My husband asked for pics from a girl on snapchat: Advice?

All the women saying leave with a 3yr old and one on the way should be ashamed of yourselves.

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Guarantee honey sorry to say she’s most likely sent him nudes and they prob talk abt sex all the time. Men will get away w ehatever they can get away with. Confront him and DO NOT let him snow you w excuses. Either he’ll do the right thing and own his mistake and start repairing the damage or he’ll push it and give you excuses and be defensive. If he does that sorry he will never change and you might as well save yourself the trouble and end it now. So sorry you are dealing w this you deserve better,:two_hearts::heartpulse:

Ask him about it confront him and if he denies it tell him ya seen the msgs, and if he lies leave because ya been played for a fool if thats the case

100% He doesn’t respect you and the marriage. Honestly I would’ve already confronted him with screenshots

Divorce him. That probably wasn’t the first time he has done that.


How annoying :rage: well first off i wud say in MY opinion confront him head on… & see wot hes gota say… :weary: sounds like you could do with some counselling of some sort to find out wots lacking in your marriage… :roll_eyes: otherwise if theres no goin bk then i would go yr separate ways n find sumone who respects you far more better than yr hudband… gud luck :heart:

Leave. No point in talking about it. Just get the kids and leave

Get rid of him for your own sanity he is a dog


You need to set him straight. If he doesn’t like it. Move on! You can do better😘

Do what your mind tells you is best and kick him to the curve. Your husband has you ass a wife he doesn’t need another women pictures. This is going to keep happening because it’s obvious he doesn’t respect you. Let him go… He didn’t care to think about the years you have invested together. He has kicked y’all relationship to the side for some skin. You know what to do don’t fool yourself. :100::woman_facepalming:

Learned the hard way he is not worth you and you deserve better .

I’m so sorry prayers, I stayed and he did it over and over. Pray and follow GOD :pray:t4:

Ughhh I’m sorry! That’s fkd up! A punch in the gut :cry: I would snap… but I can’t hold back!! Italian blood

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This happened to me and they keep doing it sadly. :smirk:

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If you don’t want to be be writing these same words in 5/10 years time leave… you get one life!

I would confront him…he doesn’t have a reason to be pissed, you do.


ehhhh ya need to run! Like get your sh*t together and grab them kids and run. Don’t waste your time. Run and be happy. Cuz this aint gonna keep you happy and will drive you nuts. Eventually you will regret not running earlier than later.

Talk to the girl and see if she can send a photo of you to him with your belly showing.

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I’ll be coming for that ass real quick … I’ll pack my shit and keep it moving … this is just the beginning


I know it is hard especially with kids but I would say leave. Call a lawyer.

Husbands cannot commit infidelity and you are lawfully protected. If you catch him doing adultery use the law as your favor especially for the kids sake. Sometimes we as women feel stuck when it comes to men because we feel they have the control. My fellow women, these men are old enough to know and not have room for mistakes especially when it comes to being a husband and father. They know their responsibilities, the do’s and don’ts. On top of that they expect us to not do it. Enough is enough there are those who know how to step up the game. Stop pleasuring him all the time and realize with all the stuff that is going on in the world you nor your family has to go thru unnecessary stress. Those snapchats are the worse because the conversations erases after every message. I am sure with that behavior he has the confidence to ask and perform sexting.

Nah. I’d leave. Especially cause you already know how the conversation is going to go. I wouldnt put up with it. I’d start packing.

Been there still there it sucks so bad prayers for you momma :two_hearts:

Just TALK to him. Communication is so important.

Don’t stay for another minute. Leave with no words spoken

Hit him with a skillet and dare him to do it again.

Honestly if he gets mad then he was doing something wrong

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That’s what happened to my friend too many women on snap chat they are now divorcing

Confront him so he knows game over, disrespect is unacceptable, you deserve better​:heart::pray:

Add her to his block list. And then delete the thread.

Uh clear the acct, take pics of that mess for the lawyer, and leave

Leave! Now! You don’t deserve that disrespect :heart:

Confront him on it and go from there. Happened to me and my husband and I had him delete Snapchat.

Leave him! That’s it. I didn’t even read the whe thing. Just the first line.

Dont waste your time get your shit and leave. You dont need that.

This is just the beginning. It only gets worse.

It would be different if it was someone from a porn site posting that type of pics becuz he’d be paying for services and not trying to bag them. But for it to be someone connected to his circle seems he’s cheating and just a sleaze ball all together especially when your married and have a family. I know it sounds hard but it would be better to deal with the problem now than stay together for the kids becuz one day they’ll learn of his doings anyways and it may make your kids look at you as weak it may paint a picture of normal to them becuz your allowing him to disrespect you which is not how normal marriages should be…

I learned the hard way that what you give in a relationship & of your heart is often not the same measure given back. If you can’t even have a conversation with your husband without him gaslighting you, you are not only married to a boy & not a man, but an emotional abuser. I wasted years on men like this & if I had it to do again, I would love myself enough to walk away.


Send him the same type of pic of you asking him if he would like more of these.

Unfortunately it never changes.

Take his stimulus check and leave.

I’m joking btw don’t take my advice :woman_facepalming:

Chop him In the throat. That’s what I would do :woman_shrugging:t2:

From my understanding it’s starts off small and than gets bigger over time , you can cheat someone without actually having sex

Call him out plain and simple. Confront the issue head on

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Divorce him and take everything from him :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Leave him move on you will get the right man

Major terrible red flag. I’m so sorry…:broken_heart:

Leave. It will run deeper than one pic. :pensive:

Screenshot it and send to you phone then ask.

It’s only going to continue and get worse

Red flag for divorce

Been there done that and moved on.

I’m posting from my sister’s account. Just caught my fiance Paying paying online sluts for pics and videos. Then I found out he actually met them in person. Needless to say he no longer lives in my home and we are not together any more. Check close because it may go much deeper than you think. I’m heart broken and lost.

That’s infidelity whether they’ve had sex or not. He’s being unfaithful to you by sneaking sexual messages behind your back. At the very least you need couples therapy to see if you can rebuild trust. At worst, this would be cause for divorce.

Look ive been married 23 years i would reach out to her and check his ass and then i would put on porn and tell him thats the ass yall can look at with each other eye candy for you both and express to him that his actions is not acceptable and it would probably shock his ass back to reality you have to keep it spicy

I don’t know why you would put this on facebook, go straight to your husband.


Listen girl, idk who you are, none of us do. And I first want to say, im so sorry you feel hurt and disrespected. I can only imagine, i wish I could give you a big hug… nonetheless though, me, id confront him, I know if i didn’t it would eat at me and id be bitter asf, I much rather ask him, he and i get angry (if he were to get mad) my husband is a odd ball. Lol. He didnt even have sex with me when we first started dating. I tried. And I thought something was wrong with me… he told me it wasn’t because he thought I was ugly it was because he respected me. But to me I thought it was a cop out for him thinking im ugly. Lol. No… were married now. I know if i saw that on his phone, I’d confront him. Im one of those that say is there anything you would like to tell me before I ask. My husband and I have gone through so much bs. If he got angry I’d be like you don’t think I am? You don’t think I’m just as mad if not more. How would you feel if I did that to you? How hurt would you feel? How mad would it make you? Would you be mad if it were the other way around. My husband and I have been together for 7 years. There is some pretty mean shit we have done to each other. Some say you can never gain trust back, but that’s how they feel. Only you can feel how you feel obviously. If you think you could forgive him over time then stay and work on it. Ask him the questions you want to know. Like why? Etc. Like i said i know my husband and I have done things to each other but were still together. Why? Because I forgave him and he has forgave me. Hes human and so am I. We fuck up sometimes. It’s natural. Im in NO way shape or form saying what he did is right. Its not. Its dirty and hurtful and it isn’t right. Like at all. All im saying is talk to him. Explain how you feel and why. And go from there I really hope you the best babe. If you need anyone to talk too feel free to message me. I promise you youre business will remain with me if you really need to talk. To have an outsider view. If not I get it. But do whats right for you. Confront him first. See what he says. Is he sorry? Is he actually remorseful? Does it just blow it off? Or act like its your fault? These are all the things you need to think of babe.

If he acts pissed that means he knew it was wrong. And he knows. You ARE being disrespected.

And you can almost guarentee this isnt the first time, and honestly. It wont be his last.

Some men are just weak pathetic creatures who want to sample it all. He wants you, but also wants to see what else is out there. And it makes you not feel like you are enough. I’m sorry you are going through this. It’s no fun. And it hurts like hell. Men are selfish and dont give a damn that they destroy their wives

Go to this bitches house with your kid and say bitch having us all… Order a cab tell him to get in you booked a treat… The old me the new me do nothing brake up and cut him out if everything and just say he’s really bad at sex and not doing it for you… He soon get the hint cook for you and the kids forget about him say oh sorry i forgot… I’m just super busy haha

Honey save your time and energy… he is clearly a douchebag. He wasn’t thinking about your feelings when he messaged her those… I woulda went completely left on his ass. If he loved you he woulda never taken it to that level. Cut your losses now girl…

I’ve been there girl. If you want to chat about it feel free to message me :heartbeat:

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Lawyer up; Tina Moon in Prattville is the best. Chumplady.Com will answer let t’s of questions.

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Delete Snapchat. You’re not controlling and you’re not wrong for expecting otherwise. Wanna break my trust? Ya better earn it back or my ass is walking.!

I’ve always called that stupid fucking app snatchchat :roll_eyes:

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He is a cheater!!! GO!

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Call her boss let everyone know your

Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this email address marerespells@gmail. com, has helped a woman to get back her husband and then i contacted him then he consulted and told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 2 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster has the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks for Dr. Marere His email:marerespells@gmail. com OR.His WhatsApp Number: +2348109805184

James Kavanagh :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::relaxed:

Bye douchebag would be all I’d say. He’s gunna keep doing it. Once a Slime ball always a slime ball

See ya :wave:t2:

I love my kids and myself enough to know we all deserve better than that. Good luck!

Follow Angie’s advice.

I’m also with you on this…
Shellie Harris Roberto

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He’s a cheater ! RUNNNN

You confront his dumbass!

Leave him!!! You deserve better!!

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A man is a man, if anyone of these woman think there men have never commented, messaged or looked at another woman they r in denial. Mens brains just act before thinking. I’d say something along the lines of I know your a man and you have impulses, go on porn hub or w.e and not make it personal talking to someone you know. Good luck… and your married, if you cany look through his phone and have open conversations that’s an issue


That’s cheating, leave him


This is one of his buddies sister? That is keeping it
Kind of close to you. I would tell him you saw them and you have every right to be hurt. This is going outside of the relationship. Why would he want that from someone else? You are carrying his child…please keep your head up, this is never easy and I’ve been there and stayed…18’years later it never stopped…I had to go… a lot of years of heart ache …


If you know that’s how he’s going to act, then you pretty much know the outcome of this. I’m sorry, but it’s better to deal with this sooner than later. I hope you are able to have the best life, even if that is moving forward without him. I have been raising 3 kids on my own, bc my exhusband was abusive and cheated. Now I am battling a lot on my own (with my family’s help) but still a lot better than being cheated on and disrespected. I wish you all the best. Know your worth.


I’m more concerned with the fact that you’re fearful about talking to your husband, than the issue with the picture. At no point in your relationship is it okay for him to make you feel that way. It doesn’t matter how you saw the message, because it shouldn’t exist anyway. I don’t see how you could feel at peace with yourself and your marriage if you don’t address it. You need to talk to your husband and the two of you determine where you need to go from here. I also encourage you to work on you…you deserve better! Build yourself up so that you can feel secure in your position in the marriage. Wish you well!


Look. Here is the thing. That Snapchat is not all he has if he so freely wrote that. There’s more. But you have to tell him you want to go to counseling and discuss. If he refuses couples counseling then it is soooo much more. Tell him to try to save your family. If he gaslights you, you know you have to decide to stay or go. I’d not put up with that…BUT…I don’t have to. I’m independent with two children. I’d never depend on a man for my family. If you are, try to become independent. Never would I allow that raising children. His focus should be you and his children.


It starts with text and pictures then it goes to more. Address the situation with him and then tell him if he can’t stop and be faithful then it’s done. That’s the problem. Good woman give they all just to get hurt. We are to good to put up with it.


Talk to him about it. If he gets mad at you for looking at his messages what else does he have to hide. Went through this with my husband and told him you are going to lose me your wife and the life we are building and when he realized I was not going to be disrespected he changed been together going on 10years. It’s tuff for the trust you lost but if you want to make a marriage work you fix the problem not throw out the husband. Now if you talk to him and he doesn’t listen or change then you can’t force a person to put in effort then leave.


If he is already looking outside your marriage he will keep doing it. I’d say leave him, but when you have built a life with someone it’s hard. You should require him to do couples counseling with you to work out these issues if you want a happy life together. Him just saying he is sorry or that he won’t do it again doesn’t get to WHY he did it in the first place, so it leaves the possibility that the issue is still present.


I would confront him and then I would leave. Sorry, but he’s looking outside of your marriage. If he was looking at some random pictures of girls on the internet it might be different. But he’s actually conversating with her. There is a relationship going on there, physical or emotional. Doesnt matter. Cheating is cheating.


I had this and walked!!! Even though I saw the evidence, I was paranoid and it was in my head :joy::joy: know you’re worth!!! I became a single mum but I’m no1’s second best :see_no_evil: xx


Sorry you have to deal with this especially pregnant…your emotions are already all over the place. We can give you advice but you know deep down that its not right. Just like you respect him he should do the same for you…there never gonna be the right time to talk about it but it needs to be addressed…dont ignore it cause the more you try to ignore the more angry you will get. Im married n i tell my husband all the time if he ever cheated on me i will never take him back… I’ve taken a cheater back b4…and he just ended doing the same thing a few months later…the girl is in the wrong …why send semi nude pics and why would he save it?? I wish you all the best…sending you hugs.


Talk to him about it, I’ve been through a similar experience. People really do get ahead of themselves but it’s up to him to tell the truth and begin to make up the trust that was lost. Give him a chance, but don’t get walked on.

My husband did that mess. I ignired it and we moved forward. At 15yrs together i find out hes been cheating on me for the last 2 years. I should of left long time ago when i caught him doing that mess honestly


Try to sit and have a conversation about it. If he reacts angrily or tries to turn it on you and say you shouldn’t have been looking, then you really need to evaluate your marriage and possibly end it. If he won’t admit his faults and work on them with you then it’s not worth it.


You’re pregnant and this is stress you don’t need but trust is everything once you lose that there is nothing. If you ask him he will be mad and will begin to hide his phone and that will cause more problems. It’s hard to say leave because of kids but the real question you should ask yourself is this. Can I stay with a man I don’t trust anymore? Every day will be a battle not just with him but with yourself to not go through his stuff. I couldn’t live like that.


A married man doesn’t need snapchat. If he thinks he has to have it it should only be his male friends and you. No need for a married man and any type of female other than maybe you or a family member to be exchanging photos.


Completely inappropriate. Never ignore this… it will become a bigger issue down the road and he will not stop if not. Not to mention you’re gonna be worrying about this from now on and wondering what else you don’t know.


Confront it, give your expectations let him gain his trust back. Don’t let anyone tell you to leave because that is your choice and you have to live with it. The ball is in your court and you run the ball.


I think you should talk to him about it, if he gets mad then he’s hiding something, life is to short to waste energy on someone who disrespect you


Get out. By staying you’re teaching your children what love is (NOT) supposed to look like. Run. Be strong and know your worth.


If he gets angry at you for seeing their conversation and him asking for those pictures, thats a big red flag. In my opinion if he has been asking other women for photos espically ones of them in just a bra and underware, unfortunately he’s probably doing much more then that. It probably isn’t even the first time. Unfortunately even if you confront him and tell him that its completely unacceptable, and how betrayed you feel. He’ll probably just make you feel crazy and never admit to any wrong doing.


Screen shot the messages, send them to your phone, email them to yourself, delete the screen shots. Then decide what you want to do because it is fully your choice. Don’t tell him where you got the info and don’t show it to him if you confront him. Don’t be baited and allow the discussion to be turned around on you because that’s just classic. Personally I’d print her picture, write “Tell Her” on it, slide it under his windshield wiper and not say anything. I’d drive him nuts. If he continued then I’d know he didn’t care and I would have all the proof needed to divorce him. I’m a little more mean than most when my heart is hurting. Good luck!


When there’s smoke there’s fire. It may just be messaging now but over time it will be more women until he finds a women whose willing to be a side chick. You would be smart to speak up now, if he acts pissed and not willing to make changes you have your answer. It will only escalate.


Leave. It won’t stop. You have to love yourself and your children more than you love him At this point. Because it’s going to wind up happening is you’re going to be in a relationship with a man that you can’t trust and you guys are going to raise two kids and there’s going to be arguments and misconduct all the time. The kids don’t deserve to see that or have to live through it. So even if you don’t do it for yourself do it for your kids get out while you can