My husband asked me to move out of our house...advice?

He needs to pack his stuff and go to his parents!

He can go love with his parents and you stay in the house

You tell him I’m not leaving this is our sons home. You go love with your parents

Kick his a$$ off to his parents.

brother is right…he definitely should be the one to move out of the house and live with his parents….it’s his parents after all

Why would you be the one to stay with HIS parents? Does he soley pay the bills etc?

He should go live with his parents.

He can’t even ask that of you. If the house is only under his name. You still have to be given a 30 day notice.
If under both your names. He’s making the call of wanting one to move to his parents. Make him leave.

He should be the one to leave

His parents? No. He can do that on his own.


Do not leave your house!!! Tell him to go home to his mama!

Get a lawyer. Don’t vacate the marital home.

Omg are you kidding! No!! The one who has the child is the one who stays the other person moves out

Uhh no tell him to go live with HIS parents :flushed:… Men are absolutely ridiculous. Would rather uproot his wife and child because he wants to play games for a little bit. I would leave him all together! The only reason someone asks for a break is so they can see someone else. He wants his cake and to eat it too. He wants you to leave so he can bring whoever to your home while your at his parents house

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Ant no way I would ever do such crap!!! If u can afford to stay in the house then he goes… specially to stay with HIS parents!

Tell him to go live with his parents do not leave your home how selfish to allow his child to go elsewhere while he keeps the home :rage:

Your husband should be the one moving in with his parents not you or your son.

you stay as you have a child that needs a roof over its head,

You tell him to pack himself up and go move in with HIS parents.

You stay he goes!! Selfish shit he is

The kid stays, you two rotate out.

Do NOT leave the house!!!

If he’s unhappy he can move out

You tell him to go live with his parents.

Nope! Let him live with his parents

DO NOT LEAVE!!! That could be interpreted as you abandoning the home. It’s in the best interest of your child to keep him in his current home. The husband can go live with his own parents.

What happens when HIS parents don’t want you in their home? Homelessness??? That’s grounds for him having custody.

Think of worst case scenario and plan the least disruptive route for you and your son. Your husband is only thinking of himself!


Why should the child in this situation be displaced ? This is ultimately between you and your husband.
I also agree that he can use this against you if you divorce. I say you refuse to leave but tell him is he wants space he can go to his patents.

Tell him to go stay with his parents

Goodbye and go find your own place!!! Those kids come first NOT HIM!!! And that’s their home!

Do not move out. If he wants someone to live with HISPARENTS it should be HIM. period point blank

That doesnt make sense at all you shouldnt have to leave anywhere w ur son and having “space” isnt going to help the marriage gotta work through it together if your gonna make it together periodt

No let him leave you have a child keep every thing as normal and routine as possible for him.

Why doesn’t HE leave to go live with his parents. Do not leave stay in your house.

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When you say “your son” is your husband not the father? I ask because depending on where you live he may be held responsible for child support unless you leave first. Get a attorney right now

Tell him it’s his parents he can take the kids or leave them with you but he’s gotta go you shouldn’t have to go stay with his parents if it were your parents that would be under stable but that’s not your household that’s his let him go with or without them kids

Simple answer. Demand that he moves in with HIS parents. Then get a restraining order, a lawyer and file for devolve with the home, custody and child support. Before he does it to you. Wake up, your about to get screwed again by hubby! Before it’s too late….now!

No. Tell him to go to his moms! Why would he uproot his child?

PLEASE don’t leave the house

He should go there his parents

No offense, but you would be really stupid to pack you and your son to go live with HIS parents. You stay in the house with the child and HE goes to HIS parents to stay.

DO NOT MOVE OUT if it leads to a divorce you lose a lot of your rights one of them being rights to your house

Why can’t HE live with his parents?
In my state, I know that if there are kids involved and a spouse moves out, the other spouse can site “family abandonment” in their divorce. If you DO decide to move out, file for a legal separation first.

Hell to the no. Tell him to leave !!

He wants the house. Kick him out change the locks. Talk to a lawyer.

Tell the JERK to go live with HIS PARENTS. If he wants out, tell him to get out. You and Your Son STAY!!

Everyone is right. Let him go to his parents and you move on. Don’t waste your life hanging in limbo till he decides. I wasted so much and you don’t get those days back.

Tell him he can leave. I don’t know what state you’re in but in Texas if you move out you’re basically giving him the property. Legal advice I was given in 2011.

He definitely has something up his sleeve.

There are one of two, or both scenarios going on-

1- he wants you out of the house, bc there is someone else he is trying to “entertain”


2- it’s a set up. Why tf would you go live with HIS parents in a separation? And if the in-laws agree, it is likely because they know it’s a set up. And by set up, I mean, if you leave the house, even if you take your shared child, unless you are scared for yalls safety, he is going to try and make everything out to be your fault. The in laws will be scrutinizing everything behind your back and likely keeping record every time you step out of line, in their eyes. Then nit only will you be responsible for paying for the divorce, but then he will have the upper hand when it comes to custody.


Why would you be the one to stay at HIS parents? If it was your parents yeah maybe. But nah. Seems kinda like a control thing. He’ll have eyes on you at all times if you do that. Nah. He should be the one leaving the home. For him to want your child to have to pack up and leave is selfish.

Pfttt tell him to go stay with his parents :woman_shrugging:

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He should be the one to go stay with his parents. I wouldn’t leave.

I agree tell him to move out with his parents and you stay in the home with your kids

He should be the one to go live with his parents not you and the child he got his priorities screwed up

He should go stay with his parents. I don’t know how these things work but don’t go.

Don’t do it. If he decides he doesn’t want to be married anymore, his parents will ask you to leave and you’ll have nowhere to go. If he wants separation and space, it only makes sense that he should go stay with his own parents.

Sounds like he wants you to move out so he can do what he wishes snd still keep track of you I would not move out it will be hardest on your son

Do not leave . Lawyer up. Don’t leave that house . He and his lawyer will say you abandoned the home . He maybe fixing to move a gf in there . Don’t leave . Tell him to go stay with his parents .

I agree he should be the one leaving. It will be harder on the son to move him some where else.

It’s his parents he should be the one leaving the house.

Easier for him to pack up his things than it is to pack yours and your child’s

He would have less to pack he should leave

Send HIM back to his mamma…

It’s his parent’s s he has should GO ! Easier for him oand I’d be supecious…ummm?

I wouldn’t leave cause then he can use that as a way to keep the house if you move forward with the divorce. I would also put it somewhere in writing (text, email, something) saying that you are not leaving the house and that he can be the one to stay at his parents if really necessary so he can’t do anything behind your back.

More reasonable for him to move in with his parents.

The child gets to stay PERIOD.

Do not leave the house! I was forced out, but if your relationship leads to divorce he can claim abandonedment of property. He should be the one to go

You stay in the house. He should go live with his parents

Why would the child have to be unsettled? His priority should be making this as trauma-free for his son not building ammunition!

Go live with his parents? Heck no he should go don’t uproot your kid he’s a pos

No way…he should be the one that goes and lives with his parents. He is setting you up so he can tell a lawyer you abandoned him and took his son away from him

He should go live with his parents-sounds like he’s up to something :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

So do not moved out he does not have to let you back in and he can take everything

Tell him to go. How does he get the house while you have the kiddo?
Boy bye.

DO NOT LEAVE! CONSULT AN ATTORNEY FIRST. My friend did that and the court considered it Abandonment of her marriage.

That’s just odd. If he had plans to reconcile he would want things to stay neutral for you and your son. He should be the one staying at his parents house. But my guess is he can’t live his life the way he intends with mommy and daddy watching….

Don’t leave. Get legal representation asap.
He already has a plan.And I will bet it’s devious!

Let him leave to his parents

He can move out to his parents! Why would any parent want to uproot their child? I’m sorry but I’m not moving into to my in-laws. Unfortunately children never get the choice they just have to live with their parents choices. Put the child first!!!

Nah, he’s setting you up so he can get the house in the separation. Refuse to leave.

Tell him you’re not very comfortable with that idea, and that you would prefer that he moved in with his parents for now. That you don’t feel like having to move your son out of his home.

DO NOT LEAVE THAT HOUSE! Tell him to go live with his parents until he figure it out, the nerve of him to tell you and the child to leave that speaks to his character
I don’t think I could forgive or be with a man who would ever do that
And my intuition is telling me he may be cheating because this whole scenario is a red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:!
I hope it all works out for you

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Sounds like it would make more sense for him to move there

He can go too his parents

Nope don’t move have him stay with his parents … tell him nope if you wanna leave then go stay with your parents . It’s wrong form him to have the child leave his home nope don’t do it . I wouldn’t but that’s just me

Why dont he go live with his parents!!!

Do not go he can go you stay put right there with your child trust me he wants you to leave because that way he can say oh she abandoned the house moved in with my parents and he can keep it all DO NOT LEAVE HAVE HIM LEAVE

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You stay in that house with your son. Your husband can go stay at his parents house. That is your son’s home. From the sounds of it he has someone else he’s entertaining and wouldn’t get away with that at his parents house

Why would YOU go live with HIS parents?? :woozy_face: how are you even considering that? If he wants to live separate but wants you at his parents then that sounds like he’s trying to control you. He wants them to keep an eye on you for him. If you want to leave, go where you want OR make him go to his parents.

Your husband can go stay at his own parents house.

I hope the house is in both of your names

Say no…. Ask him to go to his mothers

Tell him go live with his parents. Do not uproot your child for him.

Legally don’t leave the house. Some states that would qualify as abandoning the house and the marriage. Stay amd make him go. They are his parents.

Ummmmm no. HE can go live with HIS parents.

Stay in your house he should go stay wth HIS parents…if you leave he can say you abandoned the marriage

If you’re the one that will be living with, caring for etc the child, HE should be the one to go stay with his parents. Your child needs a home not a spare room/couch to sleep on. It is not his fault his parents are separating.

Ummm yea no he can go live with his mama. You stay put with your child

Do not leave house. He is the one needs to leave and go live with his parents. If you refuse to leave you will get the house in divorce proceedings plus child support. If you leave he will get the house. Ps, you are also entitled to 1/2 of savings and cking accts, his 401k and retirement benefits. You can also have it where he is responcible to keep child on his health insurance. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOME.

Heck no - if he wants someone to leave the house, then HE can go live with HIS OWN parents. Otherwise, you both have to figure out a way to manage being separated while still living in the same home. Leaving the marital home can have consequences if you later decide to divorce, so stay put!

HE needs to go live with his parents, It is totally selfish and immature for him to distrupt a childs life. It would be far easier for 1 person to move than 2. The fact that he wanta to be in the hoise alone is very suspicious. Stand your ground. Tell him to mo ve out. Threaten to take hi. for all he has got. Lawyers play games, you need to know how to play. I am sure you are trying to be nice and fair, but thats how you get screwed. You need to know the rules they play by so you can win. Don’t be afraid or cave in to any threats. Don’t back down! I speak from experience!

I agree, that’s weird to live with HIS parents. He can and will use it against you to say you abandoned or left or kidnapped or something.