My husband bought me sloth pajamas for Mother's Day, I think it's his way of calling me lazy: Thoughts?

I Love Sloth’s Among Other Cute & Cuddly Thing’s & I’m Far From Lazy… My Fiance Has Gotten Me 3 Different Sized Plush Sloth’s, One Being So Huge It Lays On Top Of Our Bedroom TV Lol… :sloth:

I’m js I don’t think a man would even think of getting you pajamas with a specific lazy animal to tell you you’re lazy … I over think things too and have pretty severe anxiety so i kind of get how you’re thinking this… but I know my husband(or any man I know) wouldn’t put so much thought into subtly calling you lazy🤷🏼‍♀️


I would be willing to bet those are things your children wanted to buy for you… In which case it all makes sense. I would try really hard to be thankful for the thought at least. I’ll be honest, my husband and I don’t share a child… But I take care of mine AND help with his son… And even in the middle of us separating I genuinely thought he appreciated my efforts as a mother in our household for the past 3 years enough to do SOMETHING. He didn’t. It stung a little, but I can’t imagine anyone making an effort and me deciding it wasn’t good enough. Try to have gratitude for the thought rather than the gift… Bc as you said, some years ya didn’t get anything.

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Are you sure the kids didn’t pick them out? And I doubt he knows sloths are lazy, most just don’t have a great fashion sense!! Maybe leave some hints around the house next time of some things you would like for Mother’s Day!!


My grand daughter loves slouths.

Omg this can’t be real. He probably went to the store and your son picked them out because he thought they’re cute. Maybe this is why they haven’t bought you anything over the years? :woozy_face:


Wow I hope your husband and child go back to getting you nothing!

Also sloths, hedgehogs and marvel are literally 3 of my favorite things. If your husband and child want to feel appreciated for their thoughts/gifts ill take them!


Maybe your husband left your son pick the gifts??..or maybe he wanted to make it seem like he did… just enjoy your gifts and if he did get them to say ur lazy …well that’s just messed up but act like u really love everything it might make think lol like sgit I did this to piss her off an she loves them lol :joy: :joy: reverse psychology…


You complain he doesn’t get you a gift then complain when he does get you a gift🤷 Maybe the kids picked out the PJ’s . Maybe you feel guilty and are looking into it to much. Who doesn’t like sloths?


What if they were on clearance and he was trying to save you guys money? Or, maybe he thinks sloths are cute (they kind of are-I mean Sid). Communicating is your best bet. No accusatory language just talk.

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Maybe your son picked them out? Sloths mean lazy… Really :woman_facepalming: sounds like you may have a guilty conscience for being lazy. I’m sorry but this is comical :rofl:


Have you ever thought your 7 year old picked them out for you?


I been married for forty five years ,my husband never gave me a thing for any occasion.He will tell me , ( there is the money, buy whatever you want) I used to get upset , I am used to it .

So buy extra small condoms lol


Yikes :woozy_face: you want gifts but you don’t want THOSE gifts.


A sloth isnt lazy, they just take their time and go slow😉.
You’re overthinking this.


If you’re lazy, you’re lazy. Figure yourself out
Pajamas aren’t going to make you feel anything, its clothing. Be happy they bought you anything, and shut it down


You’re an ungrateful bitch it sounds like. :woman_shrugging:
Id have said it more politely but I feel like you judging your husband so badly when he actually made an effort calls for such a word. Get over yourself.
Edit: it maybe being from your son is even worse. I’d personally love whatever gift I was given because of my love for the person who gave it.

Wow thats kinda sad. I’ve had a gift or two given to me that I didn’t exactly love but I still appreciated the thought and thanked them. Also have you thought that maybe they were picked by your son.


Sounds like your being selfish he hasn’t gotton u anything for two years and when he tries to go out and get u something u complain about it …I’d he knows u feel this way he loves not go out and get u nothing else


You’re victimizing pajamas…

He got you a stuffy and a movie… Sounds like comfy jammies movie night and nothing more


Did you ask why sloth? Maybe he was trying to be humorous? Kind of disrespectful if he has been bitching about the house but just ask…

Would it help you if I said I got absolutely nothing :joy:


I thought about buying my boyfriend a sloth plushie for Easter once. I thought it was adorable and wanted him to see it

Ungrateful. He got you a gift. Don’t be so selfish about it. You’re overthinking it.


Clearly you’re very difficult to buy for which is probably why they didn’t get you anything for so long. Complaining about gifts is just going to get you right back to the no gift Zone. Also, I always say that people will only get offended about things that they resonate with. So if sloth pajamas make you think that he thinks you’re lazy, maybe it’s because deep down you know that you kind of are lazy? :woman_shrugging:t3:


A plush, a movie, a pair of pjs… girllll.i would put them pjs on, turn on the movie, and cuddle the plush and be happier than ever! Guess that’s the difference of being picky and being humble.


You complain he doesn’t get you anything he gets you a gift and then you complain about the gift. I’m sorry but you sound ungrateful.

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Or your kids could of picked it out thinking it was cute

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Was gonna say, maybe your son picked the PJ’s?!. And the dvd shows at least he listened that time you said you wanted to watch it🤦‍♀️

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Wait, is this real? You definitely sound ungrateful. Just like everyone else is saying, your son probably picked out those pj’s and you got a movie that hopefully your husband would watch with you. I mean if you really think your husband is calling you “lazy”, are you? A lot of moms didn’t receive anything for mother’s day. A friend of mine lost her only child last year. Her daughter was 4. This was her first mother’s day without her daughter and you’re being petty. Just stop…

Welp, now we know why he doesn’t buy you gifts. :woman_shrugging:t4: You are reading too damn much into some pajamas.:woman_facepalming:t4:

Am I the only one who is laughing about her insinuating suicide squad is a marvel movie!


If you don’t like the stuff, take it back :woman_shrugging:t2: and then tell him to fuck off

Ugh. You sound difficult. :roll_eyes:
Such a lovely “prize” you are…
sense the sarcasm

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I am going to choose support here… I have no idea what’s happening in your house or your life sis, BUT if pjs are making you question yourself maybe this isn’t the healthiest relationship or place for you. You seem unhappy, I’ve been there, if you need an ear my inbox is open! Breathe and let it go. If you cant let it go do yourself and your son a favor, move on.


Fucking shit the judgement here is REAL

This is an actual joke. Right?


My first thought is, what man thinks that much into something like this. I do not know a single man that would say “oh, shes lazy, I’ll buy her sloth stuff and that will show her I think she’s lazy”
No man would put this much thought into it.
He bought you comfortable pjs, move on.


Are these problems real or fiction? Because there is no way that someone can be so shallow and ungrateful!


Sounds like he tried- pjs are nice. Good probability that the kiddo picked them. The fact that he even remembered a movie you wanted to watch, is a good thing. I think you are over reacting. Do you feel you are lazy? Do you keep the house up while he is at work?

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Shut up and be grateful🤦🏻‍♀️


You’re being ridiculous
Say thank you and find a new hobby. I can see why he’s never got you anyy


Ps piracy is illegal and wrong!!!

This post is for shits and giggles right? Wow! I think your looking for reasons to complain. :woman_facepalming:


You can’t be this shallow? No wonder he never tried to get you a gift :flushed:


Sloths are the in animal right now. They are cute little critters. . I mean heck when I was married I got an eye glass repair kit in my stocking not just one but like 3 of them and a water bottle and some other random dollar store stuff. That was the first time he ever did that. Probably the last. And that was like 8 or 9 years into our marriage. I was excited he actually got me a gift. He actually thought about me for once. (I got him a fit bit when they first came out just a clip one on the belt or whatever it was his money. I was the sahm) and few other things. And I used them repair kits all the time. (I have glasses, he does, so do our two kids) I mean the kids could have picked it all out also. My ex husbands way of thinking was im not his mother im his wife and just the mother of his kids. When kids do crafts thats when I get my turn… (he didn’t do hallmark holidays as he called it) I did get a dinner for my birthday. Don’t be ungrateful.


you sound rude and ungrateful… and I can see why he didn’t get you anything for years your nit picking all the gifts he got you. be thankful you got anything


and I love :sloth::sloth::sloth::sloth: … they are definitely nicer then you.


Well I see why he doesn’t usually get you anything. You complained about all of it.


You’re overthinking it. Ridiculous.

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I think your putting to much on it and to much thought into it. Just be greatful he got you something.

I don’t think he meant anything besides happy Mother’s Day. If a man thought u were lazy and was not grateful I doubt he’d get you anything at all

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If you’re not happy, then just leave…

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Omg get a grip, there are bigger problems in the world!


What did sloths ever do to you deserve this abuse?

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If I was ur husband I would never get you anymore gifts for anything.


I would love for my husband to be here to give me something no matter what it would be because you see I had my last mothers day gift from him 8 yrs ago when he was taken from me even though hes in a better place its these times i just want him back the gifts i could do without but without him its hell

Wow,im surprised hes still with are so ungreatful.shame on you.


I dont think it matter what he got you for mothers day you wouldnt have liked the gift.

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Maybe he just thought they were cute. Or maybe your son picked them out. I think you’re over thinking it.


I think your reading waaay to into things and being ungrateful. I doubt his going to go out of his way on his own accord ever again with this kind of feedback. Maybe your son picked out the pjs since it’s meant to be a gift from him, who honestly cares this much just be happy you got something this year it’s the thought that counts! Go for a walk and get some fresh air women.

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Sloths are very popular right now. It’s hard to say whether he meant it that way or not. I mean we don’t know you guys personally or seen the context of things. Only you know. My guess is your child picked them out. Honestly I’d throw them on and say f it. But I like sloths and I love pjs. If you feel like things like this are happening then you need to sit him down and talk. Maybe get help, marriage counseling? Or if none of that works I’d be leaving. I’m a single mom of 4 so I don’t always get gifts. My mom goes out of her way to make sure the kids can get me something when they have the money. I mean plenty of times I’ve gotten perfume or soap but I didn’t assume I stunk :joy: idk but I hope what ever your going through it gets better. Remember it’s not the gift but the though that counts. (Also,if you are kind of picky or want something specific buy for yourself and say here give this to our child to give to me :joy:)

Omg get over yourself.

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Woooooooow. Women are MEAN! These comments are unreal, you’d think all these ladies identified as Sloths, they are taking it so personally.

My uncle was the WORST gift giver. He bought my aunt the most random things and she would get so frustrated. It aucked but she would have to give VERY specific gift ideas. If not she got things like, an umbrella with a light on the bottom. Lol. Im sorry the gifts sucked.

Hey quick question, does your shoulder hurt from that incredible reach? You wonder why he doesn’t get you gifts, good lord.

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You are definitely overthinking it. My husband is HORRIBLE for putting thought into gifts, but he is an amazing husband. It just may not be his forte.
If the pjs were soft, he probably thought ‘they’re soft, she’ll like them’, movie? ‘It’s a big name movie’ teddy? ‘Girls like teddies… right?’ Etc.
As much as we love our guys, some think very simply, you need to look past that, he thought of you, and put effort into choosing some gifts for you. There isn’t an underlying statement that he is trying to make.

My husband bought me a monster coffee mug for Christmas :raised_hands:t2: :raised_hands:t2: except it said on it ‘I’m never drinking again’… in big bold letters :joy: :joy:
I asked him if he thought I drank too much? (I like my wine) he’s like ‘No, I just thought you’d like how big it was… the kids thought it would be funny’ :thinking: :face_with_monocle: :joy: It’s my family, they’re all boys so I get male humour. You just have to embrace it :blush:

My husband bought my mom a sloth build a bear due to the fact she just liked them and she loved it. Just be greatful that you got anything.

Guys dont think that much into gifts, you are reading way to much into it


This is probably why he doesn’t buy you things. :person_facepalming:


… You can’t be serious. Sounds like he attempted to find things you may like, and make you feel good. Maybe this is the reason he doesn’t gift you anything :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Why not say to your son, “tell me about how you picked these pajamas!” And see what he says if you’re curious about any intended/unintended meaning.

If you’re having trouble keeping the house clean, maybe come up with a list of chores & let son & hubs pick a which ones they want to manage. Do you work outside the home? If not, naturally you will have more chores.

Please raise your son to know how to take care of himself and be an equal partner in managing a household. :purple_heart:

Oh wow! I thought I was an over thinker :roll_eyes:

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I’d low-key love sloth pajamas lol


Say thank you!!! He tried. That’s more than most.

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My mom and kids buy me sloth stuff all the time. It’s a popular thing right now and super cute. You’re over thinking big time


Na he’s just a horrible gift giver :person_shrugging: it’s the thought that counts and sloths & Llama’s are in rn.


give them back and tell him exactly what you just wrote lol what is a marriage if you cannot communicate and ask a question?? maybe he needed help and asked your son to go shopping and he picked out those pj’s

Otters and sloths are literally on EVERYTHING right now and they are comfy as hell Pajama’s…
Stop and think from another perspective. He got you all the things to relax and be comfy and enjoy a quiet night…

You sound like an ungrateful twat.


He probably either thought it was cute or your son picked it out! Sloths are the in a imal for some reason. Peopleike them because they’re sort of cute! Enjoy the pj’s & don’t make a big deal. Sometimes, men need to be taught how to buy things for us. (Their moms didn’t teach them) give better hints next holiday ! Other than that, the pj’s are probably comphy, enjoy that part of it!

Really? He got you gifts… And you are upset? My husband NEVER gets me anything for ANY holiday.

The sloth work’s at the DMV😂

Haha Haha grow tf up. This is probably why he doesnt do sh*t for your ungrateful a$$

Bro you sound ungrateful sloths are the new trend and he probably thought you’d like it, but instead of coming online to rant. Communicate to him.

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Wow! I wouldn’t get u anything either! U sound super ungrateful!


So… well since my husband took me out to eat 3 times on mother’s day… I must think he is calling me fat???:flushed::flushed::flushed: and he gave me 500 dollars to invest so I must think he is calling me poor wth lol… enjoy your gift and say thank you to your man… not every mother got a gift for mother’s day!!!


I’ve been seeing so many people feel put down and horrible because they didn’t even get a gift… You are entitled to what you feel or think, but IMO you are over thinking it and aren’t being grateful at all. Men don’t think the way women do. Your SO may be your best friend but at the end of the day they think a bit differently than us. Give him some slack. He got you something on Mother’s Day and you aren’t even his mom. (Common theme I am seeing in men over the internet lol, my husband helps me celebrate though)

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Imagine being salty because he got you a gift. And remembered a movie you mentioned. Ffs.


Definitely be glad he thought of you and It doesn’t sound like he was trying to be mean or hurtful! I’m a HUGE over thinker and it seems like you may be over thinking the situation! Ive been with my fiance for 6 going on 7 years and I have been a Mother to our 2 children for 4 almost 5 years and I didn’t get one thing except a post on Facebook.

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I think it’s linked to your own insecurities. Maybe you’re feeling some type of way. He tried.

Honestly you sound ungrateful and maybe you feel guilty? I feel sorry for you. And for him for having an ungrateful spouse.

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Zan Fellows she’s nuts lol

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I guess that is a Little thoughtless on his part :grimacing:

You’re thinking way too far into that

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I’m a single 1st time mom at 42 with absolutely NO family of any kind…my best friend lives in another state hours away…and I’m living with my 3 no daughter at a homeless facility currently. Be grateful you got gifts. I spent the day snuggling with my daughter and playing and reading to her and taking tons of pics of her & us and I feel completely blessed to have her and my 1st ever Mother’s Day…and that’s without any tangible/physical gifts!


I think your thinking way too much into this. You should enjoy your gifts since he never gets you anything

I don’t know your husband. If he’s a spiteful guy, sure… He definitely could be sending a message. Or he could have really tried and failed. Have you asked him?