My husband asked me to move out of our house...advice?

Yea that’s a no. He can go live with his parents. It’s insane that he told you to…

Tell him to go stay with his parents

Absolutely not…stay put! He is not looking out for you and your child…he’s looking out for himself (which is obvious from his request). Find an attorney (many in family law offer free consultations) and let them advise you on how to proceed. You need to look out for you and your son’s future and well being! Good luck!!

Wdym you don’t know what to do or say …… you tel his ass to pack up and leave!!! Come on ladies grow a back bone

He needs to move.
The end!

I agree with your brother.

He either wants to use the house against you or he just wants a free spot to brings girls over to. Plus his parents could kick you out anytime since they are HIS parents and not yours.

No ma’am he can stay with his parents. Why should you and your son be the ones to move? Your son will already have a lot of deal with with a possible divorce, and you’re gonna take him away from his only home also? Your brother is right


Hell no go tell him to move in woth his parents!

No you stay he goes an lives with his parents not you. This is how he can dictate your life and keep tabs on you while he goes off to do whatever he wants during your whole “figure things out time frame” . You never leave especially when you have kids.

Who Eva going have child mainly til it proppa sorted or what have u not should b in the house wit the child
The child shouldn’t have to uproot at all it allready a big change and prob wit school starting maybe new school.or year is another big change x

Nope not with his parents so they can keep watching on you nope let his ass go your child comes first

no… this is insane. my husband and I agreed if we ever separate, I will stay in the house so the kids don’t uproot their lives… don’t leave your home. HE can go live with HIS parents. wouldn’t it be weird for you to live with his family if you guys are separating…? :confounded:

Your brother is correct.

I don’t know why you two are splitting or how you’re so confident it’s temporary but to leave your home is a mistake, why wouldn’t he leave? You have the child. The child is the most important thing and the kid needs stability.

In the case of a legal separation or divorce, you leaving the marital home could be a huge problem for you. He could get the home.

Either way, it makes no sense. This guy sounds like a dick.

Tell him to leave. Your son needs stability. And if he was any kind of a man he would want the best for his child and you —- he can move in with HIS parents.
He’s saying temporary but once your out that door I’m sure he has other plans.
Make a part of the home yours. Tell him he can have the other 1/2. But STAY.

Say no and go to court asap

Nope. I would refuse. The child deserves to stay in the home. And since you are the caretaker, do NOT separate yourself from your child.

Don’t leave it’s considered abandonment of your house

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No. He can go stay with his parents. Don’t leave the kids’ home.

Let me understand you… HE wants you to leave and HE wants you to go live with his parents??? :joy:
No. Just NO! If he wants to go, he can go live with his parents. Why are we talking about this as an option for YOU to live with his parents? Do you hear yourself?! It’s time for you to find a real man.


Stay putttt! Do NOT move. He can go to his parents.
What Honourable man asks his wife & child to pack up and move?? :sweat:
The fact that he is asking you to leave your home, with your child, speaks volumes :frowning_with_open_mouth::triangular_flag_on_post:
If this separation goes south :sob:and becomes permanent, you could lose your home :cold_sweat:
He would turn around and say YOU left the marital home.

Please leave Nothing to chance.

Hang in there. Deep Breaths :hugs:


His parents !!! Let him go live with them. He is just one person. Why remove your child from his surroundings. What is wrong with him!

Wtf he can go stay with his own parents!!!

Absolutely do not do this!!

He should be the one staying at HIS parents. It will he so much harder on your kiddo to move him out, it’s better for you two to stay.

I would have thought it better for him to live with his parents to be honest .

There’s a lot here… The audacity of him to even ask this. The legal issues that can come with you “leaving” (abandoning the home). Living with HIS parents :exploding_head: & The audacity of him asking this :woman_facepalming:t5: Stay home and let him go over to his parents!


Absolutely not do not leave the house . He can claim you abandoned marital property!!


stay in the home…hire a lawyer asap

Stay where you are, let him leave if it’s necessary

No he is right your husband should be the one to move out while you stay in the house with your sons ans a lawyer would also tell you the same… tell him he can stay with his mum while you separate but you won’t be

Don’t leave
He can get you for abandonment

Is it his house only, if so then I can see him asking you to leave.

His parents???why would he even suggest this?? His son needs as much normal as he can get, while the two adults work it out, nope don’t leave

Don’t leave!! Tell him since he’s only 1 person he should be the one leaving. He can be setting you up for abandonment.

Oh hell no, he can pack up and go stay at his parents.

Do not leave that house with your boy…

Let him go to HIS PARENTS , TF?

Simple…your house as much as yours, tell him to live with " his" parents…he would say " you" were the one that moved out🤷‍♀️… stand up for you and your son…good luck…

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He leaves, your son is settled and needs home comfort

Do not leave the house….he can leave. It will be so hard for you later when in court

I wouldn’t leave especially to go with his parents , I feel like it’s to possible “ watch you” why should you move you and your son out when he can go stay with his parents . I feel like it’s more of a set up . Stand your ground and stand up for you and your son !

I would tell him no. It would be more convenient and respectful for him to stay with HIS parents instead of forcing you to pack up two lives and move into a very uncomfortable situation. I have a feeling there are some.dorty intentions here. Please please pay attention to his actions and words.

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Send him to his own parents and you stay put.

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He is having you leave then will use against you in court as you abandoned everything . Been thru this plz don’t leave.

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Yeah no! Even if it ends up truly being temporary he has you on abandonment of the home if you leave, which gives him a higher claim to keeping it in a divorce.


Tell him it’s his parents he should go

If you own the house 50/50 then I’d definatly refuse. If he’s one wanting temp separation he should move in with his parents. You’ll get to keep house till sons 18 in most divorce cases

Do not leave!! You may forfeit your right to the house

No, that house is your son’s entire life he can go stay with his parents while going through this

Stand your ground . His mother he goes to live with her. Not you or your kids . He would nail you for abandonment. Than his mom could say she takes care of the kids not you .

Is it his son? Is it his house (before you)?

Is it his son too? Does he have parents?

Tell him to go live with HIS parents

HE can go to HIS parents house. Tf

Do NOT leave. I repeat… Do NOT leave. Do not disrupt your child’s life if avoidable… and he can go live with his own parents!

I would refuse to uproot my son. If he would like space, he can go stay at his parents home. They are after all his own parents. Your son may go through enough changes soon and deserves to be in his own comfortable space.

My mom once told me “never leave the house, you’ll never get it back. Make him leave if he wants to go so bad”. Idk if that helps lol

He should go live with his parent not you what an ass!

Nope you shouldnt move out he should

Stay there, kids also need to be there. To much change for them. He can pack and go, I think it could create more trouble for you if you move into his parents house.

I agree. He should be one leaving. However makes you wonder If he needs the house so entertain other females. Doesn’t look good if he lives in his mama’s house. Ya know.

Tell him pack up.and go stay with his family

What’s the point in separating & him making yiu go to his mothers? Make his ass go there, shouldn’t be you.

I wouldn’t move to his parents, let him go to his parents

Tell him to move out. It sounds like he wants a couple days to play. He’ll have someone watching you and no one watching him.


You tell him to go kick rocks! Those are his parents he can go live with them! Don’t you dare leave, if you do he can establish eminent domain and use it against you in court stating you left on your own accord and you will be entitled to zero …nothing. Put your foot down and stand up for yourself and your rights. If you are legally married, you have just as much right to be there as he does.


He’s got other plans, that’s not sounding right at all. Leave and let him stay there, while you pack up with your kid and have watchful eyes over you constantly, probably reporting back while he does who knows what? Oh absolutely not :joy:

Yeah, NO! He can pack up and go stay with HIS parents. What an OBVIOUS control tactic! Do NOT agree to this, That is His Family’s HOME, Wanting His FAMILY to leave so He can have the entire house to HIMSELF while putting YOU under the watchful eye of HIS Parents ISNT for you or your child’s BENEFIT honey!

Why would you and your son go to live with his parents and not him? Does he need the house all to himself to bring his dates home? Disgusting. No one puts me and my kids out of our home. Stand your ground. He wants out, he goes. If you want out then find yourself an apartment or house where you are not “watched” by his parents.

Tell him to its his parents

If you move out, then he can claim that you abandoned the marriage and home, then you lose!! Woman don’t get put out on the street with kids

You have a kid. He can leave and go live with his parents. Personally I would never pack my kids up and leave if we were just separating. He can leave :woman_shrugging:

Tell him he can go stay with his parents

Nope. HE wants to separate, HE gets to uproot. HE doesn’t want to live with his parents, bc he doesn’t want mommy & daddy seeing what he’s doing. JUST DON’T!!!

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Nope, half of everything is your and once everything is settled in court that’s what you go with!!

Don’t move! Your home and your son’s home. Your husband can move out.
Depending on where you live, you moving out is not a good thing in court. Your husband’s lawyer can use that against you for leaving the martial home.
In most jurisdictions, you can go to court for free advice. Might be a good time to go.

He can’t cheat at his parents house while he figures himself out. Don’t leave.


Do not leave the house as you give up your rights and he knows this.

Why would YOU go stay at HIS parents house? Nope. He can go. I understand the need for a separation now. What man would ask his wife and child to move out so HE can have the house? Says a lot about him. Good luck with the divorce!!!

First i wanna say im sorry your going through this, second, You don’t leave! It’s easier for him as a single person to pack up and go to HIS parents house. You shouldn’t have to pack up you and your child to leave…stand your ground mamma…


DO NOT LEAVE! If anything, your husband should be the one staying with HIS PARENTS! Not you!

He needs to go live w his own parents :face_with_spiral_eyes::roll_eyes:

Hell no. He needs to go to his parents house

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And you stay at Husband parents? I don’t think so

it’s his parents
he should be staying there

Tell him to pack up and go live with his own damn parents. I would refuse :triumph:

No honey you go stay with your parents

I moved out . We went to court. The judge ordered him to leave the marital home. I moved back in with my kids until the house was sold.

Live with his parents? Wth. It should be him to live with his parents 1st off.

He needs to go back to his mom imo
However just choose where is more financially convenient and doesn’t fw your peace and choose it

Umm no he can go stay with HIS parents. Why would you go stay with them

If he wants someone to leave then it needs to be him not you and your kids. Afterall its his parents not yours let him live with them

I feel like we need more context…

He wants you to leave because that gives him possession of the house. Don’t leave. Tell him if 1 of you have to live with his parents he should. Otherwise stay put, file for divorce. It’s not a bad idea to put a lock on your bedroom door either.

Agree with your brother. WHY would you go live with HIS parents?
And the fact that he’s trying to push you out? He’s got another women.

He can go live with his parents. It would be easier for him. Why would you disrupt your child’s life… you need to keep rings as normal as you can for your child. That would not be a option.

Shiiii tell him to go live with HIS parents…

Don’t leave that house…. He and his parents have something up their sleeve!

Girl don’t leave don’t uproot your child it’s his parents tell him to go stay with them while he figure things out…