It’s just not that deep… this train of thought has never crossed his mind.
You’re overthinking at least he made an effort
Your over thinking everything. He’s a guy, he didn’t plan for you too think this way
I am sorry that you feel like this … I know not all people have caring understanding husbands, but have you tried just asking him?
I couldn’t stand the thought of EVER keeping anything that troubling to myself. I tell my husband everything! And he would never judge me if the house was dirty he’d ask the kids to help mom, or offer help himself. I’ve been with my husband for 10 years and he’s just a awesome guy but he asks me , “hey what do you want for Mother’s Day?” As I ask him what he wants for Father’s Day so no one goes feeling bad. Last year “want breakfast in bed ? Yea please that would be great flowers ? Yea please ? Ugly sloth pajamas? No thank you lol my husband had poor taste in EVERYTHING so after 10 years I just know hey babe while you’re out shopping try to find this. And I send him examples! I think that means a lot to a man. Yes it might take the fun out of it but my husband surprises me everyday with nice gestures so it’s never been an issue. I’m more of a problem solver like find a solution don’t dwell on it. That’s what causes even more issues. I let IT ALL OUT! I tell my husband everything!
So despite the ugly pajamas it look like the actual problem might be communication in my opinion.
My poor sister didn’t even get a “happy Mother’s Day”. So you’re not alone amd some have it far worse.
So maybe ask him about this . I get it’s nice to find “someone to talk to for advice” but I feel like you need to talk to your husband and ask him.
I got a sweet handmade gift from my youngest son for mother’s day. Be thankful that you got anything
If you’re THAT self-conscious about it then quit being lazy and problem solved. Otherwise, you are being paranoid, superstitious, or are playing the victim.
This whole post is way uglier than any sloth I’ve ever seen
You mentioned a movie one time, yet he remembered. That’s literally unicorn status to me
Personally I feel you’re projecting your feels into this situation. Had my exhusband remembered more than another woman’s name when we were together, and did something like this, I’d be grateful.
Can I have it if you don’t want it sloths are adorable!!
Just be appreciative! He’s making an effort!
Sounds more like he hit the nearest Walgreens and bought the first few things he saw.
Your kid may have picked out the pajamas…
What does he do around the house? I would take the panamas back and get yourself something better. Go to counseling.
Did you ever think that your son picked them out and he liked the sloths?
Why would anyone stay married to a low quality man like this?
My guess is that he is trying to further push home the message of her not keeping up with the house.
It doesn’t say if she works outside the home or not.
You should be glad he even went out of his way. Most or a lot of men don’t
That would actually give me n excuse not to do anything and when he finally questions it, I’d simply reply I’m a sloth remember that’s y u bought me matching pjs hahaha reverse psychology. If u think that’s how he things, always use it to ur own advantage not as criticism… pjs all day and nothing else to do but watch a movie, (I WISH)
I now understand why he bought you nothing.
I would be happy for a gift. Obviously he didnt think them out a whole lot but he wanted to get you something. It’s the thought that counts…IMO
Maybe he let your son pick your gifts out. After all you are his mother not your husband’s
Is it possible your 7 year old picked out the pajamas?
I got nothing for mother’s day. Not from my daughters or their fathers from them. Be happy you got gifts.
Hey I’ll take a man considerate enough for this level of effort. He didn’t remotely think you are a sloth but if you are worried about being lazy do something about it
Well men don’t read minds well. Perhaps a list on the table would be subtle but helpful!
It sounds like y’all have more problems than pajamas… maybe sit down and talk?
I think those are great gifts and you should just enjoy them!
Please appreciate the gifts, he has given you out of love. Don’t overthink…Once he realises you didn’t appreciate them, he might never bless you with gifts.
Slothes are not lazy they are naturally slow. Big difference. Every time you turn around you see slothes so they are trending. Just be freaking greatful that you have a husband that buys you a gift. Do you realize you complained about not getting gifts then complained about the gifts you got. He can’t win for lose, and you just seen ungreatful.
Hmm wonder why he doesn’t usually get you presents
Um did you ever think that maybe… Just maybe your son picked them out for you?
My husband gave me a toy sloth. I’m proud to be a sloth. Lol
Maybe the message was that it’s mother’s day and you get to be lazy
I’m pretty sure his heart was in the right place. I would not over think it.
Maybe your son picked them out.
What happened to actually communicating with your partner?
Anyone else really want to see these sloth pj’s?
Maybe you are putting off on him what you know is basically the truth?
I mean if the shoe fits? He tried. Lol
You’re reading way too much far into this.
Be thankful!!! Sounds like you’re blessed to me.
Wow…Really reaching here, don’t you think? Just trying to find something to be upset about?
I’m curious if this is actually a joke. Because this sounds petty as hell.
Is it possible your son picked them out?
Maybe your son picked everything out?
Sloths are adorable. Don’t take it out on them.
U need to be grateful and stop acting like a baby #sorrynotsorry
Ffs what is happening here. Do you two communicate or just live in the same house?
Hey at least he got you something for Mothers day
Get over yourself, enjoy your gifts, wear your sloth Jamie’s whilst watching the movie & RELAX!
Could your daughter have picked out the ugly sloth pajamas?
Why is everyone bitchen about what they got everyone know you can’t buy jack shot at this time of lock down
Sloths r cute - I’d b wiling to bet that’s why he bought them . That’s all
Yeah… I’d take it down a notch…
I think you are reading wayyyyy to much into it.
Sloths are super cute.
Is it marvel or DC. Suicide squad is definitely DC
I love sloths!! Maybe he thought they were cute and that you would like them
Geez… I can kinda see why he’s bailed the last few years…
This is why your husband didn’t bother in previous years. And probley won’t after This one either
Maybe he thinks you’re cute and cuddly like a sloth and wants to snuggle ya in cute sloth pajamas and if you like your nails done that’s bonus points. Id just be grateful
Ouch. You’re projecting… sounds like you are struggling with feeling lazy. Enjoy your thoughtful gifts.
Wow, no wonder you don’t get gifts because when you do, the selfish ungrateful little 2 year old comes out. Send your pjs and movie my way, I will enjoy them
Or maybe you are over thinking. Men are men.
Be thankful I would love to have just one more Mother’s Day present lost the love of my life.
My best friend lost her daughter… surely. She will trade you places
Sloths are my spirit animal lol. So send the pj’s over!
Y’all are all talking like men are Dumb Blonds. Really?
Could this be projective thought?
I got sloth jammies for mother’s day and I love them They are so soft and cute! Who doesn’t love cute jammies…
I have sloth pj’s because I love sloths, you seem very ungrateful
Maybe your child picked them out🤷♀️. I don’t know your full situation but you might be reading into to much. Might not be idk.
Pajamas are my comfort clothes so I would be happy with them.
My husband got me toiletries and towels, I obviously stink.
I’m with you. Get him donkey pj’s for Father’s day, lol
Dang, I think sloths are adorable. Also, you sound really ungrateful. Thoughts and prayers.
Imagine your husband and child disappeared.
Now look at those lovley gifts and be grateful for the givers.
Men are awful at gift-giving. If you want to get something you’ll like, make him lists.
Just be thankful n sloths are the in thing right now… fresh someone’s PM’sing
Did you ever think maybe your son chose the PJs
Oh well…my hubby says a sloth is my spirit animal…its a joke.sloths are adorable
At least you were thought of and maybe the sloths are cute
I think you are reading an awful lot into this gift
Ungrateful. Can I have the sloth pajamas? I love them!
I think you might be overthinking this one.
Wow I love sloths they are beautiful maybe you should be just grateful you got anything
i like sloths…they just take their time
That’s super over thought… I think YOU have a problem with yourself. Dude tried
Sloths are popular right now. I own a pair of pajamas, socks, and a tshirt.
This post is COMPLETELY ridiculous. Could you be any more ungrateful??? Sloths are freaking ADORABLE and awesome and you’re being beyond petty.
My gift for Mothers Day is my kids , when you become a mom everyday is Mothers Day what a gift that is !!!
I love my Sloth jammies, so comfy and warm
So cool:heart_eyes: i would love to have such a pj
You sound ungrateful. He tried. Quit overthinking and reading more into it
I think this chick is very very ungrateful!!
Be grateful you got something
Send me the pajamas! After a long hard day of being a momma I would enjoy something comfortable.
So many mums go without .your just ungrateful brat
You read into things way too much
Aybe your daughter picked out the pjs
Revenge is sweet. Fathers’ Day is coming!
Firstly, sloths aren’t lazy. And they aren’t ugly. You just sound miserable.