Hey ladies and gents…lol I need some advice. And quick. …I have a daughter who has a son. He’s 1. And I have a 2 yr old. So 11 months apart. I watch my grandson while my daughter works. This kid is horrible. Don’t get me wrong. I love him more than anything. But when my grandson is here…along with my 2 yr old. They constantly fight. Fight over toys and whatever else is lying around. My son hates when my grandson is around due to him always stealing his stuff. And I do try to give him other toys to keep him busy, but it just doesn’t work. Iv also asked for grandsons mom to bring his own toys, but when that happens…he still goes for my son’s toys. I’m at a loss here. Idk what to do. These boys r always screaming and fighting. Also, my grandson gets into absolutely everything. Breaks stuff…does things he knows he shouldn’t be doing and has a significant anger issue. With his mother and with me. I do my best at giving him the attention he needs, but it’s really hard when I got a 2 yr old as well. I’m at the point where I don’t even want my grandson here because he is such an issue with my son and just NVR listens. Iv told his mother about this and claims he’s just a baby, which I get as I have five kids. But my grandson is such a difficult child. And IDK what to do anymore. Please help.
Their 1 and 2 get over it!
Teach them to share SMH
Edit just haha because this is terrible!
Honestly. Sounds like you’re not wanting your son to have to share. You have the ability right now to teach them both sharing with each other. Not everything has to be shared but some things do. With both being such young ages patience is going to carry you a long way. My 1 year old has a bad ass attitude to her as well. The more I find myself remaining calm to her tantrums the quicker she gives up. I calmly tell her this is my reasoning behind it and as she ages she will begin to understand more.
HES 1!!! Lol if you cant handle two.kids you shouldnt be watching him.
… he’s 1…??? That is all completely normal behavior for a 1 year old. If you can’t handle it then say you can’t watch him anymore but he is doing exactly what a 1 year old boy does.
He’s only one. I feel as if maybe he doesnt realized what is going on. He just needs to realize what sharing is. When he does stuff I would maybe start the please and thank you. He is only 1 and your son is 2. They’re not going to act like 5 and 6 year olds. It’ll be fine. Hope this helps
Hes fucking 1. And you of all should know that. How is it her fault you had a kid at an older age… Sounds like you just dont wanna watch him and deal with it. So do yourself amd that baby a favor. And dont watch him anymore.
Ok guys… she’s already tried teaching them to share. Is there something they both like doing that requires them to be a team? They need to learn team work. You also need to be the in between. Although they may not like each other, at this age you need to tell them when away from each other how much the other cares for them. You be the developer. If they know the other doesn’t like them, regardless the age, it creates a hostile environment. And unfortunately if your grandson is breaking things, you’ll need to keep a closer eye on him & teach him the meaning of gentle. Both with physical items and with him and his uncle.
Are you sure its him and not YOU ? He’s 1 ! Even your son is older than he is ! C-mom you’re a mother AND grandmother. Kids fight over toys , that’s what they do . You know this . Don’t be sour to your grandson. Even though you went and had a baby at at an older age doesnt mean you get to pick and choose. If that’s that case maybe you & your daughter should go separate ways.
How you’re wording this sounds atrocious. Grow up . You make it sound as if your 2 year old is a saint lmao . I bet he really isnt . Maybe its him who’s actually causing the fuss . He is in fact older .
Um hes 1 and also that’s your grandchild, you should love them not call them horrible. Wow.
Everyone else’s kids will always be worse then our own lol he’s your grandson and he is only one, my god if my mother complained like this about my one year old she wouldn’t be watching him anymore, if you have 5 kids you clearly should know how to deal with this instead of complaining about it, it just sounds like you want an excuse not to watch him anymore
Kids need to be taught how to play and share. You will have to play with them for a couple weeks until they get the hang of it. I know you wont get much done during that time. Have your daughter take your little one on her day off in order to catch up on chores.
He’s 1? Are you okay? Lol that’s a 1 year old for you. He doesn’t understand reasoning yet.
Stealing his stuff? Good grief he is ONE!
He’s 1. You’re expecting way too much out of a ONE year old.
That’s pretty normal behavior for their ages. Just saying.
Sounds like you’re the problem. Maybe you shouldnt be watching him. Sounds like kids bring kids. Get over it.
you have a grandson. Grow up and be a grandma. Not his fault you are still having kids when your kids are old enough to be having kids:woman_shrugging:t3: he’s 1. Tell your son, tough titty said the kitty. I have a 2 year old, 1 year old, and I’m 15 weeks pregnant. I’m 25. They fight. It’s life. Grow up. You’re expecting entirely too much from a ONE year old!
Girl will ya calm down. He’s 1
Omg.is this even real ??? Hes ONE. Stop watching him bc clearly you cannot handle it
Umm he is a baby still yet! You can’t expect him to be a prim and proper person at this stage in his life! Good lord if you’ve raised 5 kids surely you’d know this! Patience is a virtue! It’s called life! He will not always be little! I agree with your daughter on this …
He is one… With this being your grandson you would think you would know how to deal with a 1 year old…
Maybe he’s not GIVING you a hard time, maybe he is HAVING a hard time.
Pat that tooshy and reinforce those “No’s”. He’ll catch on soon enough.
He’s 1??? Maybe you should tell your 2 year old to share his toys. Wtf
Do you have a designated play are for toys that everyone can play with? Where your son doesn’t have to worry about his things and you don’t have to worry about him getting into them? Maybe during the day put baby lock door knobs on your sons room so he can’t mess with his things. Also, so a child coming over, nothing is harder than not having anything your own (toys etc) so being told constantly no has got to be hard and frustrating. Maybe he needs to have a few of his toys to be left at your house to make things easier. When he gets board of them switch them out. Remember, he’s one but he still has feelings just like everyone else!!! He just can’t express them like the old kids yet; other than getting your attention like acting out…that’s the quickest or easiest (unfortunately).
Do you have a set daily schedule? Maybe try one of those with play time, stories, singing etc.
Remember positive reinforcement can go a long way in a child’s mind and life.
poor baby! He is 1 my goodness lol
I wish this was public because I SWEAR if you was my childs grandparent you would probably NEVER watch him again until you get YOUR act together. Hes still a fucking baby!! Why was this post even approved??
Hes 1… and this is a totally common behavior for young childeren. You need to teach them how to share or wait their turn, in my house i dont force childeren to share its a 2 way street. Yes its nice for them to share but they can also wait their turn. Sounds like the lil man needs to go somewhere else to be watched cause your clearly favoring one child over the other causing him to probably act out more than usual. Your the adult. He isnt horrible cause he doesnt know how to share yet…
I thought this said “my grandma acts out” at first glance.
If your grandson is one, everything he touches is his, everything he plays with is his. In his eyes. He is a baby for crying out loud
HE IS 1… If you cant handle both a 1 and 2 yr old. then dont babysit… he is 1 nothing wrong with him… his mom is right he is a baby… you are just too stressed to have 2 that little…
Awe poor kid is only one! He’s learning
Sharing is not even an option when they are this young, on both kids parts. They need to play independently together, blocks, coloring, etc… individual group activities. My kids (1 and nearly 4) are the same! My son wants everything his big sister has or plays with, and even vise versa, my daughter will play with babyish toys just in spite of him. They’re never hardcore violent with each other but they fight hard and at the same time love hard.
Your grandson sounds like well A- he’s one. HE HAS HAD ONE YEAR ALIVE. Give him a break. B- moms leaving him, he’s worried, maybe anxious, going through typical one year old emotions and can express them or handle them. C- sometimes they need to work things put themselves! If you keep breaking up a ‘fight’ over a toy, they’ll never learn how to play with each other. Both of them are allowed to be angry about the other taking a toy, so offer a new toy. If meltdowns ensue it’s time for a new activity. Obviously that was too much for you and made you upset so let’s do something else.
I agree with what others have said about a group game or activity- it’s not to young for him to color, or play very simple kids games, that may not require turns but will have them work together. Encourage your 2 year old to work together, he’s more capable of grasping that (after saying it 73629 times).
Are one and two year old not meant to do this? Because if they’re not, my kids are broken find fun activities to do together like painting, getting outside for a runaround etc. They’re very much learning to share at this stage, they just need to be shown how, repeatedly, as frustrating as that may be! X
Sounds exactly like my son… who also happens to be 1 might just be me but it seems like that’s normal for 1 year olds
This is normal 1 year old behavior. Not normal behavior for a grandmother, however.
Don’t blame the kid.
You’ve had 5 kids but you can’t handle a 1 year old Its all about persistence, redirection, and how much you can keep your cool. He’s not going to do what you want right now. He has only JUST hit the age where his brain can even start to comprehend action and consequence. I don’t know what you all think happens in a baby’s head, but they don’t inherently understand sharing or causation or consequence. Those are learned behaviors and he has just now really reached the age where working on these things will make a difference. The fact that you’re calling him awful and complaining that he’s a NORMAL sounding baby makes me sad.
He’s 1. Don’t babysit if you can’t handle a normal one year olds behavior.
The BABY is 1, not 5. He does NOT grasp the concept of stealing or anything else you seem to think he should🤦🏼♀️give him a break, kids can feel your stress and anger. How did you raise 5 kids and not understand he is a BABY🤔
You say you have 5 kids…yet you don’t know that is how a ONE year old acts???
Try putting your grandson in a playpen .And he is just a baby. Maybe he has anger issues because of how he is treated. As a mother of 5 you should be smarter.Try being nicer with your grandson and maybe teach your 2 year old to share his things better. He is older and should set tje example and so should you.
I just went through this with my grandson. From what I experienced. He just was to be involved with everyone else. Grabbing things gets him attention. Yes he’s only 1. But it sounds like he just was to be with the big boys and be included. At that age any attention is attention to him. He doesn’t know negative attention from positive attention. Do things with him instead of just handing him a toy.
The are 1 and 2 they are babies they are going to fight my 3 and 4 year old do the same thing.
He is 1. Get over yourself ffs. This poor baby… breaking stuff and getting into stuff he knows he isnt allowed to get into? HE IS ONE. put your damn stuff up if he isnt allowed to get it. He is a BABY.
Are these posts made up? They get more and more “wtf-ish” by the day.
Mom of 30 yrs here, and uh at 2 my kids were being taught to share and working on potty training, the 12 mth old was still being weaned so yeah, He’s a BABY, my advice is for you’re daughter to consider another Avenue for child care.
Dissaplyne when he takes a toy away say no so and so had it we don’t take toys that hurts feeling you need to give it back and wait your turn. As far as getting in to everything and breaking everything when it happens tell him no in a Stern voice we don’t do that and make him take a time out. Keep doing it he will eventually get it
He’s one years old! How much do you really expect for him? I think you need to take a step back and evaluate your patience level and maybe step back from babysitting
Sounds like your choosing to favorite your own child over the grandson. Honestly your daughter should find someone else to watch her son so he isn’t treated like the outcast! Hes 1 and you’re already this way the older he gets hes going to hate you for it.
Whys everyone giving her crap shes being honest and shes asking for help yes hes 1 and theres really not alot you can do with a 1 year old I’m afraid but I would sit down and speak to your daughter I also have a 2 year old and 2 grandchildren who are 3 and 1 and it’s a hand full having them all together and I’m only 35 lol I also have 5 other children with behavioural issues so my house is manic most of the time if your struggling be honest hun
Did you say “does things he knows he shouldn’t be doing”, ummm he is 1. He doesn’t know he shouldn’t be doing those things.
I think because you have such a young child (who you prob adore) that ANY other child around that’s not yours is going to be a “bother” to you. It just is what it is. I am similar.
Uhhhhh. He’s 1! Acting out? No. He’s being the baby that he is. He is a BABY! He’s not difficult, HE’S A BABY!
Tell your daughter that you can’t help anymore because if you’re attitude towards him is that he’s “acting out” I can’t even imagine how that BABY feels at your house.
I agree w most of the moms on here. I have a 1yo boy (13mths). However, he already knows how to share…so that can be learned early cuz he been doing that b4 he turned 1…however…he is only 1yo. He cant put together sentences…his emotions and hand gestures is how he communicates. And maybe it could be your son instigating…terrible 2s maybe?? They are both very very little and I think your expectations of esp your grandson are way too high for rn. Keep guiding him to share…be gentle…but it wont happen overnight. My 1yo got such a temper when doesnt get his way, but he shares and gives lots of love. It’s what u teach n not so much what u preach.
Could you do some painting and stuff with both to encourage them to work together x playdough where they could make stuff together x are there any mum and baby groups so they cud be around other kids just a thought its hard work xx
Omg are you freaking serious?! He is a ONE year old!
Maybe, hopefully, seeing all of these moms agree and give the same advise will help you reevaluate your attitude and treatment towards your grandson. Hopefully you either change your mind set, or you tell your daughter you cannot watch your grandson anymore because it’s not fair to him.
Time for some spanking.
Get them the same little toy and play with them both and get excited, encouraging and having fun with them both my kids loved a certain one I’d get two and a lot of times they loved it and they parallel played
He is ONE YEAR OLD. I think u love ur grandkid but the problem is u have a kid around his agr and you’re playing favorites whether u accept it or not. U resent your grandson wanting your childs stuff because it makes ur son cry. As a mom of five u know how to handle kids and u know how yo handle these little issues so for u to come on here ranting abt it all i get is along the lines u feeling resentment for the kid. His mom needs to get someone else to look at her ki
Is this for real? Omg. Maybe you shouldn’t watch him. He deserves love and patience. He is 1 for goodness sakes. They need to be taught to share. It sounds like both of them do. Remember please, your grandson is also YOUR blood. Not that it should even matter. All children deserve patience, love and understanding. Period. You’re in my prayers. I do not mean to sound harsh, but this post… I get you may be struggling but think of how the 1 year old feels.
Kids fight over toys, and everything he is doing sounds age appropriate
He’s 1…he IS just a baby…I’m thinking that if you can’t handle watching him and NOT playing favorites toward your child and acting like this ONE YEAR OLD is some horrible monster, you need to stop babysitting.
Well we know she’s not grandmother of the year. I bet she even tells her grandson that is not your toy. Make your own son share, what the hell is wrong with you woman?
TELL her u can’t babysit anymore…its overwhelming for u. Give her time to get a replacement babysitter, but also give her a verbal deadline. And stick to it. I can’t imagine how incredibly hard this must be bc its your DAUGHTER, and grandson. But something is gonna have to give. Just be honest and as kind as possible. Hopefully she understands.
He’s 1, he isn’t stealing a damn thing. They both need to learn to share. He’s acting totally normal for a 1year old. And you know, since you have 5kids yourself, you should already know that this is exactly how babies are
Your grandson is a one year old. He IS still a baby and you’re fucked to think he’s an awful kid. Maybe you’re just an awful cunt
and ur son is d little saint?? u sound like a sour stepmother u are disgusting!
Maybe the baby needs constant care and this mom can’t handle another toddler around. She’s admiting she has been trying but she is worn out. Might be best if she doesn’t have to be day care provider and grandmother because it’s too much for her. If it wasn’t blood you all would be telling her do what’s best for her so she can be the best mom and grandmother she can be for the children. Breathe grandma. Communication is key. Hang in there.
OK I’m one year-old is a baby in here you are saying how horrible he is and how you can’t handle him and he breaks everything and has anger problems? That makes me wonder about the adults that are around him and what he has been exposed to. Why in the world with a one-year-old already have anger problems? I think you should be concerned about the bigger issues here and not so much how hard it is for you to deal with him. I’d be worried psychologically honestly
This kid is horrible. I need to tell my self that i didnt read this shit. Wtf. Justdont babysit him. HE IS A BABY. And you are such a bad gramma. Sorry.
I’m not sure what u expect from a one year old I feel like it shouldn’t be a surprise to u especially since u have a two year old…but that is normal one year old behavior…
maybe u never had kids this close in age??
It’s hard when u are watching kids close in age but u are being totally unfair to your grandson…if u can’t handle babysitting then don’t…
A one year old is still a baby! They are trying to literally figure out how the world works. It’s our job to teach them how to handle the world. That needs to happen both at home and at a sitters. I sense some favoritism here and that’s not healthy for anyone. I think the best bet might be that your grandson goes to a different location or person for care.
Consistency, redirect, maybe you’re not even trying.
He’s one. He’s learning about the world, including about sharing. If you can’t handle it, maybe you shouldn’t be watching him. But it isn’t his fault.
Maybe when your grandson is there put up your sons favorite toys and have a toy box of toys that they can share together thats what we do when we know other kids are coming we put up the favorites and have a toy box that everyone shares once everyone leaves then my kids get their favorite toys back out
I think we should all stop responding- because this can’t possibly be a real post. Smh
I have a 1 and a2 yo and they act exactly like this. Pull up your big girl panties because it gets a lot more muddy from here
You’re probably acting that way with him because he isnt your baby which is weird since he is your grandbaby. Most grandmas spoil them. Maybe hes feeding of your vibe and it’s not a nice one just from reading this.
… HES A BABY… Is this lady serious?
Yikes hes 1. He doesnt see it as taking toys he just sees a toy that he thinks is interesting. Tell your daughter you can’t watch him anymore because he deserves to be treated equally by the person hes being babysat by. You’re choosing favorites and blaming a baby for it, maybe you should teach your kid that hes a baby and he just things your kids toys are cool and wants to be like him
It sounds like the one year old can feel the tensions of you favoring the 2 yo and gets frustrated. 2 yo should be taught to share!!! If said child does legitimately have anger issues with you maybe look a little more into self reflection!!
Crazy freaking post…
If you’re overwhelmed and can’t handle it there’s nothing wrong with that just tell your daughter to get a new sitter
Uhm…he’s a BABY. You need to teach your child how to share. If there are certain stuffys or toys that are special put them up while you’re babysitting. Sounds like you’re the problem, not a 1yr old. Heck if I was your daughter I’d stop letting you babysit
Maybe he’s acting out to get some attention? You don’t sound like a loving tender grandma. You sound frustrated and annoyed… bitter and resentful?! How sad.
Your daughter should find other daycare for her 1 year old.
I think you’re just favoring your son. Hes one. All 5 of your kids were absolutely perfect or what? Our second son is a wild child and into everything and our first never did that. Our second is a NORMAL kid and we just got lucky that our first was so well behaved. I wouldn’t let you watch him anymore.
Did i read it wrong, you said he’s 1… my daughter is 1 too and she doesn’t know to steal toys… yes she fights for them, throws tantrums but she is fucking 1… she doesn’t understand… i do tell her no and bad and she understands for a couple of minutes but damn it…
This is probably one of the most ridiculous post I have seen. They are both babies. And I’m sure that if THEY are arguing all the time it is not just the 1 yr old being bad. C’mon. Really lady. They are both babies. Stop with yourself.
He’s one… Dumbass lady!! Yeah maybe you shouldn’t be watching your grandson cause you sound like you lack brain cells. “He’s doing things he knows he shouldn’t” ??? He’s a freaking baby You’re the one with issues not the baby!
A 1 year old with an anger issue…?!?
You mean the INFANT is terrible? You’re a terrible grandmothet. You should feel ashamed, and should not be allowed to watch that baby.
wow is all I gotta say…ummm how young are you yourself?? These are babies for gosh sake!!
Grow up!!
Your grandson is only 1 I don’t know what you really expect from him. Children do things they are taught to do and need to be taught what not to do. If you feel that way towards a baby then you shouldn’t be watching him anymore. You need to discuss this with your daughter and she needs to find another sitter bc you can’t handle it and if I were the mom soon as you started saying things like that about my kid you most likely wouldn’t ever see him again honestly.
Yeah. Wow. He’s one. ! One year olds don’t know what they are supposed to be doing or not doing and they don’t steal. Sounds like you’re the problem.
He is ONE!!
Mama needs to get baby away from Grandma.
There’s no way a grown woman of 5 kids and a grandchild wrote this. “Iv”? “NVR”? This page is making up posts for drama.
He’s 1… your daughter should find someone else to watch her child.
Stop leaving a one and two year old toddler alone to play and expect them to work out their issues! You have to sit with them and work with them. And a one year old has no concept of emotional regulation nor stealing or right and wrong! You need to take parenting and child development classes, and your grandbaby needs to go to a qualified provider who does not villianize and talk down on babies.
He’s just a baby seriously he has to learn to share a 1 year old doesn’t understand that those aren’t his toys or he should not be doing whatever. He literally doesn’t know better and has to be taught and your acting as if he was the 2 year old if you can’t handle watching him then don’t but don’t blame him for just being a baby.