My husband asked me to move out of our house...advice?

Don’t leave. Especially to his parents house for many reasons. Stay in the house that you raise your child everyday in. Why would he make you leave and go to his parents? It’s his parents he can go stay with them.
You leave and go stay with them he could use it in court plus they could make up so many lies and manipulate you for court reasons. Stay in your home. You’re the one who is taking care of the child.

You leave your home, BUT stay at HIS parents? Sounds like he wants to keep tabs on you while he does whatever…
Just no, don’t leave, don’t make your son leave. His parents, he can go… that’s wild

NO, HE needs to go stay with his parents!

Talk to am attorney immediately!!

His parents, tell him if he wants anyone to leave, bye.

Talk to a lawyer before you say or do anything.

Your child needs a sense of stability at a time like this. You and your child should be staying in your home, period.

Don’t leave, stay in the house, make him go stay with his parents, he’ll lie and say you moved out so he can get the house when you divorce. He should be staying with his parents not you, unless he’s dangling the bills over you head definitely file for custody and spousal support

Tell him to live with his parents. Do not leave the home. If you do make sure to leave mail going to the address, keep toothbrushes and clothes at the home. Otherwise he can tell the courts you left the marriage.DO NOT LEAVE THE PROPERTY! He cam stay with his parents. Sounds like he is trying to trick you. Sounds like his mind is adequate up. Once your out of the house he can change the locks and so firth. Do not leave

Nope, you don’t leave the house. He can leave.

Don’t do it. If you go he’ll have better chances of getting the house and if his parents kick you out he’ll get custody because you won’t have a home

Umm no he came move back with his parents wth

Nope don’t leave, it could be considered abandonment of your home. Go to a lawyer, get a consultation. If anyone should be moving out it should be him.

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Once you leave you have no rights to the home, just an fyi that you should know prior to leaving!

I’m sorry but you shouldn’t have to up root your son. Easier for him to leave. Once you leave you may not be able to move back in.

He should be the one leaving not u and ur kid those are his parent not urs… ur kid should not have to up and change his life or comfort zone

Uhhh HE can go live with HIS PARENTS :upside_down_face: cause who the fuck wanna live with they inlaws? Weirrdddd

Why should you have to go stay with HIS parents?! He should be the one to go. If you leave you’ll play hell trying to get anything of yours. Please don’t leave!!!

Well im sure we not getting the story here… If your the reason for the split . yes you should leave but if he is then he should leave.


Nahh he’s gonna move someone in that’s why he wants you AND y’alls kid to move out. Make him and his side piece go live with his parents that’s weird he wouldn’t go live with his own family unless there is something else going on he isn’t telling.

Tell him to get out, what kind of dick kicks his son out of the house?

Ummm, no. Why doesn’t HE leave, and go live with HIS parents. If he’s pushing for you and your son to leave, and wants it so badly, he can leave. No need to uproot you, and your child.

Do NOT leave that house! Slick ass has talked to a lawyer and he knows that if u willingly leave, the house is his in a divorce. U will look like U abandoned the home and marriage. And who ask the kids to move and leave their stability?? He’s a grown ass man who can go live w his own Mama :ok_hand:

Don’t do it you have every right it belongs to both of you.untill divorce time

Uhm? No? If the child is or yours from a previous relationship? And why would you go go live with HIS parents not him? Is the house something y’all got together/after getting married or did he have the home before the marriage?

My ex husband tried this crap when we were going through the divorce. Don’t leave, kids need to be in their safe space while it’s going on. Why would you live with his parents though? Hope you find a compromise soon for your mental health.

No you shouldn’t be. He’s the man and he’s the one asking for space, let him leave. Why should you uproot those kids out of their home.

First to file has custody of the kids and house.

No, he needs to think then he needs to leave. DONT leave the family home.

He is just setting you up for a divorce so be more demanding than what he offers.

He should be the one going to stay with HIS parents. Why tf would you uproot yourself and your child(ren) to go stay at HIS parents home… hell nah. He can go home to his mama.

And his momma prolly told him to set that up. You better not do it

Get a good lawyer😱you and your son should not leave … so sorry🥲

Why are you going to his parents and not Vice versa I could see if he’s the only one that works but sounds weird

It’s his parents house, he should be the one going there. Not you and your son

No, let him go! His idea, his parents! Son needs a home. Crazy!!

No don’t leave he should leave to gis parents house and you should keep house for you and your sons

Have him go live with his parents and not disrupt the children

Doesn’t sound like he’s thinking of his son in this case. He shouldn’t be asking you to uproot your sons life. He should stay with his parents and let you and your son stay I. The house.

You and your child or children stay in the house and your husband can stay with HIS PARENTS. He is setting you up to lose everything in court. You are “figuring this out” but I’ll bet he’s already getting advice from an attorney. Which you should be doing first. Not Facebook attorneys. A real live family law attorney. Shift gears. Take care of business. He’s playing on your kindness and willingness to do most anything to “work things out”. Find a good attorney before you regret it.

You have a child…he moves out, not you.

Tell him no hes more than welcome to leave but ur not uprooting ur son for his selfishness your son comes firsy

You and your son should stay put. If he really feels like someone needs to leave, it should be him

Dont you leave that house

You don’t go! He can stay at his parents x

Don’t leave he can say you abandoned the house and besides why would you want to live with his parents let him go and live with his own parents you need to call and get advice from attorney before you do anything

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If you can afford the house make him go live with his parents.

Do not go anywhere!! He’s seriously telling his son and wife to move into HIS parents house?! :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:
Sounds like he’s trying to bring someone else there

Tell him No, it will be a mistake for u to leave

If you leave he can say you abandoned the house and you will no longer be able to go there on of my friends now ex-husband did it to her.

Nope. HE can go to HIS PARENTS place. Kid needs to stay at his home.

He’s gotta go!!! Not you and your son,tf he’s not a real man!!! ISWTFIS!

No way, why can’t he go live with his parents and you and the child stay?

I have questions…did you purchase the house together? Or did he own it before you were together? Secondly is this his child? If you purchased together and it’s his child (or not) grow a backbone and pack HIS shit…AND WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?? He wants you to live with HIS PARENTS?? Got himself a girlfriend…can’t bring them home to Mommas house. JS

Hell no let him go live with his parents he only has to pack one bag HIS

DO NOT LEAVE !!! He’s plotting something

Do not move out of your house, could come back to bite you if it comes to divorce!!

Put his clothes outside in black trash bags, remove half the money from your accounts and contact a lawyer immediately.

Nope- he can go live with his family

The courts say the parent with the children stay in the house.

Speak to a lawyer find out your legal right before you do anything

Why would you go to his parents house??? No :-1:

why would he want to put his child out of their home

Also speak to a lawyer before doing anything

He can go to his parents house wth why should you and your son go

Girl u and that baby stay. He can go be with his parents. What an ass!!

Whoever has the kids stays in the home until things are figured out.

Those are HIS parents. No he should be leaving to live with them. No point in you AND your son leaving when it can be just him. I feel he’s doing something and doesn’t want people to know he lives with his parents.

Whoever has the kids should keep the house

He should move in with his parents, you and son need to stay put. Beware!

Nope don’t do it!!! It sounds not temporary to me-and he just will be able to keep house if you move he will be awarded if he’s the one residing there. Plus, why don’t he go live with his own parents! He sounds like a narcissist and wants to keep everything but you and the kid

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No way!! he should be the one to move don’t uproot the kids

He should go live with his parents for awhile, not change the kids routine and everything. It’s actually kind of selfish of him to ask you and yalls son to go elsewhere…

Absolutely not. He should move out not you. Why would you live with his parents???

Stay put and tell HIM to live with HIS parents
What a selfish man :rage:

No you don’t go anywhere sounds like he’s just trying to get y’all out the house so you can’t come back

Nope, his parent’s are his and you need to stay.
Sounds like he’s trying to manoeuvre you into a bad position.

That makes no sense….why would you an your child go live with HIS parents?? He should be the one to go…

No, he leaves. Not fair uprooting your child from him home and room. So messed up

He will have you abandoning the home… so you won’t have claims on it.
Then say you don’t have a stable place to live and take the child. His parents can kick you out at any time or make it so uncomfortable for you to be there.
If he wants a separation he can go to his parents.
The child should never have to leave the home in a separation.
The best thing for the child is to keep things as normal and consistent as possible a steady foundation is the best , not to have a lot of change especially all at once.
He can leave and go to his parents that’s his parents not yours.
You would 1,000 % be doing yourself and your son a disservice to leave it will bite you in the butt and you will have set yourself up for failure and given him everything he needed to do whatever he wants with you, your son, your house and life.
Do Not Leave. Don’t do it.
A lawyer would also advise you not to leave also…

Absolutely not! You and your son stay in the home. If he wants physical separation he can move into his parents house. During a separation/divorce the priority needs to be the children. Keeping your sons life as consistent as possible. Do not leave. The only reason to leave is if you feel you or your son are in danger in your home. Document everything

Never leave that house ! Kick his useless ass out of there !

HE NEEDS TO GO STAY WITH “his” parents!!!

His parents, he needs to go not you!! Thats not your idea its his!!!

Nope if u leave, you abandoned the property.
It’s his mom, he can go there

Don’t leave that’s how u lose the house and any money it gets when sold he’s playing u

eff that. tell him to leave. what a p.o.s. even thinking it’s okay to basically kick his children out.

He wants you to abandon the house, and also prove that moving won’t disrupt your children’s lives. Don’t step foot out that door.

Of course not! He needs to go stay with his mom. Dont disrupt the lives if your children. In a divorce, the wife will always get the house because of the kids if they want it.

Whoever the kids living with is stays in the house 


Listen lady are you silly or what are you kidding.
It’s his parents not yours tell him to go live with them. I find this to be so ridiculous come on lady there is no thinking about this dont be fooled.
You will only regret it later if you leave.
Dont you ever be the one to leave the house.
Tell him to pi-- off to his parents its the only way. You and your son stay in that house do not move.
What kind of man is your husband to tell you to be the one to leave the house and stay with his parents is that a joke. Come on lady stand your grounds you stay he go’s end of story

Don’t make the mistake of leaving, he should leave to go stay with his parents not you, plus I always looks at it and think if you take the child out of his home he will suffer from it all too, STAY put

He wants you to leave so he can have someone else there. Do not leave your home, especially with a child. Asking you to leave is one thing, but he’s a POS for kicking his son out and then the nerve of him to ask you to be completely comfortable leaving y’all’s home to stay with HIS MOM!!! Nonsense…

Oh hell no. It’s his idea, and they’re his parents - he can leave

Absolutely do not leave. That will look bad on you. Also, he’s making his own child leave his home??? Fuck no. If he needs his space, HE can leave. I would contact a lawyer, even just a free consultation, because this sounds like he’s trying to pull some shady shit at most and be an incredibly irresponsible and shit father at least.

Nah f that. He can move out

Why don’t he ho live at his parents and you and your son stay in the house instead of up rooting your son.


Get a LAWYER…. On who doesn’t take any bs

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He’s a selfish brick. He should let you and your son live in a house