My husband constantly jokes that everything in our house is his: Advice?

You need to get your name added to the house otherwise legally he could throw you out as the house is solely in his name. Could you do a job from home? That would stop him “jokingly” getting these jibes in. Or tell him you are going to look for a job and he needs to sort out childcare. Would stop doing stuff for him too and then he will appreciate what you really do

Get a job make your own money then save your money cause your marriage won’t last if he’s saying crap like that

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I don’t know how old you are but I’m here to tell you he knew EXACTLY what he was doing.and still is doing.however after reading bits and pieces here hell play yours cars like he did cuz I PROMISE you you got his hands tied.all ima say.


Honestly I’d be speaking to a lawyer and asking my rights, I wouldn’t tell him about it because he’d try to stop you or go 1 step ahead of you. I’d also start thinking about the entire relationship. He encouraged you to give up your job, he encouraged you to put the house in his name because your credit rating is lower? He is now putting you down and being emotionally abusive about both these things that he encouraged you to do. Thats not what a supportive husband does, if he didn’t want you to quit your job he shouldn’t have encouraged it. You shouldn’t have agreed to not be on the house. I can see this all ending very badly he’s mentally abusive, is liable to cheat and kick you out and because you have nothing keep your baby and move his mistress in to take care of them. How safe do you feel in this marriage, get a lawyer, get some advice and think about everything, if he’s like this now he’ll just get worse people don’t change. Maybe try couples therapy to see if you can get to the cause of this but don’t expect too much


You can add ur name to the deeds its about 700pd but worth it


Anything bought after you got married becomes community property wheather you are on the papers or not . And he will have to give you 50% if you were to divorce.


Get a job pay half for day care and seeing as everything is his no problem he can pay half the day care for HIS child and for a house keeper to clean HIS house etc if he complains tell him he’s lucky you don’t divorce him and get half of everything house money etc good luck but do the treated like a second rate person a marriage is a partnership in everything

Form of control as with arguments in time that’ll be said. Went through it myself so glad I’m out of it now x

I mean if he wants to get Technical half is yours when you file for divorce :woman_shrugging:

You need to sit and think do you really want a man in your life

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He’s not kidding. Tell him how you he is making you feel. If nothing changes…Take heed. Say nothing more, in fact laugh it off. However use this time WISELY. Have him put you on his credit cards to build your credit. Save your money, earn an on line degree. Then divorce him, and let the judge show him every thing he joked about being his is community property!


Pretend you have a job interview and he will have to help out around the house and with the baby 50% moving forward… lol

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This is not a good situation to be in. It’s time to get baby in day care and go back to work and sort your credit out. Do not put any money into the house. It’s not yours. Do not pay anything. Not towards furnishings or decoration. Any money you put in will be lost. You need to build up your own savings. He now needs to pay towards the baby going to day care. He’s had the benefit of your unpaid labour for a year. Enough is enough. He’s taking the utter piss


Sounds like he’s slowly trying to control everything. You don’t have your own money he thinks you’ll stay stuck under HIS roof. I was in a relationship like that. He wanted me to be at home taking care of kids and not have a say so where money went and I went without. Eventually I wasn’t myself anymore. That’s what he wanted. I’d get out. Look for a job stick him with the daycare bill and look into leaving his ass. Forget the house. you’ll get 50% in a divorce.

Being on the mortgage and being on the deed are 2 different things. There is no reason you shouldn’t be on the deed to the house. He is gas lighting you.


Talk to him. You two are the only ones who know the full story. Are you having financial trouble? Does he need help? Maybe dropping the joke is his idea of planting a seed? Explain your feelings. If he is amazing but makes bad jokes maybe you’re being sensitive and you are the one bothered by not working? Only you and your husband can work this out. Marriage is hard, but shouldn’t be thrown away.

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Tell him that it is half yours. It’s a marriage so it belongs to the both of you and seeing as it was a mutual decision for you to stay home, he has no room to complain or to be rude. And if his answer is anything but him apologizing and agreeing to stop then tell him that you can easily prove it is half yours by divorcing him. It’s childish of him to say otherwise and a sick mentality of men today. You should be able to buy yourself things on occasion without asking(within reason, don’t go spending every weekend :sweat_smile:). But all jokes aside, pls don’t try to joke it off or try to ignore it as it will only get worse. Talk to him and let him know how you feel and if he can’t see that or at the very least stop and respect your feelings, then it’s better to get out if that toxic situation


Hes not joking you need to go see a lawyer to put something in writing so if he ever takes off you are not left with nothing x


Seems sketchy the house in his name you now no job having to solely rely on him seems he may know exactly what he is doing you along with the house are his. I wish i had answers on how to cha hw this other then getting a job making your own income ans getting out of there if he cant realize the jokes hurt and gets mad about it he isnt the one you should be spending your life with


Can you say Narcissist?


Tell him your going to get a job at night or on the weekends and he has the baby when your working. I bet his tune changes a bit.


That’s textbook Narcissism. I was married to one… he said pretty much the same thing, only, I had a full time job that carried our health insurance. I did EVERYTHING when it came to caring for our son. He earned A LOT more. Everything was his. He would “joke” about it to my face, but, he would bragg about it in front of friends and other women. Even when I was standing in front of him. Don’t let it slide. Don’t back down. YOUR FEELINGS ARE VALID. He needs to respect you… period.


Maybe hand him a bill for all the work at home you do? Think about it- a housekeeper is $20-40 an hour, laundry, cooking, child care, etc. Some how people, not just men, think a stay at home mom is just relaxing all day but in reality SAHMs work long hours with little recognition or appreciation.


Well I wouldn’t do anything in “HIS” HOUSE… I did this once… after a week of no laundry, no groceries, no dinner, no kids going to school unless he took them, no baths, no homework, (which I secretly worked out with their teachers) no bills being paid on time, no vet appointments, no doctor checkups oh and I didn’t pick his mom up from the airport. I let her walk into the mess in the house. And let me tell you with 4 kids it was a disaster… and when he came home from work that night she walked up and slapped right up side his head!!! See she was a stay at home mom… and the following week he took vacation and cleaned my house. While we stayed at hotel with the kids… never had a problem since… :smirk::smirk::rofl::rofl:


Degrading disguised as a joke is still a degrade. The courts wouldn’t agree with him in everything being his. Jokingly start giving him an invoice of what he owes you to clean the house, watch the children, doing the laundry, cooking and anything else you might do. And than let him know that it’s not ok to make these jokes and you feel very disrespected and they need to stop immediately.


I am a stay at home mom and the house is in my husband’s name. My husband always makes it a point to call our things OUR house, OUR car, ect. He also agrees that stay at home moms need more recognition from society as contributing members. We save SO much money on daycare by me staying home and he recognizes that. So no this is not normal behavior of your husband and you are not being overly sensitive.


He is clearly being rude and hinting you that all good things you enjoy is only because of him and indirectly hinting that he has all the power over you. Since he is not stopping even after reminders, he may not stop ever. Best option is to make yourself financially independent. Let it be any simple job, take it and build your life. Rest will follow…let it be a life together with understanding or a divorce. All the best!


I’d find a new man. I’m a SAHM and the house is in my spouse name only. And he refers to it as my house because I am the one that takes care of it and our children. And he buys everything I want without me asking. I half to be careful and not say I like something or I end up with it. :woman_facepalming: it can be frustrating too but I know he loves me and cares. That’s the kinda man you need / want.


I’m also a SAHM for the last 13yrs since our oldest was born, this isn’t okay at all! Besides all of that, the other thing that’s jumps out the most is the house. Your totally okay to have your name on the deed just not the loan if your worried about your credit score (I only say this because we just purchased last month and my husband is the only one on the loan but the deed to the house is in both of our names!


It’s not okay for him to speak to you that way.
You’re married so it should be “ours”.
I would speak to a Lawyer who specializes in relationship property and get their advise, on what would happen if you separated. So you know your rights before it happens.


Narcissistic is what he is! This is not ok. It’s a type of emotional and mental abuse. I suggest you lay down some boundaries and hold him accountable when he crosses those boundaries. Be strict about your boundaries! Do not stand for that type of behavior because it will get worse.


He’s being rude and disrespectful on purpose. No one wants things done for them thrown in thier face. I’d get a job and not have to hear that crap for sure.


Here’s the other thing SAHM moms don’t realize…our social security payments later in life (if it’s still around then) are based on the money we earned and paid in over the years. So you are giving up a lot more than he realizes. If you 2 separate divorce, yes everything is 50/50 and yes you would be entitled to child support if you have the baby more BUT that won’t help you later at retirement age.


Yes he is gaslighting you. And I feel like he’s putting you in a position to get nothing if he leaves. But I’ve been burned, so take that with a grain of salt.


All joking aside…you are married and regardless if the house is in his name alone, if you divorce, the courts won’t view it that way. It will still be considered a marital asset. I’d “joke” about that. But I’m a passive aggressive jerk sometimes :joy: I’m working on it.


I’d get a job and find a in home daycare for the kid. Get assistance if you need. Save up money in the event you need to leave.


I’d get a job and tell him that he can pay for daycare. And I would do nothing around the house.


My advice… be careful…
Even though you are not on the loan of the home and I’m pretty sure that 25 points would not have affected the outcome very much… your name could have AND should have been put on the home. My parents had to refinance, my mom is on disability, her name is still on the house. You are married… so technically EVERYTHING you own is communicable property.
Now… my biggest concern and I’m only speaking because of my own experience… your husband sounds like he has Narcissistic tendencies… if you don’t know what that is and how it can affect your life… I suggest you research it. I was a SAHM for almost 6 years… and I was treated terribly by my husband… and I did not realize how bad until years later…
Be safe and wishing you the best.


I think he’s the one in the wrong. He’s blowing off something that really bothers you. It’s inconsiderate and an awful thing to do to someone you love.


He sounds like a piece of work. You have marital interest in the home. Meaning you own it just being married. I’ll bet a dollar to a donut that you’re on the deed. Let him know that. Also let him know that you own the home but are NOT responsible for the mortgage. :joy::joy: that ought to shut him up.


He sounds like a narc. You could be petty but I don’t think that would help. Just leave. You could go for alimony in addition to child support and be so much happier. Then he could have the pleasure of paying all the bills for things he owns all by himself. If you stay, it will only get worse. Then your child will be impacted as well. It’s a lose-lose situation staying put.


Just so you know, you can and should be on the deed. I’m not on the mortgage info to my home but I’m still on the deed. He’s gaslighting you


I’d give him a nanny bill… and then he may realize that it’s saving you both money being a stay at home mom. If he doesn’t see it that way, leave. Get child support


Honestly, I would sit him down and tell him that you don’t find those “joke” funny. You both agreed to you being sahm and if he can’t handle that to let you know now so you can find a job and not have to hear the bs. Honestly, with the way he’s talking I would just get a job and be done with it.


Girl you better recognize! This man sounds narcissistic. Wanting control. Everything about “him”. If you have to keep telling him this is hurtful and he keeps doing it…move on and let him go cuz he does not care😕


You can’t recoup the cost of bearing his child…hell sounds like you had to do all the work then too based on his personality. But I’d simply remind him that he can continue to speak petty but the judge will speak the truth. 50/50…:thinking:

*Life is to short to deal with disrespect and misery. This day in age love is just not enough…people claim they love you and look out for themselves. I make sure I can fend for myself no matter who’s in my life. People like her husband need other people to need them and it is mental abuse plain and simple …


Start putting in applications and then tell him you have to pay a babysitter bc you have interviews. I bet he’ll change his time QUICK


That’s icky. I would sit down with him and tell him how it all makes you feel. And if he doesn’t change, then you better make sure you live in a community property state. Lol


It’s not ok. I’ve been told that’s abusive. I hope he doesn’t call you names too.


Your name should be on the house too. Your credit only effects the loan. I’ve been a SAHM for years now so my credit sucks. Husband is the only one on the house loan but we are both on the deed.


Financial abuse is a tactic narcissists use to keep you dependent on them. This scares me for you


He should he respectful and stop. If anything else get a job and make him pay 50 percent of child care for yall’s baby since he wants to throw money up so often.


Its not ok mainly because you already told him it bothers you. Hes disrespecting you.


My husband does this, but I assure you, I hit back with jokes that are serious and hurts his feelings…It’s 50/50 no matter how u look at it.


He is gaslighting you. Give him a bill for all the things you do for him. Also stop doing them.


I would communicate how you feel and if he still does it then I would decide from there what you want to do…I moved into my bf home and everything is in his name and he jokes too like this once in awhile but we both talked about how he is joking and he doesn’t do it often anymore and now I got a few comebacks, so, hopefully you guys can talk and work it out


Remind him that you’ll get 50% of everything in the divorce even if your name isn’t on it now


If you have pointed out to him several times that his “joke” isn’t funny and is in fact hurtful to you, then you might have to start coming up with a “joke”for him, like he’s not home to take care of the baby so his parenting ideas don’t matter. Or it might be time to start talking about getting a part time job or something to make things feel a bit more even. I was a SAHM for almost 10 years when my kids were young and I finally snapped when he wouldn’t stop with those comments. I stopped doing his laundry, talking to him about things that the kids were doing, etc. He finally figured out that I wasn’t playing anymore when I stopped making a plate of food for him to eat when he got home. I explained that I was a stay at home MOM and if he was going to keep treating me this way since he was treating me like I was the unpaid babysitter and not an equal member of the team, this was what our life was going to be like until the kids were older and I went back to work! He got the message and stopped.


So rude and immature of him. It sounds like he has a strong need to celebrate himself. Sorry


You do work, you’re the mommy. Add up your hours staying with the baby and charge Him an hourly rate for your time. Get your name on YOUR home, it is just as much yours. He needs to appreciate all that you do for him in being a stay at home mommy!


You MUST get your name on that deed. Having lost my husband to a massive heart attack at 51, even though my name was on the deed, the WAY it was on there (which was OK when we built the house but had changed by the time he passed) made me have to appeal to the state. Luckily my children were grown, but he needs to WANT to protect you and your kids if the unforseen happens. My husband was in good shape and had worked 11.5 hours the day he died - you.never.know.


This is not okay. I’m the sahp in our house and I’m the one that makes the jokes, my husband is quick to “correct” me and point out the sacrifices that I have made for our family. You need to have a serious conversation with your husband about this!


I would be a smart ass and say well look what you bought me today!! He needs to add you to title IMO to cover you if god forbid something ever happen to him…I am also more assertive and I wouldnt let that fly with my husband LOL stand up for yourself and be assertive :slight_smile:


That is not ok. You have told him how you feel, repeatedly. He ignores you, repeatedly. You can’t spend your life that way. You will be hurt and angry all the time.


I would tell him that you want to go to work.
Then you need to actually look for child care places or price and interview a couple of nannies.
Then figure out what you need to have for a vehicle (gas,wear and tear) and think about the other things you will need (wardrobe etc) once he starts seeing the costs for things YOU can change your mind and decide that it may be better to be a SAHM but with the condition that he realizes that the decision benefits you BOTH so you can tell him to knock it off with the “jokes” because they aren’t funny!! The thing is you have to actually do the things because otherwise it will seem like idol threats to him!!


This would bug me too and by your description it does sound like gaslighting because even when you say you don’t like it, he still does it.


Give him some of his own medicine and see how he like it then. (Jokingly ofcourse) Since everything in the house belongs to him, since he bought it, then tell your child is ‘only yours’ because you are the only one taking care babs. Maybe he will realisr how hurtful it is. Honestly, I would have smacked him upside the head, and told him, after the next joke he can quit his job, become the stay at home parent and you will go and find a job!

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My husband and I went away this last weekend and he won the “bet” we had on the Kentucky Derby. I told him I would pay for dinner b/c he won. Then we both laughed. I am a SAHM and I work hard at what I do but don’t get paid. He works hard as well to financially support us and appreciates all I do for no money. He also wanted me to stay home and I did as well but I wanted to wait until I had my 2nd child and he couldn’t take our first being in daycare. So I quit my job a good year earlier than I wanted to. I can’t imagine him ever saying anything like that to me - that it’s all his. First, we know it’s all mine (haha) and 2nd, in reality it’s ours no matter how the money comes in. Your husband is being an A$$ and 100% gaslighting you.

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He’s a joke!! I’d ask him where he found his sudden power trip. Definitely not ok that he keeps saying that to you. Oh…and please…go buy something for yourself!!! Then hand him the receipt of what you spent “his just a joke” money on. :moneybag:and have fun doing it!!


That’s a Narrassist at it finest!!
Remind him, you’re married. Everything" that’s his" is half yours!!


Remind him how much you would pay a nanny & maid. Then ‘jokingly’ remind him, how much he owes you.


I would “jokingly” tell him that if we were to divorce, everything that is “yours” is 50% mine. :grin:


Well, if it’s all his then let him cook HIS food on HIS dishes, let him wash HIS clothes, let him make HIS bed & change the linens, let him sweep HIS floors… etc, etc, …js


Sounds like he’s planting a seed in your brain “reminding” you that everything you both have is his to keep you in place… not good. The real problem is you told him something that bothers you and he’s still doing it. Seek counseling.

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You can have your name put on the house with a quick claim deed and a notary while he keeps the mortgage note solely in his name. It’s a simple process, but in the event of a catastrophic change of finances, you would both be responsible.

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Set him straight or he won’t change…or just go back to work. Doesn’t have to be a full-time job either.


He seems very insensitive to your feeling. He needs to stop doing it. He should treat you as his equal. You have an amazingly hard job raising a child. It is a very hard job and he needs to appreciate your contribution and your feelings.

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If you’re married 1/2 of every thing in the house including the house are yours.
I would sit down with him and ask him flat out if he thinks you should go back to work. If he says no then tell him to cut the crappy comments.


Even without being on the loan you could have been added to the deed of the home. I stayed home for awhile and had these same type of remarks made. Getting a job was the best decision I made. We work separate shifts to avoid child care.

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Joke about how those kids are yours, and see how feels about that!?
Okay, don’t do that… but seriously…
I don’t think his jokes are at all funny. I would have a talk with him and express yourself.
Is he controlling or belittling in other ways?
I wished you’d put the house in your name too. 25 points isn’t the end of the world for peace of mind and fairness. Be careful and look out for yourself, maybe I’m jaded… but The father of my two sons is a narcissist and this situation reminds me of what I experienced. We aren’t together now, and we are now in court over a custody dispute, I am working mother, always have been. But In his declaration he actually claimed “I supported her to be a stay at home mother” I legit took 6 weeks off (paid with my accumulated sick leave for maternity leave)
It just reminds me of my situation, which was incredibly toxic and yes I was gaslighted for years… It’s been a long road of recovery from my damaged self worth which he inflicted.
Please, prioritize yourself and don’t get lost in the meSs. I hope he’s just a lousy jokester and not a monster

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Sorry but that is way wrong. I was always a SAHM and my husband (going on 20 years) has never once said anything like that to me. It is our house, our cars, our home. I go buy groceries or stuff for the house and he never questions it. If there is something extra we need or something I want we sit down and talk about the budget and how to make it work. He has never disrespected like your husband has. Being a SAHM is about 10 jobs in one. He should appreciate and value your efforts and what you do during the day. A joke has to be funny to be a joke. This is not funny.

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I think we all know that these kind of jokes are laced with true feelings…even they aren’t, it’s not funny anymore and he should respect your request for him to stop. Guys can be real asses sometimes and love to flip the script. You are not over reacting.

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My ex-husband did the same thing to me for years. After we separated my son (he was 17 at the time) said to me “Mom, this is going to be good for you. You know how Dad is always making fun of you and says he is kidding, but he’s not. Now, you don’t have to put up wish that anymore”. I wish I could tell you it will get better, but I don’t think it will.

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Ummm if your legally married, honey that house is half yours regardless if your name or not…


Your feelings are valid. He’s being disrespectful. I’d give him a taste of his own medicine. Everything you take care of, on your own, technically belongs to you. “I washed the blanket, so it’s technically mine.” “I made this dinner, so it’s mine. Feel free to make your own.” Make sure to throw a “just joking” in there as soon as he gets irritated.

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Get a job. That’ll fix his attitude problem real quick. Clearly he’s having a subconscious problem with the current arrangement. Possibly stress about being the sole breadwinner. You’ve already told him how it makes you feel and were disregarded. Time for a different approach.

It’s not okay at all. I’d be so offended and would make it clear that he needs to find something else to “joke” about because it isn’t funny, no one is laughing, and he’s being disrespectful to the mother of his child and wife.
Ridiculous. Sorry you’re having to deal with that. :sweat:

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GET A JOB DARLING…for your child and your sake…and don’t tell him its because of the jokes…tell him you thought you would enjoy being. SAHM but you prefer being at work, you see you keep telling him that he must remember it was a mutual decision but people change their minds and it might not be easy for him right now to outright say…you need to get a job. The truth of the matter is you need to work on your relationship you guys are married and there is love there don’t let this start a whole new type of fight or resentment between you two…just sit him down and explain to him that you tried it and you feel its not for you and you want to work. If he really was joking you will find out in that conversation because he will bring it up, the way he approaches that conversation will let you know, also if he is a control freak or a narcissist you will be able to read it there but let him bring his true self out in the conversation be the gas lighter in this one because everything comes out in the light and if you truly want the honest to Gods truth you will…because we women are great at getting the truth but we a really bad at accepting it


Ive stayed home for 5 years my husband has never said his money he has said things like i just put my check in the bank we need to slow down on spending money but NEVER his money because the first time he tries he’s gonna be presented with a bill sahm do a lot of things and most of what we do others pay for… Daycare, taxi driver, referee, maid services, laundry service, im gonna charge him 3 dollars for every bill i take my time to pay. Just because you don’t bring in income doesn’t mean the things you do don’t have value.


Ok I asked my husband and he said to tell him next time he says something that you are getting a job; so he can realize how much you do. He can do his own laundry and cook his own food and pay for daycare. :woman_shrugging:
Call his bluff basically.


This is controlling behaviour. The fact that everything is his and HE wanted you to stay home. No, do what you want, get a job and put child into daycare. Or suggest this to him and see how he reacts.


He sounds like an ass. I was a stay at home mom until all 3 of my kids went to school full time. That was a choice we made together because daycare would of cost more then I would of made every week. Never did my now ex husband ever throw anything in my face about things not being mine or about me not having money. Being a stay at home mom is one of the hardest jobs anyone can do and we don’t get enough credit for it. Put him in his place or tell him you are getting a job so you can have money and he can watch your child.

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Where I’m located, a non- borrower spouse is allowed to be on the title to the property. Not smart if something happened to him unexpectedly.

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He’s chipping away at your independence and your self esteem one little bit at a time. He wants you at home, he wants eveything in his name. I’d place bets that he moved you away from your family and I bet you don’t have your own bank account. It’ll take you a while to get out, but someday you’ll look back on this and you’ll be thankful you got away from him.

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He is gaslighting you. Being a stay at home mom is a Job a full-time job with no benefits no days off etc. And if he wants to be an ungrateful pansy about it then maybe you should suggest alternate care for the kids and go back to work. And you are braver than me cause with the way men are these days I sure as hell wouldn’t have put a whole house in his name.

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He’s gaslighting you 100%. Play him at his own game, say you’ll be getting a job, hand him quote for a cleaner, assistant, childcare and any other additional costs.


I’m confused on the house being “solely under his name”…I understand the mortgage being in his name only, but the deed should be in both names, making it legally both of theirs. If she allowed the deed to be in his name only, that’s her fault.

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No, you are not too sensitive and these kind of “jokes” are not ok. My husband does this all the time as well as trying to make me feel like I am losing my mind. I finally told him that I get tired of his “jokes” and that I don’t like them. Now, he still makes his “jokes” just not as often and when he does I ignore him. Of course I haven’t been happy in a while and I feel like things are strained but I don’t really know what to do either because of our children. And the fact that he seems to think everything is fine.

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So basically he told you that he was okay with you staying home but he really wasn’t. He lied. I’d be pissed about that he should have spoke up when he had the chance. He didn’t want to take the time to have the conversation so he just told you what you wanted to hear.

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Go into therapy with him or leave him. He obviously doesn’t get how disrespectful and narcissistic it is on his own. Good news is if you do leave half of HIS house automatically becomes yours. Good luck sweet girl.

Make an appointment with a counselor. You are going to need it. Gas lighting narcissist. Protect yourself now. Clear the air. Perhaps you should just get a part time job or take in a kid to babysit for some extra cash. Is your name on all the bank accounts and ira’s mutual funds?

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