they were his “no pee, no poo” pants and he could pee or poop in them. Diapers / pull ups pull the wet away and they don’t even feel it, but with cloth they will not like that wetness on their skin.
#1. Stop listening to what your friends have to say. You know your child. Boys are a little harder to train than girls. I’ve had both. Start this summer when he can wear pull on shorts. If you make it difficult…it will be.
My granddaughter turned 3 first of December and was barley potty trained she wanted no part of it, they’ll be ready when there ready
Ok, first of all, DON’T listen to those who say what YOUR child should be doing! You are the momma! Your son has no control over anything except this one aspect. He will potty train when he decides to be, but don’t be disheartened, for most it may be when starts a school type setting.
Several people in my family tried several tricks, one used a cheerio, and encouraged that son to hit the cheerio. Another drained the bowl and painted a bullseye in the bottom. You will find your trick to help your son, hint your husband can be a BIG help in this, as most try from imitation!
My son was 4.The up side he was completely trained in 1 day.
I started training my boys as soon as walking…follow me and dad in, had petty right there. As they showed interest, started to actually enforce it. Done by 18 months, 2 or so for overnight …slowly. Big brother did help train little brother who wanted to mimic, so was easier. But I always say when you’re ready to start and they’re ready to learn. As long as before they start school. Don’t worry what anyone says !
Don’t push him. 3 is soon enough, he’ll have issues if pushed to hard.
Lol no. Kids let you know when they are ready. Sometimes in daycare they will start a routine early, but other than that no.
You let him do what he has to do but you can introduce him to it not all kids do it by 2 just try it out or introduce him to it you never know he may surprise you dont force it
Wait till it’s a little warmer, it will be easier, less clothes do what is best for you. All kids are different
Ok so 2 is a good age to start. Sometimes it’s not about if the are interested, the ARE 2, sometimes its about making them interested. Get them a potty chair and let them sit on it. Show them it’s like the big potty but its special just for them (be excited about it). They have toilet seats for kids that fit over a regular toilet seat. Look you’re using the big potty(again lots of excitement). My kids thought it was great to sit facing the toilet tank, give them a book to look at. Go a step stool, thru cherrios is the toilet and told the boys to get them. Offer a treat when they say they have to go. Training at night is harder, the sleep so hard they dont realize they have to go. Get creative with training but go for it. You’ll be happy you did
Every child is different. Look for the ready signs and dont put them on a deadline.
Don’t worry about other people, he will let you know when he is ready.
Take him with you when you use the toilet. Show him each time where pee and poop should go. Buy him a potty chair to set on while you go. Some children especially boys are not ready until they are 3 or 4. Do not push or criticize his failure. Run water why he is on the potty chair.
Do not rush it! Introduce it and let him decide when he is ready!
Boys take so much longer to potty train than girls don’t stress it!
Yeah kids will do it In Their time, and don’t let those other parents get to u or make u feel ashamed. People ought to encourage each other instead of making them feel like they are doing something wrong.
I found out from helping pot trained my grandboys that if you wait til around 3 yrs when they are ready that you will have him potty trained in like a couple days.
Having 5 kids myself, my oldest was potty trained around age 3. The others tried potty training earlier because they wanted to be like Mama and their older sister. He will let you know when he’s ready
I never tried to potty train in winter. Boys take longer because of their attention span anyway. He will let you know when he is ready and starting when it warms is easier. Two is the beginning age because if you try to erly you will have to do all over again at three.
He’ll be ready when he’s ready not when people say he should be!
When he’s ready he’ll be ready and better in the long run to rush it
Also, don’t use pull ups because they can’t feel when they are wet to want to change. They make thick underwear for potty training and even plastic pants to go over them so it doesn’t leak onto pants so easily. About 8 years ago I bought a little seat that hooks onto regular toilet and lifts up and down like the regular toilet seats. It made things so easy! I even had a fold up seat for travel.
Every kid is different don’t push it because that will make it harder on both if you. Mom of 5 Grandma to 7
As a mother of 7 don’t listen to others! About 2 1/2 is the time to start and it’s ok to introduce him to the potty but never make him. My granddaughter is the same age and they haven’t started yet either. He will give you signs when he is ready!
My son wasn’t able to fully potty train until almost 5… my daughter was a few weeks from 3. I know multiple 3yo kids boys and girls who just aren’t there yet
What is the rush? None of our 4 were fully potty trained untill they were 4. If they can do it before then, great. But don’t stress them or you. It will happen when it is supposed to. Your kid, your way
My youngest showed no interest till he was around three. He hated sitting in wet diapers and potty trained pretty quickly after that. Depends on the child really. Please don’t hold your child up against anyone elses. ALL kids are different and move at their own pace.
Some kids don’t start until 3ish… But with another baby otw, don’t start now. He could regress or associate it negatively with the baby “forcing” him to be a big boy. Buy him a potty chair next Christmas when baby is a few months old and go from there
Every child is certainly different when it’s potty training