My husband asked me to move out of our house...advice?

How awkward, why should you and your son leave? He should be the one packing and going to his parents house. He could file abandonment on your part I believe.

How about: no

If he wants to go live with his parents, for a separation period, then he does that.

Children are not property to haul around. They need stability.

He should be leaving not you! Something sounds like he wants you to move out so he can have his freedom and have girls over

Tell him to pack his stuff and go to his parents

You do not leave, make him leave. Period.

You do exactly what you say you don’t know what to . you do know what to do stay in the house and let him live with his parents so you don’t have to be judged by his parents/family. Because more than likely right now if it’s not working out it’s not going to you’re just wasting your time. I would probably just moved back in with my parents until I could find a place of my own I have lost a few places due to a relationship and trusting to go back it’s a struggle starting over 2 and 3 times because this man keeps letting you down don’t let that happen move on

Don’t leave. You will not get it back.

That isn’t right he should go stay with his parents and let you and kiddo remain in the house as it is easier for him to leave than mother and son especially when it is his parents after all

I wouldn’t uproot my child from the home he is used to. It’s bad enough the parents are going through things at this time, which can already affect the child. Make him go stay with “his” parents and you stay in the house with your child.

Need more details. Who’s on the lease/mortgage?

Don’t leave what happens if you leave & his parents ask you to leave you are homeless

First iam sorry and second he needs to be the one to go live with his parents…they are after all his parents.
Please don’t uproot yourself and your son if he wants to leave fine but it’s your and your son’s home also…he can stay if he chooses but if he wants someone to leave it should be him!

It’s your sons home and husband should move out as to not upset little one

Since he the one who wants you to seperate one wants you to leave make him go stay with his parents stand your ground don’t leave your home or have him sleep in a spare room til you guys decide if your going to make it work or divorce he gets you out of house he’s going to say you left marriage plus it’s his parents he should stay with them not you and not uproot your kids.its your family home too.

Heck no your child needs stability and his room home etc.

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Nope HE needs to leave. Do NOT leave.

I wouldn’t leave. The person with the child stays, he can go to his mom’s.

Do not leave. Have him with his parents. Get a lawyee

Most good men do not want to uproot their children into more saddens in anyway. For a child to leave his home would be devastating. He’s doing something he’s not telling you. Make sure someone knows all that’s going on in case he hurts you. AND they do if you don’t follow what they want. Stand strong for your son. Your both deserving as anyone else. Don’t let him tell you he made the payments. You did your parts also.

Um. No. He leaves to go with his parents and u stay. Why should u be watched by his parents and he have complete freedom?! No way!

Think he should move out with his parents

No!!! He wants you to live with his parents? That’s messed up. He should be the one leaving

Tell him you are not leaving, he is! Then get a lawyer!

Tell him to piss of to his parents

I think that if he doesn’t want to be in the house with you and your son that he should go stay with his parents. Why don’t he sleep on the couch? I wouldn’t leave to go stay with his parents. Prayers

let him live with his parents he does not want to live with them ,you need to insist that YOU ARE NOT LEAVING THE HOME, he can use it against you as abandonment if you do

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You don’t go ANYWHERE!! Let him go back to mommy!!! You have children to raise!! If he’s too selfish to see that then he NEEDS to go back to mama’s house!!!

Why would he even think it’s okay to ask YOU to live with HIS parents?? Is he high??

Nope. Don’t leave. It’s frowned upon in court. Have him move out

He wants the separation he should be the one to stay elsewhere, especially with his parents and since he’s telling you to take your son too.

I’d not move out. No way !

Nope… why does he want to disturb your sons life?! The kid should not have to suffer, whoever cares for the kid the most, stays with the kid at home… why can’t he go live with his parents?! That’s kind of weird, him tell you to go live with his parents…

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Lol, shouldn’t he go live with his own parents?

Get a lawyer NOW! He wants the house probably to move in his mistress!! Do NOT leave…

I wouldn’t especially when it’s his parents. Easier for one person to pack up than to pack up you and your baby


Forgive me, but it very much sounds like he’s having an affair and wants to be able to invite his mistress over

Nope! He can go to His Parents house

They are HIS parents. He should be the one to go there instead of disrupting you and your son’s lives

No you don’t take the kids anywhere they need to be in their home. It is weird for you to go live with his parents. He needs to go live with his parents. He needs to be the one to leave.

U and your son stay. HE CAN GO WITH HIS PARENTS. Sounds like he wants somewhere to entertain other women.

Don’t do it.once he’s in possession of the house it could get very nasty.what happens if his parents kick you out.he should go to his parents place.

To his parents…no he can go live with them

Tell him to go stay with his parents , it’s selfish and unfair to ask u two to move in with HIS PARENTS ! If he wants to seperate he should be the one living with his parents ! Plain and simple

Let him leave and be with his parents. Never leave the marital home. It’s called desertion

You should not be the one to move out. It will not be in your favor later on if you move out of the house. If he wants to separate he needs to to be the one to go live with his parents, not you.

Don’t leave the house. He can use that against you in court.

Not a chance. What a loser

Your brother is correct. He should be the one to leave and go to his parents.

You leave that house and he gets whatever is in it. My mother learned the hard way. Do not leave unless you have everything you own from that place. Plus, why should you and your kids go live with his parents? They’re his parents. That’s an awful lot of change for your child, keep him stable as much as you can.

Is this guy for real? What real man makes the mother of his child and his child move into HIS parents so he can have the house. How asinine. Make him leave and go to his parents, you and your child stay put.

He needs to move to his parents house! They are his parents and it’s as much your house as his not to mention the biggest issues is disrupting your sons daily life as little as possible

He needs to leave. Not you.

For your sons sake, he moves and you two are staying. Period! No judge would stand on moving mother and a child.

It’s his parents why can’t he go live with them

Sounds like a Bully…Tell him your not going to be inconvenienced because of his decision…nor should you have to uproot your child…

Make him go to his parents, not you. He is the one wanting to separate so don’t let it upset you or your child’s life. Also don’t give him something to use against you.

DONT LEAVE YOUR HOUSE!! This could be used against you if you go through a divorce later on. Judge wants the kids in the same environment. He could use this to his advantage. Don’t be blinded. He could move out and find a place for just him. Instead he is asking you to uproot you and your sons stability. RED FLAG

Don’t ever leave your home with your children. Period. Stand your ground.

Sounds to me like this isn’t “temporary” to him. I’d stay until you figure out a permanent situation. Once you leave that can be used against you in divorce court when it comes to figuring out who gets the house and what not. It’s his parents… so if he’s suggesting going there it should be him to go. There’s no reason to make the kid move.

Never leave your home and take your kid. His parents house have him leave! That’s home is your child’s comfort place. Selfish of him to want him to leave!

He’s moving in someone else. If house deed has your name on it. You don’t have to go anywhere

Do not leave your home, period.

No don’t do it make him move. He’ll cry abandonment and try to get the house.

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If in a court case for custody you will need a stable home. Make him go back to his parents or you could lose everything.

Once he has you out, he’s going to keep you out. I would not go move in with his parents that’s only going to make things worse. He should be the one to go live with his parents.

Don’t be surprised if he moves in someone else. I would park my but there and not go anywhere. If he wants to get away from you tell him to leave. How can you work things out if your apart? What nerve.

No you and your son stay, let him move out to his mom’s.

Say ifs or buts just no.

Don’t move out. That gives him leverage to get the house in a divorce

He should go live with his parents not you

Don’t leave he’s up to no good

No, DONT!!! Because that will be uses against you in court as you were the one jumping ship.
STAY in tour home and tell him he will Need to be the one to move out , without your son.
He Probably already Realizes that and is trying to get ahead of the matter.

Do not leave the house! Your husband can use that against you in any divorce or separation agreement!

Don’t move out!
Let him go to HIS mothers house!

What? It’s HIS parents. And, you keep the child. ABSOLUTELY NOT. Put your foot down before it becomes a permanent split. How you know it’s temporary anyway. Then his momma kicks you out after the divorce. He can kick rocks and HE can go to his momma’s house. Girl, don’t do it. That is YOUR house too.

his parents house he should be the one moving that his mommy take care of him

Please think of your son, please dont uproot him. This is an adult problem he shouldn’t have to move houses bc Mom/Dad are figuring it out. Stay put.

Your husband should be the one to move out of the house that u both own,what’s the matter with him & shame on him for asking/telling u & your & his son to move out, he can go live with his parents ! that would make perfect sense in the situation your in & plus: Your son should not have to move out of the house he grew up in. Plus he could use it against you so stay where you are do not move out

He should go to his parents. Do not leave your home.

Girl if you do this you are dumb AF. Seriously.

Don’t leave. Then they get you for deseration. You get nothing if Court comes into play. I went thru it.

Just know if you leave, depending on the state you live in
When going for separation or divorce, it will be considered abandonment and makes it easier for him to have the home. Don’t move.

If you leave the house you’ll never get back in.

I would decline and inform him that for the stability of your sons life you will be remaining in the home with your son and that he is welcome to ask his parents to stay there for awhile or he can stay in his own home while you guys work through things.

2 things he probably wants a bachelor pad and another thing if in the event the separation is permanent he can claim that you left the home you share. He has ulterior motives. If he was a real man he would leave not force his wife and child out.

Protect yourself and your son. I wouldn’t pack up and leave unless it is literally the last option. No way no how. He can go.

Listen to your brother. Why don’t he move back to his parents . Sounds a bit fishy

Don’t go anywhere
they are his parents,he can go live with them,1 person is easier to move than 2. Don’t disrupt your sons environment.Stay put besides if you were to end up getting divorced you & your son would still have a place of your own.Best of luck to you.

If you leave that’s forfeiting any rights to the family home…

Plus those are HIS parents…

Additionally… why uproot 2 lives instead of 1… especially removing a child from the family home…

He should be the one moving… sorry about his disappointment in not being able to use the home as a bachelor pad, but it is what it is :woman_shrugging:

First of all,if you did leave why on earth would you stay with HIS parents? Next, do not leave and he can live with his parents or I don’t know here’s a thought get his own place and no one live with his parents…that one is just plain weird to me…
But do not leave…you don’t want to give him the house or the leverage to be the one to get the house in the divorce

Who’s name is on the lease or mortgage? Because if it’s his just go start packing your shit. Sounds like you and your family are wanting to get the upper hand over him so you can have the house and the baby without working on anything

Nope… He should that is his parents not yours.

Yea stay, he goes to moms. Kid needs stability n feel safety, especially now. It’s just that simple.

Whatever you do, wether leaving the house, agreeing to literally ANYTHING, signing anything, basically letting him tell you anything or try to convince you of anything, GET AT LEAST A LEGAL CONSULT OR Study up on your state’s laws and guidelines or recommendations for separation, legal separation and/or divorce. I feel like any man, who has the guts to say he wants his wife & son (or step-son if not his, whichever though… you are still a family & I’m sure been a family unit up until this point) to leave their home & go live with HIS parents until you sort this out, is exactly the type of man who has ulterior motives for saying/doing this. It depends where you live, as to what degree & how/if these things will apply (or not) but, uprooting a child, from their home, their comfort, their normal, their regular schedule & day to day life WHILE also in the middle of his family separating & his parents no longer living as a couple is going to be VERY TRAUMATIC & I honestly feel like that will look terrible on you as his mother for doing this, whether husband has asked/told you to do so… hearsay doesn’t go a long way in court in these situations & Im sure he won’t admit down the road (IF things don’t end up being temporary) that it was HIS idea to do this. Instead he will come out looking more “stable” in the judge-family court because he has stayed in the family home & remained consistent. Like I mentioned, moving to a different house in itself can be a lot for a child, add in that daddy (or step dad/father figure) won’t be living with you, add now living under someone else’s roof which may come with rules, stipulations, new schedules, changing school or daycare, finding new friends to play with, learning grandparents routine, adjusting to literally everything in their environment, more than likely having grandparents choose his side (even if it’s not gotten bad) could make them resent mom & therefore put the child in an uncomfortable position to where he feels like he has to act/do certain thing, grandparents may even try to overpower mother and the whole situation just isn’t idea and is an awful idea to do, mostly at the benefit of your child. Your child needs to stay out and know that even though some things outside of his control are changing (maybe temporarily) that his foundation is still there, his safe & comfortable home that he is accustomed to is still there, he still goes to bed in his own bed in his own room with his stuff and stays somewhat of the same schedule without major hiccups and keep the process as smooth as possible. Adult problems shouldn’t overflow onto a child in any way and esp not in a way that threatens their safety feeling/comfort of what they know. I’m addition, this could definitely seem like abandonment of the family home & make the court see it as though you are the one that left & didn’t care to stay and therefor don’t need to move back “home” with your son if the situation does become permanent. Lastly, who’s to say that this was even ok with his parents… they either don’t want to get in the middle of your problems & will stay neutral (which also means that I think they would have told him that you both need to remain in the home and work together) or they will totally manipulate the situation, have I’ll feelings towards mom and could potentially kick her out if things don’t go as planned… and of course suggest that you leave child with them or send him back home with his dad. Just ask yourself, if this wasn’t your situation and you were watching from the outside and a friend was going through the same situation, how would you address it with her or what would you say to her/tell her to do. I’m sorry, I hope I am wrong here, but this almost seems like a set up to get you to abandon your home in the courts view, uproot your child & therefore become not the best “fit” parent for his primary residence/caregiver and then you become the visitation only, once you find a new place on your own and figure out how to take care of everything bc you walked away from the home/assets in the situation & therefore he didn’t have to split any potential funds from a sale or any equity value in the home with you. Be very cautious right now about bank accounts & money also. If you have a joint account, you may want to take the money & set yourself up a sole ownership account in only your name (only take half of the regular balance so that it’s fair) and obviously don’t make it so that he can’t meet his immediate needs, pay normal bills as normal and etc. try to think as logically as you can through this process, even though the emotions are high and that may be difficult. Number one, protect you and your son. If this is in fact temporary and he doesn’t have any plans to try and pull a slick one or have any reasons for wanting your house to himself, then he should see it this way also & agree that he shouldn’t have suggested it and that if he needs time, he can go to his own parents house while you 2 sort everything or work everything out… Remember your first loyalty is to your son, yes your husband should also be at the top of your priority list, but the situation just seems sketch to me and it makes no sense why he can’t just move back in with them for a little while and would need the house to himself… unless he has something or someone that he knows he shouldn’t have/be doing and knows he can’t do it at his parents house… something just feels off about this. Please just make sure you are thinking things through, don’t let him play with your head OR heart and no matter what do what’s best for your child period… your marriage work can come next but these types if things can really hurt a child & their sense of self worth and value. Do not let this man make you look like a fool and do not allow him to make you look like an unfit mother… he’s got something else up his sleeve I’m afraid but I hope for you & your child that this isn’t true and he instead made a stupid comment that he shouldn’t have and will apologize for even thinking that way & just agree that it’s best if he go: take care of yourself and remember your worth. You deserve a great life and a great partner and if you see that he is bringing anything less than that to the table, we’ll you can help him pack his bags for his rendezvous to mommy’s house and he can go there and stay for as long as you want… or until you have time to think everything over.

This right here would be enough for me to file. What in the actual fuck?! HE can go stay with HIS parents. The audacity!!! He is absolutely up to something.

You and your son do not leave , tell him he can go live with his parents but you should not uproot your child from the home. You both have more rights there than he does because you have the child.

If the house is in your name too don’t leave. It will then be like saying you left and took the child. Btdt…

He is making u leave to bring another woman in d house…don’t leave

I would tell him to go stay with his parents!!!

I find it weirds that he wasnts you to go and stay at HIS parents so you have to pack up yours and your sons things. no sorry his parents hole can move in with them

He should be going to HIS parents! Not you

Absolutely do not leave your house, especially to live with HIS mom. A lawyer will advise you not to leave