My grandson needs glasses but his dad is against it: Advice?

He needs to fucking see… as someone with glasses. It’s irrelevant wether u think he will be bullied he needs to see. Poor kid. Let him have sight.

your son-in-law is guilty of child abuse for not getting him the glasses he needs

If he doesnt get him glasses it’s neglect

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My 8 year old just got glasses. He hasnt been bullied.
Kids today are not like kids when we were all kids. That whole 4 eyes thing is a dying insult.

Bullying is something noone absolutely noone can escape or avoid unfortunately unless you’re the bully lol don’t worry about the kid getting bullied just worry about the kid being able to learn properly otherwise it will give the kids just another thing to pick on him about…not being able to see and being behind in school :woman_shrugging:

As a former optician, I know that eyeballs grow. If he were nearsighted I would freak out! But being farsighted at 3 years old, I am not so concerned. Colors, numbers etc. he is 3 years old.

How tf are you going to risk your kids eyesight getting worse (it can without proper
Vision correction) because you are worried he “might get bullied”. If bullies want to pick on a kid they will find any reason to do it, glasses or not. Tell your daughter to get her mama bear claws out and insist her kiddo gets the glasses he needs.

My daughter had a hard time seeing while reading in elementary school. It did affect her ability to read and comprehend in school, affecting her grades. She got glasses and has now excelled and never was bullied. She actually has always thought they were cool.

He won’t be bullied. Many of my students wear glasses and have for years. If he is comfortable wearing them and they are just a part of who he is, he will be fine. Plus, he will know the things he needs to know to start school with some basic knowledge. That will prevent more bullying than any glasses or lack thereof.

Glasses corrected my husband’s eyes when he was young, but on the bullying it can happen. Just give him some good come backs like, take them off and not see the ugly in the world, the give me sight to see beauty and goodness. Have Your son-in-law read the kids book Auther need glasses, and get him some clear links glasses and smear patrolem jelly on them, ask him to wear them for a day so he knows what his kid is going through and tell him to expect headaches from not being able to see.

Well if the kid needs glasses, HE NEEDS GLASSES.

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I worked in child care for 4 years and I never heard a kid make fun of another for glasses. Plenty of other stuff but not glasses

I’ve had glasses my whole life. Only “bullying” I experienced from it was from my siblings. Get the boy some glasses


Lots of kids wear glasses, don’t be ridiculous get the child the help he needs!

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Does it matter he does t where glasses eyes get worse period the end… Hey the kid some dam glasses for fuck sakes

Denying the child glasses to SEE is neglectful at the very least. Absolutely ridiculous.


i didn’t know till i was like 13 that i needed glasses my eyesight was not good and has only gotta worse (and will continue to quickly deteriorate) its as bad as it is because my eyes spent all those years straining giving me migraines and my eyes hurting it sucked but i didnt know it wasn’t like that for everyone. he could slow down them getting worse or even since he’s young correct his vision so he wont have to wear them in a few years. its horrible for him to deny glasses to his son. i nor anyone else i know who wears glasses has been made fun of those jokes are stupid now and never used. he needs to see properly to excel in learning as well.

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We have a grandson who started wearing glasses at 1 year old. He is now 7 and has never been bullied because of his glasses. Most people comment on how cute he is with his glasses.

My 10 yr old has been wearing glasses for a few years now and she has never been bullied . She wears bifocals too so they have a very obvious line . Nobody in any of her classes has said a word about it

Sounds like your son in law shouldn’t have had a kid at all. Its clear he’s not ready to make the mature decisions a parent needs to make. :woman_shrugging:


I have 4 children 3 of them need glasses and have since they were 4/5years old (now 16, 11 & 6) the only one who gets upset about glasses is my daughter that doesn’t need them :see_no_evil: specs are a cool accessory now even eye patches are cool these days

Oh seriously, even if he is. He still needs glasses. It can affect him tremendously by not wearing them. People need to grow up, its only glasses for fk sake

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Would you rather him be bullied as a four eyes or a dumb ass?

Glasses are cool nowadays, I need to wear glasses 24/7 but always hated them when I was younger so refused to wear them outside but now I wear them everywhere as its so much different now kids want glasses these days same with braces I refused them but now kids want them and good on them the kid needs glasses and it’s neglect to not let him have them his eyesight will only get worse if he doesn’t

His dad is already the biggest bully that poor boy will ever have

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From your son-in-law’s perspective, he’s protecting his son. That’s what he’s focusing on to justify his refusal to get your grandson glasses. Sit down with him, tell him you understand he wants to protect his son and what’s best for him like any parent would, and then make him see just how his “protection” is ruining your grandson’s quality of life. By making him focus on the damage he’s causing his son, he should warm up to the idea of glasses. Make him realize his son isn’t meeting the academic milestones other kids are such as learning letters, numbers, and colors, which will open doors for other forms of bullying like other kids calling him a “retard”. From here on in, you’re on your own because I honestly cannot say if the best thing to do is to not let the pressure up until your son-in-law agrees or if you should give this time to sink in for your son to realize how much his son needs glasses. You’ll have to decide which one is the better course of action for yourself. But one thing I can say with absolute certainty here is do not let up until he agrees to get his son glasses.

Point out that bullying is a future issue that may or may not even happen, but an issue that needs to be addressed immediately is your grandson’s eyesight, which he refuses to address. Furthermore, kids will find plenty of other reasons to bully other kids, so it may not even be his glasses that gets him bullied if that happens.

To answer your question, your grandson may get bullied. It may or may not be because of the glasses. From what you described, the glasses will impact him more in a positive manner.

I had glasses most of my life and was never once bullied for them. It’s child neglect not to buy him glasses, so if you can’t convince your son or daughter, then you will have to step in.

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His father is pathetic if the child needs support it is now

Glasses are cool now. He’s more likely to get bullied for not being able to read

If the child needs them he needs them simple as of he goes without now COULD be a lot worse later on in lfe

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I’ve worn glasses since I was 18 months old I’m 28 now and I’ve never been bullied. Kids know these glasses helps people see.

It will impact him not being able to see. Lots of kids wear glasses. A bully is a bully whether the child wears glasses or not. Not supplying what he needs to succeed is a disservice to him.


If a child is resilient and “bully-proofed” by his relatives, there will be little need to worry about anything people say. My kids know not to take things kids say to heart, they are very friendly, but also they know how to give a good retort. Kids are mean; just about everyone will have something said to them, no matter how they look. But if the kid can learn to defend themselves against it, they’ll be fine.

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He has to get them or things will get worse with his sight it’s cruel not to get him glasses and give him the same quality of life that he has hope all works out

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How can a parent be against a medical necessity?
He literally can’t see in certain ranges?
This just seems so incredibly neglectful :pensive:

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He needs to grow up if that baby needs glasses he needs them. My 5year old grandson has glasses and he looks adorable in them and he doesn’t get bullied. Your son in law needs to realize his son won’t be the only child with glasses. He needs to stop being so dam selfish and do what needs to be done for that baby.


First of all, the father is already giving power and control to potential bullies over a basic need your grandson will need for his own well being and success. Let him get his glasses, and teach him the importance of basic human kindness, self-esteem and confidence in himself, along with the knowledge of having the constant love and support of his family. Bullies will always be there, no matter the age or how trivial the issue, and your children WILL learn to stand up to them, and be stronger and better for it.

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Not being mean, but if your grandson is not receiving the care he needs to have the best chance at a healthy life, he is being neglected and the school can actually call child services about it. If a child is a bully, he will find something to be a bully about. If not glasses, it will be something else. Your grandson’s physical needs absolutely cannot be neglected due to the possibility of bullies. By the way, both of my boys wear glasses and have never been picked on because of them.


My daughter has been wearing glasses since she was 2 and has not been bullied and has plenty of friends. If he needs them then get them otherwise he may need surgery down the road

He is more likely to be bullied for not wearing glasses and not being able to learn because of not being able to see well tell your son-in-law to blur his vision and see how he likes it. It may eventually cause your grandson to have bad headaches

I doubt anyone will make fun of him and he needs to have his eyes fixed. He may not have to wear them forever.
Your son in law def needs to be river ir. That kid will go through a lot more then worrying if he’ll be bullied over glasses.
He needs help. Kids first before pride.

No mine has had them since they were little nit get bullied for it. He needs them to see if they want him to excel

His dad needs to get off his high horse!! Of he needs glasses then he should get them, it’s for his health, especially since he cant see. I have worn glasses most of my life. Yeah I got teased but kids will tease him and then get over it and they’ll moved on to something else. I do believe that it is a type of neglect…

My son was 3 when he got glasses… I let him pick them out (paw patrol of course) he did and does great and no he doesn’t get made fun of… actually the opposite kids in his class ask their parents if they can get glasses too… and from the moment he put them on his life changed I almost cried when he walked around saying mommy I can see … I can see this or this… it was a game changer!

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My son has glasses and has not been bullied for it. He got his glasses around 3rd or 4th grade and no one even thought different…

It is much more important your grandson can see then worry about he MIGHT get bullied

My son needed glasses at that age too. I too was totally shocked because he never seemed to have any problems. But when he put them on he didn’t mind them and it seemed to have instantly made a world of a difference for him. I felt so bad because I felt like I was neglecting something so beneficial to him. He should definitely get them before he starts school otherwise he’ll struggle and it may be perceived as something other then just simply not being able to see.

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I finally got glasses. I too can see far away. I can tell if it’s a red oak or white oak leaf blowing across the road at 300 feet.
But that object in front of my car-is that a tree or a person. It’s better to be able to identify what’s up close.
As for being bullied. If he’s not bullied for glasses, it might be something else.
If he can’t identify numbers, letters, things up close, he won’t be able to read, or see road signs. Glasses are just another medical accessory. Just like my grandchild’s insulin pump. Ya need it to live.

My daughter had to get special prescription glasses due to her brain cancer. The tumor had caused so much nerve damage in her left eye she is nearly blind in that eye. Her eye used to sit in the corner of the socket due to nerve damage. Her chemo actually had helped because it shrunk the tumor but she still has nerve damage that may never heal. The point is she needed glasses to help her vision she is almost blind in her left eye and normal vision in her right. She has to have a eye surgery to hopefully help her eye. So is it a process for a child to wear glasses yes it is he will learn to adjust to it and ir could help him. And by his father not wanting his son to wear glasses hes being too controlling so what would his father want more his son to get the glasses to help his vision or would he want his son to not wear the glasses and his vision become worse and then has no choice but to wear glasses and his vision could get worse the longer he waits

My daughter has glasses from toddler age, and has never been bullied for it. Actually gets alot of compliments on how cute they are. Why the hell would you not want to let your child see? Or suffer from headaches? Or be at his very best even if that requires glasses? Dad needs a good licking not doing what’s the best thing for the kiddo.

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Three of four of my kids wear glasses. No bullying from anyone. But that could be my area too. Although when I was in school here there was bullying over glasses. New generation maybe. :woman_shrugging:t2:

My daughter had glasses at 2. She was fine. Not bullied. And is now a vet. My husband wore glasses with my daughter to support her. He usually wore contacts

That’s a form of abuse the kid needs glasses but the dad is against it. Your son-in-law needs to grow up.

Dad needs to get over it, sounds like dad is vain…he’s a baby 3 years old not in school who gonna bullie him…care for those eyes

Instead he wants your grandson to go without? That would have more of a negative impact on the child. Bullies happen, but you teach them the situation. He might not even be bullied over glasses but why let his eyes possibly get worse?

Get him glasses they might help his eyes get stronger. It happened to me when I was in 1st grade. I wore them less than a year.

dad needs to chill if your child needs glasses not the end of the world so many people wear them

He needs glasses and the kids won’t bully

I’ve found kids don’t make fun of kids with glasses anymore. If anything, they’re jealous when they don’t have them too!

My grandson is extremely farsighted. He wears the thickest glasses I think I’ve never seen. He very intelligent, and he says the kids don’t bother him at all. He has friends, loves reading, and was totally amazed he could see his feet when he first got his glasses. I cried over this thinking I should have noticed it sooner.

No there are alot of kids with glasses

All kids wear glasses even the cool kids

No, your son in law needs to get a grip, frankly, not getting him glasses is child abuse. Daddy is being selfish.

My grandson is almost blind due to a cyst on his brain when he was born. He always has the best glasses. My grand daughter has glasses, too. She has light purple ones. Neither have ever been bullied due to glasses. Karson’ big brother would put a stop to that and Mz Jessalyn would take care of them herself.

The longer you wait the worse his vision will get your grandson will learn to handle other kids dad needs to quit being a selfish brat and let his son see the what he’s been missing

Cal CPS that’s neglect. Sorry the kid got such an immature idiot for a “father.”

He’s three! What other children is he around that are going to bully him? And kids are shits, they will bully anybody for any reason. To deny his son the ability to see correctly one is only going to worsen his eyes but it can cause learning and developmental delays!


Get the glasses. My son got his at 4 when his teacher mentioned he may need them and sure enough he was almost blind. He is almost 25 now and I can still tell that his early learning put him behind. He struggled so much more than his siblings. Kids who do not learn well get bullied a lot more than kids who wear glasses.


That is a deservice to the child I have been in health care especially in eyes for 19 years and this child will not function well without having proper care for his eyes. Dad needs to grow up. Mom needs to stand up for whats right she works for a eye doctor no excuses.


Not getting the child glasses or other medically needed care is child abuse. By not getting glasses your grandson will be behind in education, athletics, and other skills, and has potential to being bullied even more than if he had glasses. At an older age he can get contacts if he doesn’t want to wear glasses. However glasses are not just for looks they are a necessity.


Oh my god tell your son in law to get a life. Your grandson will not do good in school or anything if he can’t see. Just wait if he has to wear braces all the kids do. Parents are supposed to help their children succeed in life. Just get the glasses for this child, he will probably be so happy he can see.


All 3 of my boys wear glasses, and have since they were very young. They have never been bullied because of their glasses. Sounds to me like your son-in-law needs to pull his head out of his a**, stop neglecting his son, and take care of the boy’s needs! If he’s so worried about his son being bullied then give the child the necessary life skills and tools to handle it.


Once he gets into school, it’ll become very obvious that he needs glasses, and if he doesn’t get them, the school is mandated to report that to the authorities. If he’s only 3 now, it shouldn’t take until he’s in school. He needs them now. Mom needs to stand up to dad and make it happen. I wonder what dad would do if they had to deal with a much more serious medical issue than glasses?? He should be grateful that it’s a simple fix.


Not providing medically for his needs so he can become a fully functioning person/ learn to the best of his ability constitutes a child in need of care.


Kids at my son’s school loved his glasses. He had blue ones, red ones, and then clear ones. It will do more damage to the poor kid if he can’t see and learn than it will to have a select few kids tease him about his glasses.


My son needed glasses at a young age. I was concerned about bullying. It wasn’t a problem. But if he fell behind his classmates and performed poorly in school could have easily caused bullying. So pick you poison. Kids get bullied for the craziest things. I rather take my chances with glasses than people thinking I not smart. Your child likely won’t be teased about glasses. And your child will enjoy seeing all they have been missing.


Non of my kids have been bullied for wearing glasses. That little boy is being denied an education do to not being able ti see close up and his dad needs to get off his high horse and let his son have a chance at success hus mom need to put her foot down too.


Your grandson likely will experience some bullying in his lifetime. Wearing glasses or not that will likely happen. This is a necessity for him to have glasses. It’s unfair to not get him something he needs. And there’s no reason to think they will increase the likelihood he would get bullied. I wear glasses and have since I was little. There was never really bullying over wearing glasses either.


It’s bordering on abuse to let the poor child go through life not being able to see. He needs glasses now and perhaps can get contacts when he is older.


Seems like he will begin to fall behind if he gets to school and not be able to see well seems really stupid that his dad is so against it, how would he like it if he wasn’t able to see. I’d always do what’s best for my son regardless and he will most likely need glasses soon I’d rather have him be able to see than the slight possibility of him being bullied, you can’t 100% prevent bullying you can only address it if it that happens

Should not even be a question. If the child needs glasses, get him glasses. It would be extremely cruel not to. Teach him self esteem so that he can overcome bullying. Almost all kids are bullied at some point.


He needs them Dad! Now before he gets in school. I wore them back in the sixties! No bullying there

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My grandson has worn glasses since he was 3. Desperately needed them and never protested wearing them since they help him so much. He’s a 10 year old 5th grader now and has NEVER been bullied. Get this child the help he needs!

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My 2 year old Grandson has had his glasses for about 2 months…never even thought about him being bullied…his eyesight is what’s important…tell Dad to grow up!


If he doesnt get those glasses and the baby needs them, then that’s neglect. So he wants the child’s eyesight to get worse? What kind of parenting is that? So he has to choose between bad eyesight or being bullied because he has to wear glasses?? Smh

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The child needs to be able to see. It’s not fair to him that his Father is against that. Kids will always make fun for one reason or another hes 3 his vision is important.


Is his dad relating to bring bullied as a child? Is he trying to protect his son from that experience? Regardless of his reason, he needs to understand that denying his son the ability to see is not the way to deal with his fears.


This is being a bad parent. Dad needs to grow up. What if something else comes up. What will dad do. Withhold treatment.


His eyes are more important than his dad’s ego! If he gets bullied or teased, his dad should be there for him, but not allowing him to get glasses? That’s just wrong.


My daughter was 4 when she got her glasses. Never once has she been bullied. Shes 15 now. He’ll be bullied for not being able to see! So many kids have glasses now.

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My 7 year old grandson wears glasses. He has never been bullied. He had difficulty in school and the teacher suggested having his eyes checked when he was four. They also keep an extra pair handy because he has broke several pairs. His dad needs to grow up! He will cause his eyes to worsen at a much higher rate and he will have learning problems.


Please get this boy what he needs. I know my son has worn glasses since he was 5 years old. He didn’t get bully or picked on because of it. I will never forget the day he got them. When we walked out of the doctor’s office. My son just looked up and all around. His smile said it all. Never regretted it.


My daughter was not bullied and he’s gonna get bullied for looking stupid cause he can’t see. He’s going to get bullied if this keeps him back in school. Form of neglect, sorry, for not taking care of his sons overall health. I hope your SIL “sees” this soon


My granddaughter started wearing glasses at 4 years old just as she was starting pre k. My daughter was worried about the same thing. He’s better off starting young were kids are not judgemental, and also he is putting his sons education in harm’s way because he needs to be able to see. That’s just selfish if he doesn’t let him…


Are you kidding me? That father is ridiculous. If your child needs glasses then you get them glasses. Period. Sounds like more of a dad issue than what it will be which is nothing.


I’ve worn glasses since I was ten. Yes, kids made hurtful comments about it, but all kids get some kind of hurtful comments made to them about something. He has to be taught by his loved ones that he has value and to love himself with or without glasses. I know, I know, easier said than done!

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Kids can be mean for any reason , but your grandchild needs to be able to see. It sounds like your son in law is the kinda man who would have bullied a kid in glasses. He needs to take a seat


His eyes will get worse. Your son in law needs to put his child’s needs first. Unbelievable


Dad and son should have eye tests together. Dad should be grateful there are services to help his young son live life with perfect vision.


I could not see and did not realize it until my teacher actually stopped at our house to tell my mother he thought I needed glasses. I know it made learning harder without them and the biggest thing was how amazed I was when I could see a bird in a tree and a bunny in the yard. How great it was that I could see expressions on people’s faces. It’s soooo important to get the glasses